Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #4

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Maybe she was stressing about some plan she had. Worried if it work.
Maybe she was stressing about some plan she had. Worried if it work.

That plan that Crystal some say had. Exactly how would that work? Say a year from now? You can't hide a child forever especially in a high profile case. And she she intended on doing away with Haleigh why not Jr also? The support she owed and for Jr. wouldn't go away. That theory just seems way out there.
Yep, that why so many drink, divorce, and commit suicide.

I should qualify that. It use to be that way. Now the police are better trained. Have psy. training and are willing to go get counciling. Still they have a high divorce rate.
Nunzio I think everyone has a high divorce rate now. I do agree with you though, all that stress and pressure to get results quickly takes a toll, not to mention dealing with that criminal element and seeing the havoc they create
I don't think anyone is trying to fit a theory with how she thought or thinks she will get away with it for all we know Haleigh could be dead and Crystal is still to blame or had knowledge of it happening and by who. I find it very difficult for anyone to try and understand how a criminal or one that commits this type of crime intends to get away with it. Can you explain any other suspects in this case thoughts on how they thought they could get away with it and have for nearly 7weeks.
Why is Crystal driving when she has a history of epileptic seizures? She had one right before Haleigh went missing. She has unpaid speeding tickets. Somewhere along the line she lost her privileges to drive. But, she's driving and got into a wreck because of her seizure. This tells me she has no regard for anyone or she is too dumb to understand why speeding epileptics shouldn't drive.

She got pregnant at 17 from Ron, neither finished high school and both did drugs. They stayed with each other long enough to make another baby and then she took off with the kids. Ron got them back through the court system. The Judge looked at the two of them and decided one was a better choice as a custodial parent than the other. His choices were slim but he had to make a decision. Now she has a 3rd baby, still not married to her bf who is also her step-brother by marriage and as far as we know, continuously unemployed and in arrears in child support. Her mother started in on Ron at the first opportunity.

She has an agenda. It is to gain custody of Jr. I can't say I blame her for not wanting her son to be watched over by the same kid who lost her daughter. But, I think this agenda has been in place a long time. It's just that now, she actually has a reason and a free lawyer.
I don't think anyone is trying to fit a theory with how she thought or thinks she will get away with it for all we know Haleigh could be dead and Crystal is still to blame or had knowledge of it happening and by who. I find it very difficult for anyone to try and understand how a criminal or one that commits this type of crime intends to get away with it. Can you explain any other suspects in this case thoughts on how they thought they could get away with it and have for nearly 7weeks.

Do you honestly think that CS would go in the room where MC is sleeping, not knowing if she would wake up and take Haleigh? Does she strike you as someone who could pull this off? Forget for a minute if she thought she would get away with it or not. But do you really see her or someone she knows actually pulling this off? Why not take her from school or while she is outside playing? Or better yet why not wait until it is her weekend and just keep moving, or why not staging an abduction from her house?

Could CS arrange for MC to be so inconsistent in her stories? So much so that the only thing that the police are saying is that MC is the key to the case?

I mean honestly, it just seems so far fetched to me. IMO, all of the snide remarks and comments made on both sides of this case are senseless. Its not getting us any closer to finding Haleigh. The only person who police have named as giving them pause is MC. She was the last person to see Haleigh and she can't get her story straight. And now she is happy and married and not saying anything, while CS and RC are pointing fingers at each other.
Do you honestly think that CS would go in the room where MC is sleeping, not knowing if she would wake up and take Haleigh? Does she strike you as someone who could pull this off? Forget for a minute if she thought she would get away with it or not. But do you really see her or someone she knows actually pulling this off? Why not take her from school or while she is outside playing? Or better yet why not wait until it is her weekend and just keep moving, or why not staging an abduction from her house?

Could CS arrange for MC to be so inconsistent in her stories? So much so that the only thing that the police are saying is that MC is the key to the case?

I mean honestly, it just seems so far fetched to me. IMO, all of the snide remarks and comments made on both sides of this case are senseless. Its not getting us any closer to finding Haleigh. The only person who police have named as giving them pause is MC. She was the last person to see Haleigh and she can't get her story straight. And now she is happy and married and not saying anything, while CS and RC are pointing fingers at each other.

I Agree!

I think those who believe this investigation be in Baker County have an obligation to speak out very vocally. Protest. March. Whatever it takes. Corruption is a serious thing. Corruption and manipulation of the Justice System should be exposed. Incompetence of a new Sheriff or whatever. moo
what kind of sofa was it??? was it a hide-a-bed?? that's what I want to know.

also, for him to specify the "Couch" was bouncing - my guess is he saw something as well as heard it.

I expect that if the kids have been bouncing on the couch themselves, the sound is well familiar to them, and the word as well if they've been told not to a million times.
A lot of sofas would make noise if someone was bouncing on it as the kids probably tried a few times, don't they all? Someone most likely said "stop bouncing on the couch". The kid hears sound coming from the couch and assumes someone is in there bouncing on it and probably wishing it was him. I don't see why that seems so odd. I have an almost three year old here and she knows the word bouncing and what it means. The couch could have been hitting the wall and the child knew that meant someone was bouncing on the couch because that is what happened when he did it. I didn't see anything he said as being odd. Kids also will slowly tell things that happen. One day they make a comment and then maybe a day or so later add to it. They do it all the time. Now do I think anyone should have a kid talking about it on tv - NO - but that is just a terrified mother trying to do something/anything to try to find a way to get some information about her missing child.
Too bad about the seizure thing. One of those things you don't need while a family member is missing. She ought not to skip her doctor's appointments. What with the past drug use, possible head injuries (if RC or someone's really been hitting her and didn't she have a previous car wreck on her myspace?), hormonal effects she may still have from her pregnancy, the stress and lack of sleep during the last few weeks and any medicines that she may have been prescribed to cope with it she's got enough risk factors that she ought to take good care of herself now. Especially because of the baby.

I'm not sure if the mother of a missing child requires an explanation for looking bad and out of it during the first awful days but if she does, I wonder if they started her on any medications when she had her first seizure two days before Haleigh disappeared. I've had a seizure too and the stuff they gave me totally knocked me out for a while. I was never told not to drive but I didn't dare while starting on the medicine, they made me so tired in the beginning and I kept forgetting things.

I suppose that the seizure thing may explain why she took however many hours it was to get to Satsuma and didn't just hop in the car and drive straight off. She needed someone to drive, it being just two days since her seizure. I read something about waiting for Marie to get off work, not sure if I read it here or a news article.

Having a seizure is scary, not knowing what caused it and if it will happen again, so two days after one would not be my ideal time of choice to go abducting a child. I'd be too worried I get another seizure while breaking in and get caught redhanded.
Why is Crystal driving when she has a history of epileptic seizures? She had one right before Haleigh went missing. She has unpaid speeding tickets. Somewhere along the line she lost her privileges to drive. But, she's driving and got into a wreck because of her seizure. This tells me she has no regard for anyone or she is too dumb to understand why speeding epileptics shouldn't drive.

She got pregnant at 17 from Ron, neither finished high school and both did drugs. They stayed with each other long enough to make another baby and then she took off with the kids. Ron got them back through the court system. The Judge looked at the two of them and decided one was a better choice as a custodial parent than the other. His choices were slim but he had to make a decision. Now she has a 3rd baby, still not married to her bf who is also her step-brother by marriage and as far as we know, continuously unemployed and in arrears in child support. Her mother started in on Ron at the first opportunity.

She has an agenda. It is to gain custody of Jr. I can't say I blame her for not wanting her son to be watched over by the same kid who lost her daughter. But, I think this agenda has been in place a long time. It's just that now, she actually has a reason and a free lawyer.
Well IMO Ron and Crystal are pretty evenly know he also has a third baby by a teen that is he not married to, Jordan. I just wanted to mention that since you were comparing (and I agree with most of what you have compared) Also I wonder if CS really had a seizure that resulted in the accident. Maybe she was distracted by her cell phone and when she rear ended the car in front she realized she has a bad driving record and thought it would go easier on her if she had a medical condition.
I read one news account that she drove herself to the hospital after the accident but another report said she went by ambulance. I think maybe the later is true. Of course I could be wrong on all counts.
I have been thinking about this "couch bouncing" and it really
makes no sense to me.
First of all... if he saw the "couch bouncing"... wouldn't he also see what
was making the couch bounce?
Second... if he heard the "couch bouncing"... is that a word a 4 year old
would use if he heard a noise and how would he know it was
the couch and that it was actually "bouncing" verses shaking, bumping,
moving etc?

I agree that "couch bouncing" is not a word a 4 year old would use to describe
any type of movement on or of the couch.

I think I have to disagree here because do any of us actually know JR? I don't know how articulate he is. Although we can make some generalizations about language development, the expressive/receptive language of 4 yr. olds is not the same for all.

If JR learned the concepts of "bouncing" and "squeaky" or heard those words in relation to any of his other experiences, he could very well have turned around and applied it to another experience and described it as such.
Kids do that all the time...and kids say the darndest things.
Also I wonder if CS really had a seizure that resulted in the accident. Maybe she was distracted by her cell phone and when she rear ended the car in front she realized she has a bad driving record and thought it would go easier on her if she had a medical condition.
I read one news account that she drove herself to the hospital after the accident but another report said she went by ambulance. I think maybe the later is true. Of course I could be wrong on all counts.

In this article it says ambulance. It also has CS's father saying he witnessed the seizure. He's not an impartial witness by any chance and might have made it up, but if she was just talking on the phone instead of having a seizure I suppose one of the crowd of other onlookers might speak up and say so soon enough. It doesn't say who called the ambulance, the father or someone else.

It may have been dumb luck that Crystal Sheffield’s father was driving along State Road 20 in Palatka early Monday afternoon. He says he spotted his daughter’s white SUV on the side of the road with a crowd of people around it. When he got out, he says he ran up to the vehicle and saw his daughter in the middle of a seizure
Just IMO bouncing is not such a difficult word or a concept that a four-year-old couldn't handle it. I've got a cardboard book for babies in which one of the first sentences is about a bouncing ball. If he'd said ricochet, reverberate, concomitant or "career opportunities in accountancy and human resources development" I'd be surprised but we're underestimating most children if we think they can't handle bouncing or squeaky.

Also, we don't have a direct quote of what he may have said, so it's all been paraphrased from memory by an adult with a wider (I hope) vocabulary.

JR's credibility has its own thread here:
Oh this case is so frustrating!!!! I hope Haleigh is snug as a bug in a bed dreaming precious little girl dreams of playing with her brother and her daddy and telling him she loves him. Because someone chose to take her from where she belongs, with her DADDY.IMOO Haleigh would agree!
No I'm sorry to have to tell you tex but Haleigh probably isn't "snug as a bug in a bed dreaming precious little girl dreams" somewhere - there's actually a very real possibility that she's in an advanced stage of decomposition at this point, possibly laying in a "snuggless" shallow grave somewhere because her Daddy's little girlfriend chose to do "something" that she's not telling law enforcement about, but that "something" is what took Haleigh from where she belongs which is, IMO, among the living...Haleigh would agree with that!!!
Depends upon what he has heard. Maybe he had shoes that squeaked.

Just yesterday while walking down the hallway at my teen sons school my 4 y/o daughter made this observation to my son..."D, your shoes are squeaky." Indeed they were, he was wearing hightop white Jordans (basketball shoes) size 12. The leather was very squeaky.
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