Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #85

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Thanks for this tip!

I could use this in general on errands and at my dentist appointments.

Yes I go to the dentist. Yes I spent 3 days with my spouse in the hospital (non-Covid related) and am still healthy ... I love any advice and tips!

I've been to the dentist twice since the Pandemic. I originally had an appointment in March, but cancelled that and said I'd reschedule on my own based on how "things" were going.

I had a cleaning in September, and a no-cost "re-do" filling this month (October). I was pleased with the precautions they took. No one in the waiting room, they call you in the parking lot. At the door, there's had sanitizer and a temp check.

In the treatment cubby, everything is covered in plastic (changed every visit). I was given some very comfortable "ski goggles" to wear, and presented with a water/hydrogen peroxide solution to swish around my mouth. ( to be honest, I accidentally DRANK the 3 ounces or so, but no harm done, LOL!).

For years I had gone without dental insurance and really "let things go." So, with my newfound respect that comes with realizing that crowns and fillings have a way of just sort of "timing out" at the same time, I'm making more of an effort to keep on top of my dental health.
I would expect them to wear masks. They have a duty to protect their office, and not wearing masks, is disrespectful of their own elected positions, as well as those who stand near them.

It would have sent a very powerful message to support public health workers who are absolutely overwhelmed by the onslaught of Covid cases that seemingly quantify overnight in rural areas right now.

But no, just carry on like there are no problems in this country at all. The optics show a glaring disconnect between what is happening in this country right now, and what our current elected officials present.

Not a political statement. I am a public health employee, who found this to be a personal affront to me, and my coworkers who are literally pounding themselves into the ground to try to save lives of people.

From the above link:

“After the ceremony concluded, Barrett and Trump walked up to the South Portico and posed for cameras before being joined by their respective spouses. All were mask-less. The four of them, joined by a mask-less Thomas, proceeded into the White House.“

REMOTE, (Oct. 22, 2020): The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) today updated its COVID-19 guidance for indoor visits in residential care facilities to include guidelines related to voting.

The updated guidance clarifies that family members, friends, and certain other people may visit facility residents in order to help them vote from now until polls close on Nov. 3. The guidance also permits visits to help a resident “cure” a ballot when needed, through Nov. 12.

Visitors must take precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including screening for symptoms before visiting, wearing a mask, and limiting visits to outdoor areas, if possible. COVID-19 testing prior to visits for voting purposes is not required.

The update to this guidance is part of the state’s ongoing efforts to ensure that Coloradans are able to cast their ballots safely from now until the general election on Nov. 3. For more information on voting and the election, visit

State updates guidance for residential care visits to ensure voting is accessible | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

Horrors! What could possibly go wrong?
“Friends” can go in? When up to now family members have been kept out? My Mom’s in memory care and like most residents there she doesn’t recognize anyone so everyone is her friend. And she has no clue who any of the candidates are—she’d check whatever someone tells her to check. Actually, the whole thing will confuse her and she’ll tell her “friend” to just deal with it. And just one “friend” needs to be COVID positive and all the good work the facility’s done to stay COVID free will go down the tubes.

This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. And though I watch 3 CO news channels daily oddly enough I had to read about it here.
Immunity to Covid-19 wanes, British study finds - CNN


Trump Rallies Are Often Followed by Increases in Local COVID-19 Cases - Center for American Progress


How Trump and Bolsonaro Broke Latin America’s Covid-19 Defenses
The two presidents drove out 10,000 Cuban doctors and nurses. They defunded the region’s leading health agency. They wrongly pushed hydroxychloroquine as a cure.


‘Covid, Covid, Covid’: Pres. Trump says U.S. numbers improving, claims pandemic coverage will end after election | KXAN Austin

“WASHINGTON, D.C. (KXAN) — Despite U.S. cases of COVID-19 reaching close to 9 million, Pres. Donald Trump said Tuesday that America is “rounding the turn” on the pandemic.

In a tweet, Trump claimed the media is covering coronavirus for political reasons, tweeting: “Until November 4th., Fake News Media is going full on Covid, Covid, Covid. We are rounding the turn. 99.9%.”


Trump claims the worsening U.S. coronavirus outbreak is a 'Fake News Media Conspiracy' even as hospitalizations rise

  • President Donald Trump claimed Monday that the worsening coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. is a “Fake News Media Conspiracy.”
  • Trump has repeatedly downplayed the virus and has insisted that the U.S. has more cases than any other country only because the nation tests more people.
  • Public health officials and infectious disease experts dispute that claim, saying the rate of tests that are positive and hospitalizations are on the rise in several states.
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Yes, going to the polls will be risky, but visits can be done safely. For example look at some of the differences in protocol of the Colorado long term care facilities with the one I wrote about earlier in London, ON. There was a protocol in place earlier, but the protocol was adapted earlier this week because of community spread (10 new cases).

London: One designated carer is allowed to visit.
Colorado: Family members, friends, and certain other people may visit facility residents.

London: Each carer will have a 15 min., online training session in the Covid protocol.
Colorado: No mention of what, if any, training is required.

London: Carer must have specific PPE training.
Colorado: No training required.

London: Carer must have flu shot.
Colorado: No flu shot required.

London: Carer must have neg CoVid test within one week of visit.
Colorado: CoVid test not required.

London: Visitors may not enter communal areas within the building (elevators, foyer, dining areas, etc).
Colorado: Visits should be outdoors if possible. (What if it's not possible?)

It snowed here in Colorado this weekend. I can’t see them bringing residents outside in the freezing cold to fill out a 6 page ballot (3 pages both sides for Denver).
[URL=""]European Nations Return to Restrictions as Virus Surges

Trump Claims Doctors Are Overcounting Covid-19 Deaths To Make More Money; Physician Groups Say Otherwise


Minnesota Reports 3 COVID-19 Outbreaks From Trump Campaign Events

Minnesota reports three Covid-19 outbreaks related to Trump campaign events in September

US coronavirus cases surge in midwest as Trump heads there in campaign push

Trump at a rally in Lititz, Pennsylvania, on Monday night. Photograph: Mark Makela/Getty Images


Trump shouldn't accuse doctors of profiting from coronavirus diagnosis
Trump's baseless insinuations and defiance of science hurt our response to COVID-19 and health care workers.
Dr. Shikha Jain, Dr. Olaoluwa Fayanju, Dr. Joseph V. Sakran, Dr. Vineet Arora, Dr. Ali Khan


Doctors press for Trump to stop Pa. rallies | Coronavirus Newsletter

“As President Donald Trump has pressed ahead with several rallies in Pennsylvania, dozens of local physicians have urged him to cancel such large gatherings, citing data analyses that found COVID-19 cases spiked in counties around the country after Trump rallies were held there.”


Infection of Pence Aides Raises New Questions About Trump’s Virus Response

“The president, meanwhile, repeated his insistence that the US was “absolutely rounding the corner” in the fight against Covid-19, despite rising case numbers across the US and an outbreak among senior aides to Mike Pence.

US deaths per day from coronavirus are on the rise again, just as health experts had feared, and cases are climbing in nearly every state.

With election day just over a week away, average deaths per day across the country are up 10% over the past two weeks, from 721 to nearly 794 as of Sunday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Confirmed infections per day are rising in 47 states, and deaths are up in 34.“

Biden warns Trump over holding ‘super-spreader events’ as US Covid cases surge


‘Late Night': Closer Look at Trump Admin Giving Up on COVID-19 Fight


Trump’s rally in The Villages leaves lingering fears about COVID-19 spread
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Logistically, because so much of our gross domestic product is transported, I don't think that would have been possible. And, the states didn't really "break off" and get the virus under control either. They made some stabs at shutting down certain sectors--ran a good number of businesses out of business--but we can see from our current infection rates that nothing was gotten under control.

It's entirely possible but people would have had to accept sacrifices in terms of what was immediately available for consumption. It would have taken a plan.

First, get the interior of the nation stocked up on essentials, then shut down interstate commerce for 3 weeks. Yep, it would be hard. In the fourth week, start running some trucks again. Trains could probably run the entire period. Airplanes should have been grounded for at least 2 weeks.

Then, gradual reopening and restocking, keeping an eye on the figure. CoVid was spread initially along the major interstates (and still is). Strict rules at borders could be implemented (many states already have border checks - all states could have made provisions for it. Make sure people know they have to have a mask when dealing with loading and unloading trucks (so many logistics/warehouse/transport workers have gotten CoVid).

It was entirely possible and other nations did it. If we'd had a good plan, we'd have done a semi-shutdown (not sending everyone home yet) in early March, then the stocking phase and warning people about PPE phase, then a lockdown in April. We never did a lockdown. Some states are off the beaten path and didn't get a lot of CoVId until quite recently - this could have been largely prevented.

Testing of logistic and transport workers could have been available by mid-April...we have the industrial capacity, but we didn't have the leadership or the will. And so, here we are.
Doctors blast Trump for pushing conspiracy theory on COVID-19 death count |
"It’s reprehensible."

“The American College of Emergency Physicians issued a statement rebutting Trump’s claim, calling it “reckless and false” that doctors are over-counting deaths related to COVID-19.

“To imply that emergency physicians would inflate the number of deaths from this pandemic to gain financially is offensive, especially as many are actually under unprecedented financial strain as they continue to bear the brunt of COVID-19,” the group wrote. “These baseless claims not only do a disservice to our health care heroes but promulgate the dangerous wave of misinformation which continues to hinder our nation’s efforts to get the pandemic under control and allow our nation to return to normalcy.”

In rebutting the president’s claim, doctors shared what working on the front lines during the pandemic has been like for them.“
I think some state have rent assistance, but it's the renters who must apply for it -- and if they make too much money -- they're disqualified.

I agree that if the virus stops someone from working, they're not going to be able to pay their rent, but the landlords are not bottomless pits of money -- if the CDC is going to force the landlords not to evict -- the CDC should be making rent payments to them.

But, they're not doing that. Landlords have said they have other potential renters who would move in and pay but they can't evict the ones who aren't paying.

Situations like this would be better served by communities opening up larger shelters where those who truly couldn't pay the rent could go. The responsibility really should not fall on the landlords.

I'm interested in this lawsuit because from everything I've heard, the CDC's rule is unconstitutional.

It's not unconstitutional, IMO. However, it's not the right place for this "rule" to happen. It should have been emergency legislation (which of course, the WH would never have allowed - WH wants to control what happens).

Or it could have been an executive order. It's quite clearly already in law that the Federal Government can enforce quarantines in health emergencies.

This is a health emergency.

The Federal Government can require many things in an emergency - WWI and WWII are good examples of that. People may not now remember that all young men were subject to draft processes up until 1973, IIRC. Actually physically drafted and sent to military training.

Not unconstitutional.
Saint Francis hospital in Tulsa purchased an ad that published Sunday across two pages in the Tulsa World that depicts graphically how hospitalizations in its system have more than doubled since the pandemic’s first peak in the spring.

In large red type, the ad states: “We’re headed in the wrong direction,” as well as, “We were doing better when we were in this together.”

'We're headed in the wrong direction': Saint Francis uses ad to ask for public's help fighting COVID-19 amid record hospitalizations
Saint Francis hospital in Tulsa purchased an ad that published Sunday across two pages in the Tulsa World that depicts graphically how hospitalizations in its system have more than doubled since the pandemic’s first peak in the spring.

In large red type, the ad states: “We’re headed in the wrong direction,” as well as, “We were doing better when we were in this together.”

'We're headed in the wrong direction': Saint Francis uses ad to ask for public's help fighting COVID-19 amid record hospitalizations

Yeah, not to mention the indoor mass rally on June 22 with shouting and no social distancing, no masks, nothing...Herman Cain died...


COVID-19 violation citations issued following Trump Rally in Minden
Monday, October 26th 2020

“MINDEN, Nev. (News 4 & Fox 11) — Three citations for violations of required COVID-19 workplace health and safety measures were issued last week by the Division of Industrial Relations’ Nevada Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

As confirmed by Teri Williams, Public Information Officer, two of those citations, issued to Douglas County and ABS Aviation in Minden, were the result of President Trump's rally held back in September at the Minden-Tahoe Airport, where the crowd exceeded 50 people, the limit put in place by Governor Sisolak at the time.“


Health professionals, again, urge Trump to cancel rallies during COVID-19 surge

“During the final stretch of the 2020 campaign, President Trump is all-in on Wisconsin, planning to host his third rally in the last 10 ten days in La Crosse on Tuesday.

It’s another rally health professionals call “irresponsible” in their letter addressed to the campaign claiming it can result in a superspreader event.

“Returning to Wisconsin to repeat a reckless, risky event like a packed campaign rally is just calling for trouble,” said Dr. Robert Freedland, an ophthalmologist in La Crosse. He also serves on the Committee to Protect Medicare.

Last week Wisconsin recorded the deadliest of the pandemic, 145 people lost their lives over a 5-day period and the state continues to rank one of the worst in the country for positive coronavirus cases.”


Trump Blames the COVID-19 Spike on Increased Testing - but the Numbers Prove He's Wrong

Spared early on, ‘Trump country’ now leads in coronavirus cases, deaths

Fox News management says there are a 'few positive COVID-19 cases' at the company

Fox News said Monday that several people at the network recently tested positive for Covid-19, on the heels of a report that several top anchors and commentators are quarantining at home.“


President Trump’s Lansing visit on Tuesday causes coronavirus concerns

“LANSING, Mich. (WILX) - President Donald Trump will make a stop in Lansing on Tuesday. This comes at a time when Michigan is seeing a surge in coronavirus cases.

Health officials say they’re concerned that a large gathering like this could make things worse.

“We saw basically a fairly significant outbreak around other White House-related events when the president himself tested positive,” said Ingham County Health Officer Linda Vail.“


Live updates: Trump claims U.S. is ‘rounding the turn’ as more than 42,000 are hospitalized for covid-19

“President Trump claimed Monday that the coronavirus pandemic was ending and the United States was “rounding the turn” as more than 42,000 people were hospitalized nationally — a figure approaching the worst of the midsummer peak.

More than 62,000 new infections were reported nationwide on Monday, bringing the total since February to at least 8,667,000. More than 225,000 people have died of complications of covid-19.“


“"Cases up because we TEST, TEST, TEST. A Fake News Media Conspiracy," Trump tweeted on Monday. "Many young people who heal very fast. 99.9%. Corrupt Media conspiracy at all time high. On November 4th., topic will totally change. VOTE!"

While testing has increased significantly since the start of the pandemic, it is not enough to explain all the cases. Deaths and hospitalizations are also rising, which increased testing would not explain.

"While we are testing more than we were testing back in April or May, our testing has been reasonably flat over the last month, six weeks, up a little bit," Ashish Jha, the dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, told "CBS This Morning" on Monday. "What is really going on is a lot more infections."“


Fauci: Trump’s rapid recovery ‘amplifies’ misunderstanding of Covid-19

“Health officials have struggled to convey the seriousness of Covid-19 to many Americans. President Trump’s rapid recovery from the disease, while welcome by all, makes the challenge even more difficult, Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases acknowledged.

Trump’s quick bounce-back from his infection will likely underscore the mistaken belief some people have that the disease does not present significant health risks, Fauci said in an interview with STAT.

“We’re all glad that the president of the United States did not suffer any significant consequences of it,” Fauci said. “But … because he is such a visible figure, it amplifies some of that misunderstanding that people have that it’s a benign disease and nobody has anything to worry about.”“
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Can I get some help here regarding COVID info? I need some of the information and studies showing that particles of saliva and virus particles do not stop 6 feet out of the mouth of someone singing. Information that shows how far articles move in air and stay suspended in air? Thank you.
Can I get some help here regarding COVID info? I need some of the information and studies showing that particles of saliva and virus particles do not stop 6 feet out of the mouth of someone singing. Information that shows how far articles move in air and stay suspended in air? Thank you.

Here's a pretty good article:

How Coronavirus Spreads through the Air: What We Know So Far

Makes note of how air flow is a factor (A/C, ventilation, etc). Can go way further than 6 feet in many circumstances.

And here's a CDC article stating that when it comes out of the lung (aerosols) it can go much further than 6 feet:

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Keep in mind that length of time in a situation is also important - but this is why DH and I wear goggles when we have to go to pharmacy/doctor's office. We had to wait 20 minutes today (and one worker kept approaching us, no idea why - she was masked, but she touched my husband twice...I have no idea what her position there was, she was not the actual pharmacist).

Still, his actual encounter with her was less than 8 minutes. There was ventilation, so aerosols were dispersing - if she had CoVid.
Can I get some help here regarding COVID info? I need some of the information and studies showing that particles of saliva and virus particles do not stop 6 feet out of the mouth of someone singing. Information that shows how far articles move in air and stay suspended in air? Thank you.

Safer Singing During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: What We Know and What We Don't
Safer Singing During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: What We Know and What We Don't

COVID-19 can spread through virus lingering in air: CDC - Metro Philadelphia

Dr. Fauci Says This Is How Long COVID Is Airborne
Pandemic depression is about to collide with seasonal depression. Make a plan, experts say.

Germany’s commissioner for nursing care warns families: Start planning a different kind of Christmas this year

Study Shows Covid-19 Antibodies Waning Over Time, Suggesting Immunity Might Wear Off

A South Dakota man who voiced concerns about his state's hospital capacity died from coronavirus

"”Anybody that gets the strain that I have -- you better be ready for the fight of your life," he told CNN affiliate KSFY in late September. "It's almost a death wish. I can see why there's so many people that die from it."“

How to prepare for the Covid-19 surge - CNN

Denver warns new stay-at-home order possible if COVID-19 spread not curbed

Coronavirus antibodies decline after infection, study finds, raising questions about herd immunity

COVID-19 COLORADO: Watch live at 11:30 a.m.: Mayor Hancock provides Tuesday update on COVID-19 in Denver

Currently, Denver is at a Level 2 on the COVID-19 dial. On Tuesday, the City of Denver and Denver county will be moved to a Safer at Home Level 3.

Here’s what a Safer at Home Level 3 means:

  • P-12 Schools: Remote or hybrid suggested, limited in-person as appropriate
  • Higher Education: Remote or hybrid suggested, limited in-person as appropriate
  • Restaurants: 25% capacity or 50 people 6 feet between parties outdoors, per local zoning
  • Places of Worship: 25% capacity or 50 people 6 feet between parties outdoors, per local zoning
  • Offices: 25% capacity
  • Bars: Closed
  • Gyms/Fitness: Virtual or outdoors in groups less than 10
  • Group Sports: Virtual or outdoors in groups less than 10
  • Retail: 25% capacity
  • Personal Services: 25% capacity or 25 people
  • Indoor Events: 25 person cap
  • Outdoor Events: 75 person cap
  • Senior Facilities: Closed except for compassionate visitation
  • Outdoor recreation: 25% capacity or 10 people
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