Crystal and Marie to be on Nancy Grace to night 8Est

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I think there is a mix up like there has been a million times on this case with information. Everything from LE indicates RC worked his shift. I am gonna have to wait for more info before going with the 8:30 timeline. I listened to NG and I didnt hear any reference to the 8:30 time so I am wondering how I missed it. Will wait for transcripts.

I'm thinking meal break.

If he worked a 12-hour shift, that would be right in the middle of it.
Yeppers. Plays havoc with his alibi since the LE hours of interest are from 8;00pm to 3:eek:oam.
3...2...1... they must have meant 8:30 AM. Just wait it's coming.

Let's see, was it a "misunderstanding", a "Ron mispoke" or "confusion". What ever, the change in Ron's timeline is certainly not as important as whether or not Crystal knew what time her daughter, who she never picked up at school, ended her school day. Nor is the fact that TM called Ron's bluff today on the $35 K. Way to go, Nancy Grace. Now I remember why I stopped watching you....
for getting the truth out of your ex's new wife? That does not make one lick of sense. Why would CS even see MC? I'm not divorced but do most people question their ex-'s spouse about things or do you expect your ex to do that? Why the heck would MC tell anything to CS anyway? I guess RC is not responsible for anything-it's all CS's fault. I really dislike women who have no sympathy for other women because they think they are so superior and such better parents than some woman who doesn't have custody of her kids. It doesn't matter what kind of a lying jerk the man is, they have to hate the woman so they can fell all smug and superior.

I can't believe I actually watched that obnoxious woman tonight. What does anyone see in that show? I found it completely useless. She doesn't even have new information and she plays the same stupid clips over and over.


:clap::clap:Ain't that the truth!?:clap::clap:
I am sorry but this thread is for discussing Crystal being on Nancy Grace and that is exactly what I was commenting on was Crystals interview. I am not shocked of course that it is met with the well RC did this or that comments as that seems to be the pattern with every discussion.

For those who wish to use this to condemn Crystal because she didn't know the EXACT end time to Haleigh's day-----they need to take a look at her school records---because apparently her 'hero' father does not know EXACTLY what time she needs to get to school. OR, for that matter, that she needs to be there at all.

for getting the truth out of your ex's new wife? That does not make one lick of sense. Why would CS even see MC? I'm not divorced but do most people question their ex-'s spouse about things or do you expect your ex to do that? Why the heck would MC tell anything to CS anyway? I guess RC is not responsible for anything-it's all CS's fault. I really dislike women who have no sympathy for other women because they think they are so superior and such better parents than some woman who doesn't have custody of her kids. It doesn't matter what kind of a lying jerk the man is, they have to hate the woman so they can fell all smug and superior.

I can't believe I actually watched that obnoxious woman tonight. What does anyone see in that show? I found it completely useless. She doesn't even have new information and she plays the same stupid clips over and over.

Yes you are completely correct. PCSO had not gotten the truth out of MC, nor has FDLE, nor the FBI, and certainly not Ron, because he doesn't even care enough to discuss it with her. But, of course Crystal should know even though LE has told her not to discuss it with anyone of them!

Crystal is a soft spoken and polite person, she is NOT going to get all angry and combative with NG. That woman doesn't know spit about how to do an interview and get real information out of someone. She is too busy inserting her own biased and off base OPINIONS. I was glad her "experts" at least attempted to stand up to her a bit.
I think that Crystal handled herself very well considering the way she was treated by that animal tonight. NG needs to be put off the air. She has really nothing to contribute except constant replays, bragging about what a good mother she is, incessant and boring talk about the twins, sniping at guests who have a lot more intelligent information to contribute than she does and stupid questions from call in fans. In addition, we now have her plugging her book and giving safety tips that any 10 year old would know. I wish she would become a full time mother and get lost.
Me too Busy, after the money thing today I am going to wait.

But it did occur to me, when one of the TH was talking, I don't remember which one...

That it's not uncommon for a caregiver who has a fight (argument) with another adult in a child's life for that caregiver to lash out in frustration and take their anger out on the child.

That to me was very interesting, because when that happens it's not always a deliberate and fully formed thought of "well you made me mad so I'm going to hurt what is most important to you, which should be me but isn't" ~ it's more of a rage that is is instantly released in a frenzy when the first blow is thrown.

Just yet another possibility in the endless possibilities of what happened to Haleigh. This really makes me sad tonight for some reason.
I had almost all but stopped watching NG, but started back when she began to discuss the Haleigh case....she just disgusts me at times. I've noticed since she had the twins, she has put herself on such a high-horse and has been so judgmental towards other mothers; she has this attitude that she is just better than every mom on the planet; she pulled this attitude w/ Crystal Sheffield tonight. Well, she has lost another viewer; I'm not a big fan of women who talk about the things like she does over & over again anyway....Yawn.........All I can say is she better be careful because, just as she has judged others mothering skills, hers will be judged one day...and publically at that, just like she has done so many others; I've seen it happen too many times..well, every time to be exact.

BTW, The black guy on the NG show that stated things like- 'we don't know what time Haleigh actually started missing' & such as that, he was good!! However, he must have had too much common sense for Nancy, as she couldn't think of any kind of argument to counter what he was saying, which was the truth, and she quickly cut him off and moved on to someone more vulnerable to her smack. He was messing up her playhouse! All of what I just stated is MOO, of course.

ITA. We all would be better mothers, if we had nannies to do our job until it was convenient for us to, huh? :blowkiss:
That is a very good possibility, but he was seen during his meal break at work so we know he wasn't out in his car somewhere on his way to work. I don't know how I missed the 8:30 comment completely while listening to NG. Hopefully the transcripts will be out soon.

I'm thinking meal break.

If he worked a 12-hour shift, that would be right in the middle of it.
Well, I can't wait to see the re-run of the show. NG is always mad at mothers who have BS excuses for things like bringing serial sex offenders around their daughters and not knowing any details of the last day their child was seen alive or when her kindergarten class lets out for the day. She is also gobsmacked (great word) that the missing child's mother has never grilled the step-mom.

IIRC NG blasted RC for not getting anything out of MC either.
I'm thinking meal break.

If he worked a 12-hour shift, that would be right in the middle of it.

Could be .... but that's significant if RC came home (to check on MC?) and there was a big argument all the way back to work, including MC turning off her cell.

MC being a kid herself could have easily lashed out at Haleigh and something went wrong! This throws the whole MC story and timeline if there was a call and row around 8:30 when supposedly Haleigh was put to bed and MC was doing 'laundry' then sleeping.

Will see if I can track any reported comments from TM on this ......
I agree we need to get down to the hours worked and fight. Like I stated in earlier post I am gonna wait for the transcript as I missed any reference to the 8:30 timeline from NG.

Busy, I agree with you, it's not acceptable. However..........I do see that more important things, IMO came out tonight. We really need to see what we can find out about Ron not being at work until later, and he and Misty fighting right before Haleigh goes missing means......don't you agree?
I have said for several weeks now that I don't believe Ron was at work that nite. Perhaps he did go and leave or whatever.
LE has NEVER confirmed he was working. They said "we are satisfied that we know where RC was that night".
They were also "satisfied" with he of both he and Misty.

Was it just me, or did I hear NG tell someone that RC was in fact at work that night, his entire shift, and that that was confirmed by LE? I mean, I know that we don't know...all we know is that LE said they were "satisfied", but did I hear her correctly when I thought she(NG)claimed otherwise?
My husband and I have NEVER lived apart, our youngest child is 15 and my DH could not tell you right this minute what time school starts or gets out, and could MAYBE guess within a quarter hour more or less if he was put under pressure to do so----but, he would get it wrong! He doesn't drop off or pick up and never has except on emergency occasions, and he never got there on time then, which is why I don't leave him with that responsibility!

I had to comment on this. As I can relate. We moved 2 yrs ago in the same school district, but my son ended up in a different elmentary in the same district. I had a dr appointment and my husband got off early to pick him up. he calls later and said that he went into the office and our son wasn't there that he no longer went to that school. Needless to say my husband went to the old elmentary school to pick him up instead of the new one. he felt like such an idiot. Now if he picks them up he calls me to make sure he is at the right school before he walks in.

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Was it just me, or did I hear NG tell someone that RC was in fact at work that night, his entire shift, and that that was confirmed by LE? I mean, I know that we don't know...all we know is that LE said they were "satisfied", but did I hear her correctly when I thought she(NG)claimed otherwise?

Yes Nancy claimed this and also that he passed his polygraph. How would she know this ?
ITA. We all would be better mothers, if we had nannies to do our job until it was convenient for us to, huh? :blowkiss:

Right and mommies and daddies who seem to be there all the time too.
I think that Crystal handled herself very well considering the way she was treated by that animal tonight. NG needs to be put off the air. She has really nothing to contribute except constant replays, bragging about what a good mother she is, incessant and boring talk about the twins, sniping at guests who have a lot more intelligent information to contribute than she does and stupid questions from call in fans. In addition, we now have her plugging her book and giving safety tips that any 10 year old would know. I wish she would become a full time mother and get lost.

OT but I strongly dislike both NG and JVM using their TV shows to promote their books, it should NOT be allowed! They have celebrity names and can make money marketing on other shows and TV adverts but shameless self-promotion on their own shows is plain wrong, wrong, wrong. Bad precedent.
Excellent capri! Do you happen to have the shot preceding? I think that's the one where they talk about when he was traveling to work?

ETA: nevermind my post, I was asking capri before I knew that capri was editing the post to include all screenshots.
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