Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #5*ARRESTS*

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You can be sure that JD let people know about her fears of FD. I am 100% sure there were plans in effect in the case that she goes MIA or is unreachable. I'm sure her friend with whom she missed the 11AM appt called the Nanny and they were immediately alarmed, that the Nanny took the kids to the grandmother ASAP. I believe that the first thing the nanny would have done is "find my iPhone" and probably saw that it was turned off. I also believe LE would have been contacted immediately and that they tracked FD's phone unbeknownst to him sooner than we think. I think FD turned his location services "off" but LE was able to track him via iCloud or waze. That's why they know he stopped 30 times and know his actions, his phone didn't exactly "ping", like waze, it actually showed its whereabouts in real time. I would bet the phone (like many) was still under the wife's billing account and could be accessed by the nanny and/or LE. I believe FD had full intention to go to Greece with the kids, he was supposed to get the kids MDW. He didn't plan on people realizing she was missing so soon. I think the reason for the tampering with the plates is bc he intended on going to JFK (through tolls) to fly to Greece. There was a court hearing for the following wednesday scheduled, he had to get this done before then bc the walls were closing in. He ambushed her in the garage, probably stole her jewelry or the kid's passports, made her open the safe etc. Then had the sidepiece pick them up ditch her car and cell phone at the park, drove up to Avon and did the unthinkable with his work tools. The girlfriend sung like a canary with the threat of never seeing her 10yo kid again.

I’m a few pages behind I think still, but wanted to mention that this doesn’t make sense. He disposed of the license plates prior to the police getting involved. Why would he do that if he was planning on going to JFK or anywhere with a toll road the next day? Also I think that the parents were made to both give up the kids’ passports. He would have known that.
I’m a few pages behind I think still, but wanted to mention that this doesn’t make sense. He disposed of the license plates prior to the police getting involved. Why would he do that if he was planning on going to JFK or anywhere with a toll road the next day? Also I think that the parents were made to both give up the kids’ passports. He would have known that.
I agree about the license plate but IIrc from an early article that detailed the divorce FD was told to not continue seeking Greek passports for the kids, not that they already had them. And he ignored court orders before. JF abd FD has to surrender their US passports, FD can’t be compelled to surrender foreign passports. JMO and based on research for previous threads.
Interesting take on the situation. So I understand, are you saying you think MT is really just a mirror reflection of FD in terms of character/values, personality and psych makeup? In many respects the JD/MT matchup seems like they are 2 peas in a pod.

But I am still struggling to understand whether either JD/MT had any sense of right and wrong or did they somehow feel entitled to everything/anything that JD had in life? We haven't seen any remorse from either FD/MT yet and my guess is we won't. What I found interesting was that other than a haggard look and puffy eyes, MT showed no emotion that I could see at the hearing or when she was making her statement the other day. Her outlook I thought was remarkably similar to FD outlook in court other than I thought he looked a bit more hyperaware than she did. Curious what others think here.
I have a feeling that MT viewed FD as a "mark" and he viewed her as a "mark." They are both very much alike in that respect.

I still don't understand their utter stupidity of making 30 stops in a rich area where you know every home has a security camera.

I think that FD ambushed JD in her garage, Either he stabbed her or he bludgeoned her to death and then moved her body to the vacant house.
I lean toward the idea of the metal banging having been FD hammering the lid of a oil drum. But, he could have been tilting over a dumpster and washing it out as another WS poster surmised in an earlier thread.
Just wanted to put this info from the JD/FD Divorce/Custody court documents into the thread as some of this was in prior thread but not all together:

On May 8, 2019, in one of the most recent filings in the case, Jennifer Dulos filed a motion for contempt, claiming her estranged husband filed “improper and misleading financial affidavits.” The motion states that he, “seeks to hide the true value of the business entity which is known as the Fore Group Inc … of which he is the sole shareholder, and which is also his altered ego and identity of interest.”

Jennifer Dulos’ attorney wrote:

The Defendant continues to conceal the value of the Fore Group Inc. while annotating his financial affidavit with the comment that he is too poor to hire a business valuator to establish a value for the business and his concomitant claim that he does not have any idea as to the value of his business—despite personal net worth statements and applications for loans from financial institutions and banks made in connection with loans from Fore Group, Inc., for which is under ongoing obligations to report adverse financial conditions to the lender,” it said…. (He) has stonewalled discovery of his personal and business finances and engaged in conduct designed and intended to hide the true nature of various business transactions during period relevant to this action for dissolution of marriage.

Jennifer Dulos requested that Fotis Dulos, “provide full and unlimited access to the books, records and ESI [Employees’ State Insurance] of his personal and corporate finances.” He objected to the motion.

NOTE1: Is anyone familiar with ESI/Employees' State Insurance? Trying to figure out their connection to this situation.
Edited NOTE2: Possible correction to ESI to be Electronically Stored Documents.

Thanks for posting this. How sad. FD definitely seems like he was doing his best to keep his finances hidden. He stated a respectable amount of income but still lower than what one would expect given the way he portrayed his business. But here she thought he was hiding his income because he made a lot more than he said, but the reality was that he was hiding how broke he was. The irony of this makes me sad.
I still don't understand their utter stupidity of making 30 stops in a rich area where you know every home has a security camera.
I wouldn't know but Albany Avenue doesn't look like a rich area to me. It's likely that he picked the street because there were garbage containers available. Maybe he knew the pickup time.
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I have a feeling that MT viewed FD as a "mark" and he viewed her as a "mark." They are both very much alike in that respect.

I still don't understand their utter stupidity of making 30 stops in a rich area where you know every home has a security camera.

I think that FD ambushed JD in her garage, Either he stabbed her or he bludgeoned her to death and then moved her body to the vacant house.
I lean toward the idea of the metal banging having been FD hammering the lid of a oil drum. But, he could have been tilting over a dumpster and washing it out as another WS poster surmised in an earlier thread.
The thirty bags or stops were made along a 4 mile stretch of Albany Ave. in north end of Hartford from Baltimore street to Edwards. This is a predominantly minority, very poor part of Hartford. Many businesses up and down that street and side streets and an earlier report indicated that he was looking for and using business dumpsters rather than home trash cans. He was seen using both.
I live here thats how I know.
Thanks for this info! I totally agree with you on your view of FD BTW. When I read the stories the other day about how he casually ran into JD twice in Aspen and then months later casually sent her an email to get together in NYC and how she was totally bowled over by him my skin crawled. I wonder at what point the honeymoon period ended and the abuse began in the relationship? JD blog entries were at times tough to read given where we seem to be today. It must have been very hard for her mother and father to watch the relationship unfold as they no doubt loved and supported their daughter very much.

This is a bit OT but maybe not.

If you were MT and knowing what she did about JD what in the world was she thinking about to get involved with FD? FD was not yet out of his first marriage when he was pursing JD (so far as I could tell) and the affair with MT began at least a year before JD found out about it?

Did both women think they were somehow 'different' or 'special'? From what we have learned so far about the life choices of MT my sense if that FD might have met his match as they both seem devoid of any sense of morality or ethical boundaries IMO. I would truly love to see a full psych work up of both FD and MT as it would make for some interesting reading.
You know I didn't think to much of the "accidental" meeting when originally reading. Wonder if JF was posting much online, or if JF and FD had some mutual friends that would have known her travel plans? Just imagine if this was no accident on the part of FD. MT and FD were no love match, IMO. They share many character flaws. Had FD met TM before his Florida trip?
Another consideration for the standing in the trash can trans section is the degree of rigor mortis she was in. If it was at its height at mid afternoon at the Mt. Spring house, then it would have been imperative that she be transported without being folded up (fetal position) because he could not have unfolded her to stand her up in the can. If it was before rigor mortis had set in then she would have been to floppy, she would have simply collapsed into the can.
She was a tall lady nearly 5'9 so to have taken her to Mt. Spring stretched out in anticipation of rigor mortis and standing her in a can would not have been easy in an SUV or regular car. Probably would have taken a truck.
I agree about the license plate but IIrc from an early article that detailed the divorce FD was told to not continue seeking Greek passports for the kids, not that they already had them. And he ignored court orders before. JF abd FD has to surrender their US passports, FD can’t be compelled to surrender foreign passports. JMO and based on research for previous threads.

They had US passports surrendered IIRC. But he could only get Greek passports for the two oldest ones without JD’s help. She would have needed to consent for the youngest three. I assume that would have had to be done in person.
I have a feeling that MT viewed FD as a "mark" and he viewed her as a "mark." They are both very much alike in that respect.

I still don't understand their utter stupidity of making 30 stops in a rich area where you know every home has a security camera.

I think that FD ambushed JD in her garage, Either he stabbed her or he bludgeoned her to death and then moved her body to the vacant house.
I lean toward the idea of the metal banging having been FD hammering the lid of a oil drum. But, he could have been tilting over a dumpster and washing it out as another WS poster surmised in an earlier thread.

I think that he dropped the evidence bags in a less affluent part of town.
As far as the "grabbing her at the park" theory, I could totally get on board with that, as it easily explains why her vehicle was found there. What I have a hard time imagining, though, is why would he take her back to her house and injure her to the point that there was a mess of blood. If his intent was to kill her, or make her go missing, why go to the house?:confused:
Has anyone thought about whether he drove her car to the park and then ran back? It's, what, 3 miles? That's nothing for someone in his physical condition. Plus she blogged about them running together.

As far as the "grabbing her at the park" theory, I could totally get on board with that, as it easily explains why her vehicle was found there. What I have a hard time imagining, though, is why would he take her back to her house and injure her to the point that there was a mess of blood. If his intent was to kill her, or make her go missing, why go to the house?:confused:
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