Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #12 *ARRESTS*

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She alleged in court papers her estranged husband -- an American and Turkish citizen who was raised in Greece and Turkey -- had applied for passports for him and their children. He told her he was scheduled to have an interview at the Greek consulate where he was set to get the passports in June 2017, according to her court filing.
He had also booked a trip to Greece for him and their children for the following month, she said in court papers. She said the trip plans did not include her.

Missing Connecticut woman's blood found on items dumped in trash receptacles, authorities say - CNN
Yes, that was part of the divorce action documents. FD was attempting to get Greek passports for the children and thankfully the Family Court did act to stop him from doing so. So far as we know FD has a Greek passport which was surrended recently to the Court along with his US passport (believed to be held previously by Family Court).
Good luck trying to get your kids back from countries like Greece, Italy or Turkey. Those countries are very uncooperative with US authorities because they feel their culture is far superior and only follow international law very reluctantly.
Good one!

Loved this quote:

"The third definition I have to address before I even attempt to answer the question has to do with what it means to be “a good marriage partner.” By that, I mean someone who is respectful, genuinely loves and cares for his family, is not insane or unreasonable, is gainfully employed and can cover his responsibilities. A good marriage partner does not physically or emotionally abuse his mate or his children; is not involved in criminal behavior; does not cheat. He spends time to develop a relationship with his family and does not take them for granted. A good marriage partner can be said to be a person of integrity, honor, with ‘philotimo’. Someone who does right by family, country, and God".

No checks on any of these for FD that I can see? Anyone seeing it differently????
From the article I read that Greek Husband as Good Marital Partner is a GIANT OXYMORON.

Remember Jackie Onassis's writing on her relationship w/
Aristotle Onassis? It was so clear that she wanted security and
financial security but didn't really expect a loving partner.
Good luck trying to get your kids back from countries like Greece, Italy or Turkey. Those countries are very uncooperative with US authorities because they feel their culture is far superior and only follow international law very reluctantly.
You'll find this same problem with other "Patriarchal" Countries
where men rule and women are to serve. Middle Eastern countries are notorius for this in child custody.
From the article I read that Greek Husband as Good Marital Partner is a GIANT OXYMORON.

Remember Jackie Onassis's writing on her relationship w/
Aristotle Onassis? It was so clear that she wanted security and
financial security but didn't really expect a loving partner.
Yes, the Onassis marriage and the reasons for it were complicated but that interestingly too was a marriage with 3 people in it! Guess that is a 'Greek Thing' too. One never seems to be enough...

It’s always been my suspicion that FD’s PlanB if anyone started to eye him as a suspect in JD’s disappearance (or maybe even if they did not), would be to orchestrate MT’s “suicide” based on the contrived motivation and fabricated MT note/confession (perhaps sent on/from one of MT’s mobile devices or SM accounts) about the alleged guilt MT felt and how she could not live with herself with what she, as a jealous and impatient paramour, had done to fast track FD’s remarriage availability by ridding them of the JD roadblock to achieving MT’s goal/s to replace JD as FD’s wife#3 (assuming there aren’t already additional prior or current wives out there dead or alive).

MT’s alleged suicide note would conveniently and expressly fully exonerate FD, MT would no longer be around to testify against FD or to dispute the authenticity of the alleged suicide note/confession, and FD would believe himself to have conclusive proof FD had nothing to do with JD’s disappearance or murder, but was just another victim of the heinous crime, plus he’d again be an eligible bachelor.

I think MT’s family and defense team are on to this risk and are trying to protect her from getting suicided between now and future trial/s.

I hope that wife one is doing her best to stay safe while fully cooperating with investigators.

Ditto on the 2010 nanny who reportedly ran over granny. It seems likely she’s been threatened and traumatized, so she’d be unlikely to willingly come forward or cooperate unless she could be guaranteed protection, which given what she knows about FD would be unlikely, if she’s even still alive at all. If she “O.D.’d,” FD/NP would spin it as her never getting over the guilt of running over KD. But who is the one who was around for the “staircase fall”? If KD received a massive blow to the head or blacked out from the “fall” or all medication, it’s possible (likely?) KD would not herself have been able to recall how she wound up suddenly on the floor or in the ER.

EVERY INSURANCE CLAIM AND POLICY OF ANY AND EVERY TYPE AS TO WHICH FD, FORE GROUP, or any of his or his parents, relatives, associates, or in-laws corporate, business, premises, property, or other policy WAS AN INSURED, BENEFICIARY, OWNER, CLAIMANT, ADDITIONALINSURED, MANAGER, TRUSTEE, OR EXECUTOR, as well as any/all tax filings and banking records for corporate, business, or personal lives, debts, assets, or property should be very closely reviewed, audited, cross referenced, and scrutinized.

I wonder if FD already drained the children's accounts or whether he’s been skimming off them and fraudulently taking out loans against their trusts or accounts as security or guarantee.

I’m guessing FD’s dad died of natural causes as at this time I’m unaware of any potential motive FD may have had for his father PD’s death. Wife one and/or others, however, may have a different opinion on this as they may know more.

HF reportedly died of cancer, but certainly FD had motive to want HF out of the picture, so I would not put anything past FD — just given FD’s personality profile and known pattern/s.

Then again, there’s also that tragic fire. Just sayin’

And if there was a crappy amateur hit man FD subbed the JD job out to the cheap (bc FD is cheap), certainly FD would have had motive to eliminate the amateur dude as soon as possible. My guess would be FD’s choice for the job would be someone financially desperate and legally undocumented. The few witnesses, the better.

You get what you pay for, however, which may have been why FD wound up having to do more clean up work than he intended. If true, I’m betting FD stuffed the hitman too. Just seems very much in character.

And of course FD intended to infect as many people as possible in this process as potential suspects — such as the red truck swap employee and even just wild cast off theory nonsense about JD’s troubled past of hiding out living on the lam for years under a false identity, financial combat with family, heroin trafficking former Cambodian boyfriends, and the (im)possibility of an imminent natural death based on some known but concealed catastrophic health issues.

Muddy waters.

EVERY INSURANCE CLAIM AND POLICY OF ANY AND EVERY TYPE AS TO WHICH FD, FORE GROUP, or any of his or his parents, relatives, associates, or in-laws corporate, business, premises, property, or other policy WAS AN INSURED, BENEFICIARY, OWNER, CLAIMANT, ADDITIONALINSURED, MANAGER, TRUSTEE, OR EXECUTOR, as well as any/all tax filings and banking records for corporate, business, or personal lives, debts, assets, or property should be very closely reviewed, audited, cross referenced, and scrutinized.

I wonder if FD already drained the children's accounts or whether he’s been skimming off them and fraudulently taking out loans against their trusts or accounts as security or guarantee.

Amen! Hope LE is following along on this thread but I'm confident that they are 10 steps ahead of us in doing what Family Court was unable to do, namely, unravel FD financial situation. MOO!
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My first marriage was to an Italian born in Italy and raised here since the age of 8 but lived in a place where the Italian community was close knit. Italian businesses, churches, worked in factories together and socialized within their own group. I am sure JD may have been aware of the domineering stereotype of Greek men, but can all of them be like that? The ex's brother is nothing like him. Things DO get worse the longer a relationship continues. And remember, JD and FD were married less than a year after reconnecting. Likely only saw his good side. What happens is this: Any slight they may feel, remains forever in their minds. They never let go of it. If there are 2 possible interpretations of events, they will always go to the one where you have deliberately crossed them. Eventually, if you are riding in the car on a sunny day, they argue over if the sky is blue. Then, the silent treatment and you are not even sure why. And the contempt they have for you is astounding. Now, of course there are non-Greek and non-Italians who are even worse than what I've described but I'm convinced that culture did play a role in the formation of the ex's personality. I love Italian food and culture but I would NEVER date one again unless his family had been here more than just a generation and hadn't been living in an insular community of immigrants. No way, no how.
I think the negatives you're describing are far more related to personality types than to cultural traits. As you point out, two siblings can be completely different.
Yes, that was part of the divorce action documents. FD was attempting to get Greek passports for the children and thankfully the Family Court did act to stop him from doing so. So far as we know FD has a Greek passport which was surrended recently to the Court along with his US passport (believed to be held previously by Family Court).
I knew you'd remember where I saw that!
I think the negatives you're describing are far more related to personality types than to cultural traits. As you point out, two siblings can be completely different.
That's why I made a lot of qualifications. The article that was linked about Greek men mentioned the odd over-attachment to the mother that is so common. I saw that too and in more Italian men than just him. It can be debilitating to a relationship. I could be 100% wrong, but cultural influence does exist. Cultures vary. A very delicate topic these days, for sure. For me, I would be wary.
That's why I made a lot of qualifications. The article that was linked about Greek men mentioned the odd over-attachment to the mother that is so common. I saw that too and in more Italian men than just him. It can be debilitating to a relationship. I could be 100% wrong, but cultural influence does exist. Cultures vary. A very delicate topic these days, for sure. For me, I would be wary.
There will always be cultural differences and specifics. They don't necessarily affect you negatively. That also depends on other factors.

Speaking of over-attachment, was FD one of those mama's boys?
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I’m guessing FD’s dad died of natural causes as at this time I’m unaware of any potential motive FD may have had for his father PD’s death. Wife one and/or others, however, may have a different opinion on this as they may know more.

Snipped by me

FWIW, FD's father was about 92 years old when he passed away. Just because FD is a suspect in his wife's murder doesn't mean he's been killing off family members one by one over the course of years, in my opinion.

There will always be cultural differences and specifics. They don't necessarily affect you negatively. That also depends on other factors.

Speaking of over-attachment, was FD on of those mama's boys?

IMOO, I feel the culture you are raised in can amplify positive or negative traits. So, in a sense I am agreeing with your statement. Don't know about FD and his mama. Doubt it though. I never said all people are the same.
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