Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #89

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Jul 14, 2015
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The number of people already infected by the mystery virus emerging in China is far greater than official figures suggest, scientists have told the BBC.
There have been 41 laboratory-confirmed cases of the new virus, but UK experts estimate the figure is closer to 1,700.
New virus in China ‘will have infected hundreds'
Up to 4,500 patients in China may have caught the same strain of coronavirus that has killed two people, scientists fear.
Health officials in Wuhan – the city at the heart of the outbreak which started in December – confirmed four new cases today, taking the total to 48.
But Imperial College London researchers say this may be the 'tip of the iceberg' after analysing flights out of the city.

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Will I have to wear a mask once I get the COVID-19 vaccine?

This is interesting.

"And it might be possible for a person who got vaccinated to transmit the virus to others even if they don't get sick."

So, my husband is in the top tier for getting a vaccine, much faster than me. But, could he actually transmit the virus to me?! WTH?! I already wear a mask 10 hours a day at work. The last thing I want is to come home, mask up, wash hands, sanitize everything constantly, because I would be living with a person who got the vaccine. They better give us both a jab at the same time.

As the article said:

"We don't have the clinical trials to show that the people who are vaccinated are not shedding the virus — they might not be getting sick, but they might still be shedding if they got it," Dr. Hes explained.

I don’t think it has anything to do with your husband getting the vaccine and that making it even harder or riskier for you. IMO getting the vaccine doesn’t change anything within your household. It doesn’t make it less risky, but it doesn’t make it more risky. We just don’t know enough yet. I don’t see why you’d have to do more just because he gets the vaccine...unless of course, he throws caution to the wind and figures he can go anywhere and be around lots of people because he’s been vaccinated. Then he’s be putting you at more risk than now.
2 days ago:

Dec. 8 / “Tonight, the moment the world has been waiting for, the first shots given...a 90 year old grandmother making history - the very first person to receive Pfizer’s vaccine...” / inside UK hospital:

Dec. 9 / “Tonight the new warning on Pfizer’s COVID vaccine with FDA approval potentially hours away...”

From the above video, “2 nurses showed allergic anaphylactoid reactions/ Most commonly rashes and shortness of breath, different from anaphylaxis, which can be fatal - both have a history of serious allergies, carry epipens, and recovered quickly. What caused the allergic reactions is unclear. The most common triggers in vaccines, preservatives, animal products, are not in the Pfizer vaccine.”...UK regulatory guidance: “People with significant allergies to food, medications or vaccines should not take the Pfizer.”
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2 days ago:

From the above video, “2 nurses showed allergic anaphylactoid reactions/ Most commonly rashes and shortness of breath, different from anaphylaxis, which can be fatal - both have a history of serious allergies, carry epipens, and recovered quickly. What caused the allergic reactions is unclear. The most common triggers in vaccines, preservatives, animal products, are not in the Pfizer vaccine.”...UK regulatory guidance: “People with significant allergies to food, medications or vaccines should not take the Pfizer.”
From the above video, “2 nurses showed allergic anaphylactoid reactions/ Most commonly rashes and shortness of breath, different from anaphylaxis, which can be fatal - both have a history of serious allergies, carry epipens, and recovered quickly. What caused the allergic reactions is unclear. The most common triggers in vaccines, preservatives, animal products, are not in the Pfizer vaccine.”...UK regulatory guidance: “People with significant allergies to food, medications or vaccines should not take the Pfizer.”

I wonder if it was what was used to clean the skin before the jab.
I'm allergic to iodine and have had different types of reactions if it's used to clean the skin or if they use betadine instead.
What it is like to drive across the US in a pandemic.

Starting our journey in South Carolina, we encountered what we soon realized was the norm for many Southern states: optional mask usage.

In Oklahoma, on our way out of Oklahoma City, we stopped at Sid's Diner ... The staff was completely masked, cooking and serving food from behind acrylic glass to protect their employees while local customers sat non-socially distanced and maskless.

A stop for coffee in Texas, where the employee only put a mask on after we approached wearing ours ... a comment from the elderly gentleman behind the counter who said playfully, "I can't see your whole face, but your eyes sure are pretty."

Dipped into New Mexico for only one hour before crossing state lines into Colorado ... In that limited time, we received a cautionary emergency alert on our phones: "N.M. COVID-19 update: shelter in place except for emergency needs. EXTREME virus risk."

Just across the state line into Colorado ... we met Allen Clay. He explained how he'd been called racial slurs for enforcing the state's mask mandate inside his store. "When someone coughs in my store, I ask them to put on a mask," he said, "putting myself in the direct line of fire for peoples' conspiracy theories and anti-Covid opinions."

Along the way, we spoke to people at roadside businesses in every state we stopped in who were struggling from the devastating impacts of Covid-19.
From the lack of customers at the Cherokee Trading Post in Oklahoma to the Twin Rocks Cafe on the Navajo Nation Reservation operating at half capacity, we saw more stories of struggle than success.

However, that wasn't the case when we arrived at Utah's Zion National Park, where they had just seen their busiest September ever with over 520,000 visitors, according to Zion National Park public information officer Amanda Rowland.

14 states of Covid awareness: What it's like to drive across the US in a pandemic
What it is like to drive across the US in a pandemic.

Starting our journey in South Carolina, we encountered what we soon realized was the norm for many Southern states: optional mask usage.

In Oklahoma, on our way out of Oklahoma City, we stopped at Sid's Diner ... The staff was completely masked, cooking and serving food from behind acrylic glass to protect their employees while local customers sat non-socially distanced and maskless.

A stop for coffee in Texas, where the employee only put a mask on after we approached wearing ours ... a comment from the elderly gentleman behind the counter who said playfully, "I can't see your whole face, but your eyes sure are pretty."

Dipped into New Mexico for only one hour before crossing state lines into Colorado ... In that limited time, we received a cautionary emergency alert on our phones: "N.M. COVID-19 update: shelter in place except for emergency needs. EXTREME virus risk."

Just across the state line into Colorado ... we met Allen Clay. He explained how he'd been called racial slurs for enforcing the state's mask mandate inside his store. "When someone coughs in my store, I ask them to put on a mask," he said, "putting myself in the direct line of fire for peoples' conspiracy theories and anti-Covid opinions."

Along the way, we spoke to people at roadside businesses in every state we stopped in who were struggling from the devastating impacts of Covid-19.
From the lack of customers at the Cherokee Trading Post in Oklahoma to the Twin Rocks Cafe on the Navajo Nation Reservation operating at half capacity, we saw more stories of struggle than success.

However, that wasn't the case when we arrived at Utah's Zion National Park, where they had just seen their busiest September ever with over 520,000 visitors, according to Zion National Park public information officer Amanda Rowland.

14 states of Covid awareness: What it's like to drive across the US in a pandemic

Normally we would be in Florida for the winter-- I am not sure I want to drive across the south during the worst part of the pandemic so far: I am sure we would come across most places where people will not be wearing masks or social distancing- I just don't feel safe doing it--- I miss Florida so much but I just don't think it is safe to travel.
Normally we would be in Florida for the winter-- I am not sure I want to drive across the south during the worst part of the pandemic so far: I am sure we would come across most places where people will not be wearing masks or social distancing- I just don't feel safe doing it--- I miss Florida so much but I just don't think it is safe to travel.

Agreed. The article was written by a CNN producer who had to move herself and all of her belongings home to LA, and figured (and hoped) that driving was the safest way to do it.
Yep, he was in for 5 days for treatments - and 5 days Remdisivir treatment etc. MOO Lucky him for his connections in getting in there on the first day of diagnosis to get what the normal folks cannot receive.

Giuliani Leaves Hospital After COVID Treatment
Trump and Friends Got Coronavirus Care Many Others Couldn’t

Ben Carson, Chris Christie and Donald J. Trump are not the sturdiest candidates to conquer the coronavirus: older, in some cases overweight, male and not particularly fit. Yet all seem to have gotten through Covid-19, and all have gotten an antibody treatment in such short supply that some hospitals and states are doling it out by lottery.

Now Rudolph W. Giuliani, the latest member of President Trump’s inner circle to contract Covid-19, has acknowledged that he received at least two of the same drugs the president received. He even conceded that his “celebrity” status had given him access to care that others did not have.
Mr. Giuliani’s candid admission once again exposes that Covid-19 has become a disease of the haves and the have-nots. The treatment given to Mr. Trump’s allies is raising alarms among medical ethicists as state officials and health system administrators grapple with gut-wrenching decisions about which patients get antibodies in a system that can only be described as rationing.
Politicians are not the only ones with resources getting access.

In an interview on Wednesday, one prominent businessman, who spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid harming his reputation, described his aggressive efforts to track down the Regeneron treatment — including calling friends who were hospital executives and hospital donors — after he tested positive last week.

Eventually he was directed to an emergency room in his city, which was expecting him. He was given an infusion of the drug on Monday. He is feeling much better, he said.
Trump and Friends Got Coronavirus Care Many Others Couldn’t

Ben Carson, Chris Christie and Donald J. Trump are not the sturdiest candidates to conquer the coronavirus: older, in some cases overweight, male and not particularly fit. Yet all seem to have gotten through Covid-19, and all have gotten an antibody treatment in such short supply that some hospitals and states are doling it out by lottery.

Now Rudolph W. Giuliani, the latest member of President Trump’s inner circle to contract Covid-19, has acknowledged that he received at least two of the same drugs the president received. He even conceded that his “celebrity” status had given him access to care that others did not have.
Mr. Giuliani’s candid admission once again exposes that Covid-19 has become a disease of the haves and the have-nots. The treatment given to Mr. Trump’s allies is raising alarms among medical ethicists as state officials and health system administrators grapple with gut-wrenching decisions about which patients get antibodies in a system that can only be described as rationing.
Politicians are not the only ones with resources getting access.

In an interview on Wednesday, one prominent businessman, who spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid harming his reputation, described his aggressive efforts to track down the Regeneron treatment — including calling friends who were hospital executives and hospital donors — after he tested positive last week.

Eventually he was directed to an emergency room in his city, which was expecting him. He was given an infusion of the drug on Monday. He is feeling much better, he said.

And one of the worst parts about this .....

Mr. Giuliani, 76, appeared unaware of the scarcity issues, telling interviewers that politicians have taken masks and business closures too far now that Covid-19 is “a treatable disease.”

...... people who don't understand that these people are getting a rare treatment will believe these words from Giuliani and think everyone can be treated like this, and not wear masks, and "feel much better".
Even though I am certain I had it in April, I'm still sheltered and expect to be for another year at least!
I can't decide take it, and hope it does some good or skip it.
*I have CVID.
"Patients with primary antibody deficiency, including CVID and XLA, cannot produce reliable antibody responses, by definition. Those with combined immune deficiencies, including SCID, will not make good T cell responses to a vaccine. For these individuals a non-live vaccine is'safe' but will not offer protection against COVID."
COVID-19 vaccines and PID

Agreed. The article was written by a CNN producer who had to move herself and all of her belongings home to LA, and figured (and hoped) that driving was the safest way to do it.

That was a very interesting article and informative. Sometimes people have to do things- but if it isn't a necessity, I think it is best to sit tight and not travel across the country, even by automobile, which is much safer than flying, but still very risky right now.
Tensions rise over masks as virus grips smaller US cities

Arguments over mask requirements and other restrictions have turned ugly in recent days as the deadly coronavirus surge across the U.S. engulfs small and medium-size cities that once seemed safely removed from the outbreak.

In Boise, Idaho, public health officials about to vote on a four-county mask mandate abruptly ended a meeting Tuesday evening because of fears for their safety amid anti-mask protests outside the building and at some of their homes.

One health board member tearfully announced she had to rush home to be with her child because of the protesters, who were seen on video banging on buckets, blaring air horns and sirens, and blasting a sound clip of gunfire from the violence-drenched movie “Scarface” outside her front door.
Trump and Friends Got Coronavirus Care Many Others Couldn’t

Ben Carson, Chris Christie and Donald J. Trump are not the sturdiest candidates to conquer the coronavirus: older, in some cases overweight, male and not particularly fit. Yet all seem to have gotten through Covid-19, and all have gotten an antibody treatment in such short supply that some hospitals and states are doling it out by lottery.

Now Rudolph W. Giuliani, the latest member of President Trump’s inner circle to contract Covid-19, has acknowledged that he received at least two of the same drugs the president received. He even conceded that his “celebrity” status had given him access to care that others did not have.
Mr. Giuliani’s candid admission once again exposes that Covid-19 has become a disease of the haves and the have-nots. The treatment given to Mr. Trump’s allies is raising alarms among medical ethicists as state officials and health system administrators grapple with gut-wrenching decisions about which patients get antibodies in a system that can only be described as rationing.
Politicians are not the only ones with resources getting access.

In an interview on Wednesday, one prominent businessman, who spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid harming his reputation, described his aggressive efforts to track down the Regeneron treatment — including calling friends who were hospital executives and hospital donors — after he tested positive last week.

Eventually he was directed to an emergency room in his city, which was expecting him. He was given an infusion of the drug on Monday. He is feeling much better, he said.

Thanks, I need to get the word in my vocabulary now! FDA EUA approval for Regeneron = the antibody cocktail which needs to be given ASAP when first diagnosed as it's no good if given later... like when 99.9% of US folks are even allowed to get admitted to hospital vs. "stay at home until you get really bad and need emergency care" pfft. MOO

Say it 3 times.. to remember

Regeneron = Antibody cocktail
Regeneron = Antibody cocktail
Regeneron = Antibody cocktail

I'm still ok with keeping stuff straight re which are mRNA (Pfizer/Moderna) and which are adenovirus carriers (AstraZenecaOxford/J&J)

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