Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #5*ARRESTS*

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Emmm...have to ask... how do you guys/girls know about the dismemberment stuff? To Herat and Sorricharli
Believe it or not: (1) during grad school I spend 18 months working in an industrial cleaning and site contamination remediation firm (mostly asbestos, etc), but there were frequently also jobs to deal with the horrors of society, such as smoke and fire cleanup, basic hoarders, animal hoarders and the occasional lost soul that died alone and wasn’t discovered.... gross and even obscene... (2) use to hunt deer back in CNY, whilst growing up in the country... field dressing a deer is an unpleasant task (3) my dad, whilst supporting 7 children, had a side gig working weekends in a butcher shop of our local grocery store - he shared his knowledge during those times when he’d order a whole side of beef from a local farm (filled up that freezer in the basement)....
Suggest the media thread. Its no chatter and you can quickly scan the latest articles. Also check out the NYT article of a few days ago as it started at the beginning and did a solid summary. Hartford Courant has been on point IMO in their coverage and they have done some great summary articles. Hope that helps!
Many thanks
Well thank you very much for your knowledge and insight. Very appreciated.

Believe it or not: (1) during grad school I spend 18 months working in an industrial cleaning and site contamination remediation firm (mostly asbestos, etc), but there were frequently also jobs to deal with the horrors of society, such as smoke and fire cleanup, basic hoarders, animal hoarders and the occasional lost soul that died alone and wasn’t discovered.... gross and even obscene... (2) use to hunt deer back in CNY, whilst growing up in the country... field dressing a deer is an unpleasant task (3) my dad, whilst supporting 7 children, had a side gig working weekends in a butcher shop of our local grocery store - he shared his knowledge during those times when he’d order a whole side of beef from a local farm (filled up that freezer in the basement)....
Interesting that nobody seems to be bonding him out. I was expecting someone in Greece to send the money. But so far, nothing.


Being in jail, much like being in “Italy,” provides FD with an alibi.

Should anything unseemly befall a loved one at this time. Or property. Or whatever. Hey, it’s better than a baloney sandwich.
Thank you @afitzy

One thing I will say as concerns FD, I am no longer sure I or we really *know* anything. If it’s something based on FD’s re/presentations, most things presumed or taken on faith with him, even at the time seemingly innocent, minor, or irrelevant information, we now likely must question.

Sociopaths lie so casually, so habitually, sometimes for no ir/rational reason. Often there’s an angle, but not always.

It’s so much easier to tip someone over if you always keep things off balance. Eventually the odd and strange seems believable, is normalized. You distrust yourself and your instincts or doubts, because always their confidence and judgements are unwavering.

So much harder to see or feel the bottom in muddy water than in clear.

Thanks for this info! I totally agree with you on your view of FD BTW. When I read the stories the other day about how he casually ran into JD twice in Aspen and then months later casually sent her an email to get together in NYC and how she was totally bowled over by him my skin crawled. I wonder at what point the honeymoon period ended and the abuse began in the relationship? JD blog entries were at times tough to read given where we seem to be today. It must have been very hard for her mother and father to watch the relationship unfold as they no doubt loved and supported their daughter very much.

This is a bit OT but maybe not.

If you were MT and knowing what she did about JD what in the world was she thinking about to get involved with FD? FD was not yet out of his first marriage when he was pursing JD (so far as I could tell) and the affair with MT began at least a year before JD found out about it?

Did both women think they were somehow 'different' or 'special'? From what we have learned so far about the life choices of MT my sense if that FD might have met his match as they both seem devoid of any sense of morality or ethical boundaries IMO. I would truly love to see a full psych work up of both FD and MT as it would make for some interesting reading.
Believe it or not: (1) during grad school I spend 18 months working in an industrial cleaning and site contamination remediation firm (mostly asbestos, etc), but there were frequently also jobs to deal with the horrors of society, such as smoke and fire cleanup, basic hoarders, animal hoarders and the occasional lost soul that died alone and wasn’t discovered.... gross and even obscene... (2) use to hunt deer back in CNY, whilst growing up in the country... field dressing a deer is an unpleasant task (3) my dad, whilst supporting 7 children, had a side gig working weekends in a butcher shop of our local grocery store - he shared his knowledge during those times when he’d order a whole side of beef from a local farm (filled up that freezer in the basement)....
Interesting. We know that both the father and grandfather of FD were Tanners in Greece/Turkey. Lots of butchery involved in that craft particularly long ago before the meat industry turned into a factory type operation that has hides as a by product of the slaughter process.
Just wanted to put this info from the JD/FD Divorce/Custody court documents into the thread as some of this was in prior thread but not all together:

On May 8, 2019, in one of the most recent filings in the case, Jennifer Dulos filed a motion for contempt, claiming her estranged husband filed “improper and misleading financial affidavits.” The motion states that he, “seeks to hide the true value of the business entity which is known as the Fore Group Inc … of which he is the sole shareholder, and which is also his altered ego and identity of interest.”

Jennifer Dulos’ attorney wrote:

The Defendant continues to conceal the value of the Fore Group Inc. while annotating his financial affidavit with the comment that he is too poor to hire a business valuator to establish a value for the business and his concomitant claim that he does not have any idea as to the value of his business—despite personal net worth statements and applications for loans from financial institutions and banks made in connection with loans from Fore Group, Inc., for which is under ongoing obligations to report adverse financial conditions to the lender,” it said…. (He) has stonewalled discovery of his personal and business finances and engaged in conduct designed and intended to hide the true nature of various business transactions during period relevant to this action for dissolution of marriage.

Jennifer Dulos requested that Fotis Dulos, “provide full and unlimited access to the books, records and ESI [Employees’ State Insurance] of his personal and corporate finances.” He objected to the motion.

NOTE1: Is anyone familiar with ESI/Employees' State Insurance? Trying to figure out their connection to this situation.
Edited NOTE2: Possible correction to ESI to be Electronically Stored Documents.
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Hi all, I had no idea that this horse story would blow up on here the way it did... I only mentioned it to point out how this family and these children have endured multiple incomprehensible tragedies in their young lives. Honestly, it never once even crossed my mind that FD had anything to do with the fire. I do not think that he did. I also never suggested that they owned any of the horses, I just said that they rode them. As another poster pointed out, children form close bonds with the horse that they regularly ride, whether they own the horse or not. Loss is loss.

While you didn’t specifically say that they owned the horses, the implication was that they did. But it isn’t your fault people went nuts with the story. I was the one who pointed out kids bond strongly with their school horses, but not to blame you, just to try and make people realize they were making major leaps.
Today I had this revelation. Why did we all think dismemberment? Why? Many garbage bags. Ok.......... Different locations, yes. But WHY did we all go there? I feel now that murder warrants would have been issued by now if that were true. (I know about the sorting, burning, etc..) I just feel differently today. I have been on and off of WS since 2013.
I'm nowhere near 100% convinced that JD was dismembered. At this point, I am switching back and forth in my mind. The biggest things that had me leaning in that direction, and I apologize for not having a link handy, is that I believe I read that FD did not return to NC after he left JD's house. IF that is true, then he had to have removed the body at the same time that he removed those many trash bags. Could he have rolled her body up in a rug or tarp and could it have been under all of those bags? And the other thing is that LE seems very focused on the trash facility. MOO
Thanks for this info! I totally agree with you on your view of FD BTW. When I read the stories the other day about how he casually ran into JD twice in Aspen and then months later casually sent her an email to get together in NYC and how she was totally bowled over by him my skin crawled. I wonder at what point the honeymoon period ended and the abuse began in the relationship? JD blog entries were at times tough to read given where we seem to be today. It must have been very hard for her mother and father to watch the relationship unfold as they no doubt loved and supported their daughter very much.

This is a bit OT but maybe not.

If you were MT and knowing what she did about JD what in the world was she thinking about to get involved with FD? FD was not yet out of his first marriage when he was pursing JD (so far as I could tell) and the affair with MT began at least a year before JD found out about it?

Did both women think they were somehow 'different' or 'special'? From what we have learned so far about the life choices of MT my sense if that FD might have met his match as they both seem devoid of any sense of morality or ethical boundaries IMO. I would truly love to see a full psych work up of both FD and MT as it would make for some interesting reading.
I don’t think MT thought she was special. I don’t think she wanted what JD had; MT knew too well it was a sham. I think you’re right about her being equally lacking in any sense of ethics. And this wasn’t MT’s first trip around the block either; I don’t think love was the issue for either of them. I think she saw a jackpot in the Farbers too, and FD was just the cost of doing business. I definitely don’t think she’s going to jeopardize herself any more than absolutely necessary to save anyone but herself. Not her daughter, not him, not his children, and certainly not JD. MOO of course.
Jennifer and Fulos used to live on the same street as this house for sale. Avon’s “WOW” house was designed by Jack Kemper, a well known architect. Imagine Fulos living down the street, or even in that house temporarily (she did say they lived on Deerfield) and Fulos having to face that everyday. He failed spectacularly and his plan of “flipping houses” turned out to be a nightmare for everyone around him. Sad.
ETA Avon Wow House: Absolutely Stunning

That is a GORGEOUS house and the property and grounds are spectacularly situated. It is really a WOW. This makes the Fore Group properties look insipid and cookie cutter. With competition like that it's patently obvious why none of his properties are selling.
Just wanted to put this info from the JD/FD Divorce/Custody court documents into the thread as some of this was in prior thread but not all together:

On May 8, 2019, in one of the most recent filings in the case, Jennifer Dulos filed a motion for contempt, claiming her estranged husband filed “improper and misleading financial affidavits.” The motion states that he, “seeks to hide the true value of the business entity which is known as the Fore Group Inc … of which he is the sole shareholder, and which is also his altered ego and identity of interest.”

Jennifer Dulos’ attorney wrote:

The Defendant continues to conceal the value of the Fore Group Inc. while annotating his financial affidavit with the comment that he is too poor to hire a business valuator to establish a value for the business and his concomitant claim that he does not have any idea as to the value of his business—despite personal net worth statements and applications for loans from financial institutions and banks made in connection with loans from Fore Group, Inc., for which is under ongoing obligations to report adverse financial conditions to the lender,” it said…. (He) has stonewalled discovery of his personal and business finances and engaged in conduct designed and intended to hide the true nature of various business transactions during period relevant to this action for dissolution of marriage.

Jennifer Dulos requested that Fotis Dulos, “provide full and unlimited access to the books, records and ESI [Employees’ State Insurance] of his personal and corporate finances.” He objected to the motion.

NOTE: Is anyone familiar with ESI/Employees' State Insurance? Trying to figure out their connection to this situation.
Pretty sure that quote is incorrect. I think it should read "ESI [Electronically Stored Information]". That's what it says here: Accusations of Threats, Lying, Manipulation in Missing New Canaan Woman’s Divorce Case If you google ESI or Electronically Stored Information you'll see that it is a common term used in civil discovery.
Interesting take on the situation. So I understand, are you saying you think MT is really just a mirror reflection of FD in terms of character/values, personality and psych makeup? In many respects the JD/MT matchup seems like they are 2 peas in a pod.

But I am still struggling to understand whether either JD/MT had any sense of right and wrong or did they somehow feel entitled to everything/anything that JD had in life? We haven't seen any remorse from either FD/MT yet and my guess is we won't. What I found interesting was that other than a haggard look and puffy eyes, MT showed no emotion that I could see at the hearing or when she was making her statement the other day. Her outlook I thought was remarkably similar to FD outlook in court other than I thought he looked a bit more hyperaware than she did. Curious what others think here.
Thanks. I will go back and read the section in the documents again. Your corrected version makes sense as I couldn't understand the reference to the insurance company.
I'm nowhere near 100% convinced that JD was dismembered. At this point, I am switching back and forth in my mind. The biggest things that had me leaning in that direction, and I apologize for not having a link handy, is that I believe I read that FD did not return to NC after he left JD's house. IF that is true, then he had to have removed the body at the same time that he removed those many trash bags. Could he have rolled her body up in a rug or tarp and could it have been under all of those bags? And the other thing is that LE seems very focused on the trash facility. MOO

I was reluctant at first on the dismemberment theory, but then read several articles referencing that LE got search warrants on 2 vacant properties associated with FD and that they found important evidence at them. One was a house about 2 - 3 miles from JD's house and where a neighbor heard loud banging noises early morning 5/25, the morning after she disappeared. Like maybe he took body there to dismember. Not sure, but seems possible. Don't think he dismembered her in her home. Even if the banging story turns out not to be solid, still sounds like LE found evidence at 2 vacant houses. Maybe only attack /death happened in JD's garage.
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Interesting take on the situation. So I understand, are you saying you think MT is really just a mirror reflection of FD in terms of character/values, personality and psych makeup? In many respects the JD/MT matchup seems like they are 2 peas in a pod.

But I am still struggling to understand whether either JD/MT had any sense of right and wrong or did they somehow feel entitled to everything/anything that JD had in life? We haven't seen any remorse from either FD/MT yet and my guess is we won't. What I found interesting was that other than a haggard look and puffy eyes, MT showed no emotion that I could see at the hearing or when she was making her statement the other day. Her outlook I thought was remarkably similar to FD outlook in court other than I thought he looked a bit more hyperaware than she did. Curious what others think here.
I’m not sure if you meant me, but I am going to jump in. :D I do think they mirror each other. I think she’s as much a player as he is, and she’s in the driver’s seat right now because she’s free. I also think it’s very unlikely that he confided in her about anything of substance; I think he trusts himself and no one else. I would also guess she knows that. She brings to mind a saying some people use where I live—excuse the grammar—she looks like she’s been “rode hard and put up wet.” And that strikes me as more than just her appearance. MOO.
I’m not sure if you meant me, but I am going to jump in. :D I do think they mirror each other. I think she’s as much a player as he is, and she’s in the driver’s seat right now because she’s free. I also think it’s very unlikely that he confided in her about anything of substance; I think he trusts himself and no one else. I would also guess she knows that. She brings to mind a saying some people use where I live—excuse the grammar—she looks like she’s been “rode hard and put up wet.” And that strikes me as more than just her appearance. MOO.
It's interesting that we used that same description for Patrick Frazee's partner in crime, Krystal. They are from different worlds but a ho is a ho is a ho. MOO (but who would argue with me?!)
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