Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #14 *ARRESTS*

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Amateurishly doctored plates seem like a good way to (hopefully) get EE pulled over by LE. As someone pointed out earlier, LE is just looking for anything hinky to give an excuse to pull people over and run their plates. Get it on the record that he was in or traveling to from NC that day. If the purpose was to avoid detection, FD could have simply swiped a plate from a vehicle he knew wouldn't be used that day.
A license plate reader would PROBABLY (imo) flag a doctored plate because it isn't metal. I could be wrong, because temp plates are cardboard in CT, but I can't imagine that reader tech would be so unsophisticated.

Disposal in the sewer grate was probably an, oh, s---! moment, where FD realized that that also needed to be disposed of, and it was too intact, recognizable an item to risk dropping in a garbage can.

These plates and how they were used/misused drives me batty!

Did FD alter them and put them on the Raptor hoping to further point the finger at EE on 5/24 in NC?

Did he use them on EE red truck to help himself out as he did the deed and disposal?

Did he use them on the Raptor for his jaunt throughout the Albany Ave trash disposal?

What else could he have used them for?
FD used non-standard modifications on his old license plate. Should have been 3 letters and 4 numbers, but he swap in a letter for the second number. Should have alerted a casual cop with a scanner, IMO.
"An image of the vehicle’s license plate is captured by the camera and processed by the frame grabber. Specially designed software algorithms are used to enhance the image and make it more recognizable. After the image of the plate has been rendered by the software, the plate number is compared to a database that contains a list of vehicles authorized to enter the facility. If the plate number matches a vehicle on the authorized list, the gate lifts and the vehicle is permitted to enter. If the plate read does not match an entry in the database the vehicle is refused entry and the driver must leave the area."

If I can think like FD for a minute- If I change the numbers and letters on the plate, they can't be traced back to me cause LE won't know the numbers and letters are fake- if cameras are at a distance
from plates- And if I put them down this drain, nobody will ever, ever, find them to trace them back to me. Nobody will find them.
that's his big, stupid mistake, thinking the plates would never be found.
What LE has to do is track the cameras/videos that have these faked
plates on them. Were they cameras on water company property?
Or on a toll road? Where were the cameras?
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I'd love to see FD's driving record as long as he's been in US.
I'd wager he's had a whole host of tickets and that he had the money
to hire a good lawyer to beat the charge. He's probably been
breaking laws his whole life and has gotten away with it. And as he got older and had more control in his life, the violations just escalated
to where we are today.
I would think he is too into his muscular body to do hard drugs. I would guess that he might be a heavy drinker and that's when he would let out his best verbal abuse. Check out the bar in his Jefferson home.
Probably a staged bar - but noting that there's a bottle on the bottom row, far right, probably a scotch or some kind of whiskey, that appears to have enjoyed some love.

Also looking tapped into is the first bottle on the far-left, second shelf (looks like tequila).
Would also point out that if license plate readers were so unsophisticated, EZ Pass and the like would be really easy to game. Just slap some fake letters and digits on your plates.
Amateurishly doctored plates seem like a good way to (hopefully) get EE pulled over by LE. As someone pointed out earlier, LE is just looking for anything hinky to give an excuse to pull people over and run their plates. Get it on the record that he was in or traveling to from NC that day. If the purpose was to avoid detection, FD could have simply swiped a plate from a vehicle he knew wouldn't be used that day.
A license plate reader would PROBABLY (imo) flag a doctored plate because it isn't metal. I could be wrong, because temp plates are cardboard in CT, but I can't imagine that reader tech would be so unsophisticated.

Disposal in the sewer grate was probably an, oh, s---! moment, where FD realized that that also needed to be disposed of, and it was too intact, recognizable an item to risk dropping in a garbage can.
Would also point out that if license plate readers were so unsophisticated, EZ Pass and the like would be really easy to game. Just slap some fake letters and digits on your plates.

POsted a few threads back that I read about this in a kid's book while I was a kid!

The book was part of a Book Club subscription program, every month 2 books delivered to the house. Knowing more about the children now, I'll point out that the family has 5 children, including a set of twins, the "baby" of the family is a girl.

Wonder if this subscription, paper or electronic, is delivered to anyone in this situation???

The Happy Hollisters - Best Selling Mystery Series for Young Readers

Wouldn't it be nice if that volume was accessed by a phone currently held by LE?


Where is Jennifer???
I'd love to see FD's driving record as long as he's been in US.
I'd wager he's had a whole host of tickets and that he had the money
to hire a good lawyer to beat the charge. He's probably been
breaking laws his whole life and has gotten away with it. And as he got older and had more control in his life, the violations just escalated
to where we are today.
Yeah .. like the lady he rear ended ... he drug out a court case for 2 years .... then requested a new trial after she was awarded 50k to pay for her medical bills ....? Stand up guy this one !!
Just wanted to put this RO article into the thread as it claims to have some information not available from other sources regarding the polygraph test that No Case Norm spoke about endlessly a week or so ago:

Police Searching New Car Of Interest In Missing Jennifer Dulos' Case (article has stock picture of EE Red Truck)

From article:
"The informant also told Radar exclusively, that weeks prior to this new bombshell development, Michelle Troconis, 44, took a polygraph test but her results are yet to be revealed".

“Ms. Troconis did submit to a polygraph test while meeting with officials from the State’s Attorney’s Office, FBI, and state police. During said interview, she provided minimal information that assisted us in the search. [BBM] Further, the co-defendant provided an alibi that. However, it is important to note that we are not ruling any theories out at this point in the investigation.”

"The insider noted that the results of a polygraph are never made immediately available to any parties outside of law enforcement until the discovery stage".

“The test taker isn’t made aware if he or she passed,” explained the source. “They don’t tell them that at the time of the test, but it comes to light prior to trial.”

If this reporting is true then we circle back to the idea that MT wasn't cooperating day 1 of the case and even after testifying for 3 hrs to LE chose to provide minimal information. This is a far cry from being a cooperating witness with any value to the proceedings in my mind.
All these statements from FD's own mouth sure do make his motives obvious.
Yeah .. like the lady he rear ended ... he drug out a court case for 2 years .... then requested a new trial after she was awarded 50k to pay for her medical bills ....? Stand up guy this one !!
It does seem to be a habit of his, to drag things out while he kicks
and screams til he gets his way.
Haven't we all seen little FD's in the grocery on the floor pitching
a loud temper tantrum cause his mommy wouldn't buy something?
I'm still laughing at the divorce docs where he tells the judge that
dragging the case out is making his wife spend all this money that
should be his for spousal support. "It's not fair", he said.
Poor JD should have been awarded 'wife of the year' for putting up with this miscreant.
I would think he is too into his muscular body to do hard drugs. I would guess that he might be a heavy drinker and that's when he would let out his best verbal abuse. Check out the bar in his Jefferson home.
Just jumping off your post - every time I see a picture of his kitchen cupboards, I can't help but notice the type of locks he has on his cupboards. We live on a farm and those are the exact same locks that we have on a couple of our small outdoor lawn/utility sheds! The only reasoning I can come up with for him using those is possibly to make the cupboards child proof? But then again, I'm not sure how old the kids would've been when they started living there either?
One of the absolutely most stunning quotes from the Hartford Courant article, IMO, is the following:
"...That we even got to the point where my right to speak to my children in our native language has been taken away, and you have done nothing about it.”
This, more than anything else I've read, confirms that FD sees the children as "his," not a joint endeavor. These 5 children, born in the US, raised in the US, schooled in the US, have a different NATIVE language? The quote says so much about the speaker....

Link to the article:
Fotis Dulos, estranged husband of missing New Canaan mother Jennifer Farber Dulos, attempted to get judge removed from his contentious divorce case

Yes-JD was nothing but the incubator, it seems. So of course he was burned up that she had the children-they belonged to him, and she was de-greeking them. He really is insane-I mean, not necessarily clinically insane,!
As a psych nurse with 30+ yrs experience, I strongly believe (MOO) that Personality Disorders can be managed and controlled (but not cured) with proper treatment.

Treatment, such as Behavioral Management and Psychotherapy can help with learning skills to manage and cope with a PO. And medication to treat the patient’s symptoms (such as anti-anxiety meds , anti-depressants etc).

A patient has to be willing to get treatment or can be court ordered. Unfortunately many people treat their symptoms with alcohol and or street drugs which can exacerbate symptoms or intensify them. In most cities a person can’t just walk in a clinic and get the help they need because of cost, lack of professional providers etc. Plus some conditions require intense treatment for years. Sorry off topic and could write page after page-
Correction: I should have
said, “did FD perhaps use the altered license plates when he moved JD’s Suburban to Waveny Park?”
That would be intersting if this the case . If the older Suburban they used to own looked closely like the newer one color and all . If scanned by PD it wouldn’t stand out as a fake plate immediately unless the body styles are completely different which I don’t think they are just trim headlights etc ... They can’t see the VIN number on the car without pulling them over and physically checking .
Just jumping off your post - every time I see a picture of his kitchen cupboards, I can't help but notice the type of locks he has on his cupboards. We live on a farm and those are the exact same locks that we have on a couple of our small outdoor lawn/utility sheds! The only reasoning I can come up with for him using those is possibly to make the cupboards child proof? But then again, I'm not sure how old the kids would've been when they started living there either?
THose locks are pain ! The minute the kids were old enough and definitely by 5! They’d Be off . The youngest is 8 ... this screams control freak . IMO
Yes-JD was nothing but the incubator, it seems. So of course he was burned up that she had the children-they belonged to him, and she was de-greeking them. He really is insane-I mean, not necessarily clinically insane,!
I have some insight on this as my husband was born in Europe . Preserving the language is important in the aspect of children and grandchildren being able to speak to relatives and family members that either live in the US and do not speak English and also to those still across the pond that never immigrated . We live in a densely populated area of immigrants from this country abroad . So much so that our local school offers a dual immersion program of which the youngest two of my children attend . My oldest learned the language being cared for by their paternal grandmother for years . I also learned . That being said if someone we’re to ask me what our native language was it would definitely be English no hesitation . This is just typical FD thinking the Gods of his “native “ Greece decided to make him a Demi God and HOW DARE THEY PROTEST !
Can I play devil's advocate here for a minute? I'm not a licensed
anything who has a legit reason to give this opinion, but I have been a wife and mother and daughter and worker bee in many
Let's for a minute take all the 'labels' out of the discussions.
Let's just say I am judging you on simply 'your behavior'
towards me or towards others.
If you act disrespectfully or bullyish or mean, or rotten or impolitely or arrogant or elitist or entitled or whatever towards me or others, I'm gonna hold YOU responsible for your behavior,
not your labels or diagnoses or possible mental health issue.
I'm gonna call you out on your behaviors towards me or others
because I believe YOU do have control over how you act and
treat others. If you need anger management classes so be it,
if you need to be more considerate of others I'm gonna tell you
You do not get a pass for YOUR behavior and how YOU treat others. That is totally in your control. It's called Self-Control.
Your attitude in how you treat others is also your responsibility.
It's a cop out, IMO, to give someone a pass if they act like a
rotten arsehole towards others. Call the spade what it is.
I can't get past this mollycoddling rotten, spoiled, entitled,
bullying, mean, abusive people because of labels.
People like FD should have been knocked upside his head a few
times while growing up as a spoiled rotten kid. Then maybe he'd
stop and think before treating others the way he's gotten away
with for so long. Nobody stepped up and put him in his place.
This Man/Child had been wild and ill-mannered his whole life.

I think his “side piece” is pretty spoiled too.
It does seem to be a habit of his, to drag things out while he kicks
and screams til he gets his way.
Haven't we all seen little FD's in the grocery on the floor pitching
a loud temper tantrum cause his mommy wouldn't buy something?
I'm still laughing at the divorce docs where he tells the judge that
dragging the case out is making his wife spend all this money that
should be his for spousal support. "It's not fair", he said.

Poor JD should have been awarded 'wife of the year' for putting up with this miscreant.

He didn't say those words. The bolded parts were all my IMO and paraphrasing. I noted that all of the bolded parts were IMO in my post. Sorry for any confusion!!
It will be interesting to see what investigators have learned about any service providers that are connected to JD’s home. Was there a lawn service, housekeeping etc. , anybody directly or indirectly connected that might have accidentally or intentionally given out the info FD needed for his plan? ( Having trouble typing today so sorry for errors)
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