Crime scene photos #2

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OMG, Who blew the margins! Eeeeeeek

Hi TripleC, I can't imagine LE releasing a photo to the general public with the skull showing. I think that would be in very poor taste. Plus they might not want that out there until trial if it will be evidence.

However I do see something more clearly now. :rolleyes: We have the yellow book. Under the right side of that book we see the photograph of the man.

And now lying on top of the right side of that photograph I see what looks like another big book or maybe a photo in a narrow frame. It is covered with leaves but you can see the very straight top, left and right edge of it that continues down to the bottom of that photo. That would not be found in nature, something with straight edges unless it is a decayed log trying to fool Mother Nature!

Wouldn't that be funny if all along we thought there was only one book and there could be more lying there. She could have stuck several books in that bag, eh? xox

I think I see it, too, scandi. What would be the top right hand corner
is almost touching the hand drawn red circle, right? Am I looking at the
right thing?
One of the pics on this page was too large for the
margins so the page expanded to fit the picture.
Maybe when we go to a new page the proper
margin will return . . . So post away so we can
create a new page.

Yea Yea ExpectingUnicorns, Here is a big BUMP.
A mod can come in and fix that tho.
Or everyone can do as you did and only write
short sentences. :clap:
We can all pretend we are
Alice today looking down the
Rabbit hole. YaYa :blowkiss:
I think I see it, too, scandi. What would be the top right hand corner
is almost touching the hand drawn red circle, right? Am I looking at the
right thing?

Yes EU, The bottom of the red circle
is really touching the straight right
side of that object.

Do you think it is a book? I think it
is, but it is hard to tell with all the
leaves on it. xox

It is like in that bag there was a
pile of books with some photos,
and when the water came and lifted
these things out of either a hole in
the bag or the opening of the outside
bag, they landed in that spot and
because they were all wet they slid
apart, landing as we see them there.

Makes perfect sense to me.
I haven't read the entire thread but am curious . . .
What does everyone think that striped thing is (the
one that was referred to as the zebra body before)?
Remember when the first facats were coming in about the discovery
of the body? Well, it was said that a "partial dress"
had also been found. No confirmation since then but
I am wondering if the striped thing may be it. Do
you think?
I haven't read the entire thread but am curious . . .
What does everyone think that striped thing is (the
one that was referred to as the zebra body before)?
Remember when the first facats were coming in about the discovery
of the body? Well, it was said that a "partial dress"
had also been found. No confirmation since then but
I am wondering if the striped thing may be it. Do
you think?

Hi EU and Indigo, Now I can't see the striped thingy as the photo has been taken out. Too bad, as that was an excellent close-up of the books.

I am hoping that the photo link can be resized so we can have the photo to study.

But EU, I have always wondered why posters never picked up on the part of a dress that we heard about originally. I think they probably did find that or it never would have been mentioned. I think it was mentioned right out of the gate along with the skull as having been found right away.

I think any doll or stuffed animal would be brown from the muddy water and hard to pick out in a photo full of leaves. Even standing there one might have to look quite hard to see a doll lying among the leaves.

Just my opinion as always which could be wrong ;}
I know this looks like a piece of lint at this size. I'm sorry I'm so bad at this...but if you zoom in to 400%--what do you see? Anyone?
Hi EU and Indigo, Now I can't see the striped thingy as the photo has been taken out. Too bad, as that was an excellent close-up of the books.

I am hoping that the photo link can be resized so we can have the photo to study.

But EU, I have always wondered why posters never picked up on the part of a dress that we heard about originally. I think they probably did find that or it never would have been mentioned. I think it was mentioned right out of the gate along with the skull as having been found right away.

I think any doll or stuffed animal would be brown from the muddy water and hard to pick out in a photo full of leaves. Even standing there one might have to look quite hard to see a doll lying among the leaves.

Just my opinion as always which could be wrong ;}

Hi scandi :)

None of the pictures are showing up on the page for me now...only text. I think there's a glitch in the matrix...
Please let this work!:crazy: Does anyone see a partially torn photo of (what looks like) Casey Anthony here?

You'll have to zoom to 400% to see it. Humor me...anyone?? Pretty Please?

I see what you are talking about but to me it looks like it's a picture of Caylee. I'll see if I can find the pic, it's one of the more popular ones that the news stations use.

ETA: Found the pic, it's attached below.


  • caylee-green-dress.jpg
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I know this looks like a piece of lint at this size. I'm sorry I'm so bad at this...but if you zoom in to 400%--what do you see? Anyone?

Hi Indigo,

I know how you feel (I see pictures everywhere, too). I can see what looks like at least two photos in your pic, but I can't tell if it's Caylee or KC. I have a pic that if you are willing to enlarge looks like it has KC's trademark toothy smile. Here it is:


I circled where I cropped the image from
Hi Indigo,

I know how you feel (I see pictures everywhere, too). I can see what looks like at least two photos in your pic, but I can't tell if it's Caylee or KC. I have a pic that if you are willing to enlarge looks like it has KC's trademark toothy smile. Here it is


I circled where I cropped the image from
Just looks like a leaf to me.
Just looks like a leaf to me.

If you can enlarge the little picture it might help. The yellowish leaf is covering KC's eye right beneath that you can see her Joker smile ( all teeth). Might be hard to see if you don't enlarge it.

Caylee is to the left of KC in this photo. Their faces are really close together.
here is the link where i think i see a doll. My eyes are now crosssided.

Oh my! I haven't read this thread for a few days (since I registered). I saw/see a doll up above the skull. When I zoom in 400%, I see the skull and to the left of the skull the dog/tiger. Then, if you place your cursor on the duct tape part of the mouth and scroll up slowly you'll come to the bottom of the babydoll. Move over one inch to the left to see the face. The doll is laying face down in/over branches slightly arched back. I couldn't believe it when I saw it and thought "could this be the beloved babydoll?" I can see the white glasses, the book and pictures (not clearly) too. Too weird I know.
Hi! Back in the picture of the detectives---the lower photo with the detective with the glasses-it would appear that in his left hand he is holding a stuffed animal with stripes or leopard spots,is this a backpack? I am using a magnifying glass on the photos and it IS eerie,I see children's faces everywhere!
I see what you are talking about but to me it looks like it's a picture of Caylee. I'll see if I can find the pic, it's one of the more popular ones that the news stations use.

ETA: Found the pic, it's attached below.

Thanks, ecs. I appreciate your reply.:) I'll compare the two pics and see if I can visualize it in a different way. Try as I might, so far I can only see a head shot of a young woman/girl that resembles Casey.

I hope we get to find out for sure someday what's really in these evidence photos!
Hi! Back in the picture of the detectives---the lower photo with the detective with the glasses-it would appear that in his left hand he is holding a stuffed animal with stripes or leopard spots,is this a backpack? I am using a magnifying glass on the photos and it IS eerie,I see children's faces everywhere!

The man is holding two brown paper bags. The one in his left hand is curled up a bit, so it looks like there is something else there. He is not a detective, by the way, he is the Chief Investigator for the Medical Examiner's office in Orlando.
Oh my! I haven't read this thread for a few days (since I registered). I saw/see a doll up above the skull. When I zoom in 400%, I see the skull and to the left of the skull the dog/tiger. Then, if you place your cursor on the duct tape part of the mouth and scroll up slowly you'll come to the bottom of the babydoll. Move over one inch to see the face. The doll is laying face down in/over branches slightly arched back. I couldn't believe it when I saw it and thought "could this be the beloved babydoll?" I can see the white glasses, the book and pictures (not clearly) too. Too weird I know.

I haven't read this thread in weeks (welcome btw!) & think I finally see the skull for sure but only if there's a big lump (sorry that's the only way I can describe it) over what would be the right eye area?..I also think I may see one rim of the white glasses..I definitely don't see the doll.
I have looked at the crime scene photos until I am cross-eyed with double vision trying to see what others see but without much success.

I see the striped thing that looks like a stuffed tiger toy, but it looks too clean to have been in the weather and under water for any length of time, so I can't be sure it is anything but an optical illusion.

I see what everyone believes to be the Fuzzypants Book, the yellow thing. I also see what some believe to be a photo sticking out of the book or underneath the page of the book. IF this is a photo, I think I know which one it is. I have seen it but can not locate the photo again so I'll describe it and maybe one of you knows where it can be found.

The photo would be one of Caylee standing up, her hair pulled back, big sunglasses on, and wearing a long dress or tunic of some sort, with what I remember to be several strands of long Mardi Gras beads around her neck. It reminded me of a little girl playing dress up and she may have even been wearing someone's high heels. The photo was taken by someone standing up - at least that is what it looks like from the angle of the image.

I do not even know where to begin to find this one again. Anyone?
I haven't read this thread in weeks (welcome btw!) & think I finally see the skull for sure but only if there's a big lump (sorry that's the only way I can describe it) over what would be the right eye area?..I also think I may see one rim of the white glasses..I definitely don't see the doll.

Hi amysmom......try this....go to post 19 on pg.1........enlarge to 200%...........Look almost smack dab center of the three white lights..................The skull is a profile looking to it's left so we can see the right eye. The mouth (tape) is lower right with the nose, eye and forehead slanting up and back to the left when facing.......................Now enlarge the whole picture to 400% and adjust your view til only the two top white lights are within view, the left one is higher than the right one.........look down the center and you'll see a skull with tape around the mouth area. It appears as if a root crosses over the forehead and you can see a nostril and the chin is lowest to the ground............(this is where I gasped and cried)...............Now move your eyes up three inches to see the dollbaby. The dolls face is directly above the top of the skull..........unbelievable and so sad.
I was playing around with this picture again. This is a video capture of the GSJ video taken on 8/11/08. Look at what the yellow arrow is pointing at on the side of the road. The arrow and text were added by me. I also zoomed in and cropped out the area and increased the contrast, burned in the area a little in PS. Looking at the object in relation to the lamp post (which is on the extreme right of the frame) this looks to be right in front of the dump site. Anyone else think this is extremely strange? Anyone have any theories what this is?


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