CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #66

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Surely the Jury will agree that, on May 24, 2019, Michelle Troconis knowingly rendered criminal assistance in multiple felonious crimes with intent.

There was certainly knowing intent in Michi's well-planned actions. Maybe Fotis stayed at 80MS on the night of the 23rd so he'd have the bike ready to roll. Her morning assignment on May 24th was monitoring Fotis's phone at 4JC while he was cycling over to harness Jennifer with those zip ties and whatnot.

Without Michelle's active participation, how would the juggling of the multiple vehicles during the critical hours occur? Who would have guessed we'd see billowing smoke from the chimney while burning CS evidence?

Without the precious Golden who lived across the street, we might not know about those fires lit in the fireplaces at 4JC. It's nature's way.

Fotis, the male greek name Fotis
Fotis is a man who sets his goals and tries not to stray from them. He always wants to make his life better and he is always willing to try hard for his goals.
DeDee….. you called it! For the list of tunes. This one is stellar IMO, Spirit, “Nature’s Way”, circa 1970.…. I’ve got it on now! MOO
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I don't know about the entire, "move to CO narrative" being true at all.

I think the 'move to CO' was simply one more in a long string of threats issued to FD to resolve the divorce. I firmly believe also that MT was disposable to FD and he would have ended the relationship eventually as she simply had nothing to offer that he needed (he needed money and her 4,000/month child support was soon ending when daughter was 18) and rug 'business' simply seemed to be a fleeting novelty for MT.

I don't think MT had any intention of leaving the '10,000 sf house' as she seemed entrenched imo and fully 'all in'! MT could have left for CO or at least be seen to be packing up as the school year was nearing its end, but we never saw this.

As an aside, if we had a drinking game going here on WS for every time MT referred to 4JX as the house with "10.000 sf' we would all be lying passed out on the ground. MT identity was in the monstrosity of a house that neither she nor FD had the funds to furnish and so hearing her references to the house simply provided me with amusement when listening to the LE Interviews. Mama Troconis even spoke of the 'beautiful house' etc. IMO Family Troconis was 'all in' on the visuals of FD and were all quite willing to sweep the rest of his 'issues' under the carpet (or in the case of MT cowhide rugs) and I think it would have taken a crowbar to remove MT or her family from 4JX!

But, instead we see MT using black plastic garbage bags and boxes when she was allowed back into 4Jx by LE. I didn't see any evidence in that move out of prior organisation for a big move to CO! Think about it, MT and her daughter had effectively lived as squatters at 4JX for years with FD and the sum total of their belongings was seen to be removable in black plastic garbage bags. MT had no furniture, made no contribution to 4jX other than the nude image of her in the Master BR! I've seen homeless people pushing carts in either SF, Portland or NYC with more belongings than MT and her daughter left 4Jx with! MT traveled light and imo could have left for CO at prior school term end or simply left at any time as SHE OWNED NOTHING of substance in CT.

So, I'm calling BS on the 'move to CO narrative' and am chalking it up to couple bickering and threats as the situation between them was escalating imo due to nothing but BAD NEWS over the March-April, 2019 period in Family Court.

Petu imo has next to no credibility either as a 'friend' to the Defendant as imo she was someone who admitted on the stand that she had information to either 'save her friend' or 'help her friend' and did nothing. Petu imo had a scripted narrative from the defence and she repeated it in a particularly imo 'wooden' fashion. Her only emotion was to claim anger towards LE and expressing her distrust (this has long been a theme of the Defence so this got a BIG YAWN FROM ME BTW).

The purpose of the Petu testimony from the Defence was imo to put distance between MT and the murder (she was moving to CO so had no reason to participate) and expand the timeline beyond where it had previously been (see @Megnut post on this issue). To me, I viewed this all as deception and most likely lying under oath too imo.

The other issue to me that supports FD not caring where MT lived was the fact that he moved on to Anna Curry shortly after the MT moving van had departed. If that doesn't prove that MT was disposable I'm not sure what might! I can just see MT screaming at FD, "I'm going to CO with Nicole" and FD secretly wishing to ask her if she had purchased her tickets and scheduled the movers. Truly the MT and FD seemed highly toxic by MT own account by the time of the JF murder.

Could the couple have been planning to move to CO if they had secured the Dulos children over Memorial Day weekend? IMO its doubtful as if he had stayed and kept them in the US then GF would have been able to chase him whereas Greece or even Argentina would have been another matter entirely.

Defence has sought all trial to get the jury and the viewing public to take their eyes 'off the ball' imo. I believe this 'MT to CO' narrative was simply another false story line in a long line of similar narratives and it was delivered by someone who imo has zero creditability, Petu. MT herself btw characterised the 'moving to CO' narrative more along the lines of a threat in the lE interviews too.

Don't be fooled....

Did Petu not realize that the competitive ski season in CO ends in mid-April? It was already over before Jennifer disappeared. Plus, school in CT was still in session. Petu is from Argentina so surely she knows ski season gets started there in our summer months. And MT was going to move to CO alone in May or June when her family is in Miami? It was all BS.

Yes! And wonderfully stated. If the case, it is just one more point relating to conspiracy IMO of this defendant. As in why would something relating to the now dead accused murderer FD be in the hands of the accused defendant MT? MOO
Great points! Keeping in mind that MT's laptop was taken (as was her daughters and mothers) and MT and FD were to have no contact post (first) arrest on June 1, 2019, exactly how did MT get this report (again)? Did she have a paper copy? Did she send it to her family? She may have had it on her computer that was taken on June 1, though with her computer locked up with LE for years if she ever got it back, how did she get another copy of it? Atty Rose is unlikely, imo, as shortly after the arrests he filed to withdraw from the FC case. Meehan was in hot water already over the report and also filed emergency motions in FC to have FD's visitation suspended, so I'm thinking it wasn't him. Did she take the report to Bowman during her first meeting? He was certainly aware of it during the 2nd interview. I really don't know the answers and I'm sincerely asking these questions...

Great points! Keeping in mind that MT's laptop was taken (as was her daughters and mothers) and MT and FD were to have no contact post (first) arrest on June 1, 2019, exactly how did MT get this report (again)? Did she have a paper copy? Did she send it to her family? She may have had it on her computer that was taken on June 1, though with her computer locked up with LE for years if she ever got it back, how did she get another copy of it? Atty Rose is unlikely, imo, as shortly after the arrests he filed to withdraw from the FC case. Meehan was in hot water already over the report and also filed emergency motions in FC to have FD's visitation suspended, so I'm thinking it wasn't him. Did she take the report to Bowman during her first meeting? He was certainly aware of it during the 2nd interview. I really don't know the answers and I'm sincerely asking these questions...

I've put out a theory that she had the document in the cloud thus retrieval from a new device wouldn't be that hard at all. JMO
Agreed! I used to believe she was innocent until
I read her alibi script, listened carefully to all 3 of the interviews, added up the lies, how she answered the preplanned call on Fotis’ phone that was purposefully left for her to manipulate all day while he was in New Canaan murdering Jennifer Dulos.

Coupled with all of the trips back and forth to 80 ms when Fotis RETURNED from
Nc, the trick with PG’s let’s to keep his bloodied truck over the weekend, the trash dumping trek, the car wash trip etc.

Then the fires and comments wanting to kill Jennifer Dulos and burying her with the dog sealed the deal for me.

She is not an innocent, clueless bystander. She had a motive and she helped to plan and cover up the brutal murder of Jennifer Dulos. Moo
This pretty much sums it up for me, Snoops.
Her rambling interviews with LE with lengthy descriptions of how she made her daughter's juice in the morning and other minor things astounded me. And, the lies about her sexual activities.Who does that?
Her tracked phone activities beginning at 6:30 that morning while FD was killing JFd sealed it for me.
The fires added even more.
LE did an outstanding job in a tough investigation that spanned 3 separate towns. And they did it fairly quickly.

Have no clue why some letters are highlighted in yellow.:confused::)
Yes, I believe this is actually supposedly true...but, I've seen guilty juries come back quickly too.

Juries are unpredictable and no getting around that.

Best you can hope for is that they take the task seriously and work together.

Even if all agree guilty at first vote for each charge, I think jury is “obligated” to review evidence for each charge and verdict. (They can’t be too quick with the amount of evidence in this case)
This pretty much sums it up for me, Snoops.
Her rambling interviews with LE with lengthy descriptions of how she made her daughter's juice in the morning and other minor things astounded me. And, the lies about her sexual activities.Who does that?
Her tracked phone activities beginning at 6:30 that morning while FD was killing JFd sealed it for me.
The fires added even more.
LE did an outstanding job in a tough investigation that spanned 3 separate towns. And they did it fairly quickly.

Have no clue why some letters are highlighted in yellow.:confused::)

:) 100% and thank you for mentioning LE as they worked tirelessly.

Here’s hoping sweet justice is served!
So if she is convicted on all counts she could possibly avoid serving time for years while the appeal is tried? That’s insane to me. What’s the point of having any trial at all. At this point it’s been almost five years. I’m sorry this is terrible. I would like to think if she’s convicted on all charges she goes straight to jail.
So if she is convicted on all counts she could possibly avoid serving time for years while the appeal is tried? That’s insane to me. What’s the point of having any trial at all. At this point it’s been almost five years. I’m sorry this is terrible. I would like to think if she’s convicted on all charges she goes straight to jail.
I would expect her to be treated the same as other convicted offenders.
There is no reason for her to have [continued] favorable treatment.
He gets the hook. Judge was quite clear today in Court that its ONE HR and ONE HR ONLY.
I just have a few questions.

When you say 'hour', do you mean Eastern Standard Time or is it just an ESTimate? Judge, I'm just going to put this up on the screen -- once I find the push button -- and leave it there for the jury's edification. Judge: no, you aren't.

Then, I'm just going to play my drone footage and some beautiful bean footage.

Judge: no, you aren't.

Then I'm going to read a combined 100 pages of Curricula Vitae and two pages of the reports I wrote and signed myself.

Judge: no, you aren't.

Well, then I'm going to put all of Facebook on the screen because there are photos there of people with very short hair

Judge: still no.

Well, can I eat least make French fries?


I don't even mean to be altogether facetious. I predict that his closing mess will be as senseless as maddening.

I am eager to put that whole table in my rear view.

Going forward, I wish to adopt Judge Randolph's steady demeanor, CarrieLuft's extraordinary grace, LaurelAlmeida's soft devotion, GloriaFaber's timeless class and Jennifer's undying spirit.

We see some of the worst on these threads.

I choose to be reminded of what is best.

I would expect her to be treated the same as other convicted offenders.
There is no reason for her to have [continued] favorable treatment.
It doesn’t sound she will actually go to jail for any length of time even if convicted. Until her appeals are over. That is what blows my mind. It took almost five years to get to trial. How long will it take for appeal?
I just have a few questions.

When you say 'hour', do you mean Eastern Standard Time or is it just an ESTimate? Judge, I'm just going to put this up on the screen -- once I find the push button -- and leave it there for the jury's edification. Judge: no, you aren't.

Then, I'm just going to play my drone footage and some beautiful bean footage.

Judge: no, you aren't.

Then I'm going to read a combined 100 pages of Curricula Vitae and two pages of the reports I wrote and signed myself.

Judge: no, you aren't.

Well, then I'm going to put all of Facebook on the screen because there are photos there of people with very short hair

Judge: still no.

Well, can I eat least make French fries?


I don't even mean to be altogether facetious. I predict that his closing mess will be as senseless as maddening.

I am eager to put that whole table in my rear view.

Going forward, I wish to adopt Judge Randolph's steady demeanor, CarrieLuft's extraordinary grace, LaurelAlmeida's soft devotion, GloriaFaber's timeless class and Jennifer's undying spirit.

We see some of the worst on these threads.

I choose to be reminded of what is best.

I applaud your great optimism my friend.

Below is an image of the Schenhorn closing that I believe we shall see! Quite simply a slide into the sewer. Yep, he will throw it all on the wall. Just a guess, we shall see.

PS I predict 40 references to the discredited report. So, please pick your number as I will be counting.

PSS I have no idea where this picture was taken but obviously safety of children isn’t high on the list of priorities. But I don’t think Schoenhorn or mini horn care about safety either or truth or following the rules and any of the other “things” that are part of the US judicial system.

Placing your clients future on a report that can’t be admitted to evidence has had any atty I’ve spoken to in my travels all ask me the same question when I ask how this plays out: please explain it again as I don’t understand!

Schoenhorn seems to think he is the smartest person in the room, so tomorrow we will see what the jury thinks about it all as they deliberate.

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