CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #66

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For those that didn’t get a chance to watch everything today or just want to see Atty Mcguinnis here is special segment on the rebuttal. Notice MT starts to text and stays on her phone as Atty Mcguinnis is speaking:
View attachment 486602
This is where you can see SM do a great imitation of JS- on the record- flapping arms and bouncing, “there was no motive! Everything was going so great!”
He was on a roll…
When the Defense has one hour to present a closing argument and he uses some of the time to apologize for displaying a B&W image onto the screen instead of a colorized version, it's time to stop whining your lot in life.

Judge Randolph, in his most moving words, carefully spoke to the alternates before dismissing them today:

He knew they'd be excellent jurors in this case. It is different case. It's different in its complexity, in its length and in its media attention. The Court [JR] releases them from the Jury with a warning of possible recall to service, if they should be needed, and deliberations would start anew, should one be required to come back.

"I hope this experience has not been such that ... you cannot recover." - Judge Kevin Randolph
Reading this and seeing that video…I’m in tears.
Wait. Isn't there exhaled vapor?

Could it be a medicinal inhaler used to help prevent panic attacks? I thought I noticed her shaking today or she could have a leg crossed and is swinging it that causes her shaky motion.

If it were me, I'd need a medic on standby for my life, as I'd knew it, was surely ending.

@ 5:26:30 [edited to correct time]
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It was heartbreaking and powerful to FINALLY see a photo of Jennifer—and her children, in the court.

Can only imagine how affecting it would’ve been to have a brief video clip in the closing—to hear her voice, to see her in motion. Pardon my ignorance—do courts allow this?
Good night all. We know that the prosecution did well putting forth their case. We must remain patient.
Justice for Jennifer!
Hold MT accountable. She provided the cleaning supplies. She lit multiple fires. (what was she burning?) She blocked FD from sight of a vehicle while he dumped the license plates in the sewer.
She's clearly an accessory to murder!!
Honestly, if she is vaping in court, while on trial for murder, and whilst released on
her own recognizance, without an ankle monitor, pending the jury verdict in her murder case, and in her contempt of court charges in said murder case, there are just no words.

It could have been a technical violation of her bail if the vape was “mind altering” - but now that certain vape substances are legal in many states - probably not an infraction.

She can’t be rehabilitated; the court should take judicial notice of this fact and not grant her any discretionary privileges- including a stay in her incarceration pending appeal of a potential guilty verdict.

I still don’t put it past her, and will say my 15 year old son tells me people vape on the regular in class under their sweatshirts.
Could it be a medicinal inhaler used to help prevent panic attacks? I thought I noticed her shaking today or she could have a leg crossed and is swinging it that causes her shaky motion.

If it were me, I'd need a medic on standby for my life, as I'd knew it, was surely ending.

@ 2:26:30
I didn’t understand what that objection by the Defense was about during that final statement.
Does anyone hear, beneath JS’s words, “the case [the Troconises] wanted to put on?”

Some of the JS approach and presentation, such as the defense experts and the closing statement, seemed just so ill-advised, even if he’s a second rate attorney.
Several times during the trial I could only think, this must be what the family/Mama T and/or MT herself, thought would be a good idea, not what would make the strongest legal defense.
We know MT fired AB and when hiring JS said there would be a “new approach”.
When FD took himself out of the picture, that would have been the opportune time (her 4th chance so to speak) for MT to start fresh and come forward with what she knew and explain that she had been afraid of FD, but now that he’s gone…instead, she just made things worse and dug herself in deeper once she signed on with JS.

To me this sounds like he’s implying he was a hired hand, rather than “putting on the case that showed MT had nothing to do with this” or “put on the best case for my client’s innocence”.
Instead, he says he put on “the case that we wanted to”

JS quote in article:
“We put on the case that we wanted to put on within the limits that this particular judge put on the case. And we hope that the jury will see it the way we see it, and we can hope for a favorable verdict.”

When asked about his feelings after closing arguments, Schoenhorn said he felt “relieved we got the case that we wanted in.”

Honestly, if she is vaping in court, while on trial for murder, and whilst released on
her own recognizance, without an ankle monitor, pending the jury verdict in her murder case, and in her contempt of court charges in said murder case, there are just no words.

It could have been a technical violation of her bail if the vape was “mind altering” - but now that certain vape substances are legal in many states - probably not an infraction.

She can’t be rehabilitated; the court should take judicial notice of this fact and not grant her any discretionary privileges- including a stay in her incarceration pending appeal of a potential guilty verdict.

I still don’t put it past her, and will say my 15 year old son tells me people vape on the regular in class under their sweatshirts.
Omg, this is crazy! First she’s on her cell phone, like she couldn’t be bothered with what he had to say to the jury and now she’s vaping in court!
Does anyone hear, beneath JS’s words, “the case [the Troconises] wanted to put on?”

Some of the JS approach and presentation, such as the defense experts and the closing statement, seemed just so ill-advised, even if he’s a second rate attorney.
Several times during the trial I could only think, this must be what the family/Mama T and/or MT herself, thought would be a good idea, not what would make the strongest legal defense.
We know MT fired AB and when hiring JS said there would be a “new approach”.
When FD took himself out of the picture, that would have been the opportune time (her 4th chance so to speak) for MT to start fresh and come forward with what she knew and explain that she had been afraid of FD, but now that he’s gone…instead, she just made things worse and dug herself in deeper once she signed on with JS.

To me this sounds like he’s implying he was a hired hand, rather than “putting on the case that showed MT had nothing to do with this” or “put on the best case for my client’s innocence”.
Instead, he says he put on “the case that we wanted to”

JS quote in article:
“We put on the case that we wanted to put on within the limits that this particular judge put on the case. And we hope that the jury will see it the way we see it, and we can hope for a favorable verdict.”

When asked about his feelings after closing arguments, Schoenhorn said he felt “relieved we got the case that we wanted in.”

Geez, that is really strange.
My apologies as I needed to edit the OP to indicate the correct place in the video as being 5:26:30
Can you say more specifically where in the video the objection is located? TIA
Yes, it was near the end of the last lawyer to speak and he said something I regard to how the Defense didn’t have “the brass to…” something and then suddenly you hear an objection from the Defense attorney and then the judge said something. It was all very fast.
To echo the well deserved praise for the State’s closing and rebuttal, their “closing argument choreography” was so effective because it was effortless and honest.

Shouldn’t the truth be the easier story to tell?

The Prosecution was better prepared because it’s easier to explain facts and things that actually happened; and, why, therefore, events occurred in a particular sequence, and not in a string of unfortunate and illogical coincidences.

MM: “This is a simple case”; her delivery was so honest, sincere, soft spoken and respectful to her audience- the patient, time-invested, law-abiding jurors.

SM: “Last night when I thought about what I wanted to say to you … it’s pretty simple … it’s about Jennifer and her children…”

The State’s closing told a seamless, tragically riveting, and unvarnished account, of what actually happened to Jennifer that day; why it happened, how it happened and the people who wanted and made it happen WHO got caught.

Each prosecutor played an equal role in the presentation of the evidence - both during the State’s case in chief, in cross examination; and then in closing.

They spoke from their hearts - but they were grounded in irrefutable facts and logic. More importantly they spoke TO the Jury - not AT them.

Contrast to Horn’s “closing”; the hired, bombastic “heavy” at the D table; with the subservient, window dressing/co-counsel/babysitter, of the beigepiece**, who spoke infrequently, when permitted, or needed, for diversion or damage control - only to be thrown under the contempt bus by her horn-partner. The D legal team optics are just like their client - a guilty hot mess.

**Today there was a NYT story about how many more modern word mashups are being included in Webster’s. Such as “girl meal” (supposedly a charcuterie board). I put beigepiece leaps and bounds over these tik tok words. That word has staying power!
What I found interesting is that the defence made no attempt to make MT “non beige” and humanize her. They in fact cast her for trial as the “beige piece” for some reason I don’t understand.

The jurors saw MT speaking in the LE interviews but didn’t know anything much about her. I do wonder about this choice by defence. Not sure how the “real” MT would have played with the jury but the beige woman hiding behind hair for weeks on end simply seemed odd and off putting and somehow alien. I wonder what the jurors thought?

Once I got over my fury at the discredited report being allowed to be spoken about endlessly by Judge R at trial, I really do wonder if what MT said about the report was her truth (vs the truth) and the reason she was so angry that the report was not allowed was because she believed it to be true? That somehow she was the person who was “ok” and FD wasn’t the monster the world thought he was and this was true because the report said it was?

Or was this all a convenient lie of the MT mind as she has nothing else other than the discredited report to support the idea that she was “healthy”?

I never saw the argument that the report was encouraging to the FD custody claims and that the big lie repeated by Atty Mike rose that there was light at the end of the tunnel was anything but a pipe dream.

Or was the report and its contents simply a way for MT to tell herself she was in one way somehow better than JF because she was “healthy” as she claimed and so she waved it around as badge of her “wellness” without recognizing her role in the toxic relationship in which she was involved with FD and JF or as I called it long ago, “the marriage of 3”.

I simply don’t know what to believe. I do believe that MT had had the report for a long time. Probably copied it from FD. Given that she wrote 67 questions about it for the psychologist she or Mama Troconis had read it.

Why would she risk Contempt charge to display the report?

Simply never saw how the report had anything of value for MT or was it that she simply hated JF and wanted to do anything she could to discredit her and even risked contempt to do so?

I wonder also if MT delusion was such that the report gave her something to hang onto to explain that her tragic misreading of FD and the choices she made in the relationship was correct as they both were “healthy” and
FD was the better parent etc.

I didn’t understand what that objection by the Defense was about during that final statement.
JS was objecting because SM, in his closing argument, brought up PG and basically said, “if you’re going to accuse someone of murder in your closing argument, at least have the brass to ask him that on the stand. He was on the stand the whole day and defense counsel never asked…” (Paraphrase but close to SM words).

Basically JS didn’t like that SM was suggesting he was incompetent.

Judge R responded by saying he understood the prosecutions argument but not the delivery that maligns counsel.

Something like that.
We've been tracking MT cell phone and computer usage in this trial.

Just wanted to continue to the bitter end.

MT was ON HER CELL PHONE after the McGuniness rebuttal.

Wonder if she was voting in the L&C poll?

What was MT doing on her phone?

Horn looks more concerned than MT imo

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Yeah, she’s a total, well, you know, but Horn just looks like he’s worried about his career after this. lol
Yes, it was near the end of the last lawyer to speak and he said something I regard to how the Defense didn’t have “the brass to…” something and then suddenly you hear an objection from the Defense attorney and then the judge said something. It was all very fast.

The reference was to the blaming of PG for a lot of things but the defense not having the "brass" to question PG on the stand but rather blaming PG in closing arguments. The judge sustained the objection and rapped SM for the comments about opposing counsel and basically said don't do it again in fancy judge words.
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