CT CT - Janice Pockett, 7, Tolland, 26 July 1973

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David brown, AKA Nathaniel Levi Bar -Jonah was born 2/15/1957. Everything I have read has to do with boys, although I do not discount the girls account. But, when I was that age I had a pixie, was skinny as a rail and used to wear my brother's hand me downs...I wonder if there was a chance she looked like a boy???
Just wanted to chime in. This case has always bothered me, since I am a CT native. My mother remembers my Grandmother being scared that we lived in Tolland when I was young. This was around 1980-83, I think. We lived at an apartment complex just off the main road. There was still not a lot of development going on then. Seemed very remote even then.
Just wanted to chime in. This case has always bothered me, since I am a CT native. My mother remembers my Grandmother being scared that we lived in Tolland when I was young. This was around 1980-83, I think. We lived at an apartment complex just off the main road. There was still not a lot of development going on then. Seemed very remote even then.

It always bothered me too. I am from CT and played sports against Tolland as we were in the same conference. I always that of Janice whenever we traveled there.
I grew up in Tolland and know someone who lived in this neighborhood around the time of Janice's disappearance. I've read through the posts, and am wondering if anyone knows which neighbors have at any time been considered suspects, and also if anyone knows how one might reach/email one of the phsycics that have posted here and have info...specifically about the blue van? Thanks.
I grew up in Tolland and know someone who lived in this neighborhood around the time of Janice's disappearance. I've read through the posts, and am wondering if anyone knows which neighbors have at any time been considered suspects, and also if anyone knows how one might reach/email one of the phsycics that have posted here and have info...specifically about the blue van? Thanks.

Welcome, getting clear. If you have a specific question or hunch you would like to discuss, this is a good place to hash some of that out. You can also click on anyone of our names and PM (private message) that individual, so if there is a specific poster that seems to be able to direct you, feel free to do that. :)
I once spoke to a women, who as a young girl lived near Bethany, Ct said she and her sister were stalked by a man when they wrote their bikes. Once, he tried to get her off her bike, she was scared and dropped the bike and ran home through the woods. Her father reported it, but she and her sister often wonder because they lived on a dirt road that went, I think down towards New Haven, it's still rural.

I don't know if this area has ever been checked, today it would take a cadave dog to bring any information to light, as it was so long ago. But you never know.
35th anniversary of Janice's disappearance is coming up this month.
bumping for janice hoping that this year we may have some answers and if not that they may come soon
Just want to bring Janice's case to the front page. She disappeared 35 years ago today.
Thinking of Janice.....she is one of the top cases I think about often. Sister, please keep on posting, and know that we care. I just wish I could think of something that could help.
i tried getting on yesterday but the ws was down and was thinking of her. i wish we had more leads or something that would spike up the new person assigned to her case.
Hi Smile22,

Could you please tell me where you were at this auto junk yard? What street was it on? I lived in Tolland and there is a junk yard near where I lived.

i wanted to contact le with brians findings but i
am afraid they might just pay no attention to the email. i was in Tolland back in September we had to go to this used car repair junk lot place i cannot think of the name of it. we had to clean out my dads jeep that had been totaled when my brother was riding it home from boston. what i noticed from what little i saw was that it is very woody areas. i wish we would have had more time as i would have liked to explore more of tolland and the area she went missing
i am not sure i think it was called bills junk yard or something family owned for years i belive they get cars that have been in car accidents and i belive they may even fix cars 2
I've read about Janice Pocket's disappearance several times over the years, but this is my first post on her thread.

The big thing that has always bothered me, and seems to have never been discussed is the location of her bike. According to the doenetwork:
Pockett left her family's home to take a bicycle ride at 3 p.m. on July 26, 1973. The girl told her mother she was going to get a butterfly she had left under a rock in a wooded area on Rhodes road. Her bike was found six days later on Rhoades Road, near her home, close to a wooded area.

Bolding mine.

Why did it take SIX days to find her bike? It was parked on the road she said she was going to be on, near her home, by the woods. When she didn't come home, didn't anyone go look for her? Seems to me it should have been found immediately, that day, within a few hours. Did the bike all of a sudden appear there. Did the abductor bring it back after 6 days?

Just so weird. If my daughter told me she was going to go get something in a general location, and didn't come home, after awhile I would go look in the general location she said she was headed to.
I think the "six days later" on the Doe Network may be a mistake. The Charley Project mentions the bike was found later the day she went missing. Janice's sister posts often on this thread and mentioned her memories of that day(go back to page two or so of this thread). It was the first time Janice's mother let her go off by herself, and the sister remembers walking with her mother looking for Janice and finding the bike. Hopefully her sister will pop in here again soon and can give better details, but again, maybe the Doe Network has the timeline wrong.
I found this....

http://bills-autoparts.com/ The address is in Tolland.

yes that was the place they have this et looking/ robot statue in the front of the building i wish i had taken a picture it was an interesting thing. this was the only part of tolland i was in and it was woody from what i saw i wish i had the chance to have ventured more into tolland and got to see more of the town
That is a mistake. Janice's bike was found by my mother (and I) when she went looking for Janice when she didn't come home. It was found on Rhodes Road, right near where it intersects with Anthony Road. Back in 1973 Rhodes Road was a dirt road. Now there is a school right there at that intersection.
nrob - why do you think the junkyard might be important? I am really interested in what you have to say......
smile22 - the junkyard you were at is about 2 or 2 1/2 miles from where Janice disappeared. It's very near to where we used to live.

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