CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #7 FOUND DECEASED

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Thank you to those who directed me to the Fox 61 news clip in which the reporter discussed his sources mentioning dismemberment.

I have transcribed it word for word here, in case anyone is interested:

It has boiled down to this. He is a lab technician that works closely with Annie Le. It is a story that our sources have been working on for the better part of the last five days when this horrible case came to light, when it became a missing persons case into then a homicide. Some of what we are learning is rather shocking. We are learning from our sources that a possible motive in the murder of Annie Le is a dispute over possible abuse of laboratory animals in that research facility at 10 Amistad Street... We are told that a violent struggle ensued between the person of interest, the suspect in this case, and the victim Annie Le, and that eventually the suspect in this case, her killer, took apart her body and put it behind a wall space in the basement of that facility. We are learning now also, again crediting our sources, nothing official from the medical examiners, that the cause of her death is asphyxiation.

You know, interestingly in a previous thread there were two members who were having a bit of a spat between their source information-- one member said their sources informed them of a "mutilation" and "cutting" of Le, another member disputed this by saying they understood it to be a "strangulation." What was not considered by any of us then was the possibility that both occurred and both sources were correct-- perhaps Le was strangled to death, and then "mutilated."
Although they posted she was dismembered, I find it hard to believe, given the small amount of time the perp had to complete the task. They haven't said that they found a lot of her blood either. I sure hope there wasn't a large amount of blood that would prove she had been killed in the building and THEN they let people back in there! Oh my gosh, that would be so lame.
According to the other clip on Fox, they said that part of the crime was actually recorded on surveillence-cam - still according to their sources.

I really find this all this things coming from sources high up very very strange ? either its extremely bad newscoverage, otherwise something is really brewing behind the scenes.

Also with withholding the autopsy report. It could be that they are 100% certain of POI's role in this and have been for awhile, but maybe by evidence on the scene, or by facts, realised there had to be more than one.

But they must have tonnes of DNA and possible fingerprints maybe since they can be so easygoing on a possible suspect/POI and let them have time to cover their tracks.
Although they posted she was dismembered, I find it hard to believe, given the small amount of time the perp had to complete the task. They haven't said that they found a lot of her blood either. I sure hope there wasn't a large amount of blood that would prove she had been killed in the building and THEN they let people back in there! Oh my gosh, that would be so lame.

Could that be why there was a fire alarm? To distract everyone and get them out of the building?
Did someone pull the alarm or was it set off my an incinerator or burning smell?
But they must have tonnes of DNA and possible fingerprints maybe since they can be so easygoing on a possible suspect/POI and let them have time to cover their tracks.

I entirely agree. I think LE is trying to get an air-tight case against him, leaving no room for error. I think they definitely want to get him in there and nail him with overwhelming evidence so he'll have no choice but to take a plea bargain and/or confess everything.

If I were LE, I would do the same. I'd want to make absolutely sure he couldn't get away with it, especially not because of national media attention. You know how these cases are. The more attention they get, the less likely it seems the perps are brought to a fair and acceptable justice.
I entirely agree. I think LE is trying to get an air-tight case against him, leaving no room for error. I think they definitely want to get him in there and nail him with overwhelming evidence so he'll have no choice but to take a plea bargain and/or confess everything.

If I were LE, I would do the same. I'd want to make absolutely sure he couldn't get away with it, especially not because of national media attention. You know how these cases are. The more attention they get, the less likely it seems the perps are brought to a fair and acceptable justice.

The only thing about that is they screwed up in the begining, it has been reported that the building was released I beleive Friday and lab students as well as news people were inside the basement, so I see alot of room here for a defense attorney. Its hard for LE to build an air tight case when they already screwed up.
Has anyone heard a report abt the crime scene being contaminated because 2 Yale reporters got passes into the building and went down to the basement 2 days before Annie was found? Police had not secured the building. I'm no lawyer but that can't be good.

I thought that's what NG said-she had Yale Daily News (?) editor on her show.

Ok just read above posts so I know I'm not crazy-stoopid!
The only thing about that is they screwed up in the begining, it has been reported that the building was released I beleive Friday and lab students as well as news people were inside the basement, so I see alot of room here for a defense attorney. Its hard for LE to build an air tight case when they already screwed up.

Yes, I'd have to agree releasing the scene so soon may hurt the prosecution.

I'm hoping, if the POI is as "immature" and "naive" as he's said to be (quoted from Tuba and the GF's MySpace page, respectively), and as sloppy in the rest of the cover up as he was with the bloody clothes in the ceiling, no defense attorney he could afford would be able to overcome the physical evidence they (hopefully!) obtain.

We shall see! The court chapter will come in time!
Yes, I'd have to agree releasing the scene so soon may hurt the prosecution.

I'm hoping, if the POI is as "immature" and "naive" as he's said to be (quoted from Tuba and the GF's MySpace page, respectively), and as sloppy in the rest of the cover up as he was with the bloody clothes in the ceiling, no defense attorney he could afford would be able to overcome the physical evidence they (hopefully!) obtain.

We shall see! The court chapter will come in time!

Thats my feeling too, there has been many mistakes and blunders - and still alot of mystery going on. But they came out as pretty confident in their statements about what had happened, that it was no random act, that noone else was in danger anymore. Its not something you say without having something in your sleeve. ( i hope ).
The only thing about that is they screwed up in the begining, it has been reported that the building was released I beleive Friday and lab students as well as news people were inside the basement, so I see alot of room here for a defense attorney. Its hard for LE to build an air tight case when they already screwed up.

I don't think that was a screw up at all. The news people got into the loading dock which is not a secure area to begin with and is not the scene of the crime.

The thing that no one is considering here is that they did not know her body was still there until they found it on Sunday. She went missing on Tuesday. That's 6 days. If they had "sealed" the building when she disappeared and not let any of the employees in, what do you think would have happened to the research animals in that facility? I saw the Yale announcement that access was limited to only essential personnel. It would have been one thing if there had been a crime scene on Tuesday with a body lying on the floor, but no one knew what had happened. Everyone is looking back now with hindsight, so it's very easy to say they screwed it up.

I am not worried about defense attorneys. It's their job to yammer and blow smoke. If his DNA matches the skin under her fingernails, it won't matter if Barnum and Bailey paraded through that basement.
Done, but it was in quotes because it wasn't my word. It was apparently thrown around quite a bit by his GF towards 'threatening' girls.


Thanks Tonto, I've just been reading back posts and came across this that hit me between the eyes:


It makes me wonder if this guy got the idea on how to dispose of Annie from the cleaning lady murder in NYC? On the East Coast there would have been allot of news coverage about the case. It seems so similar, and I have read many posters here say the same thing.
I can't make out this invitation extremely well but it looks like Annie just has one parent listed on the invite. Is one of her parents deceased?

Thats my feeling too, there has been many mistakes and blunders - and still alot of mystery going on. But they came out as pretty confident in their statements about what had happened, that it was no random act, that noone else was in danger anymore. Its not something you say without having something in your sleeve. ( i hope ).
They had the advantage since they had the 75 cameras, the ID cards, and had a narrow scope of suspects from the beginning of this case. Hopefully, their sleeves are full of matching DNA and camera shots of the perp during the commission of the crime. I am counting on rock solid forensic evidence to make up for their enormous mistakes early on.

Even if it was possible for the perp to have been some nut case off the street, this particular LE would protect Yale's interests by stating the same, imo. There is a lot riding on maintaining and portraying a "safe" atmosphere at Yale in spite of a murder taking place in a secured building on campus.
According to the other clip on Fox, they said that part of the crime was actually recorded on surveillence-cam - still according to their sources.

I really find this all this things coming from sources high up very very strange ? either its extremely bad newscoverage, otherwise something is really brewing behind the scenes.

Also with withholding the autopsy report. It could be that they are 100% certain of POI's role in this and have been for awhile, but maybe by evidence on the scene, or by facts, realised there had to be more than one.

But they must have tonnes of DNA and possible fingerprints maybe since they can be so easygoing on a possible suspect/POI and let them have time to cover their tracks.

I don't think these sources are high up. High maybe, but not high up in law enforcement. I think the reporters are so desperate that they're running with every he said/she said they overhear in the local coffee shop. They're the ones making it look bungled with the stupidity they're reporting.

LE has stated that the cause of death is being withheld at the DA's request, in order to aid in the investigation. They have DNA samples voluntarily given by people in the facility that day that they need to rule out. This is according to the latest article on the news sites.

I find it interesting that all those people gave DNA voluntarily, but the POI needed a search warrant to do it.
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