Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #5*ARRESTS*

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interesting... only one person I know of would be re-writing Fore Group history - the other employee out on bail IMO. question is Why? curious, eh?

With that Olcott property being sold back in February, I’m sure its owners were adamant it be removed due to the negative attention they’re receiving. I’m assuming he left it up there to delay Jennifer finding out he sold it. MOO
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Totally agree. High end real estate IMO is truly all about the interior and finishing details and so to no have wiring done to accomodate a whole house audio/video/communication/security system TO ME indicates a focus on the external show and not the hidden details that truly makes a high end house special and unlike a typical builder house. I also wonder if he knew who his buyer is for these houses? Most people would want communication, sound and security to be done on the house at this level IMO.

Your point though I think is impt as its telling us about was FD focused on and where he spent his money and efforts on a project. Some might say that no A/V system in the house is no big deal and its a fine point. BUT, I disagree as anyone buying that house and wanting to have A/V and security/communication integrated would have to have it installed after the walls are closed and not only is it super expensive but its destructive and requires alot of clean up work on walls/ceilings etc. to install after the fact. JMO.
Exactly - he's fake rich... he's fake smart... he's fake loyal... he fakes everything and leaves tells all over. Here its the speakers... in this case its the cell phone pings on Albany... but where else?!

Someone like FD I can totally see representing himself at trial, if it ever gets to that point.

He’d do it for the sheer pleasure of torturing/intimidating/controlling his accusers, charming and showboating before the jury, the gallery, and preening before the cameras.

A guy like FD thinks he’s smarter than anyone. And the attention and power of getting to question JD’s grieving mom, frightened sister, and traumatized children on the stand would to him be for sure an irresistibly thrilling rush of attention, control, and power completely worth the risk to which he seldom has any aversion anyway.

You know IMO, I wouldn't push GF to far. As a mother, if I was 85 I'd get my affairs in order. Purchase a weapon or hire someone to eliminate that pond scum. I would have the means, lived a good life, would not care to live the rest of it if my child was murdered. I absolutely would not allow JD or MT to walk. Then ya"ll would be discussing me on WS.
Since we are all still waiting for the bond hearing tomorrow and are all feeling :mad::mad::mad: regarding FD’s attorney and his antics...I keep going back to the day of JD’s disappearance/murder. We know from what NC PD has released that FD’s electronic cell phone records show his phone at the 80 Mountain Spring Road in Farmington at 1:37 pm. At 4:17 pm his records show his phone was back at 4 Jefferson Crossing. I just keep thinking about the 80 Mountain Spring Road address. Poison ivy, etc. we know that the very next day he turned his phone over to police and they put a tail on him at some point shortly thereafter. So whatever was done with JD was done before he turned over his cell phone to NC PD

As far as FD’s pontificating attorney: May the fleas of a thousand camels infest his person and May his arms be too short to scratch. Then he and his client can both be scratching and itching tomorrow.
With that Olcott property being sold back in February, I’m sure it’s owners were adamant it be removed due to the negative attention they’re receiving. I’m assuming he left it up there to delay Jennifer finding out he sold it. MOO

Also, previously there were two other men and MT on the website on the Fore Group 'Who we are' pages, now just FD remains. They have all run for the hills and distanced themselves, unsurprisingly. It reminds my of the OJ TV drama - even though he was declared innocent in the courtroom his life was irrevocably altered - no one wanted anything to do with him.
Take everything that these defense attorney's are saying with a grain of salt. Remember, they're trying to build a case, direct perception, and intro any possible doubt to get people second guessing. There is so much we don't know. Everyone wants justice and Jennifer to be home. Before rushing to he's going to get off scot free, remember there's a lot of bravado that this new lawyer is known for and that, to some degree is all intentional to try to tell a different story.

I’m officially sick and have a sinking feeling after reading the comments from FD attorney. I haven’t posted here in years. After the Casey Anthony case, my heart broke at the injustice and I would read periodically but haven’t logged in to my account for many years, until JD case. I have a feeling little miss MT is not cooperating at all or is just sending cops on a wild goose chase. Else why would FD attorney make a statement that gives her an alibi for the time of JD disappearance? And FD intent to plead not guilty makes me think he knows darn well he will not be caught. The lack of LE updates made me secretly hope that LE had a massive Arsenal is evidence and was playing it very close to the vest so that all t’s were crossed and i’s dotted and that FD would go down. Now I’m not sure and my heart breaks thinking that he could bond out tomorrow and go on with his smug life. Back in the day we weren’t allowed to do any name calling at all but there was one term the mods always replaced any negative name calling with the phrase “unusual person.” Let me just say I’m completely nauseous and disgusted by the unusual person FD, his unusual person side piece and his unusual person ambulance chasing attorney!!!!
Oh yikes. If I were GF and the kids, I would be fearing for my life right now if FD got out.

He (Norman Pattis) is trying to rattle GF-that’s what they do. GF has been around for a while, and has better lawyers than NP...I doubt she is worried. In any event, FD won’t be able to go ANYWHERE alone; he is going to have a trail of reporters and other interested people (and PI) going everywhere he goes. She (GF) has absolutely nothing to worry about.
Haven't listened to it yet...
PODCAST - Monday, June 10: Dumb *advertiser censored* News, Court Audio, And The Latest On The Missing Mom In New Canaan

ETA just saw that sds71 posted this
Atty. Pattis from the above podcast: "People have assumed that Mr. Dulos was both present and did in fact engaged in unlawful conduct and based on what I have learned in the past 72 hrs, I am not prepared to assume that is the case any longer".

Atty. Pattis goes on to say that, "...MT was never at the NC property of JD the day she went missing and can prove it and its likely LE is satisfied with that".

Question: Going back to early convos on this case with ideas about another party involved other than FD/MT? What do people think Pattis is talking about here? Why bring up MT not being present? Who else could have been there if MT wasn't present and FD wasn't involved? Or, is this just a big mind game on the part of Atty. Pattis?
Okay, this is going to be MOO and pure conjecture, but here we go:

Wednesday, 6/5, there is a flurry of police activity at MIRA, JC, and the West Hartford reservoir. Since police haven't returned there, I think we've all kind of forgotten about it, but it's been nagging at me.

Thursday, 6/6, MT meets with LE. Most of us seem to be assuming that MT's attorney gave information to the police from his client to show her willingness to cooperate to hopefully reach a plea deal. That would mean MT told them to go to the reservoir. Have they not going back because they found nothing? Or have they not gone back because they found something (maybe murder weapon IMO). It would've come out by now if they found a body (likely, not sure how that wouldn't be reported on or leaked), but we have no idea how much else they've gathered.

I think the reservoir is important.
Gitana1, would you guess that FD and MT’s legal teams have spoken together by now...compared notes? Does that even occur in a case like this one where there are two separate defendants involved in the same investigation?

It can occur but it's doubtful here, IMO because their interests are adverse. So you get into some real dangerous territory. They can't reveal any confidential info.
Since we are all still waiting for the bond hearing tomorrow and are all feeling :mad::mad::mad: regarding FD’s attorney and his antics...I keep going back to the day of JD’s disappearance/murder. We know from what NC PD has released that FD’s electronic cell phone records show his phone at the 80 Mountain Spring Road in Farmington at 1:37 pm. At 4:17 pm his records show his phone was back at 4 Jefferson Crossing. I just keep thinking about the 80 Mountain Spring Road address. Poison ivy, etc. we know that the very next day he turned his phone over to police and they put a tail on him at some point shortly thereafter. So whatever was done with JD was done before he turned over his cell phone to NC PD

As far as FD’s pontificating attorney: May the fleas of a thousand camels infest his person and May his arms be too short to scratch. Then he and his client can both be scratching and itching tomorrow.
In my experience with lawyers in court system, in depositions and litigation in genteral - its a tactic to be as OBNOXIOUS AS POSSIBLE in the hopes your anger and rage in response will get in front of your logical practical mind - and you make a mistake in representing yourself.... or in your case. Dont take the bait sluethers!
Atty. Pattis from the above podcast: "People have assumed that Mr. Dulos was both present and did in fact engaged in unlawful conduct and based on what I have learned in the past 72 hrs, I am not prepared to assume that is the case any longer".

Atty. Pattis goes on to say that, "...MT was never at the NC property of JD the day she went missing and can prove it and its likely LE is satisfied with that".

Question: Going back to early convos on this case with ideas about another party involved other than FD/MT? What do people think Pattis is talking about here? Why bring up MT not being present? Who else could have been there if MT wasn't present and FD wasn't involved? Or, is this just a big mind game on the part of Atty. Pattis?
I doubt he would say that if it couldn't be proven, but it's such an odd thing to bring up, unless it was in the context of discussing MT's meeting with LE.
A few noteworthy comments here:

Norm Pattis told me he plans to enter a NOT GUILTY plea in Stamford court tomorrow. He also said "no" when asked if Fotis Dulos knows Jennifer's whereabouts 17 days after friends reported her missing. #NBCCT

And just in, a prepared statement from the PR rep for Pattis: "There are powerful reasons to doubt (Fotis Dulos) was even at the scene of his estranged wife’s home the day she disappeared. I am unaware of any evidence supporting the theory he was involved in foul play." #NBCCT

The statement goes on to say, "I plan to ask for a substantial bond reduction tomorrow based on these factors.” #NBCCT

Justin Schecker on Twitter
I’m officially sick and have a sinking feeling after reading the comments from FD attorney. I haven’t posted here in years. After the Casey Anthony case, my heart broke at the injustice and I would read periodically but haven’t logged in to my account for many years, until JD case. I have a feeling little miss MT is not cooperating at all or is just sending cops on a wild goose chase. Else why would FD attorney make a statement that gives her an alibi for the time of JD disappearance? And FD intent to plead not guilty makes me think he knows darn well he will not be caught. The lack of LE updates made me secretly hope that LE had a massive Arsenal is evidence and was playing it very close to the vest so that all t’s were crossed and i’s dotted and that FD would go down. Now I’m not sure and my heart breaks thinking that he could bond out tomorrow and go on with his smug life. Back in the day we weren’t allowed to do any name calling at all but there was one term the mods always replaced any negative name calling with the phrase “unusual person.” Let me just say I’m completely nauseous and disgusted by the unusual person FD, his unusual person side piece and his unusual person ambulance chasing attorney!!!!

If he could bond out tomorrow, why isn’t he bonding out today? The money doesn’t get here from Greece or wherever until then? I don’t think he is getting out tomorrow.
<modsnip: quoted post was removed> sadly we have been down this path too many times with people trying to scrub and reinvent their online presence. Read today that MT was in charge of social media and website for Fore Group so she must be busy still. Sad as I thought she would step away. We shall see.
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Atty. Pattis from the above podcast: "People have assumed that Mr. Dulos was both present and did in fact engaged in unlawful conduct and based on what I have learned in the past 72 hrs, I am not prepared to assume that is the case any longer".

Atty. Pattis goes on to say that, "...MT was never at the NC property of JD the day she went missing and can prove it and its likely LE is satisfied with that".

Question: Going back to early convos on this case with ideas about another party involved other than FD/MT? What do people think Pattis is talking about here? Why bring up MT not being present? Who else could have been there if MT wasn't present and FD wasn't involved? Or, is this just a big mind game on the part of Atty. Pattis?

That's weird. Because that statement eliminates MT as the one who killed Jennifer, which deflects back to his own client.
This is going to be one of those cases that completely ticks me off, because you know he will be bailed out soon, and I don’t feel LE has enough evidence to charge and convict him of murder. So, watch him walk. And MT pretends to know nothing. Ridiculous. So tired of lying murderers.
<modsnip: quoted post was modsnipped>sadly we have been down this path too many times with people trying to scrub and reinvest their online presence. Read today that MT was in charge of social media and website for Fore Group so she must be busy still. Sad as I thought she would step away. We shall see.

Why do you think she's still doing work for Fore group?
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