CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #66

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I was reading a livestream chat earlier that mentioned Fotis' buddy from Greece who made the "alibi call" the morning Jennifer was murdered, Andreas Toutziaridis. Andreas flew from Greece to be with Fotis and the Police absconded his phone!

The person in chat stated Andreas is the person who gave Fotis the money to build the Sturbridge Hill house. Is that true? Does the planning of the murder involve more than I thought and also goes toward, in some way, this house being built?

"He [FD] made several appearances throughout the day with a power saw, wet and dry vac and to collect things from his truck, while on the phone, occasionally turning back at our camera."

Anyone recognize the gentleman with Fotis at the Sturbridge Hill house July 3, 2019? He'd been arrested once by this date, right?
Screenshot 2024-02-26 185259.png
Fotis Dulos emerges at Sturbridge Hill home to continue work

Jurors could decide as early as next week the fate of the woman accused of helping cover up the murder of Connecticut mom Jennifer Dulos, the Stamford Advocate reports.

On Friday, 49-year-old Michelle Troconis chose not to testify in her trial on charges of murder conspiracy, evidence tampering and hindering prosecution. The defense subsequently rested its case, and prosecutors also opted not to present a rebuttal case

“The science as we are presenting here, there is an alternative narrative theory to what the prosecution is trying to claim,” Schoenhorn said outside the courtroom, according to NBC Connecticut.
They will have a verdict by Wednesday
Great points! Keeping in mind that MT's laptop was taken (as was her daughters and mothers) and MT and FD were to have no contact post (first) arrest on June 1, 2019, exactly how did MT get this report (again)? Did she have a paper copy? Did she send it to her family? She may have had it on her computer that was taken on June 1, though with her computer locked up with LE for years if she ever got it back, how did she get another copy of it? Atty Rose is unlikely, imo, as shortly after the arrests he filed to withdraw from the FC case. Meehan was in hot water already over the report and also filed emergency motions in FC to have FD's visitation suspended, so I'm thinking it wasn't him. Did she take the report to Bowman during her first meeting? He was certainly aware of it during the 2nd interview. I really don't know the answers and I'm sincerely asking these questions...

Would she not have gotten it from FD?
Do you think that Petu was possibly (I know a big stretch) telling the truth and that MT was moving to CO but not by herself? I very much wonder if the plan was for the couple to move to CO together? There must be some truth in all the lies on this particular topic SOMEWHERE? I just don't know where.....or, maybe not. MOO
I think it's possible. If Fotis wanted to move the kids out there, they had another motive.

I was reading a livestream chat earlier that mentioned Fotis' buddy from Greece who made the "alibi call" the morning Jennifer was murdered, Andreas Toutziaridis. Andreas flew from Greece to be with Fotis and the Police absconded his phone!

The person in chat stated Andreas is the person who gave Fotis the money to build the Sturbridge Hill house. Is that true? Does the planning of the murder involve more than I thought and also goes toward, in some way, this house being built?

"He [FD] made several appearances throughout the day with a power saw, wet and dry vac and to collect things from his truck, while on the phone, occasionally turning back at our camera."

Anyone recognize the gentleman with Fotis at the Sturbridge Hill house July 3, 2019? He'd been arrested once by this date, right?
View attachment 486365
Fotis Dulos emerges at Sturbridge Hill home to continue work
This person was identified much earlier in the thread so you can search it out via using the date of the photo. I'm going from feeble memory but I believe it might have been a FD cousin and iirc he was from Massachusetts. But, if you want to know for sure search it out as he was identified here. Around that time various Dulos family members were staying with FD because they were 'worried about him'.

The issue of Andreas giving money for Sturbridge was always a bit of a controversial topic and was discussed extensively in the Civil Trial. I am not sure whether the 'true' funding of Sturbridge was ever resolved as the 'quality' and 'veracity' of the FD/FORE books was very much called into question.

What I can say is true that Sturbridge had a sizeable mortgage from iirc Danbury Savings Bank and if you'd like to read more I would refer you to the litigation on that Danbury Savings Bank v Fotis Dulos that is on the CT Judiciary website. I've read most of the file but not all and I did it long ago so its best if you go there for all the details as its a sizeable case!

Here is the FOX61 report that also contains link to free case documents on the foreclosure.

Just to put some context around Sturbridge. If you recall, GF sued FD / FORE in Civil Court and I believe got a final judgment of $2.5 million. FD couldn't pay this judgment so the theory was that the various houses would be liquidated to get funds to pay it off. Well, this didn't seem to happen either as FD cleverly had put mortgages on all the properties such that there was not much equity in any of them (the properties all went into foreclosure iirc). The properties had been sitting on the market for awhile and market conditions for houses of the size built by FORE in Farmington simply weren't moving. The New Canaan house/61 Sturbridge probably had best shot of all the Fore houses of being sold relatively quickly but even it was largeish and fully priced for NC at the time (think it was around 6,000SF).

The Sturbridge house in NC also had some equity in it relative to the mortgage of $2.795M (sold for $3.975M in 2021 iirc) so, FD being FD didn't want any proceeds from the sale to go to GF so he seemed to get some of his 'friends' to attach notes and liens to the property to make it impossible for anything from the sale to go to GF. My recollection was that Andreas placed such a note against the property and my recollection was that it was an unsecured mortgage note i/a/o $500,000 and then there were some trade liens from other FD 'friends' or perhaps trade creditors he had stiffed but I sadly don't recall all the details but I wrote about it all ages ago on here in earlier thread.

So, I don't think it can be confirmed that Andreas actually provided cash to FD for the 61 Sturbridge property but it can be confirmed that he filed what I recall was an unsecured mortgage note on the property. The timing of the Andreas filing on the property (lien filed as property was being completed vs up front iirc) always led me to believe that Andreas was simply positioning himself to get any residual profits from the property which he would then just give to FD and this was done to keep GF from getting any proceeds.

I never saw any further litigation on these issues with Andreas and there other trade creditors from Atty Weinstein and GF so I don't know how or even if any of it was settled or even if Andreas got anything on his 'note' from the sale.

Sorry, that is all I can recall but the foreclosure process would document the distribution of proceeds so the information is accessible, I simply cannot recall the final outcome.

Would like to say, as we near the end of this saga, that I so love and appreciate all of the posters on this board. Solid, grounded and wise. Looking for justice but not mean spirited and hateful. Just team Jennifer.
You are the best, IMO.
Yes, it’s been a great group that is united in seeking justice for Jennifer.

And a special “thank you” to our trial reporter @Megnut , who made sense out of some of the testimony we couldn’t, and updated for those who weren’t able to watch daily. Never missed a day!
@lucegirl, I've been on a plane most of the day using an iPad as I can't yet lift a laptop after breaking my hand last month. I sadly had to work today but I did catch most of the conference this morning as who could miss, 'Horn Horning'! Still have cast on my writing hand from when I was jumped a last month so I can't hold a laptop or type with 2 hands yet and have to use voice option to type, so having 3 monitors wouldn't be of much use to me now!

Sorry to disappoint but I'm totally low tech for now as I can only hold an iPad at this point. But the good news is I am ambidextrous so iPad really is working well during this period of disability!

Thanks for the closing statement, loved it.

Is it typical that the State gets rebuttal but has to fit it into the 1 hr total requirement? This doesn't seem fair to me. How do you think they will handle this issue?
Holy Greek Salad with extra feta! Not even a singular monitor, but just an iPad, from a plane, with the use of one hand? Forgive me if my joke was “tone deaf” right out of the Horn Playbook. I intended to infer how impressive it is, your ability, to pull up court dockets and orders from underlying cases, any and all kinds of other documentation and important tidbits, in mere moments, while simultaneously distilling everything into analysis! And the “marshaling” (bingo word of the day) of all other related evidence needed to keep up with live court. (Also… further apologies for your hand injury and from what I gather is the result of something terrible).

Incidentally, I had not heard the term “marshaling” before today to describe the objection to proposed jury instructions that try to embed advocacy, argument, bias, confusion, etc. into what are intended to be instructions of law, onto which the jury interprets the facts as they see them, weighs witness credibility, filters out noise, puts the puzzle together, applies common sense, etc. I can think of less polite words and phrasing, other than marshalling to describe it.

Shoe-HORNing is another way to put it!
Holy Greek Salad with extra feta! Not even a singular monitor, but just an iPad, from a plane, with the use of one hand? Forgive me if my joke was “tone deaf” right out of the Horn Playbook. I intended to infer how impressive it is, your ability, to pull up court dockets and orders from underlying cases, any and all kinds of other documentation and important tidbits, in mere moments, while simultaneously distilling everything into analysis! And the “marshaling” (bingo word of the day) of all other related evidence needed to keep up with live court. (Also… further apologies for your hand injury and from what I gather is the result of something terrible).

Incidentally, I had not heard the term “marshaling” before today to describe the objection to proposed jury instructions that try to embed advocacy, argument, bias, confusion, etc. into what are intended to be instructions of law, onto which the jury interprets the facts as they see them, weighs witness credibility, filters out noise, puts the puzzle together, applies common sense, etc. I can think of less polite words and phrasing, other than marshalling to describe it.

Shoe-HORNing is another way to put it!
Thanks, you are quite funny!

My crazy injury came from slugging someone who tried to take my credit card and wallet in a FedEx store. I instinctively lashed out as I was in a location where getting a new credit card would be a nightmare and so have hairline fractures in my finger and wrist from no fighting practice in a long time! Stupid move on my part as the FedEx store locks down automatically and so everyone in the store was locked in with the perp until the police arrived. It was quite the experience. Never should have done it as I put everyone in the store in danger. Funny how fight or flight instincts work! But I should be ok in a few weeks and certainly by the time the KM file is scheduled (if it ever is).

Yes, lots of claims of 'marshalling' today in court and I knew the word used in the context of 'marshalling troops or resources etc.' but had never seen it used in this context. Much prefer your term SHOE-HORNING. We have learned so many 'court words' in this trial to refer to the simple act of simply telling WHOPPERS or PORKIE PIES!

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@lucegirl, I've been on a plane most of the day using an iPad as I can't yet lift a laptop after breaking my hand last month. I sadly had to work today but I did catch most of the conference this morning as who could miss, 'Horn Horning'! Still have cast on my writing hand from when I was jumped a last month so I can't hold a laptop or type with 2 hands yet and have to use voice option to type, so having 3 monitors wouldn't be of much use to me now!

Sorry to disappoint but I'm totally low tech for now as I can only hold an iPad at this point. But the good news is I am ambidextrous so iPad really is working well during this period of disability!

Thanks for the closing statement, loved it.

Is it typical that the State gets rebuttal but has to fit it into the 1 hr total requirement? This doesn't seem fair to me. How do you think they will handle this issue?
I don’t think it’s fair, since the prosecution has the burden of proof-the defense just has to say, “they didn’t prove it”.
Would she not have gotten it from FD?
Most likely that or a copy of his made long ago. FD either got it from GAL Michael Meehan or Atty Mike Rose. Judge Heller conducted a complete investigation of the matter but I believe the report was sealed or made unavailable as I don't 'recall reading it. Judge Heller my speculation is 'excused' Atty Michael Rose from Family Court as he no longer appeared as FD atty and my further speculation was that FD paid Atty Rose the last chunk of cash he had to file for custody and change the visitation along with a few other harrasment type motions in Family Court and he lost them all.

This is what FD was sitting with by early April, everything he had Atty Rose do to try and change his position in Family Court had failed.

FD was not WINNING, MT was not WINNING in Family Court. FD in Family Court at the time of JF murder had supervised visitation just reaffirmed by Judge Heller and MT and daughter had no access to Dulos children so had to leave 4JX if children went there.

So, as Defence no doubt throws out the discredited herman report or makes claims about FD and MT being "HAPPY" know tomorrow in closing that imo this is just part of the ongoing 3 card monte game being place by Horn and Mini Horn.

MT and FD had to be mad, miserable and frustrated along with being broke in the period right before JF was murdered.

I applaud your great optimism my friend.

Below is an image of the Schenhorn closing that I believe we shall see! Quite simply a slide into the sewer. Yep, he will throw it all on the wall. Just a guess, we shall see.

PS I predict 40 references to the discredited report. So, please pick your number as I will be counting.

PSS I have no idea where this picture was taken but obviously safety of children isn’t high on the list of priorities. But I don’t think Schoenhorn or mini horn care about safety either or truth or following the rules and any of the other “things” that are part of the US judicial system.

Placing your clients future on a report that can’t be admitted to evidence has had any atty I’ve spoken to in my travels all ask me the same question when I ask how this plays out: please explain it again as I don’t understand!

Schoenhorn seems to think he is the smartest person in the room, so tomorrow we will see what the jury thinks about it all as they deliberate.

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View attachment 486331
After seeing this photo, I have to ask, did investigators check the local sewers?
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