CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #66

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I can’t say that I have ever seen the “invisible” defendant strategy deployed in this manner. Typically it’s the the Librarian facade.

This beige thing is creepy AF. It’s like a ghost on trial. There is no one to hate or blame. There is no one for the jury to cast their eyes upon for a reaction. The D table is several shades of griege. There is no one to convict. It’s a trial about a dead man who killed his wife and maybe had an imaginary accomplice that is just vapor. She is mute, invisible, unaccountable, inert, nonhuman, indistinguishable from counsel, the wall, the table, the floor. Who is on trial? She wouldn’t even set off a motion detector or Ring camera.

I thought the State confronted “the report” head on - bringing up Bipolar the roundabout way they did (attributing it to D’s characterization and animus to Jennifer). “Okay - so the inadmissible report may have said the victim may have been bipolar - what does this have to do with the price of tea in China?” “And nothing changed in so far as supervised custody and no MT/Daughter presence. So why are they ‘happy’?” There is just no “there there”.

She may not fully comprehend the gravity of contempt - not because of language barrier - but just the “I’m untouchable” mindset. FD did it. I knew nothing. Why should I be concerned if I have a document on my screen. What will this judge really do to me. My family is here in court. They will protect me from the mean judge.

I think her head is full of delusions of grandeur that prevent her from acting in a way that shows she understands the consequences she f what is happening. Not because she isn’t competent in the legal sense - but because of her self-entitlement.
Yep, sounds like classic narc stuff. What I have long called delusion is probably just narc visions of gradeur and entitlement that is hard to wrap my head around given the overall circumstances of MT, her relationships with FD and the murder of JF. <modsnip - off limits>

Scary. Don’t think this will play out well
In prison either.

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have the brass (neck) to (do something)​

(redirected from having the brass to)

have the brass (neck) to (do something)​

To have the will to do something bold, rude, or impudent; to have the nerve to do something. Primarily heard in UK.Can you believe she had the brass neck to ask for a raise after just one month at the company?
See also: brass, have, to

ad hominem​

1 of 2


ad ho·mi·nem (ˈ)ad-ˈhä-mə-ˌnem

: appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect
an ad hominemargument

: marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made
made an ad hominem personal attack on his rival
Does anyone hear, beneath JS’s words, “the case [the Troconises] wanted to put on?”

Some of the JS approach and presentation, such as the defense experts and the closing statement, seemed just so ill-advised, even if he’s a second rate attorney.
Several times during the trial I could only think, this must be what the family/Mama T and/or MT herself, thought would be a good idea, not what would make the strongest legal defense.
We know MT fired AB and when hiring JS said there would be a “new approach”.
When FD took himself out of the picture, that would have been the opportune time (her 4th chance so to speak) for MT to start fresh and come forward with what she knew and explain that she had been afraid of FD, but now that he’s gone…instead, she just made things worse and dug herself in deeper once she signed on with JS.

To me this sounds like he’s implying he was a hired hand, rather than “putting on the case that showed MT had nothing to do with this” or “put on the best case for my client’s innocence”.
Instead, he says he put on “the case that we wanted to”

JS quote in article:
“We put on the case that we wanted to put on within the limits that this particular judge put on the case. And we hope that the jury will see it the way we see it, and we can hope for a favorable verdict.”

When asked about his feelings after closing arguments, Schoenhorn said he felt “relieved we got the case that we wanted in.”

I didn’t hear it but if that what was said it doesn’t surprise me. Just another whinefest in a long trial full of excuses, lies and whining imo all while simply not doing his job. Total putz.

Blaming judge r also is a classic move for a coward as professionals work with the cards they are dealt and figure out a way forward that doesn’t involve complaints.

But, to admit it publicly or seek to run away from your work and somehow blame someone else for making the decisions is imo quite simply pathetic and childish.

Attorneys are hired guns and have the choice to either stay or go if client demands are unacceptable to them. Jon Schoenhorn decided to stay and he stayed as the chief of disinformation and first class media *advertiser censored* of this case and he did it because he wanted to and he got paid for it not because someone told him to do it. He signed his destiny when he chose to sign on with Mama Troconis and MT and he knew what he was doing.

He possibly just doesn’t like how it all turned out so now he is trying to hide and it’s no different from his response to the contempt action of his client or him being caught by atty manning trying to enter in pages from the discredited report after the judge disallowed it. Imo all these are actions of a disgraced professional not worthy of practicing anywhere! Pure scum imo too.

The phrase be careful who you get into bed with comes to mind and that’s a lesson most parents teach children young. Jon Schoenhorn disregarded this lesson willingly imo and he did it for money and notoriety and imo also he did it with zero personal integrity. It’s just how he rolls. Thing is the world now knows because they saw it live.

He can slither back to the land of snakes in Hartford and continue on working with folks like atty Mike rose who is no different either imo and continue to serve folks like the Troconis crew. Good luck!

At least have the self respect to own your choices as for gods sake you are a 70 year old human! FFS.

Horn wasn’t a prisoner. Horn could have walked away. Horn didn’t have to take the case. Man up FFS!

If that was what he said and as we saw he put his license on the line by hiding evidence on behalf of Michelle Troconis and her family for over a year too, then Jon Schoenhorn is even more of a fool and incompetent attorney then we saw in this trial.

To somehow blame someone else when you are the professional simply hits me as a cowardly and ball less act.

But we also saw Jon Schoenhorn go with MT to retrieve the motor cycle she was effectively stealing back from PG and jon Schoenhorn attended to add just that extra bit of threat and muscle for the theft and after also calling his buddies at the corrupt Farmington PD to further intimidate PG about a bike he had paid for! Jon Schoenhorn did this for a $1500 bike as that is who he is imo.

But, none of this surprises me if he did say it. This is a human who thought leaking confidential info to descredit JF was acceptable. This is a human who got other attorneys to lie on the stand regarding his client. This is the human who we saw on livestream lie about exhibit numbers and play a shell game and then lie again when caught. This is a human who brought a sealed document into a courtroom and did zero to follow the family court guidelines for safeguarding said report and whose client had said report on her computer screen for the world to see and he claimed no knowledge! Really?

Coward imo doesn’t even begin to cover all of this as effectively if true, Jon Schoenhorn sold his soul to the devil and now he is whining about it!

Corruptcut judiciary imo won’t do anything about the Jon Schoenhorns, atty Audrey felsons, atty Mike roses or GAL Michael meehans of the world.

But the beauty of the live stream is that the world saw these corrupt practitioners for who they are. No different than the live steam showed the faux MT 2.0. Beige version to the world and not the two handed middle finger throwing tongue stuck out version. People aren’t stupid and juries aren’t stupid either.

Jon Schoenhorn will have to face his maker on his choices but my guess is he will do it with a list of 50 excuses and a long whine!

What a putz.

Good riddance to bad trash!

Ps The above comment imo applies also to Atty Audrey Felson as she signed up to be part of the team and we saw her on live stream attempt to enter the discredited report into evidence after judge r told the court the report was not to enter evidence. Another shameful practitioner imo who is frankly no different than Schoenhorn or any of the disgraceful attorneys hired by FD over the years.

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Does the jury check in with the Judge or go directly to the deliberation room?
Will people be hanging out in the courtroom?
Hi, jury passes note to bailiff and then remains where they are until called. Court has to assemble the players and the media has to be alerted. If you want to be alerted I would suggest law and crime as they have been on this trial or any of the CT stations such as fox61 or wfsb or Marissa alter from Channel 12. Also suggest checking twitter/x as the notice will probably hit there first.

Folks might hang out but this was a long trial and it might be a long wait. Remember, they just got their easel last night!

Buckle up buttercup! Could be a long wait!
Hi, jury passes note to bailiff and then remains where they are until called. Court has to assemble the players and the media has to be alerted. If you want to be alerted I would suggest law and crime as they have been on this trial or any of the CT stations such as fox61 or wfsb or Marissa alter from Channel 12. Also suggest checking twitter/x as the notice will probably hit there first.

Folks might hang out but this was a long trial and it might be a long wait. Remember, they just got their easel last night!

Buckle up buttercup! Could be a long wait!
In other trials press and people have camped out.
Judge R. is pretty strict. Maybe closing down the courtroom?
I didn’t hear it but if that what was said it doesn’t surprise me. Just another whinefest in a long trial full of excuses, lies and whining imo all while simply not doing his job. Total putz.

Blaming judge r also is a classic move for a coward as professionals work with the cards they are dealt and figure out a way forward that doesn’t involve complaints.

But, to admit it publicly or seek to run away from your work and somehow blame someone else for making the decisions is imo quite simply pathetic and childish.

Attorneys are hired guns and have the choice to either stay or go if client demands are unacceptable to them. Jon Schoenhorn decided to stay and he stayed as the chief of disinformation and first class media *advertiser censored* of this case and he did it because he wanted to and he got paid for it not because someone told him to do it. He signed his destiny when he chose to sign on with Mama Troconis and MT and he knew what he was doing.

He possibly just doesn’t like how it all turned out so now he is trying to hide and it’s no different from his response to the contempt action of his client or him being caught by atty manning trying to enter in pages from the discredited report after the judge disallowed it. Imo all these are actions of a disgraced professional not worthy of practicing anywhere! Pure scum imo too.

The phrase be careful who you get into bed with comes to mind and that’s a lesson most parents teach children young. Jon Schoenhorn disregarded this lesson willingly imo and he did it for money and notoriety and imo also he did it with zero personal integrity. It’s just how he rolls. Thing is the world now knows because they saw it live.

He can slither back to the land of snakes in Hartford and continue on working with folks like atty Mike rose who is no different either imo and continue to serve folks like the Troconis crew. Good luck!

At least have the self respect to own your choices as for gods sake you are a 70 year old human! FFS.

Horn wasn’t a prisoner. Horn could have walked away. Horn didn’t have to take the case. Man up FFS!

If that was what he said and as we saw he put his license on the line by hiding evidence on behalf of Michelle Troconis and her family for over a year too, then Jon Schoenhorn is even more of a fool and incompetent attorney then we saw in this trial.

To somehow blame someone else when you are the professional simply hits me as a cowardly and ball less act.

But we also saw Jon Schoenhorn go with MT to retrieve the motor cycle she was effectively stealing back from PG and jon Schoenhorn attended to add just that extra bit of threat and muscle for the theft and after also calling his buddies at the corrupt Farmington PD to further intimidate PG about a bike he had paid for! Jon Schoenhorn did this for a $1500 bike as that is who he is imo.

But, none of this surprises me if he did say it. This is a human who thought leaking confidential info to descredit JF was acceptable. This is a human who got other attorneys to lie on the stand regarding his client. This is the human who we saw on livestream lie about exhibit numbers and play a shell game and then lie again when caught. This is a human who brought a sealed document into a courtroom and did zero to follow the family court guidelines for safeguarding said report and whose client had said report on her computer screen for the world to see and he claimed no knowledge! Really?

Coward imo doesn’t even begin to cover all of this as effectively if true, Jon Schoenhorn sold his soul to the devil and now he is whining about it!

Corruptcut judiciary imo won’t do anything about the Jon Schoenhorns, atty Audrey felsons, atty Mike roses or GAL Michael meehans of the world.

But the beauty of the live stream is that the world saw these corrupt practitioners for who they are. No different than the live steam showed the faux MT 2.0. Beige version to the world and not the two handed middle finger throwing tongue stuck out version. People aren’t stupid and juries aren’t stupid either.

Jon Schoenhorn will have to face his maker on his choices but my guess is he will do it with a list of 50 excuses and a long whine!

What a putz.

Good riddance to bad trash!

Ps The above comment imo applies also to Atty Audrey Felson as she signed up to be part of the team and we saw her on live stream attempt to enter the discredited report into evidence after judge r told the court the report was not to enter evidence. Another shameful practitioner imo who is frankly no different than Schoenhorn or any of the disgraceful attorneys hired by FD over the years.

Please don’t forget that Audrey Felson cannot claim ignorance of that report being on MT’s laptop in the biggest letters possible, because she was looking right at it, and was one of two people who told MT to shut it down!

have the brass (neck) to (do something)​

(redirected from having the brass to)

have the brass (neck) to (do something)​

To have the will to do something bold, rude, or impudent; to have the nerve to do something. Primarily heard in UK.Can you believe she had the brass neck to ask for a raise after just one month at the company?
See also: brass, have, to

ad hominem​

1 of 2


ad ho·mi·nem (ˈ)ad-ˈhä-mə-ˌnem

: appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect
an ad hominemargument

: marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made
made an ad hominem personal attack on his rival
Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever used that word in my life!
Less then a hr and we are back on jury watch. I hope the jury recognizes all of mt lies ,I hope that in no way can Mt and her gang of grifters don't benefit from Jennifer's story. I hope next week's contempt charges give her the max they can and may horn and little horn get smacked for it and also for bringing that dammed report into closing .jmoo justice is a coming
Less then a hr and we are back on jury watch. I hope the jury recognizes all of mt lies ,I hope that in no way can Mt and her gang of grifters don't benefit from Jennifer's story. I hope next week's contempt charges give her the max they can and may horn and little horn get smacked for it and also for bringing that dammed report into closing .jmoo justice is a coming
I think she is going to be shocked. I can't for the life of me understand why she didn't distance herself from FD in her first interview with LE let alone the 2nd, 3rd, and after FD took his life and left her twisting in the wind. Makes no sense to me but I just can't lie like that. She could have been free from all of this by now, made a deal for a lighter sentence - what a stupid path she took.
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Less then a hr and we are back on jury watch. I hope the jury recognizes all of mt lies ,I hope that in no way can Mt and her gang of grifters don't benefit from Jennifer's story. I hope next week's contempt charges give her the max they can and may horn and little horn get smacked for it and also for bringing that dammed report into closing .jmoo justice is a coming
Sounds like a prayer
I think she going to be shocked. I can't for the life of me understand why she didn't distance herself from FD in her first interview with LE let alone the 2nd, 3rd, and after FD took his life and left her twisting in the wind. Makes no sense to me but I just can't lie like that. She could have been free from all of this by now, made a deal for a lighter sentence - what a stupid path she took.
Me too-why didn’t she just say “he did it, not me-I am moving to Colorado, and I didn’t care what was going on between those two toxic people.” And then she should have proceeded to tell them everything she knew. This is exactly what Andy Bowman was trying to do for her, and instead, she runs in the opposite direction, with this 5 year ordeal and a trial as the result. And manages to try to scorch Bowman in the process. He was the smart one-at every stage.
I didn’t hear it but if that what was said it doesn’t surprise me. Just another whinefest in a long trial full of excuses, lies and whining imo all while simply not doing his job. Total putz.

Blaming judge r also is a classic move for a coward as professionals work with the cards they are dealt and figure out a way forward that doesn’t involve complaints.

But, to admit it publicly or seek to run away from your work and somehow blame someone else for making the decisions is imo quite simply pathetic and childish.

Attorneys are hired guns and have the choice to either stay or go if client demands are unacceptable to them. Jon Schoenhorn decided to stay and he stayed as the chief of disinformation and first class media *advertiser censored* of this case and he did it because he wanted to and he got paid for it not because someone told him to do it. He signed his destiny when he chose to sign on with Mama Troconis and MT and he knew what he was doing.

He possibly just doesn’t like how it all turned out so now he is trying to hide and it’s no different from his response to the contempt action of his client or him being caught by atty manning trying to enter in pages from the discredited report after the judge disallowed it. Imo all these are actions of a disgraced professional not worthy of practicing anywhere! Pure scum imo too.

The phrase be careful who you get into bed with comes to mind and that’s a lesson most parents teach children young. Jon Schoenhorn disregarded this lesson willingly imo and he did it for money and notoriety and imo also he did it with zero personal integrity. It’s just how he rolls. Thing is the world now knows because they saw it live.

He can slither back to the land of snakes in Hartford and continue on working with folks like atty Mike rose who is no different either imo and continue to serve folks like the Troconis crew. Good luck!

At least have the self respect to own your choices as for gods sake you are a 70 year old human! FFS.

Horn wasn’t a prisoner. Horn could have walked away. Horn didn’t have to take the case. Man up FFS!

If that was what he said and as we saw he put his license on the line by hiding evidence on behalf of Michelle Troconis and her family for over a year too, then Jon Schoenhorn is even more of a fool and incompetent attorney then we saw in this trial.

To somehow blame someone else when you are the professional simply hits me as a cowardly and ball less act.

But we also saw Jon Schoenhorn go with MT to retrieve the motor cycle she was effectively stealing back from PG and jon Schoenhorn attended to add just that extra bit of threat and muscle for the theft and after also calling his buddies at the corrupt Farmington PD to further intimidate PG about a bike he had paid for! Jon Schoenhorn did this for a $1500 bike as that is who he is imo.

But, none of this surprises me if he did say it. This is a human who thought leaking confidential info to descredit JF was acceptable. This is a human who got other attorneys to lie on the stand regarding his client. This is the human who we saw on livestream lie about exhibit numbers and play a shell game and then lie again when caught. This is a human who brought a sealed document into a courtroom and did zero to follow the family court guidelines for safeguarding said report and whose client had said report on her computer screen for the world to see and he claimed no knowledge! Really?

Coward imo doesn’t even begin to cover all of this as effectively if true, Jon Schoenhorn sold his soul to the devil and now he is whining about it!

Corruptcut judiciary imo won’t do anything about the Jon Schoenhorns, atty Audrey felsons, atty Mike roses or GAL Michael meehans of the world.

But the beauty of the live stream is that the world saw these corrupt practitioners for who they are. No different than the live steam showed the faux MT 2.0. Beige version to the world and not the two handed middle finger throwing tongue stuck out version. People aren’t stupid and juries aren’t stupid either.

Jon Schoenhorn will have to face his maker on his choices but my guess is he will do it with a list of 50 excuses and a long whine!

What a putz.

Good riddance to bad trash!

Ps The above comment imo applies also to Atty Audrey Felson as she signed up to be part of the team and we saw her on live stream attempt to enter the discredited report into evidence after judge r told the court the report was not to enter evidence. Another shameful practitioner imo who is frankly no different than Schoenhorn or any of the disgraceful attorneys hired by FD over the years.

Excellent insight. I think MT and Mr. Schoenhorn was a match made in Heaven. Like two peas in a pod.
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