Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #11 *ARRESTS*

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Does anyone know if Fore Group had any other properties in NC? Because if you look at the Zillow history for 61 Sturbridge Hill, it was purchased in 2017 - the year JD fled Farmington and filed for divorce. If this is FD's only property, the timing is really, really weird...kind of a convenient way to stalk.
I also noticed on Google maps that right across the street from the Sturbridge house is a normal, older-looking colonial. Probably what the rest of the nearby homes looked like until vultures like FD swoop in and build gaudy monstrosities. Ick.
He’s a classic sociopath. He doesnt care one iota for those children. If he did he wouldn’t be subjecting them to abuse and woundnt have been making a dumpster run on Albany ave with their mothers bloody clothes and sponge
If he cared one bit about his children he wouldn’t have taken away the one thing they want in their lives — their mother.

Monsters like him just don’t understand the bond that a mother and child share. It lasts a lifetime and cannot be replaced by anything else. Nobody,and no amount of money can replace a mother.

I’m sure those poor children of hers are constantly thinking about her, and why she’s been gone for so long. She must be on their mind constantly, and their hearts aching. The thought of her never returning must be devastating. These are not babies, but children who remember their mother very well and understand what’s happening.

FD is a selfish monster, he thought perhaps bringing MT into the house in 2017 will make the kids like her and see her as a replacement for their own mother, once he’s done disposing of JD.

His children will despise him forever and he has no chance of ever being a father to them. I hope they can move on with their lives despite the tremendous loss and heartache.
JD was afraid of him (divorce filing documents) so I suspect she updated her own estate plan/trust to preclude him from ever having control over any of her money IMO. Her mother very likely had already done this - I do wonder if the kids still have their cell phones and are reading about what their dad's lawyer is saying about their mother? They have friends they want to stay in touch with I would think - and games to play - but did she take them away? Not sure how I would handle that situation. JMO

Yes, given that JD was in the midst of a divorce, I'm sure she made sure that FD was not beneficiary of anything...he already benefitted enough. My 13 year old son is very into his cell phone, social media, so taking that away from him would not make him happy, but kids find a way of getting online. I would think GF would encourage playing on xbox or inviting friends down from New Canaan. I wonder if JD had a large circle of friends. I get the feeling from her blog that she kept to herself perhaps.
Does anyone in here know how long it will take to incinerate a whole body completely? Just curious. I mean if he did it bonfire style I'm sure he wouldn't have been able to do that without people smelling/seeing the smoke. He would need to have those huge ovens for melting metal to do it stealthily. IF he had one of those I'm sure the LE would have checked it out first.

Check out Kelsey Berreth on this forum. Ugh
Spent some time this am reading through my MSM collection of PP (Pattis patter!) on the case and I actually could find no statement made by Atty Pattis that could be considered a positive character or other reference on his client AT ALL!

Atty Pattis has spent an inordinate amount of time IMO speaking about people that aren't his clients (MT) and people that are not on trial (JD) and missing victim shaming but very little/no time speaking about his client, his clients business practices and history, psych profile and involvement of FD family members in his business activities or anything personal about FD. Why not speak about the past litigation history of FD/FORE Group or the litigation involving rear ending a female driver on I84 while traveling at very high speed and then tormenting an injured woman for 2 years in court with endless motions during a period when she was in recovery and unable to work? Very curious as to WHY this is the case Atty Pattis? Could it be that there is perhaps little that is positive that can be said about FD? If its OK to release details from the Family Court psych eval for JD in contravention of courts order then since its already been released then perhaps the court should rule that the full evaluation of FD be put out into the public domain for all to evaluate and discuss as this is what happened to JD!?

Its actually interesting to see the substance of the PP stacked up in article after article and at times its confusing to read as its unclear that Pattis is actually representing FD. Seems the strategy is the tear down or burn down or blame everyone except his client.
Marissa Alter on Twitter

I don't know how to bring that pic of the motion to dismiss here. Maybe it's already here and I missed it.
Yep, this is precisely what I feared was going to happen even with the Probate Court granting temporary custody to GF. So so sad that this family and children have to live through what will no doubt be a horrible process.
Does anyone know if Fore Group had any other properties in NC? Because if you look at the Zillow history for 61 Sturbridge Hill, it was purchased in 2017 - the year JD fled Farmington and filed for divorce. If this is FD's only property, the timing is really, really weird...kind of a convenient way to stalk.
I also noticed on Google maps that right across the street from the Sturbridge house is a normal, older-looking colonial. Probably what the rest of the nearby homes looked like until vultures like FD swoop in and build gaudy monstrosities. Ick.
I believe it has been reported that he did NOT have NC properties until JD moved there to get away from him. The purchase seems like a clear signal he sent to her that he was going to continue to intimidate and control her, that she could never really get away from him. Those gaudy monstrosities were built by a monster, it turns out! (MOO)
Does anyone know if Fore Group had any other properties in NC? Because if you look at the Zillow history for 61 Sturbridge Hill, it was purchased in 2017 - the year JD fled Farmington and filed for divorce. If this is FD's only property, the timing is really, really weird...kind of a convenient way to stalk.
I also noticed on Google maps that right across the street from the Sturbridge house is a normal, older-looking colonial. Probably what the rest of the nearby homes looked like until vultures like FD swoop in and build gaudy monstrosities. Ick.
Searched for any land that he might own in name of FORE and didn't find anything. Originally I thought that sold Hemlock property was part of a subdividing effort with original seller of land but can't find evidence of further land owned by FORE as part of that project that is being held for development. Property could be owned in other corporate names that we don't yet know of and could also be in atty names etc. Very hard to search this out IMO.
Motion to dismiss
New filing in the Dulos custody case: Fotis Dulos’ legal team wants a judge to dismiss Jennifer’s mother’s request for custody, saying the court lacks jurisdiction. At the court appearance yesterday, the judge said she’d issue a decision on Gloria Farber’s motion soon.
I think in the prior thread the info was 3-4 hrs to dissolve a body Mexican Cartel style and 6-8 hrs to incinerate a body depending on temperature of fire. I keep wondering about all the searching of underground storm drains (remember the green manhole cover in Farmington) or septic tanks. Could this have been what was done to dispose of body?
Yes I remember this too. I think we can conclude he did not cremate her since he had no time to do that and no resource to do that. Septic tanks seem plausible since dogs will have a hard time sniffing her out if she is in one of them...
If he cared one bit about his children he wouldn’t have taken away the one thing they want in their lives — their mother.

Monsters like him just don’t understand the bond that a mother and child share. It lasts a lifetime and cannot be replaced by anything else. Nobody,and no amount of money can replace a mother.

I’m sure those poor children of hers are constantly thinking about her, and why she’s been gone for so long. She must be on their mind constantly, and their hearts aching. The thought of her never returning must be devastating. These are not babies, but children who remember their mother very well and understand what’s happening.

FD is a selfish monster, he thought perhaps bringing MT into the house in 2017 will make the kids like her and see her as a replacement for their own mother, once he’s done disposing of JD.

His children will despise him forever and he has no chance of ever being a father to them. I hope they can move on with their lives despite the tremendous loss and heartache.
Well said. Deserves more than a like.
Yes, this is the question I was asking yesterday about GF atty strategy in going first to Probate Court. Did they have to go to Probate because GF didn't have standing in Family Court as she physically had the children staying with her but didn't have legal guardianship approval in place? My question was that after GF rec'd the guardianship she then had the ability to go to Family Court to be heard on the issue of custody/continued guardianship.

Just trying to understand the process of GF and her atty as GF isn't party to the divorce action being heard by Judge Heller. My concern was that GF wouldn't be heard by Family Court and that custody could revert to FD as he is out on bail pending trial. Given the prior restrictions on FD in custody it seemed illogical that the Family Court would reverse the restrictions and permit full/unrestricted custody but stranger things have happened and I was of course quite concerned for the children given the information we have thus far in the criminal case.

Good questions. Guardianships in CT are obtained in probate court and are granted when parents can't care for their kids - missing, homeless, mentally ill, on drugs or incarcerated. That was the right forum for her at the time.

But she could intervene in family court at anytime. She just couldn't start a family law case for grandparent custody on her own.

Now that FDis out and "available", the probate orders wouldn't continue. So she has to battle in family court.

I hope the court can stretch the law to find that grandma has a parent-like relationship after a few weeks. But I do think it could be a stretch.

It does help that FD has highly restricted visitation and no real custody but mom was around then. So if one parent disappears another family member isn't really able to just step in their shoes and "take" custody from the other, non-custodial parent. There have been many cases where the murderer gets custody during the investigation and/or case.

So grandma has a battle.

But my hopeful prediction is that Heller grants custody to grandma.

Best interests of the children is the pivotal legal standard in every case.

Fingers crossed.
Yes, this is the question I was asking yesterday about GF atty strategy in going first to Probate Court. Did they have to go to Probate because GF didn't have standing in Family Court as she physically had the children staying with her but didn't have legal guardianship approval in place? My question was that after GF rec'd the guardianship she then had the ability to go to Family Court to be heard on the issue of custody/continued guardianship.

Just trying to understand the process of GF and her atty as GF isn't party to the divorce action being heard by Judge Heller. My concern was that GF wouldn't be heard by Family Court and that custody could revert to FD as he is out on bail pending trial. Given the prior restrictions on FD in custody it seemed illogical that the Family Court would reverse the restrictions and permit full/unrestricted custody but stranger things have happened and I was of course quite concerned for the children given the information we have thus far in the criminal case.

I looked into the probate court issue when it was first discussed (thread #3) that Gloria Farber had gone to that court regarding custody. This is what I found. Not sure if it's helpful, but see Part II -- Removal of Parent or Guardian (p 3-4):

After a hearing, the court may remove a parent as guardian if it finds by clear and
convincing evidence that one or more of the following conditions are present:
(1) The parent consents to removal as guardian.
(2) The minor has been abandoned by the parent.
(3) The minor has been denied the care, guidance or control necessary for his or her physical, educational, moral or emotional well-being as a result of acts of parental commission or omission.
(4) The minor has had physical injury or injuries other than by accidental means, or
has injuries that are at variance with the history given of them or is in a condition
that is the result of maltreatment.
(5) The minor has been found to be neglected or uncared for, as defined in C.G.S.
section 46b-120.

BBM. Guide - Guardians of Minors.pdf

I understand that JD has not been declared deceased but, for the sake of my questions, please assume she has been..
Since JD and FD are still legally married, albeit separated (legally?), what will happen to a supposed will, life insurance, any disposable income, assets, etc?
Would the legal spouse have first choice in these? How would that change if the spouse was incarcerated?
Thank you in advance :)

Motion to dismiss
View attachment 190993
New filing in the Dulos custody case: Fotis Dulos’ legal team wants a judge to dismiss Jennifer’s mother’s request for custody, saying the court lacks jurisdiction. At the court appearance yesterday, the judge said she’d issue a decision on Gloria Farber’s motion soon.
Thank you for bringing that here, I couldn't figure out how to attach the pic.
Good questions. Guardianships in CT are obtained in probate court and are granted when parents can't care for their kids - missing, homeless, mentally ill, on drugs or incarcerated. That was the right forum for her at the time.

But she could intervene in family court at anytime. She just couldn't start a family law case for grandparent custody on her own.

Now that FDis out and "available", the probate orders wouldn't continue. So she has to battle in family court.

I hope the court can stretch the law to find that grandma has a parent-like relationship after a few weeks. But I do think it could be a stretch.

It does help that FD has highly restricted visitation and no real custody but mom was around then. So if one parent disappears another family member isn't really able to just step in their shoes and "take" custody from the other, non-custodial parent. There have been many cases where the murderer gets custody during the investigation and/or case.

So grandma has a battle.

But my hopeful prediction is that Heller grants custody to grandma.

Best interests of the children is the pivotal legal standard in every case.

Fingers crossed.

Crossing my fingers someone is indicted for murder and this becomes a moot point.
It's true, this case has caught the attention of the press because of the wealth, location, scenario of the players...but to imply that the 5 children will be showered with sympathy and affection, plus good privileges, as if this matters right now to these small children, isn't fair. Those 5 kids don't care about their privilege. They just want their mom and dad. We hear plenty about the other cases too. These 5 children are traumatized rich or poor.

Every young kid wants a normal upbringing and that's natural and we should all want that for them. Their father from what we have seen was a poor role model in most important respects and the kids adored him anyway. Fotis has been a ruthless, cutthroat, manipulative, cruel, vengeful opportunist as far back as we know. So missing him would be no real loss--instead they are going to be better off with better people except for the loss of the mother, which is huge for young kids. Having the grandmother and family members hopefully they will have a decent life, they may have to change the kids' last name and move them permanently out of New Canaan. Many of those who have gone to "the Country School" they have been attending grew up with large entitlement mentalities, people like L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer who was heavily responsible to the Iraq chaos that followed his decision to fire hundreds of thousands of Baathist security personnel when he took over in 2003 as President of the IGC. So no I don't have much sympathy with over 7 billion people on the planet, a small percentage of which don't play by the rules and act as if they are special, when the large majorities struggle just for their daily bread.
We don’t know if FD phone pinged or not in the morning. LE did not release the info of the phone pings on that morning. The only info on MT phone pings were when they were dumping trash in Hartford.

Why would LE release info about phone pings in afternoon and not address whether there were or werent phone pings in the am? and did you catch the part of how the phone pings between location in the afternoon had one of the trips exactly 43 minutes as he walked home. FT wanted to leave the workers car back at the house he found it at?
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