Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #5*ARRESTS*

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The plot thickens.
We will see if MT can prove that she was not in New Canaan. She'll still have to explain what she thought FD was doing with all of the bags in the back of the truck.

Dump fees are expensive! I can see MT telling LE that FD did this often, and that she helped him load various dumpsters with construction debris. MOO
Yes, first world problems in the parallel universe that is Fairfield County or anyplace similar!
Agreed. But for arguments sake we aren’t off topic in discussing how FD operates in showing these homes vs how he operates as a dad, husband, athlete, and real estate developer, etc. Point here is - we are judging and examining his work and small details - to see what clues we can gather to put together a picture of how our suspect thinks. And then use those same concepts and apply your other areas. Calling anyone spoiled kinda not nice... especially since we are encouraged to contribute what we know.
I felt this way last week, but now I’m not so sure.

I’m not convinced that the state has enough evidence to hit him with murder charges yet, and if he comes up with the money to post bond on these initial charges, then there’s not much they can do.

He’ll be on GPS monitoring, and certainly subject to manned surveillance.

It’s not as good as having him on ice, but I’m resigned to the possibility that he walks free this week.
Well this is disappointing as you are usually spot on @MassGuy I’m bummed now
Now my mind is going crazy, so please tolerate it for a second. The houses that he built perplex me. They are so unfinished, and expensive. Is FD that much of a dufus? I mean he received the money from his father in law. He certainly had the means to succeed, yet didn't. He didn't check out the compitition? Sales skills, none? Could these houses be a shell for something else? Money Laundering, Drugs? Come on!
Not his attorney, I wouldn’t listen to a word he has to say, except if I was looking for a good laugh.

This is what people close to the investigation are telling the Hartford Courant.
I'm scratching my head though still about the source of this info. We haven't had too many LE leaks so far so why this and why now if that is where this reporter got the 'scoop'?

Also, I'm still scratching my head about FD defense atty using his first major media moment on this case to mention something about someone who is not his client? Atty has been clean in his prior statement that nothing in this case is as has been conjectured in the media thus far so far as I can tell.

Is the reason that MT not being in NC to just to try to cast doubt in peoples mind that something they fundamentally believed (MT was in NC) was in fact NOT TRUE? Not sure even if MT wasn't in NC on the missing date that a line can be drawn to make FD look any less guilty here even if its found he wasn't in NC on the missing date? Strange way to kick off what most likely will be an epic court case IMO. Curious what the States Atty response will be, if any?
Dump fees are expensive! I can see MT telling LE that FD did this often, and that she helped him load various dumpsters with construction debris. MOO

I just cannot imagine this story flying with LE. She would have to provide some concrete proof that he did this often. I just finished a complete house remodel. No way the contractor could bag up all the debris and ride around town disposing it all. It would take so much time. They could take the debris to a dump daily but that is weighed and monitored. Most contractors use dumpsters. And we know FD did because we have seen a picture of a big red one on one of his properties. LE could surely find out from the dumpster company how many dumpsters have been ordered and the weight of each full dumpster. It would be absurd for her to try that tale. MOO
Calling anyone spoiled kinda not nice... especially since we are encouraged to contribute what we know.
@Needs2KnowCT - I agreed with your post and just to be clear I was poking fun AT MYSELF and making a statement about nobody else other than myself! The OP seemed to make the comment in jest and I'm ok with that and as always will keep it moving!

The NY suburbs sometimes seem like a parallel universe to me given what is going on the rest of the world most days and it can be easy sometimes to lose sight of what is important and what is not.

Having lived in a number of other locations I can attest to the fact that living in the suburbs is sometimes like living a 'bubble' where many issues that others deal with daily aren't a part of your day to day.
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Well this is disappointing as you are usually spot on @MassGuy I’m bummed now
Ha! Last week my feeling was “no way in hell will he bond out.”

Now I’m thinking “there’s a chance.”

There’s just no way of knowing if murder charges are imminent.

I have no doubt they’ll get there, but it might not be right now.
Now my mind is going crazy, so please tolerate it for a second. The houses that he built perplex me. They are so unfinished, and expensive. Is FD that much of a dufus? I mean he received the money from his father in law. He certainly had the means to succeed, yet didn't. He didn't check out the compitition? Sales skills, none? Could these houses be a shell for something else? Money Laundering, Drugs? Come on!

Totally agree! He seems to make use of all them for his own personal dealings. Did I just read a poster up thread that speculated perhaps MT might just “move into” Olcott Way?! I mean - how does this work?! Ha
I'm scratching my head though still about the source of this info. We haven't had too many LE leaks so far so why this and why now if that is where this reporter got the 'scoop'?

Also, I'm still scratching my head about FD defense atty using his first major media moment on this case to mention something about someone who is not his client? Atty has been clean in his prior statement that nothing in this case is as has been conjectured in the media thus far so far as I can tell.

Is the reason that MT not being in NC to just to try to cast doubt in peoples mind that something they fundamentally believed (MT was in NC) was in fact NOT TRUE? Not sure even if MT wasn't in NC on the missing date that a line can be drawn to make FD look any less guilty here even if its found he wasn't in NC on the missing date? Strange way to kick off what most likely will be an epic court case IMO. Curious what the States Atty response will be, if any?
IMO, the Defence attorney is going to throw anything out there and see if it sticks. He's not in court, not before a jury. He can plant the seed of doubt for potential jurors any number of ways. Basically he's distracting his audience. Throw MT name around. Smoke and mirrors.
Here is what I believe: FD "brutally assaulted" to use LE words, JD in the garage between 9am (the last time a friend heard from JD), and 12 Noon when the cleaning lady got to the house. That is not a long time to kill and clean up a crime scene and load a body into a vehicle. Thus the sloppy job. I don't believe she was shot, just bc of the characterization above, my instinct is that he used a sledge hammer or knife. He had her car put by the park jogging path in the hopes that "she was randomly abducted while jogging" He had to have had his getaway car within walking distance of her property and possibly laid in wait until she pulled up to the garage. He would to have also make sure she was alone in her car before attacking her. Where did he have his getaway car or did he have an accomplice? Not enough time to do it alone with the car jockeying in that span of time IMO. I can't imagine MT agreeing to be with him while sloppily disposing of evidence if she wasn't "ride or die" the entire time. Who in their right mind would say "sure I'll help you throw away 30 bloody bags, for the murder you just committed" It's not impossible but it defies logic, I give that a 30% chance, and if she wasn't the accomplice who was? I guess it's possible that he ditched his truck, killed her, stashed her truck at the park, ran back to her house, cleaned up and put her in his truck without an accomplice but that is a stretch. By 7Pm, his phone must have been exploding with "have you heard from Jennifer texts" and he panicked an had to dispose of the evidence before the police found him with the evidence, hence the desperately stupid disposal of evidence. Either way, there is no way that all the video evidence doesn't put him in NC on the day of the crime. Whether MT was there for the actual murder or just an accessory is TBD. He's a builder, he thinks like a builder. If I had to guess, I would think he would dump a body or body parts in a septic system and CT has plenty of them and what was he banging that night? The cover to a septic system? A 50 gallon drum? I think LE has plenty of DNA and video evidence. He is going to jail. And she will sing
And we have heard nothing about her car except they found it.
Agreed. But for arguments sake we aren’t off topic in discussing how FD operates in showing these homes vs how he operates as a dad, husband, athlete, and real estate developer, etc. Point here is - we are judging and examining his work and small details - to see what clues we can gather to put together a picture of how our suspect thinks. And then use those same concepts and apply your other areas. Calling anyone spoiled kinda not nice... especially since we are encouraged to contribute what we know.
It was a joke.
I'm scratching my head though still about the source of this info. We haven't had too many LE leaks so far so why this and why now if that is where this reporter got the 'scoop'?

Also, I'm still scratching my head about FD defense atty using his first major media moment on this case to mention something about someone who is not his client? Atty has been clean in his prior statement that nothing in this case is as has been conjectured in the media thus far so far as I can tell.

Is the reason that MT not being in NC to just to try to cast doubt in peoples mind that something they fundamentally believed (MT was in NC) was in fact NOT TRUE? Not sure even if MT wasn't in NC on the missing date that a line can be drawn to make FD look any less guilty here even if its found he wasn't in NC on the missing date? Strange way to kick off what most likely will be an epic court case IMO. Curious what the States Atty response will be, if any?
Everything seems very curious. They meet with FD on Friday night at the jail, this weekend announce his change of counsel. Now today, the day before they supposed to appear in court, Pattis goes on the radio with this news and this evening the media is reporting about it from a source. All a bit curious.
Norm Pattis on the phone 99.1 to answer questions about his defense role in the missing New Canaan mother case (29:30)
flattered and happy to have case. feels noble. case is not what it appears in media. compares it to playing Little League
MT was not at new canaan home and can prove it
hes looking forward to fight
its better for FD to be out instead of in jail

PODCAST - Monday, June 10: Dumb *advertiser censored* News, Court Audio, And The Latest On The Missing Mom In New Canaan
@gitana why would FD's attorney be saying MT was not at the house? Better yet, why is he saying anything about MT and/or her where abouts? TIA
It's also an odd place to put the leash and entire hook/shelf thing. Geeze thisJD really thought he was all that,and a pack of gum.
But do you think they had a dog? Probably not important but I thought kinda curious. Pic tells a thousand words.
Ha! Last week my feeling was “no way in hell will he bond out.”

Now I’m thinking “there’s a chance.”

There’s just no way of knowing if murder charges are imminent.

I have no doubt they’ll get there, but it might not be right now.

I tend to agree with you. My gut says he won't bond out tomorrow, because I think Pattis' request for a substantially lower bond will get a big "hell to the no". However, if he does somehow manage to bond out, I suggest that he makes every attempt to enjoy his very brief freedom, because he will be going back in with a murder charge. For those who fear he will skip out and disappear if he bonds out, my question is, "do you seriously believe there is a chance that he could fart without LE knowing about it"? Pardon my grammar, because I do know better, but "he ain't goin' nowhere that he ain't being watched every step". MOO (I usually 'JMO', but feeling kinda bovine tonight)
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I just cannot imagine this story flying with LE. She would have to provide some concrete proof that he did this often. I just finished a complete house remodel. No way the contractor could bag up all the debris and ride around town disposing it all. It would take so much time. They could take the debris to a dump daily but that is weighed and monitored. Most contractors use dumpsters. And we know FD did because we have seen a picture of a big red one on one of his properties. LE could surely find out from the dumpster company how many dumpsters have been ordered and the weight of each full dumpster. It would be absurd for her to try that tale. MOO
I mean couldn't FD find a bigger bag? Perhaps industrial size? Not floating with me.
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