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16 Days until jury selection! 24 Days until trial Casey!

I am so excited for Caylee! As the trial date gets closer and closer, I can not help but feel a little bit of peace in my heart. It has taken a long time to get to this point.

I know Casey will be convicted. I am not sure what her sentence will be, but she will be held responsible for Caylee's death. Caylee will get justice! There is no way that this jury is going to look at all the evidence against Casey and not hold her responsible for Caylee's death.

There is nothing that the defense can do to take away Casey's own actions and words from June 16th, 2008 until now. A jury is going to hear animosity Casey had in her voice when all anyone cared about was Caylee. How it was a waste... a huge waste that she even called them because all they wanted to do was talk about Caylee.

It will not go over the jury's head that Casey was almost rabid about talking to Tony because she hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him since early that morning before she was arrested. It had been maybe 12 hours since she talked to Tony... yet it had been 32 days at that point since she talked to Caylee. Seen Caylee! Tony was an adult fully capable of taking care of himself... Caylee was a two-year-old baby... unable to take care of herself.

What I took away from LKB's comments on Casey lying about ZFG... I believe that the defense is going to admit that Casey lied about this nanny to the jury. Which means that Casey lied about every single detail when it came to this nanny. There were no various apartments. There is no "perfect 10" with completely straight teeth. No nanny that was born in New York in the month of September. No nanny that lived in North Carolina and Miami... or even Orlando. No nanny that has a seasonal pass at Universal Studios Orlando. And no nanny that went to Valencia. There was no No Gloria, no Samantha, no Victor, no Jennifer, no Raquel, no Jeffrey Michael Hopkins with a son named Zachary and no Juliette Lewis.

Although I believe that a jury would come to the conclusion that Casey was lying about this woman taking Caylee... I think even if the defense admits that it was all a lie... the jury is going to want to know why?

I think the nanny story originated when Casey was trying to impress her friends. It made her sound important to have this event planning job and to have a nanny. Only people who have a decent income can afford to have a nanny. A nanny is a full time employee... not like a babysitter that you only pay as they watch your child... but according to Cindy and George... they also knew about this nanny in early 2008 (which I don't believe).

According to George, he and Cindy were watching Caylee 90% of the time before June 16th, 2008... so why would Casey even need a nanny if she only watched Caylee 10% of the time? I would think that a loving mother... a mother who should be considered "Mother of the Year" would want to spend that mere 10% of the time with her child herself and not pawn her off on some nanny? Cindy and George lying about knowing about this nanny as far back as January 2008 only reinforces the fact that Casey premeditated this whole thing. They thought they were helping her by lying for her... but again... they are the ones who have hurt her case more than anyone.

I do think Casey started telling them about this "nanny" at one point prior to June 16th, 2008... I just do not think that it was as far back as January 2008. First of all... there is no way that Cindy would have waited a whole 6 months before meeting this woman that was watching her child... yes, her child! She would want to know who this woman was that was buying all these wonderful things for her child. She would want to know who was the woman that was taking her place in Caylee's life.

Either way it comes out at trial... the fact is... Casey premeditated this nanny story. I guess in the grand scheme of things that it does not matter what date she originally started telling her parents that this nanny was watching Caylee... because it would still be premeditated.

It was no accident that Casey searched that one episode of One Tree Hill. It was no accident that prior to the search of the episode and the days following this episode that she searched for chloroform, neck breaking, household weapons, etc... The fact is... Casey had murder on her mind as early as March 2008.

I am starting to think that the defense is going to say that all of this was a simple accident... unfortunately for them... nothing in the evidence that has been released so far suggests an accident. I do not believe that any kind of blaming they do towards the Anthony's is going to help Casey at all. I think it is going to make a jury hate her even more. It takes a completely heartless and calculated person to accuse the only people who are standing by her side of the things she is getting ready to accuse them of. It was clear from what LKB said in the 48 Hours show "Only Casey Knows" that they are going to focus on Casey being abused... they are going to focus on the house she grew up in... and I do believe that it must have been hell to live with Cindy and George... but it is no excuse to murder your baby. Which is what she did... it was not an accident... it was murder!

It appears that they have given up on putting any blame on Roy Kronk and the countless other people they have tried to throw under the bus these past few years... and I am happy for that. But I am not holding my breath because I have no idea what they plan on doing once they get in front of that jury.

They are going to have to stick to one thing... and one thing only... because a jury will not appreciate being taken on a wild goose chase by the defense.

All in all... Justice is on it's way Caylee!!
I am so excited for Caylee! As the trial date gets closer and closer, I can not help but feel a little bit of peace in my heart. It has taken a long time to get to this point.

All in all... Justice is on it's way Caylee!!

very respectfully snipped for space

O.M.G. What a truly amazing post! :yourock:

You hit everything right on the head, and so eloquently!

I'm with you!
My grandaughter was born 2 months after Caylee was murdered, she is almost 3 time does fly, Justice for Caylee, Its been a long time comming

yep.. my daughter is the same age as caylee (that's what drew me in) and at the time, i couldn't fathom HOW someone so little and innocent could push someone to murder.
now she's so grown up.. starting kindergarten, takes ballet (her request) asks for things she sees on tv, can decide what she wants for dinner etc. it's heart breaking to sit and wonder what caylee would be like now. what clothes she would want to wear, what toys she'd want for her birthday... it's one thing to buy stuff for them because you think they'd like it or put something on tv... but when they ask for specific things themselves, it's so fun to see their personalities come out in what clothes they want to wear and what things they want to play with and things they want to do.
caylee would be going into first grade, have a bunch of little friends to play with now.. would she take dance class or want to play sports? what would be hobbies be?
such a tragedy that her little life was cut so short :(
yep.. my daughter is the same age as caylee (that's what drew me in) and at the time, i couldn't fathom HOW someone so little and innocent could push someone to murder.
now she's so grown up.. starting kindergarten, takes ballet (her request) asks for things she sees on tv, can decide what she wants for dinner etc. it's heart breaking to sit and wonder what caylee would be like now. what clothes she would want to wear, what toys she'd want for her birthday... it's one thing to buy stuff for them because you think they'd like it or put something on tv... but when they ask for specific things themselves, it's so fun to see their personalities come out in what clothes they want to wear and what things they want to play with and things they want to do.
caylee would be going into first grade, have a bunch of little friends to play with now.. would she take dance class or want to play sports? what would be hobbies be?
such a tragedy that her little life was cut so short :(

My niece, Haley, is just a few months older than Caylee and it really is heartbreaking to think about everything Caylee is missing out on. My niece is just finishing up her first year of "big girl" school. Kindergarden. She also takes ballet and jazz and I love to go to her recitals. Caylee loved to dance. My niece loves "trees" (broccoli) and chocolate bread (pumpernickle sp?). I love how their minds work at this age.

I do think about Caylee when I look at my younger niece, but I also think about her when I see my older niece who will be seventeen this year. She is going into her Senior year in High School. She has her first job and is getting ready to buy her first car. She has her first boyfriend and has experienced what we like to call "puppy love." We have taken her to visit college campuses and we are actively involved in talks about what she plans to do after High School. All her choice of course. She will be attending her Senior Prom and we have all started saving for her Graduation present. She wants all of us to go on a cruise (15 people). She's an amazing young woman and I am so proud of her!

All these things... Caylee will never get to experience. Casey may think she did Caylee a favor by taking her life so she never had to have her heart broken (Casey's words), but that wasn't a choice that Caylee made! She had every right to experience her first love and her first heartbreak... the heartbreak does not last forever! It's part of growing up and learning about life and all the beautiful things that it has to offer. Casey took that away from Caylee and she will pay dearly for it... in this life... and in the after life!
Oh grief! JB is on Geraldo! I just caught it in the middle of him interviewing JB...oh wait it was an old interview. JB was saying there was not a shred of biological material in the trunk.
Oh, whoever this guy is pointns out the fatty acid but GR says it's also indicative of a sausage sandwich. Puhhlleaase. I wish I hadn't clicked past this channel.
Kimberly Guyfoyle or whatever her name is is saying with all the charges and evidence she will be going away for a very long time. They are going to talk to Mark Furhman and it sounds like Brad Conway...said the A's former attorney so it's him or MN.
Kimberly Guyfoyle or whatever her name is is saying with all the charges and evidence she will be going away for a very long time. They are going to talk to Mark Furhman and it sounds like Brad Conway...said the A's former attorney so it's him or MN.

Kimberly Guilfoyle now that's a blast from the past. She grew up in SF and was served as asst. DA. She sat second chair in the case against the husband & wife (forget names) couple whose dogs mauled a young woman to death in the hallway of their building. The details were incredibly gory. Don't know if you remember the case but it was "big" in the WC.
Kimberly Guilfoyle now that's a blast from the past. She grew up in SF and was served as asst. DA. She sat second chair in the case against the husband & wife (forget names) couple whose dogs mauled a young woman to death in the hallway of their building. The details were incredibly gory. Don't know if you remember the case but it was "big" in the WC.

Not only do I remember that case but when I heard the victim went to Penn State, and heard her age, I went to my yearbook and found her picture as a member of whichever team she was on (field hockey or lacrosse I believe). I didn't know she prosecuted that. GR was infuriating....he said at the end how the State is overreaching with the first degree murder and it was a "political move" by the DA which he will regret. I cannot wait until these people have to eat crow!! Even Vinnie Politan who was basically saying the State has a good case yesterday stated that well, the defense must have something, they are so confident. I thought that's not confidence, that's narcissism and arrogance.

ETA: Diane Whipple was her name. She was a year younger than I and played lacrosse at PSU.
I hope this doesn't apply only to the media, Nore.
I hope so also. Ijust dont think they'd want a room full of gum chewers.LOL. If one chews they all can. Its not allowed in our Court rooms.

Ps.I think the jury selection is going to be a riot with B..I dont know about the rest, but I will need a tranquillizer. :floorlaugh:
not only do i remember that case but when i heard the victim went to penn state, and heard her age, i went to my yearbook and found her picture as a member of whichever team she was on (field hockey or lacrosse i believe). I didn't know she prosecuted that. Gr was infuriating....he said at the end how the state is overreaching with the first degree murder and it was a "political move" by the da which he will regret. I cannot wait until these people have to eat crow!! Even vinnie politan who was basically saying the state has a good case yesterday stated that well, the defense must have something, they are so confident. I thought that's not confidence, that's narcissism and arrogance.

Eta: Diane whipple was her name. She was a year younger than i and played lacrosse at psu.
we are........

call me a cynic, but i believe the defense team has at least one more trick up their sleeve to try to delay the start of jury selection. it's coming...
The thing that has never escaped me is, not once did Casey ask her parents about Caylee in the jail tapes. Her first questions should have been all about "have they found Caylee?" etc. NOPE she knew she was dead and laying in flood waters, why bother to ask about her child. We've waited a long time for justice, I pray every day Casey never sees the outside world again.
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