Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #8

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Who hasn't seen anyone crucify Crystal?....OMG..I just saw it last night...

There are people that hate her and Marie and believe Marie kidnapped Haleigh.
Who hasn't seen anyone crucify Crystal?....OMG..I just saw it last night...

There are people that hate her and Marie and believe Marie kidnapped Haleigh.

There are people that hate each side as in most cases. That doesn't mean anyone here on the forum is victimizing anyone.
Now that RC has started the process with the FDLE, it should move quickly. They have to profile the two of them. if they/she are the POI to be able to find Haleigh. I never heard of this divisionn of Govt before. It is sort of like a mini (state) FBI. The Governor appoints a Commisioner who runs all the police agencies. It is separate and they are known for their technology and we will see.
Earlier reports regarding the possibility of the return of Texas EquuSearch to the Haleigh case drew angry and disappointed responses from some family members who firmly believe that Haleigh is still alive.

This is just one of the articles, I have a tough time searching his site for various articles but there was a few, but that is one that pulled up for me right away. In addition, if you follow any of the various forums and twitters it clearly shows they were upset and asking that donations not be sent to TES. Hope this helps.

Do you have a link that said Sheffields/Griffs were not happy about Tim Miller
ever, I must miss that one.
Now that RC has started the process with the FDLE, it should move quickly. They have to profile the two of them. if they/she are the POI to be able to find Haleigh. I never heard of this divisionn of Govt before. It is sort of like a mini (state) FBI. The Governor appoints a Commisioner who runs all the police agencies. It is separate and they are known for their technology and we will see.

The FDLE was involved with the initial investigation.
I realize that...they did the van, etc...but on July 27th they received an experienced (homicide?) detective and he has started the ball rolling. Agent Joliceur has joined and has some impressive stats....we can only hope.
I'm not claiming Crystal is Mother of the Year.

A. At least she's honest, even when NG gives her the yelling, eye-rolling, I'm-a-sainted-mother-and-you're-a-piece-of-scum routine.

B. If one of my children were missing and I planned to get my son out of harm's way by getting custody, I would be minding my Ps and Qs. Any little misstep could ruin her chances.

C. It's possible she is working closely with LE, and they have told her not to get into altercations with these people. OR she has had enough experience with Ron not to anger him, in person or by saying things he wouldn't like on TV. He's been getting into lots of altercations lately.
Yes Elle, I wish she had asked tougher questions. But Nancy's reaction to Crystal's comments made me wonder if she was thinking, as she slowly shook her bowed head, . .unbelievable, and this is little Haleigh's mother. That said so much to me, enough to get out of bed and come post what I thought. xox

ETA: I should have read all the comments before posting but feel better seeing other posters having similar thoughts.

When I think of a 'lost' child somewhere out there in this huge wide world, I would think those closest to the child, the parents, should be as vociferous as possible in letting the public know all about her - continually. Children are helpless anyway to fend for themselves. They need a loud and loving voice to help them be found. I have seen that over and over here at WS.

Thank you for getting out of bed to post your feelings, I agree with much that you said. Except for the treatment that Crystal received. I just think if she was going to handle Ronald with care and concern, which she should because up until this point LE does not implicate Ronald, She should have handled Crystal with the same care and concern. I understand that Crystal knows very little about the day to day goings on at the Cummings home. The fact that I would have handled being apart from my children very differently does not put me in any position to ridicule a mother that is without her child.

I believe that we should not judge lest we be judged ourselves. I have always believed that Misty did not give a true representation of the events on the night Haleigh disappeared. I have always believed that Ronald appeared to be a grieving father, the tears I saw did not look like crocodile tears to me....but that is just my opinion. I might not have understood it when Ronald married Misty but I did not waver in my support that he was a grieving father. I was disappointed when Crystal brought the abuse allegations to the media and for a period of time I posted my feelings on that, I felt the allegations came at the wrong time and were fueled by other family members and KP. I respect that Ronald has never made statements against Crystal, with the exception of when he was defending himself and his history. I respect that when Crystal talks to the media and gives a statement to Haleigh she say's "your Daddy and I".

Bottom line, second verse same as the first. Ronald needs to get the truth out of Misty if he feels there is truth to be had. If she doesn't cooperate...he needs to make a statement by removing her from his life. He has good cause to do so. Until I hear more FACTS from LE I will continue to support both of these parents and try not to compare them to myself or my parenting style.
:waitasec:I realize that some of you may wholeheartedly disagree with me on my opinion :cool:of Crystal (not just HER: the WHOLE GANG in fact) but I'm siding with NG on that interview last night. What kind of parent doesn't even know what time their child gets out of school, approx.:waitasec:, or what time their school bus arrives "home", approx.:banghead:? My husband lives in a different province than us and HE KNOWS!:nuts: Watching that interview I thought the same thing that I did :banghead:when I watched a different interview of Crystal - only last night I was voicing my opinion out LOUD instead of just wishing my "DUMB" thoughts away. :ashamed0005: I'm sorry if I sound quick to judge, and I apologize if Crystal really is a Brain Surgeon :footinmouth:but I'm siding with NG on this one.
Note: my kids are out of school (second bell, not the bus bell) at 3:25pm. There, that wasn't so hard, was it? Would I go to the ends of the freakin' earth to disembowel each and every person that had ABSOLUTELY anything to do with my daughter's disappearance? YES! YES! YES! :eek:ther_beatingA_DeadWould I be non-chalant and naive :detective:and not ask questions or know the answers to the few questions that may be asked of me? A resounding NO. God bless you sweet Haleigh and I pray :praying:(PRAY!) that you are indeed in a much better place right now.
I watched the NG interview last night and was blown away by Crystal's attitude. Seems like she didn't know anything about her child's day-to-day life. Very very weird to me that she didn't know what time school got out or what time she got off the bus. Crystal never asked Misty exactly what happend that night -- too strange for me. What is Crystal's problem? Is she on drugs too? Hello....!!! I know exactly where my grandson goes to school, when school starts and ends, his teacher's name, what kind of food he has for lunch, his friends, how he gets to school and how he gets home, plus who takes care of him after school if his mother is working. If Haleigh were my little girl missing I'd have Misty by the hair demanding straight-up answers and there would be some azz-kicking going on. It seems Crystal just doesn't care all that much.
I watched the NG interview last night and was blown away by Crystal's attitude. Seems like she didn't know anything about her child's day-to-day life. Very very weird to me that she didn't know what time school got out or what time she got off the bus. Crystal never asked Misty exactly what happend that night -- too strange for me. What is Crystal's problem? Is she on drugs too? Hello....!!! I know exactly where my grandson goes to school, when school starts and ends, his teacher's name, what kind of food he has for lunch, his friends, how he gets to school and how he gets home, plus who takes care of him after school if his mother is working. If Haleigh were my little girl missing I'd have Misty by the hair demanding straight-up answers and there would be some azz-kicking going on. It seems Crystal just doesn't care all that much.

Crystal stated that Haleigh's school let out at around 2:30 and that the bus dropped her off a little after 3:00. The fact that she didn't state the exact minute does not imply to me that she doesn't care.

Ron did not allow Crystal to speak to the children unless it was her visitation weekend, he would not even allow her to know where they lived. IMO it is quite understandable how Crystal did not know all the exact details of her little girl's day to day life.

I find it most disturbing that the people in charge of Haleigh 24/7, the ones she lived with, did not know her date of birth, her weight, her hair or eye color, or what she was wearing that day.
While I would agree, IF at some point Crystal were to gain primary custody of Jr., there should be ongoing monitoring and/or oversight for a substantial period of time by the court following that decision (as there should be with RC & MC at this time) - while I would agree that she may not be the ideal option, IMO she is by far the better option of the two; the other option being Ronald & Misty. I've listened to NG's latest interview with Crystal and - IMO - Nancy, from the onset, was in an "I gothcha" stance. It's clear to me after seeing/hearing NG interview numerous individuals in this case, particularly the husband of "the key," Nancy has her own personal issues with Crystal and it comes through immediately and repeatedly and clearly; and may I add, it is extremely unprofessional on her part as a so-called new jounalist. With that said, this attention being given to Crystal's lack of knowledge as to when precisely HaLeigh gets out of school/ gets off the bus . . .IMO is consistant with everything that we have seen in RC's behavior since the onset of this case. All information surrounding his "personal life" is off-limits and he has gone to great efforts (IMO, including lying) to avoid anyone - even LE - knowing anything about his "personal business." I can only imagine the hoops that Crystal had to jump through in order to get any information out of Ronald regarding her children - as for me personally, having observed RC's via television appearances/interviews over the past 7 months, I for one would get exhausted mentally & emotionally dealing with someone like him. Many years ago, in my late teens - early 20's I was involved with an individual who was abusive toward me; physically, mentally, sexually and spiritually and there is much in RC's that I recognize; the need for power & control. Withholding information from a person(s) is a popular/common - and cruel - method oftentimes used by these type of individuals. Their unspoken motto; "The less you know, the more powerful they feel." This, IMO, is the method/tactic that RC's has used with/against Crystal since the time of their separation as a couple, with the children; HaLeigh & Jr. Every interaction with the abuser becomes a highly emotional & exhausting exchange merely to get the most basic of information out of them. I can also tell you first hand that it is not uncommon for these type of individuals to extend their power and "off the record" negatively influence the school (staff, teachers, administration, etc.) toward the other parent . . . if the parent calls the school to speak with the child's teacher, the calls oftentimes go unreturned and in addition, parent/teacher conference notices frequently are never sent to the "other parent" - the power monger/abusive person/parent "plays nice" in the presence of these individuals and may assure them that they'll "let her/his Mom know but it's unlikely she'll come" making her out to be "the bad parent." This plays very well among female teachers who come to view (and treat) the primary custodial father with great sympathy seeing him as "the poor guy, just doing the best that he can to raise his children all by himself . . ." In conclusion - and IMOO - more focus and attention should be given to the words out of the mouths of the persons who were charged with HaLeigh's care at the time of her disappearance; the person who was the last known person to see HaLeigh alive - there will be time for "caddy" concerns further down the road, preferrably after HaLeigh is found. JMO
Crystal stated that Haleigh's school let out at around 2:30 and that the bus dropped her off a little after 3:00. The fact that she didn't state the exact minute does not imply to me that she doesn't care.

Ron did not allow Crystal to speak to the children unless it was her visitation weekend, he would not even allow her to know where they lived. IMO it is quite understandable how Crystal did not know all the exact details of her little girl's day to day life.

I find it most disturbing that the people in charge of Haleigh 24/7, the ones she lived with, did not know her date of birth, her weight, her hair or eye color, or what she was wearing that day.
I have to say that's not much an excuse though, snookie. When my stepkids were young, they lived 1500 mi away and we had them every summer. We got every detail of their lives from them on the phone, because we asked them. Our 5 year old spilled all the gory details! We have always made the effort to stay involved in their lives and, 30 years later, we're still very close. Crystal got to see them every other weekend and certainly could have chatted with them about these things. I think she loves them and don't think she was a bad mom, but she was not as engaged as she should have been.
I have to say that's not much an excuse though, snookie. When my stepkids were young, they lived 1500 mi away and we had them every summer. We got every detail of their lives from them on the phone, because we asked them. Our 5 year old spilled all the gory details! We have always made the effort to stay involved in their lives and, 30 years later, we're still very close. Crystal got to see them every other weekend and certainly could have chatted with them about these things. I think she loves them and don't think she was a bad mom, but she was not as engaged as she should have been.

You have raised an interesting point. Is Crystal allowed to speak to Ron Jr on the phone everyday? It seems like the paternal side of the family were doing wellness checks but not Crystal or anyone on the maternal side. IMO, Dept of Child & Family Services failed Haleigh and Ronnie Jr and if this is an example of the best they can do to protect the future of our children, they are a major part of the problem. Often parents involved with the Courts are advised not to contact each other and the children's needs are forsaken. On the NG show, Crystal said she told Ron not to bring Misty with him when he dropped Jr off from now on which means Crystal and Ron have taken opposite sides in their dealings with Misty; Crystal distanced herself further and Ron married Misty to be closer to his enemies.
I have to say that's not much an excuse though, snookie. When my stepkids were young, they lived 1500 mi away and we had them every summer. We got every detail of their lives from them on the phone, because we asked them. Our 5 year old spilled all the gory details! We have always made the effort to stay involved in their lives and, 30 years later, we're still very close. Crystal got to see them every other weekend and certainly could have chatted with them about these things. I think she loves them and don't think she was a bad mom, but she was not as engaged as she should have been.

Did Haleigh understand the clock already? I agree with you completely that parents should be involved and interested in everything in their children's lives, but I think that in this one detail asking Haleigh might not have been that informative. At least my children have had a pretty vague notion about time at the age of five and couldn't have told me what time anything happened.
I have to say that's not much an excuse though, snookie. When my stepkids were young, they lived 1500 mi away and we had them every summer. We got every detail of their lives from them on the phone, because we asked them. Our 5 year old spilled all the gory details! We have always made the effort to stay involved in their lives and, 30 years later, we're still very close. Crystal got to see them every other weekend and certainly could have chatted with them about these things. I think she loves them and don't think she was a bad mom, but she was not as engaged as she should have been.

Hey, kamky! :)

I really do understand what you're saying. Crystal does not seem to be the proactive type on many things, but I don't think it makes her a bad mom, or one who doesn't love her kids. Not making excuses, but it seems she is very submissive and still seems to be quite intimidated by Ronald. I get the impression she is afraid to ask Ronald any questions at all.

I also think Crystal is very young for her age.... She and Ronald both seem to be a bit immature imo.

I could be wrong, but I doubt Haleigh would've been able to tell Crystal the exact times relating to school and the bus. And perhaps Crystal didn't dig for more details because she felt they weren't all that important since she was not the one responsible for handling school.

I think there is quite the double standard going on.... most people wouldn't bat an eye to find out that a non-custodial father doesn't know the exact times about school and the bus.

Anyway, I just feel that NG unfairly blasted Crystal in that interview. No doubt Crystal was already a nervous wreck, and is already quite bashful to begin with. I think she was kinda caught off guard.

Nancy did not treat Granny Sykes that way when she responded to Nancy's questions with "I don't know" and claimed that she did not ask Misty any questions about the night Haleigh went missing. Even though she lives in the same house with her. :confused:

Bottom line, Crystal is not perfect (none of us are), but her lack of knowledge about her kids' daily schedule pales in comparison to custodial parent Ronald's blatant irresponsible behavior and scary choices in regards to taking care of his children.
Did Haleigh understand the clock already? I agree with you completely that parents should be involved and interested in everything in their children's lives, but I think that in this one detail asking Haleigh might not have been that informative. At least my children have had a pretty vague notion about time at the age of five and couldn't have told me what time anything happened.

Children learn by example and Misty states she doesn't make much use of the clock to define her day's activities throughout her interviews and she wasn't willing to put an effort in to "reading" the time on the clock radio by her bed the night HC disappeared. I find it hard to believe Misty would be able to read and pass a driver's examination but apparently she did. In regards to Misty's lie detector test, when the examiner begins by asking Misty to tell him what happened the evening on Feb 10th, Misty avoids his question and begins to tell him what happened in the morning. The examiner never corrects her diversion by bringing her back to his original question and I wonder if this why deception was noted in her responses; Misty completely goes off and avoids directly answering the question and I believe it is because she is afraid of telling the truth.
Children learn by example and Misty states she doesn't make much use of the clock to define her day's activities throughout her interviews and she wasn't willing to put an effort in to "reading" the time on the clock radio by her bed the night HC disappeared. I find it hard to believe Misty would be able to read and pass a driver's examination but apparently she did. In regards to Misty's lie detector test, when the examiner begins by asking Misty to tell him what happened the evening on Feb 10th, Misty avoids his question and begins to tell him what happened in the morning. The examiner never corrects her diversion by bringing her back to his original question and I wonder if this why deception was noted in her responses; Misty completely goes off and avoids directly answering the question and I believe it is because she is afraid of telling the truth.

Excellent points, Bluesky.

That's pretty sad when a person in their teens can't even tell time on a digital clock. imo
I have to say that's not much an excuse though, snookie. When my stepkids were young, they lived 1500 mi away and we had them every summer. We got every detail of their lives from them on the phone, because we asked them. Our 5 year old spilled all the gory details! We have always made the effort to stay involved in their lives and, 30 years later, we're still very close. Crystal got to see them every other weekend and certainly could have chatted with them about these things. I think she loves them and don't think she was a bad mom, but she was not as engaged as she should have been.

I totally agree with you. I have two step kids who live 150 miles from us. We see them twice a month. My stepdaughter is still at school and i know what times she starts and finishes and has all her breaks. I know when she breaks up from holidays and returns to school. And yes his ex was awkward and even told the school that the childs father was dead..but still we got copies of her school report from the school..if the kids have been in trouble and a letter is sent home we get a copy..we get a copy of the letter about parents evenings or school plays - we make sure we get whatever notifications his ex does. Sure you may have to fight but if you really want the info you can get it.
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