Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #12 *ARRESTS*

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Here’s an interesting aside. In 2016 Fore Group Inc. (owner, contact, FD) applied for an H1B visa and a green card for employees. The H1B occupations were construction manager and interior designer; the Green Card occupation was Marketing Manager (salary $122,992). It looks like 1 H1B was certified, and 1 Green Card was “certified-expired”. There were no other applications in any other years listed.
I was wondering g about this.
Found this basic article for laypeople that don't speak phone geek about how cell phone info can be tracked by LE. I will have to check but I don't think NC has that many cell phone towers (always big fights when new towers are requested and there are parts of town that still don't have great service and some parts of town with no service). The Problem with Mobile Phones
This is quite interesting, I use a landline
From Fore Group's website in 2015 (excerpt from afitzy's posted link above):
"In addition to Dulos, who holds an MBA from Columbia University, Fore Group’s executive team includes Guillaume Vidallet, who has a master’s degree in Construction Management from New York University; Steffen Reich, who has a finance background and Wall Street experience; and three project managers including an in-house real estate agent and a punch-list specialist."

Well.... that's telling, IMO, that from back when (ok, 4 years ago), even when Fore Group seemed like it was legit and several people worked there, it looks like from the 2015 website, that FD had enlisted friends from 'school days' in NYC, etc. to be 'frontmen' for his 'business'... in addition to some other 'vague' but rightly titled doers who might be able to give some panache to their credentials.

While all the time FD's 'projects' were only getting funded (to the tune of over $13mil, of which he was at least $2.5mil shy on paying back at the time JD went missing) by JD's parents, not by a bank that would charge interest and hit hard if ontime repayments weren't made for the loans FD 'took out'.

So.... what happened to the Fore Group's lucrative business between 2015 (when at least a few people with 'credentials' worked there) and 2019 (when FD is the sole employee of his own company)?

Ummm, since 2015 he 'escalated' in his little world of deceit and treachery, and turned out to be a psychotic mess of a business owner, partner, husband, father, son-in-law, etc., and JD had to file for divorce two years later in 2017 just after her dad died, who she was close to and had funded FD over $13mil over the 15+ years of his daughter's marriage to him to build these great places to live in CT. Then the next two years of what sounds like terrible trouble when JD tried to divorce him and protect the children and do as much 'distancing' from him as she could.
Yes, Hope, I fear Jennifer's in a drum at the bottom of one of those bodies of water and wonder if that's what LE has been looking for. A drum could be rolled out of a truck and into the water.

Drew Peterson did this to the second dead wife and even though a friend told the police he helped carry the drum out, they never found it and Drew was never tried for Stacey's murder. Of course they dug up the other wife and got him on that one so it turned out well.

I wonder if sonar could be used to find one. Not sure how deep it goes.
There are a couple of apps out there. But I’m curious about what would happen if I used an iPad to clone my iPhone. Like with pings and such. It’s really creepy. Someone can just clone your phone remotely! Ahhhhhhhh.

Hmmm. There was this time when my daughter’s phone was doing this weird thing where if we called it, it wouldn’t go through or go to voicemail but other people not on our account could call it. On top of that, she was going through a GB of data a day even when she was at work in a place where no phones are allowed. Verizon kept saying it was her apps even when the phone was off and being returned to them. Finally, a tech person asked why her calls were being forwarded to a NY number. We had no idea as she didn’t know anyone with that number, etc. It turned out that someone had hacked our Verizon account and, without having the phone, had gone into the account to forward calls to her number to this NY one. Whoever it was, was playing online games and using lots of data with her number. Very odd. It was easy to do in retrospect if you could get into the online account. I have no idea if this could relate to FD.

I do know you can have a phone number through Google Voice. I don’t know how it works except that it’s like a phone number for you that’s not really your own “real” phone number. Professors sometimes use these if they don’t want to give their cell numbers to all their students. People selling items use these, too, and, sure, I’m sure that some people with nefarious aims do. And wait...FD must know something about tech as he set up GF’s Facebook.
Yes, I suspect this is why FD and his attorney promptly exited NCPD headquarters. FD may have thought he would be able to schmooze LE, but IMO they were not having it. The apparent cooperation of coming to police headquarters and giving his phone seems to have evaporated quickly. JMO.

As I once said to two people who deserved it, believe me, as I am generally not rude, “I can’t decide if it’s your ignorance or your arrogance that bothers me most.” Later I decided it was the arrogance since that allowed the individuals to continue their activities unabashed.
Here is a case that the Feds busted wide open in January of this year:

“The US is tying loose ends on an elaborate cellphone crime spree. A Florida judge has sentenced Braulio De la Cruz Vasquez to 65 months in prison after he pleaded guilty to charges he worked with four co-conspirators (who've already pleaded guilty) as part of a ring that would 'clone' phones and use them for international calls. De la Cruz would receive identifying information linked to wireless subscribers' accounts and use that to "reprogram" cellphones he controlled. After that, his partners would send international calls to his home internet connection and route them through the hijacked phones, making the unwitting victims pay for others' calls.”
Man sentenced to 65 months in prison over phone 'cloning' scheme

It’s way out of FuDo’s league the above case but...I still think he could have manipulated one of his iPhones or Mac Pro to clone his main iPhone. But I think LE could definitely be on to that if so. They would be able to track that. And if he used any of the items now in his possession to do so then it all loops neatly back to him for the purposes of future charges. The only reason he’d do so is the same reason he’d buy a burner phone: to disguise his activity.

But if the phone calls NP spoke about as being part of FD’s alibi for the morning of May 24th do exist then it’s critical to find out if he did clone his phone. I just don’t know enough about this stuff. It is way above my pay grade.

And there you go...much like the issue with my daughter’s phone.
Many locals got the Silver Alert (I saw it) and local papers started covering it on Sat/Sun. Still don't know if the Silver Alert was made over the entire state or into NY/Westchester.
It would have been state wide on the highway signs and on the radio and TV notices, but if you are not watching that particular interest, you wouldn't get it. Or, if you were not out driving.
If your town is on the list and you sign up on line for the notice you should get it on your phone
Still very easy to miss if you are not driving, or watching TV or listening to radio.
Connecticut Emergency Alerting and Notification Systems
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FD's visit to the NCPD with his lawyer the day after JD was reported missing by concerned friends was the first and last time there was any reference to him 'cooperating' with the investigation into JD's disappearance.

IMO, he was still thinking at that point he had gotten away with it and LE would continue to be hands off, even though he had already talked to and arranged to go there with his lawyer within less than 24 hours since she was reported missing.

IMO FD thought he could just say 'gosh, no, I don't know nothing, laters!' (initial superficial cooperation) and they would swallow it and let him walk away without any consequences like taking and keeping his phone.

When he was arrested and in jail a week later for evidence tampering, etc., in those photos of him in his orange jumpsuit with his hands cuffed IMO he definitely had a crazy disbelieving look in his dark, sinister eyes, like he couldn't fathom being in trouble for something he never thought he would have to do anything more than brush off with admonitions of "I'm not involved, but let me tell you how troubled she was...".

ETA: Point being, I think he he was really surprised by all the attention and that he might not be able to get away with murder because people were paying attention and his wife had laid the groundwork for him to be the primary suspect if anything were to happen to her. JMO. His behavior seems eerily similar to Scott Peterson's when his pregnant wife Laci went missing. He thought her family, friends, and LE would just accept it and go on about their business, and was surprised when there was so much unrelenting attention on finding her.
Also, how did he think the blood evidence would go unnoticed? Really? I know he wanted her to be seen as merely missing, not murdered, but the way he did things reeks of murder done by a person known to the victim. I hate having to think like a killer, but smarter to have left her there and destroyed any DNA evidence bleach, fire, etc. IMO.
So.... what happened to the Fore Group's lucrative business between 2015 (when at least a few people with 'credentials' worked there) and 2019 (when FD is the sole employee of his own company)?

Ummm, since 2015 he 'escalated' in his little world of deceit and treachery, and turned out to be a psychotic mess of a business owner, partner, husband, father, son-in-law, etc., and JD had to file for divorce two years later in 2017 just after her dad died, who she was close to and had funded FD over $13mil over the 15+ years of his daughter's marriage to him to build these great places to live in CT. Then the next two years of what sounds like terrible trouble when JD tried to divorce him and protect the children and do as much 'distancing' from him as she could.

These sociopathic con artists do escalate when they feel they have gotten what they came for. They are now restless and whatever wonderful things have been provided like love, children and even money, they are still not satisfied. They need more, more, more. They are never satisfied and they get high from the deceit. Unfortunately, I could write a book.[/QUOTE]
So.... what happened to the Fore Group's lucrative business between 2015 (when at least a few people with 'credentials' worked there) and 2019 (when FD is the sole employee of his own company)?

Ummm, since 2015 he 'escalated' in his little world of deceit and treachery, and turned out to be a psychotic mess of a business owner, partner, husband, father, son-in-law, etc., and JD had to file for divorce two years later in 2017 just after her dad died, who she was close to and had funded FD over $13mil over the 15+ years of his daughter's marriage to him to build these great places to live in CT. Then the next two years of what sounds like terrible trouble when JD tried to divorce him and protect the children and do as much 'distancing' from him as she could.

These sociopathic con artists do escalate when they feel they have gotten what they came for. They are now restless and whatever wonderful things have been provided like love, children and even money, they are still not satisfied. They need more, more, more. They are never satisfied and they get high from the deceit. Unfortunately, I could write a book.
Great question- what happened in last few years?
I have to believe somewhere in JD's writings or blogs the answer
will be there if she were able to step back and be somewhat objective. Although that may have been humanly impossible since she was living the nightmare.

Did FD start to believe his own press? Did he believe he was on
top 'o the mountain and infallible w/ all the peons surrounding him gratefully
doing allah's?

Was he burning the candle at 4 ends and stress, lifestyle, got the best of him?

Seems there was a point where he stopped making good decisions
and allowed the mistakes he made in his market to start the downward spiral. Almost like at that point he was just gonna ride
the wild horse to it's demise. Instead of working to undo his mistakes and go on, learning from his experiences. But no, he held on and went wild- Guess he couldn't admit to his screw-ups
in building and pricing his McMansions . even his R.E. agent
knew his mistakes but couldn't convince the blockhead he was wrong.
Was HF a true 'mentor' to FD while he was well and alive? Maybe
HF kept FD on an even keel and was actually a respected businessman who steered and guided FD through mistakes.
Because he was so financially vested, maybe HF insisted on
participating in some decisions. Not on paper but in real life.

I keep wondering if HF didn't treat FD like a real son in all ways
and FD responded by being successful personally and professionally. but with HF sickly then gone, FD slowly went downhill personally and professionally.
Why did the sister just ask questions the whole statement? It wasn’t very convincing. Did I read the whole thing? Statement issued by Rena Dulos, older sister of Fotis Dulos

I understand that she is an architect attempting to construct a vision--- a brother who is not a monster but rather a kind being. However, the foundation of a being she describes is not the man known to the people at his children's school, the judge in his custody case, and the evidence presented in the case.

She describes him as driven and meticulous and on this point I wholeheartedly agree. He left a small "footprint" in her garage but enough so we knew early on that she was probably dead. He left DNA at the faucet. He was seen on camera, in his truck disposing of bloody items and cleaning items. He was committed to doing what he could to erase JD. But, he could not. He did not. Something has gone terribly wrong with his heart and he has done terrible things that left more than an impression or can be cleaned up by a marketing ploy.
For every murder there is someone telling us what a great person the POI is!
I am not buying this drivel. No, it is not relevant to know.

Although I did find this tidbit interesting of your statement:

That FD would "...pull amazing pranks on his friends,..."

IMO - You know what a good prank requires? Secrecy and planning!! I wonder what his pranks consisted of exactly? Some pranks can be downright cruel and mean, others not harmful and all in good fun.
Who did he prank and how?
I Absolutely, 100% Believe that EE was being Set Up.

EE was working for FD in New Caanan on that Friday.

EE was driving FD's Ford Raptor Truck in New Caanan on that Friday.

In My 'newly formed' Opinion, EE helped load the infamous trash bags into FD's Ford Raptor Truck Friday evening, to get EE's finger prints all over the bags.

In My 'possibly' newly formed Opinion, EE lives near the area of Albany Road where the 'Trash Bin Odyssey of Stupidity' took place in the Hartford Area.

I keep asking myself, Why would FD hold on to the trash bags and deposit them later?

Why not destroy them immediately?

Why would he want to have them anywhere near him or his properties and for so long?

Setting Up EE answers these questions for me.

This theory makes sense to me.
Bingo! Great find!

This confirms the earlier theory that FD had to hire MT because of immigration status issue. So is there any way to tell the Green Card current status? This also could be a 'hook' that FD has into MT as she no doubt wanted to stay in US as her daughter was in school near Farmington.

Still baffling that MT didn't have US citizenship as she was born in TN. Maybe it was the tax issues associated with US citizenship that she didn't want but it made it harder to stay in the US without being employed IMO.
I thought we discovered on thread 2 or 3 MT was born in TN and is a US citizen? I suspect those docs may be for the sister?
if ee was setup, and is cooperating, he could have given a lot of necessary info to connect a bunch of dots. i dont mean to sound like a broken record, but i believe the red truck that he used the altered plates on, plays a huge role in all this.
Agree with you.
Ex-employee was very much aware he was set up to take the fall. It
was mentioned in an article early on. Which is why he immediately had to lawyer up to protect himself. Poor guy.

Somewhere I read that MT gave up the info on Red Truck and Ex-Employee, which is also when LE started putting FD's travels
together. If true, then she really did assist LE.
Anyone else see this about MT?
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