Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #90

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Another BFF health worker just informed me that she will be vaccinated tomorrow. I am crying, happy tears, that we have reached this milestone, and that she will now be safe.

I am also crying sad tears as I think of all the people, the other health workers, and others, who didn’t make it to the vaccine.
If every country had closed their borders (schengen be damned, there are still borders), then the whole world would have been better off. I don't think that we will get rid of this plague as quickly as the 1918 flu ended. There was very little international travel in those years and when there was it was well within the infectious disease incubation periods. The reason that it spread all over the world then, is because it was taken to Europe not long before WW1 ended and soldiers took it home with them to all of Europe and all of the commonwealth countries.
Not only your opinion, but also the opinion of the CDC. The genomic testing in the US is very, very minimal.

Article from a week ago ...
While the variant hasn’t been found in the U.S. yet, the CDC noted that scientists haven’t sequenced the genetic coding for many Covid-19 infections here. The agency said “viruses have only been sequenced from about 51,000 of the 17 million US cases,” so the new strain could have slipped notice.
CDC says new Covid strain in UK could already be circulating undetected in U.S.

Yes, also the opinion of Dr. Osterholm, Dr. Gottlieb, and Dr. Jha (linked in previous posts).

As Dr. Gottlieb stated in the Face the Nation video, we are currently only testing a fraction of one percent of samples, as opposed to the UK who is testing ten percent.

Hopefully this is changing, I think it is.
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Yes, also the opinion of Dr. Osterholm, Dr. Gottlieb, and Dr. Jha (linked in previous posts).

As Dr. Gottlieb stated in the Face the Nation video, we are currently only testing a fraction of one percent of samples, as opposed to the UK who is testing ten percent.

Hopefully this is changing, I think it is.

Sorry I missed that. I can't see the Face the Nation videos. Some videos that you post, all I get is a "This video is not available in your country' message. Now I realise it is the Face the Nation videos that I can't see.
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Sorry I missed that. I can't see the Face the Nation videos. Some videos that you post, all I get is a "This video is not available in your country' message. Now I realise it is the Face the Nation videos that I can't see.

Darn! One of the main reasons I post the videos is so people out the country can see US news coverage - I remember how much I appreciated the international news videos, especially the ones from Global News Canada and South Korea Arirang in the very early days. I’ll keep this is in mind and try to highlight significant points as time allows. :)

Arirang News, SK - At least 17 countries have now identified the UK strain:

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As we approach this one year mark, I keep finding myself thinking “what if this”, “what if that”...(for example, “what if not enough people get vaccinated...”, “what if future variants...”, etc.).

The old sayings “one day at a time“, and “we’ll cross that bridge when we get there” seem more important than ever. Just passing this along in case it helps anyone else to keep this in mind.
He announced on Friday December 18 that he had tested positive.

From Thursday December 10, 2020:

Letlow is planning to travel to Washington, D.C. this week with his wife, Julia, to attend the White House Christmas Party.

Letlow outlines priorities once sworn-in as 5th District Congressman

I wonder if this is the same Christmas party I saw videos of - there was little mask wearing, they were crammed close together, and there was actually coughing heard in the background which was creepy.

Holding an indoor party during a pandemic when people are suffering and dying, our economy is suffering, hospitals are overloaded...

My image of the IKEA furniture being dumped into the States still stands....

Dr Ashith Jha, from Brown University:
"The federal government created Operation Warp Speed to deliver vaccines to states. The amount of vaccine doses shipped to states has been lower than initially expected - dropping from estimates this fall of 100 million in December to recent updates of 20 million by early January - Jha noted, "But this is really not the worst part.

"The worst part is no real planning on what happens when vaccines arrive in states. No plan, no money, just hope that states will figure this out," he wrote.

Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, says he's 'incredibly frustrated' with the slow rollout of the coronavirus vaccines. He blames the federal government for not planning better and working more closely with the states on the "last mile" of getting vaccines into arms.
State health departments, typically underfunded, have been left to administer the vaccines, Jha wrote. There was "no effort" from the federal government to help states "launch a real vaccination infrastructure," he wrote. He suggested that the federal government should have started planning vaccination sites in October or November.

"The real issue is there was never a last mile plan," Jha said in the podcast. "There was never a plan to figure out how do we get vaccines from the states into people's arms."

I am so thankful that Texas appears to be more than capable of assembling Ikea furniture. That this “last mile” is a cluster for so many states isn’t surprising to me at all, but I’m in Texas, and things appear to be rolling out at a nice pace IMO.

Vaccines were going in arms within a day or two of the first shipments hitting the roads. I work in a long term care facility and honestly would’ve been pleased if we had any kind of access within a month of the vaccines rolling out.

Instead, we had all of the info from CVS right at 7 days later, including all of the consent forms, and they sent us 3 pharmacists yesterday, December 29th, promptly at 9am as promised with vaccines for everyone who indicated they wanted one, plus a 10% overage for anyone who changed their mind at the last minute.

The whole process was crazy smooth if you ask me. I never would’ve guessed this team hadn’t been running on-site vaccine clinics for years. They vaccinated all staff who wanted it (right at 25% of staff got vaccinated), then vaccinated all patients who wanted it (or their loved one who makes decisions for them wanted them to get it). Right at 95% of patients were vaccinated.

They will be back in 3 weeks for the second dose, and anyone who changes their mind in the meantime can get dose one at that time.

It seems to me from reading various comments from other states, Texas has done a few things “right” (or at least less wrong) than others. We’ve had near on-demand testing at anytime for many months. So I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that our vaccine roll-out seems to be going well.

All facilities in the state owned by my company have their scheduled vaccine dates (all done by CVS, all Pfizer vaccines). The latest dose one date that I saw was January 15th. Considering it took nearly all day to do just our building, that seems like a reasonable timeline to get to all long term care facilities that we own.

I could be wrong, but there also appeared to be some logic behind the order buildings were assigned dates. Hopefully other states will get with the program soon. Otherwise it’s going to be a giant disaster once rolled out to the general public several months from now if some states can’t even roll out very small numbers of vaccines in the grand scheme.
I am so thankful that Texas appears to be more than capable of assembling Ikea furniture. That this “last mile” is a cluster for so many states isn’t surprising to me at all, but I’m in Texas, and things appear to be rolling out at a nice pace IMO.

Vaccines were going in arms within a day or two of the first shipments hitting the roads. I work in a long term care facility and honestly would’ve been pleased if we had any kind of access within a month of the vaccines rolling out.

Instead, we had all of the info from CVS right at 7 days later, including all of the consent forms, and they sent us 3 pharmacists yesterday, December 29th, promptly at 9am as promised with vaccines for everyone who indicated they wanted one, plus a 10% overage for anyone who changed their mind at the last minute.

The whole process was crazy smooth if you ask me. I never would’ve guessed this team hadn’t been running on-site vaccine clinics for years. They vaccinated all staff who wanted it (right at 25% of staff got vaccinated), then vaccinated all patients who wanted it (or their loved one who makes decisions for them wanted them to get it). Right at 95% of patients were vaccinated.

They will be back in 3 weeks for the second dose, and anyone who changes their mind in the meantime can get dose one at that time.

It seems to me from reading various comments from other states, Texas has done a few things “right” (or at least less wrong) than others. We’ve had near on-demand testing at anytime for many months. So I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that our vaccine roll-out seems to be going well.

All facilities in the state owned by my company have their scheduled vaccine dates (all done by CVS, all Pfizer vaccines). The latest dose one date that I saw was January 15th. Considering it took nearly all day to do just our building, that seems like a reasonable timeline to get to all long term care facilities that we own.

I could be wrong, but there also appeared to be some logic behind the order buildings were assigned dates. Hopefully other states will get with the program soon. Otherwise it’s going to be a giant disaster once rolled out to the general public several months from now if some states can’t even roll out very small numbers of vaccines in the grand scheme.
This is great to hear!!
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