GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #68

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Perhaps this will be a good opportunity to learn whether or not MT listens to her attorney, JLS, to remain silent-- while he's filing Motions for a new trial and petitioning the appellate court.

Depending on what she can truly offer up on KM, I hope she shows up (with her Spanish interpreter) ready for proffer!
Well, she certainly can't speak out while she's in prison. Assuming you mean if she makes bond? At the present , it looks as though her family may not be able to pony up.
If they do, are you saying she will be out during the entire appeals process which could take years?
What do you mean when you say if she can truly offer up anything on KM?
It's all a tad confusing to me.
I thought that too. There was a security system but it was off,
I guess she thought she was safe enough to run kids to school. Goodness, she must’ve been so busy getting 5 kids ready in the morning. And probably thinking about what she needed to gather before the trip to the city. I can see how she might have been complacent that early. How many mornings had she done this? It was so routine. And FD, she was probably thinking he was 1 1/2 hours away and probably busy with his business as she went about hers. How could she have know how brutal it would be? Saddens me to think about what would befall her. Anyway, her murder was not her fault even if she forgot to enable the security.
Anyone know if there's a mandatory minimum for a Class B felony in Connecticut ?

My fear is that the judge will run all of her sentences concurrently with 20 years for the conspiracy charge. With no mandatory minimum, she could be out in 10 with good behavior.
Right and they really did think she was going to win. Her demeanour when she walked in the morning of the verdict was that of assurance. It was different from her daily tension throughout. She appeared almost lighthearted as did her family.

It looked like she thought she just had to bite the bullet and plow through the trial and when it was over it would all be resolved. ‘Oh good I made it. I dutifully met the judicial expectations and the worst is behind me’ kinda thing.
Interesting how we all read things differently.
I didn't have the same take. When I saw her mother walking into the courthouse she looked pretty grim. Don't remember how the sisters looked other than defiant.
And Michi looked pretty defeated to me the last few days of court. Things fell apart with the sealed Family Court report she BRAZENLY displayed on her laptop. Huge mistake. Total backfire.That is not to say she didn't harbor some hope but her hopes were quickly dashed when the verdict was read.

Maybe they were looking for lesser charges? IDK.
I guess she thought she was safe enough to run kids to school. Goodness, she must’ve been so busy getting 5 kids ready in the morning. And probably thinking about what she needed to gather before the trip to the city. I can see how she might have been complacent that early. How many mornings had she done this? It was so routine. And FD, she was probably thinking he was 1 1/2 hours away and probably busy with his business as she went about hers. How could she have know how brutal it would be? Saddens me to think about what would befall her. Anyway, her murder was not her fault even if she forgot to enable the security.
Not only that she was scared. By all accounts she was nervous, anxious, painfully thin and constantly looking over her shoulder.
Horrible way to live while caring for 5 young children.
I agree. I can see her letting her guard down on an early sunny Spring day. Who can constantly maintain that vigilance of fear? Hope always creeps in. Gives you a reprieve.
But she paid the price. He was waiting for her.
Jennifer was ambushed in her garage by her killer(s). She was trapped. She was unsuspecting. But, there he was, killing her, in the garage. I don't think they took her to 4JC or to 80MS, because they had little time to dispose of Jen. I suppose Fotis did it between 10:30 - 1:00.

I want to know what MT burned. Jennifer's ten rolls of paper towels from cleaning? We know she didn't burn the blood-soaked bra, shirt, sponge and towel. It wasn't the metal portion of the bent mop. It wasn't the zip ties. Why were there two ponchos? Who wore them and where?

They stuffed the items they wouldn't burn into black trash bags and dropped them into bins along Albany.

Why did they have to cut Jennifer's bra and shirt down the center? omg
Still Pondering and processing the verdict. Lindy Orso and other prominent Defense Attorneys shocked by the verdict stated they did not believe the Prosecution was convincing enough to eliminate unreasonable doubt. I wholeheartedly believe they were. Michelle could have smelled a rat during the early morning of May 24, let alone later in the day, grabbed her daughter and gotten far away from Fotis. She could have reached out and told police something suspicious is going on with my live in boyfriend and now it is reported his ex wife and mother of 5 children is missing. No, she was completely devoted to sticking by Fotis physically and psychologically in those early days. Even declined attending her daughter’s school play on evening of 5/24 after the Hartford garbage drop and Starbucks fake out.
I never doubted there would be a guilty verdict on all counts as the States’s evidence and witness testimonies were so factually impeccable. I do truly honor this jury for their intense intelligence, strength, patience and perseverance fighting through these long weeks of the trial for the truth. The strong, confident voices of their foreman and each of the other 5 jurors when polled saying “Guilty” was powerful, impactful and will stick with me forever. I do believe MT strode into court arrogantly that morning trusting her attorneys who assured her “We’ve got this!” #justiceforjennifer
I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “devoted psychologically”.
And her not attending her daughter’s school play was due to her being a selfish and neglectful mother. IMO
Jennifer was ambushed in her garage by her killer(s). She was trapped. She was unsuspecting. But, there he was, killing her, in the garage. I don't think they took her to 4JC or to 80MS, because they had little time to dispose of Jen. I suppose Fotis did it between 10:30 - 1:00.

I want to know what MT burned. Jennifer's ten rolls of paper towels from cleaning? We know she didn't burn the blood-soaked bra, shirt, sponge and towel. It wasn't the metal portion of the bent mop. It wasn't the zip ties. Why were there two ponchos? Who wore them and where?

They stuffed the items they wouldn't burn into black trash bags and dropped them into bins along Albany.

Why did they have to cut Jennifer's bra and shirt down the center? omg
My God, the horror of that.
Anyone know if there's a mandatory minimum for a Class B felony in Connecticut ?

My fear is that the judge will run all of her sentences concurrently with 20 years for the conspiracy charge. With no mandatory minimum, she could be out in 10 with good behavior.
“If she is able to pay, she will be placed on house arrest. Her sentencing is set for May 31. If the charges run concurrently, she could face up to 20 years. If they run consecutively, that would add up to 50 years.”
Well, she certainly can't speak out while she's in prison. Assuming you mean if she makes bond? At the present , it looks as though her family may not be able to pony up.
If they do, are you saying she will be out during the entire appeals process which could take years?
What do you mean when you say if she can truly offer up anything on KM?
It's all a tad confusing to me.

Huh... I'm not following?

First, let me say I don't expect MT to make $6M bail.

In OP's quoted post, I was responding directly to another post that detailed defense attorney JLS's plans following the verdict to file post-trial motions, one being for a judgment of acquittal notwithstanding the verdict.

JLS was also very vocal here about challenging MT's prior legal representation (Andrew Bowman) as ineffective assistance of counsel for allowing MT to participate in police interviews-- hence my comment about whether or not MT would listen to him and not talk to the state attorney's office-- hoping to strike a post conviction deal for herself by giving up crucial information about KM's involvement in Jennifer's disappearance and/or murder.

The irony would be MT talking to the state's attorney (most likely against JLS's advice-- given his stated plans about appealing her verdict).

And lastly, a proffer agreement is often a door to making someone a cooperating defendant/witness who may be eligible for a favorable, less severe sentencing recommendation. It's not a promise of absolute immunity where any admissions made by MT to the state could be used against MT in any appeal. I can't speak to CT but I've seen post conviction proffers often used in Florida. MOO
Still Pondering and processing the verdict. Lindy Orso and other prominent Defense Attorneys shocked by the verdict stated they did not believe the Prosecution was convincing enough to eliminate unreasonable doubt. I wholeheartedly believe they were. Michelle could have smelled a rat during the early morning of May 24, let alone later in the day, grabbed her daughter and gotten far away from Fotis. She could have reached out and told police something suspicious is going on with my live in boyfriend and now it is reported his ex wife and mother of 5 children is missing. No, she was completely devoted to sticking by Fotis physically and psychologically in those early days. Even declined attending her daughter’s school play on evening of 5/24 after the Hartford garbage drop and Starbucks fake out.
I never doubted there would be a guilty verdict on all counts as the States’s evidence and witness testimonies were so factually impeccable. I do truly honor this jury for their intense intelligence, strength, patience and perseverance fighting through these long weeks of the trial for the truth. The strong, confident voices of their foreman and each of the other 5 jurors when polled saying “Guilty” was powerful, impactful and will stick with me forever. I do believe MT strode into court arrogantly that morning trusting her attorneys who assured her “We’ve got this!” #justiceforjennifer
What sealed it for me: she actually kissed her fingers and touched the photo of fd on the table in the conference room as she walked out of her third interview.
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