CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #62

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It is something to see all that nervous energy. Simultaneously LE was in JFd's house and finding her abandoned vehicle.

Observation 1: no one else knew a crime occurred.

Observation 2: they had to be very worried about the next steps, the part over which they had no control. Trying over-hard to look normal, nonchalant... but they had to be wondering why their food was coming so slowly. A touch of well-warranted paranoia. FD likely wanted to bolt but forced himself to look cool, be cool.

And then when LE did show up at 4 JC, who bolted? The defendant. Because horror movies? I don't think so. She was hiding, getting her wits together IMO. Steeling herself to play dumb.

IDK, nervous energy, adrenaline hangover, strung out after a coke bender? Could be all three.

MT looked shattered imo and I liked the word the podcaster used to describe her which was FROZEN.

I guess everyone wears guilt and their actions differently but this "Bonnie and Clyde" really looked strung out imo.

IDK, as part of the 'settlement' which I believe is a suspended sentence which was denounced by CT DV advocates for the DV case KM is under Court ordered mental health, DV therapy, and alcohol treatment. IDK if he is tested in addition to the treatment but if I had to guess I would say yes? Will have to go back and pull the settlement document.

Recent KM issues in his case with ankle monitor:

Summary of KM issues in his DV case with ex wife:

Quote from article CTINSIDER.COM:

"Kent Mawhinney — charged in the death and disappearance of Jennifer Dulos — was given a five-year suspended prison sentence and three years of probation on a domestic violence charge following an emotional court proceeding Friday afternoon".

"Mawhinney is also required to have no contact with his ex-wife for five years, seek mental health and substance abuse evaluations and attend domestic violence counseling".

"That charge was nolled, meaning it was dropped as long as he remains out of trouble for the next 13 months. But under an agreement forged between his attorneys and Hartford State’s Attorney Sharmese Walcott, Mawhinney pleaded guilty under the Alford Doctrine to one count of violating a protective order. Under the plea, Mawhinney does not admit guilt, but agrees there is sufficient evidence to potentially be convicted".

"His former wife spoke for nearly an hour during Friday’s sentencing, detailing episodes of financial and sexual abuse she claimed Mawhinney committed during their five-year marriage.

“The once kind man I fell in love with was slipping away,” the woman said while crying. “I found myself making excuses more and more for his poor choices.”

"The woman used graphic language to describe their intimate life and the abuse she contends she suffered in hopes of getting Hartford Superior Court Judge Kevin Doyle to issue a standing protective order, barring Mawhinney, a suspended attorney, from having any contact with her for life".

More random KM news (this one is a doozy - I mean what are the chances that he purchases a mortgage note from a child sex offender):
I don’t really think he does anything they tell him to-just my guess.
I don’t really think he does anything they tell him to-just my guess.
That is unfortunate if true as based on the testimony of his ex-wife he is a deeply troubled and violent man with serious addiction and behavioural issues.

I would think that he has been assigned a parole officer for follow up and given that his sentence is suspended and we know he doesn't enjoy being in jail (famous "get me out" quote from KM) I would think that unless he is absolutely self destructive that he would follow the instructions of the court as otherwise he will be back in jail.

Could it have been part of the deal with KM that they agreed not to use his DNA for comparison? It just makes 0 sense why they would not check for his DNA.
Can’t figure it out either. After hearing about the several “unknowns” when we heard about the DNA I couldn’t help but wonder
1) is KM aware he is the unknown contributor? Maybe he doesn’t like the states offer so they’re displaying their evidence so he comes around to it once he sees all they have on him…or
2) with all the corruption we’ve seen thus far does KM have enough “clout” to gain favor with the state and avoid collection of his DNA…or
Who knows… MOO
Can’t figure it out either. After hearing about the several “unknowns” when we heard about the DNA I couldn’t help but wonder
1) is KM aware he is the unknown contributor? Maybe he doesn’t like the states offer so they’re displaying their evidence so he comes around to it once he sees all they have on him…or
2) with all the corruption we’ve seen thus far does KM have enough “clout” to gain favor with the state and avoid collection of his DNA…or
Who knows… MOO
They can also do a forensic genealogy on the unknowns, it’s common practice. In-fact, they should have done it. Maybe it is coming in the testimony this week. That would be bad if they didn’t do anything about the unknown DNA. That means someone is “in” in Corrupticut if nothing was done.
I get motion sickness following all the cars,back and forth. All the mansions in between and beyond. Makes my head spin. Grateful for all the timeline posts. Also, overwhelmed by the depth of the advanced planning! MOO.
It is all mind numbing at this point which is why I'm begging the State for some graphics that can be seen as otherwise the JURY will be lost imo on the car and co conspirator "Three Card Monte" or "Who's on First"!

We've been following this and done lists and charts etc. and its still confusing and there are still gaps on the various co conspirators timelines.

Your point about the 'advanced planning' I think is the $1 million dollar question at this point as the State is moving into the portion of its presentation to prove out the planning and the MT conspiracy.

Listening to the WFSB Defence Atty Hussey commentary (above video I posted earlier) who I know has been following this case for awhile say he has seen the murder proven by FD but not yet the conspiracy of MT as all she has said so far in the LE interviews is that she knows 'nothing'. His POV is consistently anti-prosecution but I still found his statement interesting. He also wasn't a believer in the PG testimony due to the immunity agreement.

I've said it before but I think what might have been one of the main take aways for me with the MT LE Interviews was the whole way FD used the discredited Dr Herman report to involve MT (and likely Mama Troconis the former mental health counsellor) into the divorce/custody drama and nitty gritty of the Dulos v Dulos case. MT seemed absolutely wrapped up in the divorce to the point where she and her entire family thought FD was 'winning'. Its tough and painful to see collective delusion in action as their views are not connected to the reality of the status of the case in Family Court for Dulos v Dulos imo. But MT seemed 'all in' in the relationship with FD. I am convinced she was 'all in' even knowing all that was going on both with FORE, GF and Dulos v Dulos.

The entire discussion in the second interview about how MT took going to the FD psychologist apparently quite seriously to talk about the discredited report alleged findings and she also made claims about how the alleged 'diagnosis made her feel afraid for her own safety' etc. I initially just chalked up her comments about the psychologist visit to narcissistic extreme self involvement which was nonsense as there was no basis for any belief about being in fear for her life from someone she had never met. But, I changed my mind a bit on this after MT then had KM write up the letter which she says she delivered to the Farmington PD (same corrupt PD that released FD gun to some 'unknown' person not believed to be FD) to say she was in fear of JF. IDK if this letter to the Farmington PD was part of the 'plan' or conspiracy and its impossible to say how afraid MT really felt but oddly enough that portion of her interview seemed somewhat believable vs the rest which saw her lying about lies. I also just wonder if the financial stress of everything that was going on simply sent FD and MT into a state of total denial of reality and so they would do things like go to the psychologist to discuss the discredited report or file the report with Farmington PD; both of which were not connected to the reality of the situation where JF didn't know MT or give her much thought as she was simply trying to keep her family going amidst the trauma of the divorce and custody situation.

BUT, these two events from MT and FD, 1st the visit to psychologist and 2nd delivering the letter to Farmington PD about being in extreme fear of JF, happened ONE YEAR before the murder. To me I now see a very real solid argument for PREMEDITATION beginning around this period as the plan no doubt evolved over time. There was no rational basis for MT to feel fear of JF as JF hadn't met her and gave MT no headspace or the time of day.

My guess is that the divorce drama and hate of JF eventually drove the relationship of FD and MT possibly closer together even though it was miserable to the point where they did actively plan and execute the murder of JF, even though MT said her life in CT, "was two years in hell". I can see extreme divorce drama impacting the relationship as MT said herself that FD would be angry almost all of the time and very moody after his visits with the children.

Its honestly hard to not see the growing rage in the couple towards the divorce situation which has crushed them financially and MT had to know that the 4JX house was owned by the Farbers and that FD and she were effectively squatters and so didn't have a house and could be evicted at any time. MT put so much emphasis on the facade of wealth and so not having the house and the cars and everything else etc. had to enrage her as she knew the cars were in the name of FORE and the house didn't belong to FD.

MT being part of FORE (even though she lied about this in her LE interviews) had to know that the houses weren't selling and frankly it was doubtful that they would sell anytime soon. MT isn't stupid and seemed to know alot of details about FORE but then hid behind her lies that she knew nothing about what was going on etc. The other thing is that Atty Bowman had MT take 5th in her depositions in the Civil Case with GF/FD and then was able to have her removed from trial. The reason MT was originally called in the Civil Trial was because she was then on the payroll for $120,000 a year at the same time FD said that FORE had no revenue and she was supposedly in charge of marketing (Atty Bowman was obviously fearful on MT behalf of her being involved in the financial crimes at FORE). MT hiding behind lies about FD and FORE has been going on for a long time and imo she absolutely has to have been aware of the games FD played and ditto for PG. It always surprised me that MT didn't leave after the entire Civil trial deposition fiasco and she had to have known that GF and Atty Weinstein knew that she knew alot about FORE and FD shady dealings. But, MT never walked and instead she stayed and doubled down with FD. Its stunning to think about as he daughter was still around and living in this no doubt toxic environment too. Sadly PG did not share any of the no doubt shocking financial issues present at FORE but simply said when asked, "I didn't want his help when I built my house". I think this very simple statement probably summed up many years of PG watching FD in action build his houses in ways that PG might have known were not proper.

Wrapping around to the catalyst for the murder, I do think that the last supervised visit by FD at Welles and Grace Farms could have just been the event that simply pushed FD beyond what his ego could endure as he was being actively supervised in front of his 5 children because the Family Court said that he was not at the stage in his therapy where he could safely parent the children and so had to be supervised.

The guideline for the supervision was that he had to be in earshot and direct line of sight etc. of the Supervisor and the children saw this all happening, even if FD didn't talk about it. I speculate that his rage knew no bounds and I don't for a second believe that MT knew nothing about this rage, particularly given that per the lastest Order in Family Court she was not permitted to be around the children either.

We know from the LE interviews that MT was enraged by the Family Court not lifting her (and her daughters) no contact order with the Dulos children. Not surprisingly, MT seemed more enraged about being inconvenienced about leaving 4JX and having to plan alternative weekend plans with her daughter vs seeing the Dulos children but this just seems to be who she is as a human being! But, what I did find stunning was MT feeling the way she did about Family Court and her not seeing that she and FD using her daughter to circumvent no communication orders with the Dulos children constituted emotional abuse of her own daughter and was psychologically damaging to the Dulos children as well. Neither FD and MT got this point and even though FD was ordered to therapy MT never was and she never sought treatment on her own behalf it seems because she doesn't think she did anything wrong (she never seems to do anything wrong!).

They can also do a forensic genealogy on the unknowns, it’s common practice. In-fact, they should have done it. Maybe it is coming in the testimony this week. That would be bad if they didn’t do anything about the unknown DNA. That means someone is “in” in Corrupticut if nothing was done.
IDK if this was as common back at the time of the murder as it is now. But, so many things are surprising me as I found it shocking to not see FBI try to do more with the JF Suburban infotainment system but perhaps upcoming OnStar testimony will render the infotainment system data shortcomings irrelevant? IDK, but I hope so!
IDK, as part of the 'settlement' which I believe is a suspended sentence which was denounced by CT DV advocates for the DV case KM is under Court ordered mental health, DV therapy, and alcohol treatment. IDK if he is tested in addition to the treatment but if I had to guess I would say yes? Will have to go back and pull the settlement document.

Recent KM issues in his case with ankle monitor:

Summary of KM issues in his DV case with ex wife:

Quote from article CTINSIDER.COM:

"Kent Mawhinney — charged in the death and disappearance of Jennifer Dulos — was given a five-year suspended prison sentence and three years of probation on a domestic violence charge following an emotional court proceeding Friday afternoon".

"Mawhinney is also required to have no contact with his ex-wife for five years, seek mental health and substance abuse evaluations and attend domestic violence counseling".

"That charge was nolled, meaning it was dropped as long as he remains out of trouble for the next 13 months. But under an agreement forged between his attorneys and Hartford State’s Attorney Sharmese Walcott, Mawhinney pleaded guilty under the Alford Doctrine to one count of violating a protective order. Under the plea, Mawhinney does not admit guilt, but agrees there is sufficient evidence to potentially be convicted".

"His former wife spoke for nearly an hour during Friday’s sentencing, detailing episodes of financial and sexual abuse she claimed Mawhinney committed during their five-year marriage.

“The once kind man I fell in love with was slipping away,” the woman said while crying. “I found myself making excuses more and more for his poor choices.”

"The woman used graphic language to describe their intimate life and the abuse she contends she suffered in hopes of getting Hartford Superior Court Judge Kevin Doyle to issue a standing protective order, barring Mawhinney, a suspended attorney, from having any contact with her for life".

More random KM news (this one is a doozy - I mean what are the chances that he purchases a mortgage note from a child sex offender):
This man sounds so evil to me it creates conflict for me.

I don't want him walking around free.

He and Fotis- with their conflating rape and "reconnecting sexually," (allegedly) is cult-like in extremity. It is difficult to grasp they were walking around with mainstream couples barbecuing and meeting up to eat out or go boating.

The conflict is if the man's potential testimony against Troconis earns him a tiny bit of slack for his own criminal behaviors against his wife, I'm not sure how I will feel about it.

It blows me away that he saw so little jail- and blows me away more that Fotis saw even less- and was even given the opportunity to escape justice as he did.

It is all mind numbing at this point which is why I'm begging the State for some graphics that can be seen as otherwise the JURY will be lost imo on the car and co conspirator "Three Card Monte" or "Who's on First"!

We've been following this and done lists and charts etc. and its still confusing and there are still gaps on the various co conspirators timelines.

Your point about the 'advanced planning' I think is the $1 million dollar question at this point as the State is moving into the portion of its presentation to prove out the planning and the MT conspiracy.

Listening to the WFSB Defence Atty Hussey commentary (above video I posted earlier) who I know has been following this case for awhile say he has seen the murder proven by FD but not yet the conspiracy of MT as all she has said so far in the LE interviews is that she knows 'nothing'. His POV is consistently anti-prosecution but I still found his statement interesting. He also wasn't a believer in the PG testimony due to the immunity agreement.

I've said it before but I think what might have been one of the main take aways for me with the MT LE Interviews was the whole way FD used the discredited Dr Herman report to involve MT (and likely Mama Troconis the former mental health counsellor) into the divorce/custody drama and nitty gritty of the Dulos v Dulos case. MT seemed absolutely wrapped up in the divorce to the point where she and her entire family thought FD was 'winning'. Its tough and painful to see collective delusion in action as their views are not connected to the reality of the status of the case in Family Court for Dulos v Dulos imo. But MT seemed 'all in' in the relationship with FD. I am convinced she was 'all in' even knowing all that was going on both with FORE, GF and Dulos v Dulos.

The entire discussion in the second interview about how MT took going to the FD psychologist apparently quite seriously to talk about the discredited report alleged findings and she also made claims about how the alleged 'diagnosis made her feel afraid for her own safety' etc. I initially just chalked up her comments about the psychologist visit to narcissistic extreme self involvement which was nonsense as there was no basis for any belief about being in fear for her life from someone she had never met. But, I changed my mind a bit on this after MT then had KM write up the letter which she says she delivered to the Farmington PD (same corrupt PD that released FD gun to some 'unknown' person not believed to be FD) to say she was in fear of JF. IDK if this letter to the Farmington PD was part of the 'plan' or conspiracy and its impossible to say how afraid MT really felt but oddly enough that portion of her interview seemed somewhat believable vs the rest which saw her lying about lies. I also just wonder if the financial stress of everything that was going on simply sent FD and MT into a state of total denial of reality and so they would do things like go to the psychologist to discuss the discredited report or file the report with Farmington PD; both of which were not connected to the reality of the situation where JF didn't know MT or give her much thought as she was simply trying to keep her family going amidst the trauma of the divorce and custody situation.

BUT, these two events from MT and FD, 1st the visit to psychologist and 2nd delivering the letter to Farmington PD about being in extreme fear of JF, happened ONE YEAR before the murder. To me I now see a very real solid argument for PREMEDITATION beginning around this period as the plan no doubt evolved over time. There was no rational basis for MT to feel fear of JF as JF hadn't met her and gave MT no headspace or the time of day.

My guess is that the divorce drama and hate of JF eventually drove the relationship of FD and MT possibly closer together even though it was miserable to the point where they did actively plan and execute the murder of JF, even though MT said her life in CT, "was two years in hell". I can see extreme divorce drama impacting the relationship as MT said herself that FD would be angry almost all of the time and very moody after his visits with the children.

Its honestly hard to not see the growing rage in the couple towards the divorce situation which has crushed them financially and MT had to know that the 4JX house was owned by the Farbers and that FD and she were effectively squatters and so didn't have a house and could be evicted at any time. MT put so much emphasis on the facade of wealth and so not having the house and the cars and everything else etc. had to enrage her as she knew the cars were in the name of FORE and the house didn't belong to FD.

MT being part of FORE (even though she lied about this in her LE interviews) had to know that the houses weren't selling and frankly it was doubtful that they would sell anytime soon. MT isn't stupid and seemed to know alot of details about FORE but then hid behind her lies that she knew nothing about what was going on etc. The other thing is that Atty Bowman had MT take 5th in her depositions in the Civil Case with GF/FD and then was able to have her removed from trial. The reason MT was originally called in the Civil Trial was because she was then on the payroll for $120,000 a year at the same time FD said that FORE had no revenue and she was supposedly in charge of marketing (Atty Bowman was obviously fearful on MT behalf of her being involved in the financial crimes at FORE). MT hiding behind lies about FD and FORE has been going on for a long time and imo she absolutely has to have been aware of the games FD played and ditto for PG. It always surprised me that MT didn't leave after the entire Civil trial deposition fiasco and she had to have known that GF and Atty Weinstein knew that she knew alot about FORE and FD shady dealings. But, MT never walked and instead she stayed and doubled down with FD. Its stunning to think about as he daughter was still around and living in this no doubt toxic environment too. Sadly PG did not share any of the no doubt shocking financial issues present at FORE but simply said when asked, "I didn't want his help when I built my house". I think this very simple statement probably summed up many years of PG watching FD in action build his houses in ways that PG might have known were not proper.

Wrapping around to the catalyst for the murder, I do think that the last supervised visit by FD at Welles and Grace Farms could have just been the event that simply pushed FD beyond what his ego could endure as he was being actively supervised in front of his 5 children because the Family Court said that he was not at the stage in his therapy where he could safely parent the children and so had to be supervised.

The guideline for the supervision was that he had to be in earshot and direct line of sight etc. of the Supervisor and the children saw this all happening, even if FD didn't talk about it. I speculate that his rage knew no bounds and I don't for a second believe that MT knew nothing about this rage, particularly given that per the lastest Order in Family Court she was not permitted to be around the children either.

We know from the LE interviews that MT was enraged by the Family Court not lifting her (and her daughters) no contact order with the Dulos children. Not surprisingly, MT seemed more enraged about being inconvenienced about leaving 4JX and having to plan alternative weekend plans with her daughter vs seeing the Dulos children but this just seems to be who she is as a human being! But, what I did find stunning was MT feeling the way she did about Family Court and her not seeing that she and FD using her daughter to circumvent no communication orders with the Dulos children constituted emotional abuse of her own daughter and was psychologically damaging to the Dulos children as well. Neither FD and MT got this point and even though FD was ordered to therapy MT never was and she never sought treatment on her own behalf it seems because she doesn't think she did anything wrong (she never seems to do anything wrong!).

All I need to know is that KM allegedly said he got a text or email saying we did it.
Also, could care less about PG's immunity.
This man sounds so evil to me it creates conflict for me.

I don't want him walking around free.

He and Fotis- with their conflating rape and "reconnecting sexually," (allegedly) is cult-like in extremity. It is difficult to grasp they were walking around with mainstream couples barbecuing and meeting up to eat out or go boating.

The conflict is if the man's potential testimony against Troconis earns him a tiny bit of slack for his own criminal behaviors against his wife, I'm not sure how I will feel about it.

It blows me away that he saw so little jail- and blows me away more that Fotis saw even less- and was even given the opportunity to escape justice as he did.

I agree with this-I don’t want him to walk, just to convict her. I do think they all did what they are charged with doing. But what good does it do in this situation to use the knowledge of one player, cut him a lot of slack, just to keep the other one in prison longer. They’re both bad, but Mawhinney is worse. I will be happy with a conviction (for everything, because I think she did it) for MT and a couple of years in prison. But KM needs to go away for a long time. And-I think he’s played fast and loose with the prosecution to get out of jail, by using his supposed assistance in convicting Michi. I firmly believe that he did tamper with his ankle monitor, and meant to take off. That’s just my opinion-but we’ll see how it shakes out.
I agree with this-I don’t want him to walk, just to convict her. I do think they all did what they are charged with doing. But what good does it do in this situation to use the knowledge of one player, cut him a lot of slack, just to keep the other one in prison longer. They’re both bad, but Mawhinney is worse. I will be happy with a conviction (for everything, because I think she did it) for MT and a couple of years in prison. But KM needs to go away for a long time. And-I think he’s played fast and loose with the prosecution to get out of jail, by using his supposed assistance in convicting Michi. I firmly believe that he did tamper with his ankle monitor, and meant to take off. That’s just my opinion-but we’ll see how it shakes out.
Why just a couple of years in prison? If she conspired to murder the mother of these children, all for her selfish reasons, she must be punished as harshly as possible. She could have stopped this killing at any moment. She could have ended this madness instead of winding FD up and talking so disgustingly about a fellow mom, a woman, a daughter, a sister - I think in some ways she is WORSE than Fortis Dulos. He was a narcissistic and pathological, raging, entitled, petty little man stomping around with his pathetic evil self - but sheer evil is this woman willing to KILL a human being, all for her own ends, all because of her jealousy and greed and utter lack of morality. I really think if convicted of conspiring to MURDER, and it sounds like she should be, she deserves to spend her life in prison. She has ruined so many lives, she deserves no mercy.
Why just a couple of years in prison? If she conspired to murder the mother of these children, all for her selfish reasons, she must be punished as harshly as possible. She could have stopped this killing at any moment. She could have ended this madness instead of winding FD up and talking so disgustingly about a fellow mom, a woman, a daughter, a sister - I think in some ways she is WORSE than Fortis Dulos. He was a narcissistic and pathological, raging, entitled, petty little man stomping around with his pathetic evil self - but sheer evil is this woman willing to KILL a human being, all for her own ends, all because of her jealousy and greed and utter lack of morality. I really think if convicted of conspiring to MURDER, and it sounds like she should be, she deserves to spend her life in prison. She has ruined so many lives, she deserves no mercy.
For one, because I have a feeling that it’s all she’ll get; I do think she’ll get convicted on the tampering and hindering prosecution; less sure that she’ll get a conviction for conspiracy. And I don’t think that KM will testify against her, or if he does, that he will do more damage to her than he does to himself.
For another, 2-5 years in prison for somebody like her will effectively be like a lifetime; she won’t get to watch her daughter ski, she won’t be free to fly wherever she wants, when she wants to, and she can no longer say that she’s “like, so innocent”. She’ll be a convicted felon, something that her mother ought to be, and she can forever be treated like a criminal. This woman has never had any accountability, but she soon will. It may not look the way we want it to, but it’ll be a victory. We just may have to be satisfied with a shorter prison term, in my opinion.
This man sounds so evil to me it creates conflict for me.

I don't want him walking around free.

He and Fotis- with their conflating rape and "reconnecting sexually," (allegedly) is cult-like in extremity. It is difficult to grasp they were walking around with mainstream couples barbecuing and meeting up to eat out or go boating.

The conflict is if the man's potential testimony against Troconis earns him a tiny bit of slack for his own criminal behaviors against his wife, I'm not sure how I will feel about it.

It blows me away that he saw so little jail- and blows me away more that Fotis saw even less- and was even given the opportunity to escape justice as he did.

I'm with you on KM. Evil is as good as any word to describe him as he literally tortured his ex wife for years according to the initial complaint I read ages ago on the case. I haven't read the full trial transcript on the DV case but I've read the initial compliant and it was simply heartbreaking as his wife lived in fear for years and suffered horrific abuse at his hands. It sounded like he could be a classic alcoholic who is highly functioning but then falls off the wagon and is an angry and violent drunk and is just a degenerate the rest of the time too.

State in MT trial has challenge due to MT ongoing claims of 'knowing nothing' and with FD dead there is no other person that might be able to connect the conspiracy dots other than KM. Originally I thought PG would have more on the conspiracy and murder given the amout of time he spent with FD, but other than the damning statements of MT we didn't hear anything much about the murder, the conspiracy and hindering which was disappointing. Given the overall circumstances of the case I believe and hope the Jury can put together the story of conspiracy for MT so perhaps the State won't need KM testimony? Its too early to tell as I think State can't be more than 1/2 done with its presentation.

FWIW a couple of CT DV groups denounced the settlement agreement reached for KM and even though it requires the various therapies that he most likely needs to rehabilitate himself, as others have said above, there is no way to make sure it will be adhered to unless he has a solid parole officer.

I also don't understand why the settlement agreements for these DV offenders don't routinely ban them from having firearms. I will have to see if KM has any such firearm restriction but he I believe is a gun aficionado and was one of the founders of the Gun Club in Granby where the dug out grave, tarp and lime was found.

I wanted to find his wife's testimony at the sentencing hearing as she supposedly spoke for an hr or so and broke down while explaining what he did to her over many years in terms of DV. Simply heartbreaking. Their divorce is finalised and she has a protective order for 5 years I believe. I hope she can get it informed if needed because part of what she dealt with was that the Windsor PD wouldn't help her when she prior orders because KM had "friends" on the force. I have to go back to the story where she claimed that FD and KM wanted to kill her but I believe that issue might have been reported to Farmington PD and nothing was done, allegedly also to KM connections there. No surprise to me that KM led MT to Farmington PD to file her report about being "in fear of" JF. PD corruption in both Windsor and Farmington are well documented issues and its no mystery as to why both of these PDs were excluded by CSP in the JF investigation. Farmington PD was the one that didn't charge FD for having an unregistered Glock and no license and then after he turned the GLock in they released it but then "couldn't remember who it was released to"....perhaps KM?

I don't have words to express about the State of Corrupticut on so many DV cases, particularly after "Jennifers Law" was passed. But, this KM resolution by the Court is particularly disappointing imo.

But, beyond the way the case was settled I did a double take when I found out that I incorrectly believed KM had lost his law license. Nope. Apparently his law license is simply suspended. No WORDS for the CT Bar as it seems like its ok to be charged and settled with Spousal Sexual Assault and awaiting trial for conspiracy to commit murder but those alone aren't enough to lose your license? Corrupticut in action again. No words....

BUt, I have to hand it to FD for finding such a collection of miscreant attorneys as who could forget Atty Murray from the Civil trial and I believe he also had a contentious divorce going at that time. FD friend Mark Massiello also went through a rough divorce and KM could probably write a book about contentious divorce.

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This man sounds so evil to me it creates conflict for me.

I don't want him walking around free.

He and Fotis- with their conflating rape and "reconnecting sexually," (allegedly) is cult-like in extremity. It is difficult to grasp they were walking around with mainstream couples barbecuing and meeting up to eat out or go boating.

The conflict is if the man's potential testimony against Troconis earns him a tiny bit of slack for his own criminal behaviors against his wife, I'm not sure how I will feel about it.

It blows me away that he saw so little jail- and blows me away more that Fotis saw even less- and was even given the opportunity to escape justice as he did.


Fotis did not escape justice. If you have respect for the judges in our courts now- he is in the hands of the biggest judge that exists.
I'm seeing 1 to 3 inches on weather.com.
Lighter in the morning, heavier into the afternoon.
Don't see the courts closing down for this.
Do you think they will?
Stay tuned on the weather situation as the guidance just changed again and it shows more snow and a heavier type of wet snow too. Just have to watch the situation as it always seems to change.

Why just a couple of years in prison? If she conspired to murder the mother of these children, all for her selfish reasons, she must be punished as harshly as possible. She could have stopped this killing at any moment. She could have ended this madness instead of winding FD up and talking so disgustingly about a fellow mom, a woman, a daughter, a sister - I think in some ways she is WORSE than Fortis Dulos. He was a narcissistic and pathological, raging, entitled, petty little man stomping around with his pathetic evil self - but sheer evil is this woman willing to KILL a human being, all for her own ends, all because of her jealousy and greed and utter lack of morality. I really think if convicted of conspiring to MURDER, and it sounds like she should be, she deserves to spend her life in prison. She has ruined so many lives, she deserves no mercy.
Worse than Fotis? No way. But sometimes people are so bad it can no longer be measured in degrees. Fotis and Mahwinney might be there. The current defendant-I agree she probably could have stopped the murder and definitly could have extracted herself from the situation.

I believe Foris had control of her, but she literally had international support. And Fotis probably hadn't devolved to physical violence yet with her. She could have sent her daughter to her father or a ski event with trusted adults and extracted herself. Jennifer pulled 5 kids out, not just one. But in fairness to Michelle, note Fotis did hunt Jennifer down and kill her. Note that Pawel G had anecdotes of workers who separated themselves having to contend with Fotis' attacking them legally with questionable non-compete clauses...Fotis was no joke of an abuser. But even when you are in no-joke of an abusive situation, you don't conspire to murder anyone. Even the abuser. Or you go to jail.

I know many disagree that she was a victim, too. But victims make bad decisions, or even criminal decisions, too. And IMO, she made criminal opinions for which she must face consequences. Even if Fotis had control over her, she had the autonomy to NOT participate in murder. (AFAIK, she does not assert Fotis had control over her.)

Was just thinking this morning, as I enjoy a day without JS, about closing arguments ... I've got nothing for the defense. I figure he'll go hard at PG and his immunity as if it's a screen PG is hiding behind. But we all heard it, Interviews 1 & 2 with the defendant, her attorney right there beside her, as LE offered her the golden ticket. She could have brokered some kind of immunity.... so why didn't she?

I have two answers.

She knew too much. Remember, PG knew he had nothing to hide and his immunity offer wasn't even in writing until later. You think the beige pillar of lies was going to come clean with a handshake? She couldn't implicate FD without incriminating herself. Thing about liars -- they don't trust anyone.

The other thing -- I think she thought it would blow over. She's already given up three weeks of her life -- the gall! Like it was an inconvenience to her! In a little reminded of the KK the mistress in PFrazee case -- she went to the fiancée's door with what might have been a poisoned latte -- it's a special kind of allegiance to conspire with your lover when you see a mother with her child at the door and your lousy part-time boyfriend matters to you more. The defendant here -- could her hatred for JFd seethe more? They were living in JFd's house, sleeping in her bed, draining her resources. FD was exacerbating the court costs. Just like Farber money was covering for his default at 4 JC, FD had big plans for manipulating money from there. Times five.

The defendant thought, if she just rode it out, she could have JFd's whole life.


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