GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #68

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Yes, he showed PG and someone else photos iirc. Consensus was security lights, not cameras. But the scary point is that clearly FD had been to JFd's house to do recon. Timeline too tight IMO for that to have been the occasion of Grace Farms and the chocolate bunny. Although that might account for his arrival an hour early. Still, I feel like he must've been there at least once, earlier than that.

I wish they had video of it.
I always wondered if he was already inside or if he hid and followed her in when she drove into the garage. The dateline show the other night (meh) said he had “snuck in”. I’m not 100% taking their word obviously. As far as I know LE didn’t find any sign of a break-in and I highly doubt he had a key. Just a small detail that’s always nagged me.

I know there was all the blood in the garage but it’s so so horrible…. LA says JF’s purse was on the floor in the doorway between the mudroon and the kitchen. Might have he attacked her inside there and dragged her into the garage (using zip ties)?

I hate even typing that. :(
No it’s there so see page 3 second section where it is explained as being related to class a murder but class b or go back to prior thread where this issue was fully addressed and explained.

Judge makes determination on concurrently or consecutively so we will have to wait for sentencing.

Apologies - I skimmed right over the text to get to the chart.

This seems to be the important takeaway from the document -

By law, attempt or conspiracy to commit a crime “are crimes of the same grade and degree as the most serious offense which is attempted or is an object of the conspiracy, except that an attempt or conspiracy to commit a class A felony is a class B felony” (CGC § 53a-51). Thus, if someone is convicted of attempt or conspiracy to commit a crime that carries a mandatory minimum sentence other than a class A felony, the offender would be subject to that mandatory minimum sentence (see State v. Moran, 264 Conn. 593 (2003)).
Thanks - I didn't see the conspiracy to commit in the Class B felony list.

So it's the "up to 20 years" that is a little concerning if the charges run concurrently.
All the charges were serious in their own way imo no matter what the Class level given to them might be. I think a strong argument can be made for consecutive vs concurrent. Will see what the arguments made in Court will be at Sentencing hearing.

Its Judge discretion on consecutive vs concurrent, so we will have to wait for Judge R.

Judge R well knows the current political climate in CT where prisoners iirc serve out only 44% of their sentence.

I have faith that Judge R gets it right as he did with the $6 million bond which imo is effectively 'no bond' as he and State knew what financial situation of MT and her family is and their ability to not only fund bonds but to provide for her ongoing care in the CT Prison system for many years to come. MT has no visible income so how will her commissary account be funded absent her family? My understanding is that child support ends as well upon entrance to prison but I'm still researching this point.

I always wondered if he was already inside or if he hid and followed her in when she drove into the garage. The dateline show the other night (meh) said he had “snuck in”. I’m not 100% taking their word obviously. As far as I know LE didn’t find any sign of a break-in and I highly doubt he had a key. Just a small detail that’s always nagged me.

I know there was all the blood in the garage but it’s so so horrible…. LA says JF’s purse was on the floor in the doorway between the mudroon and the kitchen. Might have he attacked her inside there and dragged her into the garage (using zip ties)?

I hate even typing that. :(
I think we learned in MT trial that the Welles garage door was found open iirc. That lock looked imo to be standard builder grade and didn't appear to be a dead bolt present either. I don't think that lock was any match for a determined FD. MOO
The one hour early was a legit reason for FD and his vehicle to be there, legit reason for him to drive around and park in next street, walk up/down street while “on the phone” scoping out woods. Potentially see if alarms are usually set, see what happens on JF, LA, kids arrival.
Wasn’t there camera of footage of the road behind Jennifer’s house? There were woods/bare tees if I remember between that road and JF’s back yard. Plain view to Jennifer’s back yard and house. Speculation at the time was (during the investigation) that FD could have been doing recon from there.

I forget where I saw that but I’m sure I must have seen it here on WS years ago.
If I were JFD I wouldve showed up at 4 JC and told mt to get the heck out of MY house.

I dont understand how, if GF owned it all, why JFD had to go rent another house. Throw FD and mt out and take her kid with you.Out of everything that happened between any of these people I cant believe this didn't happen.

Its all a moot point, I know. No one really believes the man you married and had kids with can actually do it. When she rented out the Welles Lane house, I wish the armed guard 24/7 came with it.
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Apologies - I skimmed right over the text to get to the chart.

This seems to be the important takeaway from the document -

By law, attempt or conspiracy to commit a crime “are crimes of the same grade and degree as the most serious offense which is attempted or is an object of the conspiracy, except that an attempt or conspiracy to commit a class A felony is a class B felony” (CGC § 53a-51). Thus, if someone is convicted of attempt or conspiracy to commit a crime that carries a mandatory minimum sentence other than a class A felony, the offender would be subject to that mandatory minimum sentence (see State v. Moran, 264 Conn. 593 (2003)).
Yes, I just have my phone atm so couldn't copy that section but that is what I recall being most relevant info. Search out the prior posts as we wrote for pages on this issue the other day.

Her max sentence I believe going from memory is 50 years and this I believe is consecutive for all 6 charges. But, please check yourself to confirm as this is me going from memory.

Yes, that quote you reference was in a prior thread and we also have quote iirc from Atty Bowman that he got it from Atty Pattis.

The circle was small so presumably the State investigators can figure it out.

I recall Bowman said he thought he got the sweatshirt, etc. from Pattis. I don't recall Bowman saying he got the report from Pattis. Re Felsen saying she saw 4 pages of the report, thinking she was minimizing her part in it. But shocking! --She read 4 pages of it, sitting beside MT? I mean, not just a flash of one page before she realized what it was? And if MT hadn't been stopped, Felsen would have read more? Gotta see how that plays out with the Statewide Grievance Cmte.
The one hour early was a legit reason for FD and his vehicle to be there, legit reason for him to drive around and park in next street, walk up/down street while “on the phone” scoping out woods. Potentially see if alarms are usually set, see what happens on JF, LA, kids arrival.
I wish I could recall the timeframe for that conversation with PG and Other Guy, when he asked them about the security lights/cameras. Doesn't seem like it could have occurred during that skinny gap between Grace Farm night and the murder...which would mean he'd been there before 5/22 also.
I always wondered if he was already inside or if he hid and followed her in when she drove into the garage. The dateline show the other night (meh) said he had “snuck in”. I’m not 100% taking their word obviously. As far as I know LE didn’t find any sign of a break-in and I highly doubt he had a key. Just a small detail that’s always nagged me.

I know there was all the blood in the garage but it’s so so horrible…. LA says JF’s purse was on the floor in the doorway between the mudroon and the kitchen. Might have he attacked her inside there and dragged her into the garage (using zip ties)?

I hate even typing that. :(
I thought for the longest time that he utilized a child to gain a visual on the access code to the garage the night of the backyard chocolate bunny picnic. In which case he'd have been in the garage already, waiting for her.

But I don't think it would have been any too hard to lurk in the treeline until he heard the garage door opening, then dart inside, wait for it to close, then ambush her.

I've wondered about the blood on the trash can lid. Three theories:

1. Cast off
2. He needed trash bags and towels. Looked in the trash can to see if there was anything in there he could use.
3. He'd hidden behind the trash can initially, so after killing her, he pushed it back into place.

I think JFd's purse was in the mudroom doorways not because that's as far as she got in (when she returned from the school drop off), but rather, that's where she left it on her way out (on her way to drop the children at school). Left her tea and breakfast, left showering and dressing, left her purse by the door -- because she'd only be gone a minute --

Meanwhile, FD was pedaling like a mad man toward 69 Welles... with zip ties and heavy tape.

As JFd was making the circuit to take her children to school, off in Farmington, Inmate #433612 was taking her child to school too, fully aware where FD was going and why.

I wish I could recall the timeframe for that conversation with PG and Other Guy, when he asked them about the security lights/cameras. Doesn't seem like it could have occurred during that skinny gap between Grace Farm night and the murder...which would mean he'd been there before 5/22 also.
No, I believe it was in months prior. If you want to go back then check the PG testimony on direct iirc.
That night that FD tried to finesse a meeting at 4 JC with KM's wife, I shudder to think what they were conspiring to do. Perhaps meet up with KM's phone at 4 JC while KM was busy elsewhere? To lie in wait? Where've we seen that before?

What came of the bags of lime?

Was there conspiracy to commit two murders?

Did FD have help concealing JFd's body?

What was  he doing in the basement of 80 MS on 5/24?

Who was driving the Suburban at all points on 5/24?

If only FD had chosen his last written word for honesty. It's the only way he could have given the children their mother back, and he wouldn't even give them that.

That's a fiery death IMO.
One of the things that I found odd about the States presentation of evidence was lack of credit card statements and receipts.

FD and MT lived their lives on credit cards so why didn’t we see more?

Why no Home Depot? Why no gas receipts? Why no stop and shop receipts? Why no rental car Tahoe receipt? On and on. Just struck me as odd as in other trials it’s used a lot for a variety of reasons including time stamps etc.

Will the timeline gaps be filled in if there is a trial for KM?

What was the path of the 2015 Suburban on the murder date or was that yet another red herring from the conspirators?

So many questions.

I thought for the longest time that he utilized a child to gain a visual on the access code to the garage the night of the backyard chocolate bunny picnic. In which case he'd have been in the garage already, waiting for her.

But I don't think it would have been any too hard to lurk in the treeline until he heard the garage door opening, then dart inside, wait for it to close, then ambush her.

I've wondered about the blood on the trash can lid. Three theories:

1. Cast off
2. He needed trash bags and towels. Looked in the trash can to see if there was anything in there he could use.
3. He'd hidden behind the trash can initially, so after killing her, he pushed it back into place.

I think JFd's purse was in the mudroom doorways not because that's as far as she got in (when she returned from the school drop off), but rather, that's where she left it on her way out (on her way to drop the children at school). Left her tea and breakfast, left showering and dressing, left her purse by the door -- because she'd only be gone a minute --

Meanwhile, FD was pedaling like a mad man toward 69 Welles... with zip ties and heavy tape.

As JFd was making the circuit to take her children to school, off in Farmington, Inmate #433612 was taking her child to school too, fully aware where FD was going and why.

Yes, but didn’t we have the other theory that FD had the second copy of the JF suburban key fob as iirc weren’t her car keys in her bag? There was a lot of info in this in prior threads. This is from memory so I apologise if I’m incorrect but others had theories on how the fob might provide access to garage door opener. Moo
Why would Horn be given a copy of the report if it had been sealed by a judge? I’ve never understood that.
Yes! And that is why IMO, in addition to MT, defense lead counsel JS and counsel AF should also be investigated and put under oath to find the story and any culpability or contempt charges. (As it seems so should any others, including FD former defense counsel NP, and associates.) MOO
Sorry if already mentioned but this updated article from today seems to indicate that her attorney believes she will be posting bond at some point. I can’t tell if they got this comment from him today, but if I had to guess based on the rest of the story including where she is as of “Monday” (today), then maybe it is a recent comment?

According to her lawyer, that amount too steep for her to get out immediately, but he expected her to be out soon.”
from this story -
In hindsight do you think that FD and MT should have never composed the alibi scripts? Whose idea was that? A lawyer, or was it a “suggestion” by LE. Or was that FD’s brainy idea and just said they were told to do so?
Maybe MT regrets those scripts now (along with so much more). They were so instrumental in shining a light on her lies.
FD had stolen it or had been given a copy by imo either/both: GAL Michael Meehan or Atty Michael Rose.

Judge Heller in Family Court was outraged by what happened and did a full scale investigation of how her order on how the Report was to be viewed and safeguarded was violated by FD, GAL Michael Meehan and Atty Michael Rose. The results of this investigation were also sealed so we don't know what was discovered but it seemed that FD had the report. Judge Heller quietly 'excused' Atty Micheal Rose for his role in both the Herman report leak as well as knowingly submitting the false financial statements of FD.

IMO Judge Heller should have sanctioned and censured Atty Michael Rose and reported him to the CT Bar but so far as I can tell this sadly never happened and so we have to see him do 'victory lap' appearances on local TV during the MT trial which I believe is shameful and wrong as imo nothing he is saying bears any resemblance to reality in Family Court at the time of JF murder by FD, MT and KM.

So, to answer your question, no the report isn't available now or ever as its sealed but at least one copy existed and was seized by CSP. Judge White imo made huge error early in the MT proceedings pre trial in not removing the report from CSP who had seized it from 4JX. Judge White gave a copy of the report to Jon Schoenhorn (he filed a Motion to say he was 'entitled to it as CSP had a copy iirc) who then proceeded to speak about the report in the Media and online as well as throughout the MT trial (ditto for the other attorney whose name I don't recall) with no respect imo to the victims in this case and ALSO imo in contravention of the security rules imposed on the Report by Judge Heller in Family Court.

I believe BOTH Jon Schoenhorn and Audrey Felson or Felsin or Felsen (don't recall...) should be subject to investigation by the State for how they handled the Herman Report and if their handling was in line with guidelines established for handling of the report by Judge Herman. Will this happen? IMO doubtful as Judge R imo had the obligation to safeguard the report and didn't imo and he seemed to rely on attorneys behaving in a manner that was consistent with Judge Hellers original order on the report which also imo clearly didn't happen.

Frankly I don't think the issues surrounding the report will ever be solved except by Civil Litigation from the Victims Family as Judge Heller never intervened to protect the document that was sealed by HER in Family Court and so far as we have seen the State has done nothing and the Victims Advocate in Stamford appears to be a GHOST imo.

I also have to say that I've been trying to track down the so called VICTIMS Advocate who apparently is supposed to exist at each CT Courthouse. I'm not sure if this person exists or has done ANYTHING on this particular case but IMO they should be ALL OVER THE ISSUE OF THE HERMAN REPORT. If anyone knows anything about this person and how to contact them please post back as I do think they should be made aware of what we all have witnessed now for over month regarding this Herman Report in Court as well as the upcoming MT Contempt Hearing as I think this Victims Advocate should attend the MT Contempt Hearing.

Somehow it seems MT digitised the Herman Report or part of it. We have no idea how this happened? My strong suspicion is that she got it from one of her attorneys in this case or digitised the FD copy long ago and it most likely was shared within her family as they all have been talking about it now for years.

Sad to see absolute disrespect for JF the Victim and her 5 children. Judge R could have done something, Judge White could have done something, Jetty Pattis could have returned the report to Judge Heller but didn't, Atty Bowman could have returned the report to Judge Heller but didn't, Jon Shoenhorn and Audrey Felson?Felsin/Felsen etc. all could have done something to safeguard the discredited report but imo none of these people did anything.

I hope the Victims Advocate intervenes but I even doubt whether they know anything about the situation. I also don't know if Atty Manning or McGuiness or their reporting hierarchy care much about the Report either but perhaps they might choose to do something?

IDK and it makes me angry as this all could have been avoided and we have a situation where a victim is not present to advocate on their own behalf.

I also fully concur on this afitzy. And it is unfortunate that the relevant / applicable courts, judges, attorney, counsel, and other individuals are not stepping up to bat on this. It is almost like being a member of the ‘club’, and no one will call a strike? Rather infuriating to outsiders and other law abiding persons.

Reminds me some years back, people were heavily, rudely, and illegally parking in the fire lane in a heavily used shopping center. You know, flashers blinking, blocking access. To quickly get their wares, as they were ‘special’.

There happened to be a state police officer on duty in the area in his vehicle. I approached him politely, asked if was on duty (answer yes), and then asked him whether he intended to cite any of the individuals? He looked somewhat perplexed, as if why should it be a bother? When I asked for his name and badge number he changed his tune. And stopped and cited an individual with a ticket.

In this MT case, this needs to be examined properly and fully regarding the ‘report’. IMO.

This also harkens back it seems to the words of the late Martin Luther King, Jr. about evil:

“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
Good day everyone! Does anyone know if MT has seen her family or lawyers yet? Or has spoken with anyone on the phone? I know there was a waiting period. But does that extend to her lawyers?

Based on WFSB (link posted earlier in the thread) updated time on her arrrival at York I’d imagine she got to call one family member either later on Friday night or early Saturday am. That call would be recorded and also there would be staff right in the vicinity.
I say that based on when you first get there you are screened for medical/mental health issues. This can take hours. If you clear those you are sent to an orientation “pod” with others just entering the system. If you don’t clear the med/mh screening you are kept separate from the inmate population until they can address any issues.
Phoning her attorney could have been arranged. Either by the lawyer(s) themselves or possibly by MT. Understand inmates always want to talk with their lawyers, for many reasons but staff cannot accommodate every inmate request and likely would not entertain MTs immediate “need”. More likely in the future as court dates draw near her attorneys will schedule both phone time and actual visits themselves on some sort of schedule and make MT aware that she should just wait for these times to do her “itchin’ and moanin’” then.
Visiting with an inmate takes time but one “courtesy visit” can be arranged “soon”. Otherwise today being Monday means her counselor is finally there and MT can request anywhere from 5-10 people be placed on her visitors list. Doesn’t have to do that for attorneys. She will need to know proper names and addresses for these individuals and forms will be mailed out for them to fill out and mail back. Once received everyone will be background checked and may make it on her list. Anyone with a criminal record will likely not be approved but can appeal by writing the warden. IME my ex had done two months for a DUI 17 years previous to him applying to be on our sons list. He was initially denied but wrote the warden and was approved within days.
All this of course depends on if someone is able to post bond. IME no one would recommend doing that. She started doing her time on Friday and she will be sentenced to at least some time so why would you waste money to take them out and restart the clock on her serving her sentence. Now IME the other family did bail out their daughter who promptly begged for them to bail my son out and they did. Wasted thousands of dollars for absolutely nothing. Perhaps MTs family will also. Depends on if they actually take legal advice….
Yes! And that is why IMO, in addition to MT, defense lead counsel JS and counsel AF should also be investigated and put under oath to find the story and any culpability or contempt charges. (As it seems so should any others, including FD former defense counsel NP, and associates.) MOO
This article from the Stanford Advocate dated 5-25-2021 states that Judge Blawie gave a copy to JS in response to motions JS had filed. It was awarded with extreme caution.

However, MT had seen and possessed a copy prior to this court's decision as she references it in the June 2019 interview.

From the SA:
"During a remote hearing, Stamford Superior Court Judge John F. Blawie said since state police obtained a complete copy of the report by search warrant, he saw no reason to prohibit Troconis’ attorney, Jon Schoenhorn, from obtaining the document.

The release came with a caution from Blawie. “There’s still a lot of sensitive information that the court will not tolerate seen in a press release or attached to a motion for public inspection,” he said.'
Link to article:
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