Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #90

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I don't disagree on one level.... Countries with universal healthcare have managed programs, distribution and EXPECTATIONS better. However, we have grown up with the knowledge that the US is highly capable of major programs and very complex infrastructures.

The lack of assimilating of tracking, tracing and researching the ongoing disease changes are not because we don't have universal healthcare, but because we have not built the consolidated infrastructure to follow through and be accountable....with anything.

My image of the IKEA furniture being dumped into the States still stands....

Dr Ashith Jha, from Brown University:
"The federal government created Operation Warp Speed to deliver vaccines to states. The amount of vaccine doses shipped to states has been lower than initially expected - dropping from estimates this fall of 100 million in December to recent updates of 20 million by early January - Jha noted, "But this is really not the worst part.

"The worst part is no real planning on what happens when vaccines arrive in states. No plan, no money, just hope that states will figure this out," he wrote.

Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, says he's 'incredibly frustrated' with the slow rollout of the coronavirus vaccines. He blames the federal government for not planning better and working more closely with the states on the "last mile" of getting vaccines into arms.
State health departments, typically underfunded, have been left to administer the vaccines, Jha wrote. There was "no effort" from the federal government to help states "launch a real vaccination infrastructure," he wrote. He suggested that the federal government should have started planning vaccination sites in October or November.

"The real issue is there was never a last mile plan," Jha said in the podcast. "There was never a plan to figure out how do we get vaccines from the states into people's arms."
No travel history. Has Colorado had good history of contact tracing? Hope so. I hope you will keep us informed. were waiting for this specific Colorado case to be announced? Or are you expecting to hear lots of US confirmation?
With soooo many cases spread throughout the US, how in hell are we going to isolate this information?

At this point, it doesn't matter. It's here. We won't be able to do much with the information, as you point out.

I don't think CO has a good record of contact tracing.

Our only hope is to get better at handing out the vaccine - which we will do - eventually.

By late 2021, hopefully...if we continue to see increases in numbers as we're seeing right now, it's bad for next winter (with only about 5% of Americans having had COVID - if we're "optimistic" about it).

We're starting to lag in our reporting of both COVID and deaths...esp here in California (and we're 12% of the population). No way to say what's really going on at the national level right now...much missing data from several states.

About 8 million Americans have active COVID (probably way more - and especially since "active" is poorly defined.

What a mess.
Marking post to go back to this “nanoparticles business” that @10ofRods posted. Honestly, I’m burned out after all this variant business, but wanted to note to come back to.

Today, I read that it's the nanoparticles in the Pfizer vaccine that they think are triggering this effect. So far, no such effect noted for Moderna.

Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions | Science | AAAS

( *this upcoming anniversary is hitting me hard, just sayin. stay strong peeps. sob.)
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They did everything right. But after one at-home haircut, a husband and wife died of Covid-19 — CNN

“Mike and Carol Bruno did everything right to avoid Covid-19. They refrained from hosting the big, traditional family gatherings they were used to. They stuck to phone calls and video conferences with family even though they didn't live far away.

But a simple family visit to get a haircut claimed both of their lives. “

“In late November, Bruno's mother, Carol Bruno, came over to his apartment with his sister so his sister could give him a haircut. Prior to the visit, his sister, who works in a salon, had taken a Covid-19 test which had come back negative. She had also quarantined for three to four days — a sign the family took to mean that it was safe to be around her.

His mother, on the other hand, hadn't been out much during the pandemic at all.”

“Throughout the visit, which lasted about 40 minutes, the Brunos wore masks and avoided hugs, Bruno explained. They also made sure their mother sat next to the windows which they had opened as an extra precaution.

A day after the visit, Bruno's sister started displaying symptoms of Covid-19. Mother and son started feeling unwell soon after. “
Aren’t you supposed to quarantine for longer than 3-4 days?

A haircut at home isn’t any safer than going to the salon!

And the mom rode with the sister after being careful for so many months.....

I saw this story and it upset me and just made me more determined than ever NOT to let down my guard! Not that I was intending to. I haven’t had a haircut since March 13, except for WIY (Whack It Yourself). I don’t go anywhere, so it doesn’t matter. It’s longer than I normally wear it but my husband thinks it’s cute (bless him) and with a little “product” it’s passable if I’m on a Zoom or Tele-med call. I bought sharp scissors for haircuts on Amazon and attack my husband’s hair when he lets me. NOTHING is worth doing that puts us at risk. I don’t care how nice it would be to see people. This story is just tragic for everyone involved...who should have known better by now. :(
I saw this story and it upset me and just made me more determined than ever NOT to let down my guard! Not that I was intending to. I haven’t had a haircut since March 13, except for WIY (Whack It Yourself). I don’t go anywhere, so it doesn’t matter. It’s longer than I normally wear it but my husband thinks it’s cute (bless him) and with a little “product” it’s passable if I’m on a Zoom or Tele-med call. I bought sharp scissors for haircuts on Amazon and attack my husband’s hair when he lets me. NOTHING is worth doing that puts us at risk. I don’t care how nice it would be to see people. This story is just tragic for everyone involved...who should have known better by now. :(
Hit me hard too, L. Dead over a haircut.
Some states prioritize elderly over essential workers — The Washington Post

“Texas, Florida and some other Republican-led states are bucking federal advice to provide early doses of the new coronavirus vaccines to front-line workers, choosing instead to prioritize the elderly — a decision exposing fissures in the nationwide immunization campaign.

Federal recommendations give priority, in the second tier, to grocery store employees, transit staffers and other front-line workers, along with people 75 and older. But officials in Florida and Texas, where a combined 50 million people live, are moving ahead with a different strategy, offering vaccine to a broader segment of their elderly populations and asking front-line workers to wait.”
I wonder if this is the same Christmas party I saw videos of - there was little mask wearing, they were crammed close together, and there was actually coughing heard in the background which was creepy.

Holding an indoor party during a pandemic when people are suffering and dying, our economy is suffering, hospitals are overloaded...

What is the count of possible positive cases from attending that event?
How many were hospitalized?
How many died? ( so far)
I'm trying to find out!
Sorry that this has to be posted, but it's likely the truth.

Tatiana Prowell, MD

The first few months of 2021 in the US are going to be much harder than the entire year of 2020. Every doctor knows this. You deserve to be told. #COVID19 #pandemic 9:08 AM · Dec 29, 2020

Biden said this in the video that Margarita posted a page or two back, when he addressed the nation. "First thing, things are going to get much worse before they get better".

The last three words of the speech that he uttered - after God Bless America - were "Wear a mask".
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@margarita25 I’m feeling mushy and I just want to thank you...and I’m sure I’m not alone...for being here on these 90 (and counting) threads for most of the year. You have provided a treasure trove of information that we have needed to navigate the pandemic safely. Yes, there have been many other prolific contributors whose names I won’t list for fear of leaving someone out. They know who they are and a big “thank you” to them too. But your sweet goofy giraffe avatar is the face of these threads to me. Huge hugs and thanks! :)
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