Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #89

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I have a question - are we still tracking the seasonal flu, or incorporating it (the death) into the covid 19 statistics?

We are tracking influenza as usual. But so far this season, flu activity is low in the United States. This may be because many people are trying to avoid coronavirus infection by wearing masks, distancing, and washing hands often, all of which helps us avoid catching flu and colds as well.

Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report | CDC

Key Points
  • Flu activity is unusually low at this time but may increase in the coming months.
  • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu and its potentially serious complications.
  • If you haven’t gotten your flu vaccine yet, get vaccinated now.
  • There are also flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat flu illness.
Childhood Without Other Children: A Generation Is Raised in Quarantine


Alice McGraw, 2, at the Mount Olympus monument in San Francisco on Nov. 25, 2020.

Alice McGraw, 2 years old, was walking with her parents in Lake Tahoe this summer when another family appeared, heading in their direction. The little girl stopped.

“Uh-oh,” she said and pointed: “People.”

She has learned, her mother said, to keep the proper social distance to avoid risk of infection from the coronavirus. In this and other ways, she’s part of a generation living in a particular new type of bubble — one without other children. They are the toddlers of COVID-19.
Regeneron sounds like a game changer--- so why is it not available to patients in the initial stages of the virus? sounds like it could save lots of lives

It is scarce.

It was only approved on 21st November - 3 weeks ago. It is being rationed between hospitals. Then the hospitals have to decide who gets their part of the ration. The rationing was spoken of in the NYT article linked by BUF in this post.

Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #89

TARRYTOWN, N.Y., November 21, 2020 – Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: REGN) today announced that the antibody cocktail casirivimab and imdevimab administered together (formerly known as REGN-COV2 or REGEN-COV2), a therapy currently being investigated for use in COVID-19, has received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Production of monoclonal antibodies is a complex, time- and labor-intensive process that requires deep expertise.
Regeneron now expects to have treatment doses ready for approximately 80,000 patients by the end of November, approximately 200,000 patients by the first week of January, and approximately 300,000 patients in total by the end of January 2021.
Regeneron’s Casirivimab and Imdevimab Antibody Cocktail for COVID-19 is First Combination Therapy to Receive FDA Emergency Use Authorization | Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.
A teen got COVID-19 from a woman who stood 20 feet away for just 5 minutes


The epidemiologists concluded the student was infected via respiratory droplets that were propelled along by the restaurant's airflow. Another diner along the flow's trajectory was also infected, but those with their backs to the breeze were not.

The findings illustrate that the standard definition of dangerous close contact - within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes - is not necessarily safe, especially for indoor settings, and it should not be seen as protective.
COVID-19 Results Briefing: the United States of America
December 4, 2020

We estimated that 15% of people in the US have been infected as of November 30

Mobility last week declined slightly, to 25% lower than the pre-COVID-19 baseline.

As of November 30, we estimated that 71% of people always wore a mask when leaving their home. Mask use was lower than 50% in South Dakota and Wyoming.

If universal mask coverage (95%) were attained in the next week, our model projects 66,000 fewer cumulative deaths compared to the reference scenario on April 1, 2021.

Under our mandates easing scenario, our model projects 770,000 cumulative deaths on April 1, 2021.

By April 1, 2021, we project that 9,000 lives will be saved by the projected vaccine rollout.
If rapid rollout of vaccine is achieved, a further 11,000 lives will be saved.

The fraction of the population who are open to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, according to recent survey data. Levels range from over 80% in some states to below 70%.
A US President is always going to receive top-notch care because an elected President is considered to represent the "will of the people."

If Biden gets sick, he too will receive the same high level of care.

That said, what is this high level of care the big shots are getting? Is the FDA working on making sure more is manufactured so it's available to more people? If it's so good -- they should be.

Thank you for your question as I think many have the same that I'm seeing in RL.

Yes, the United States of America will have the highest and front of the line exceptions for treatments for the position carried by the President of the United States, and the upcoming President Elect of the United States of America. As that position, no matter who holds, should have. (if they want vs. the Queen... who with Prince Phillip can isolate, but I digress and is OT here)

As many posted upthread, that may include Remdesivir (5 day treatment), Regeneron (the antibody cocktail).. both of which are to be administered IMMEDIATELY starting when deemed positive. Both of these are not common, nor is getting into a hospital the day of diagnosis.
Attorney Norm Pattis has joined a challenge against the state’s requirement that children wear face masks in school to slow the spread of the coronavirus and is seeking to appeal a recent ruling denying an immediate end to the rule to the state Supreme Court...
“The appellants argue that forcing children to wear masks in school is dangerous to children’s health and that children are constitutionally entitled to a physical learning experience under the Connecticut Constitution,” Pattis wrote in the filing this week.

Attorney Norm Pattis joins parents’ legal challenge to school mask requirement, seeks to appeal to state Supreme Court (
I have a question - are we still tracking the seasonal flu, or incorporating it (the death) into the covid 19 statistics?

Depends on where you are getting information from. There are sites which ONLY focus on covid numbers still.

I had a friend just an hour ago who pm'd me through FB and stated that the hospital rates as to "full" were comparable to each year during flu season. I do know that happens during flu season... but how to compare?

I don't know where to look for information to gain knowledge on such to respond.

Ties into your query... where can we find such information?

ETA: The next post by @doublestop gave information.. yet for some reason.. I thought they at CDC were melding the numbers.. Darn, can recall specifics though.
When he awoke from a month-long coma, one of Jeff Gerson's first thoughts was that he wanted to thank the people who saved his life.

Gerson, a 45-year-old from Manhattan, arrived at NYU Langone Tisch Hospital on March 18 with shortness of breath, an uncontrollable cough, and a 103-degree fever. A day later, he was diagnosed with Covid-19 and put on a ventilator.

Gerson spent five months trying to track down every medical professional who helped him recover. The list was 116 people long, he said.

He penned a letter in November to thank the doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and others. Gerson emailed it to a hospital administrator, who passed it along to the staff.
"If you are receiving this letter, it is because I have become aware that you had a part in saving my life," Gerson wrote. "It is only after much effort on my part to find your names that I would realize just how many of you there were on my care team."
"Continue doing what you do," Gerson wrote in the letter. "Continue being the heroes you are and know you will forever have my gratitude."

Dr. Luis Angel, a pulmonologist and critical care specialist, was one of Gerson's ICU doctors.
After working long shifts and not taking time off for weeks and weeks, Angel said that the letter was meaningful.
"You see the significant amount of work that he did and somebody that very likely was going to die in the hospital, makes a full recovery and then he's able to say thank you is very meaningful for us," Angel said.

A man who survived Covid-19 tracked down all those who helped save his life - CNN
Attorney Norm Pattis has joined a challenge against the state’s requirement that children wear face masks in school to slow the spread of the coronavirus and is seeking to appeal a recent ruling denying an immediate end to the rule to the state Supreme Court...
“The appellants argue that forcing children to wear masks in school is dangerous to children’s health and that children are constitutionally entitled to a physical learning experience under the Connecticut Constitution,” Pattis wrote in the filing this week.

Attorney Norm Pattis joins parents’ legal challenge to school mask requirement, seeks to appeal to state Supreme Court (
NP... it figures!
I've YET TO SEE msm point this fact out? Has anyone?

Yes. In the NYT article that BUF posted.

Mr. Giuliani’s candid admission once again exposes that Covid-19 has become a disease of the haves and the have-nots. The treatment given to Mr. Trump’s allies is raising alarms among medical ethicists as state officials and health system administrators grapple with gut-wrenching decisions about which patients get antibodies in a system that can only be described as rationing.

“We should not have Chris Christie and Ben Carson — and in the case of Carson with intervention by the president — get access,” said Arthur Caplan, a medical ethicist who works with drug companies on how to ration scarce medicines, referring to the secretary of housing and urban development’s admission that the president “cleared” him for the therapy. “That is not the way to secure public support for difficult rationing systems.”

Even some top officials at the F.D.A. — both career employees and political appointees — have privately expressed concern in recent months that people with connections to the White House appeared to be getting access to the antibody treatments, according to three senior administration officials.

In fact, the antibody treatments are so scarce that officials in Utah have developed a ranking system to determine who is most likely to benefit from the drugs, while Colorado is using a lottery system. Dr. Matthew Wynia, director of the Center of Bioethics and Humanities at the University of Colorado, said that giving the powerful access was patently unfair.

Both Mr. Trump and Mr. Christie, a longtime friend of his and former New Jersey governor, got the antibodies before they were approved by the F.D.A. Dr. Caplan, the medical ethicist, said he had no problem with Mr. Trump, 74, getting the therapy — he is, after all, the president, “a special person unto him- or herself.”

But Mr. Christie’s access appeared to be extraordinary. Mr. Christie, 58, was offered participation in a Regeneron clinical trial but turned it down, a person familiar with his treatment said, fearing he might receive a placebo. Instead, he received the Eli Lilly treatment. He is overweight and has asthma, and thus may have been a good candidate, Dr. Caplan said, though he wondered if similarly situated patients would have gotten the drug.

Trump and Friends Got Coronavirus Care Many Others Couldn’t
There is also the antibody drug from Eli Lilly, bamlanivimab, which was approved by the FDA for emergency use in early November.

Say it 3 times.. to remember Regeneron and bamianivimab

Regeneron/Regeneron&Roche = Antibody cocktail (antibody cocktail casirivimab and imdevimab administered together (formerly known as REGN-COV2 or REGEN-COV2) EAU ~Nov 23 2020 for 12 years old or greater and high risk pts.
Regeneron = Antibody cocktail
Regeneron = Antibody cocktail
Regeneron, following in Lilly's footsteps, wins FDA emergency nod for COVID-19 antibody cocktail
(E.D. Intersting reading this article for what we know now)

bamianivimab/Eli Lilly = Antibody monoclonal EUA/FDA Nov 9 2020 for 12 years old or greaer and high risk pts.
bamianivimab/Lilly = Antibody monoclonal
bamianivimab/Lilly = Antibody monoclonal

Bamlanivimab is not authorized for patients who are hospitalized due to COVID-19 or require oxygen therapy due to COVID-19. A benefit of bamlanivimab treatment has not been shown in patients hospitalized due to COVID-19. Monoclonal antibodies, such as bamlanivimab, may be associated with worse clinical outcomes when administered to hospitalized patients with COVID-19 requiring high flow oxygen or mechanical ventilation.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Authorizes Monoclonal Antibody for Treatment of COVID-19

ETA: From link above.. knowing what we know now...

"Through a $450 million agreement signed in July with the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed, Regeneron could provide up to 300,000 treatment doses of REGN-COV2 to the federal government for distribution.

The company plans to have the single-dose therapy available to about 80,000 patients by this month and hit the 300,000 mark by the end of January. The U.S. government has a separate $375 million pact with Lilly for 300,000 doses of bamlanivimab.
Antibody drugs are hard to produce, and 300,000 doses are dwarfed in comparison by the 2 million treatment courses Gilead Sciences has pledged to produce of its small-molecule therapy Veklury (remdesivir) by the end of this year. With that limited initial supply, Regeneron CEO Len Schleifer, M.D., Ph.D. warned that demand of REGN-COV2 may exceed supply during the early days."

ETA: I've heard nothing of insurance companies covering such, codes for such or folks other than the 3 getting it? Bueller?
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