Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #18

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He speaks poorly of a very rich woman. And highly of this immigrant just trying to make it in America. There are lots of people who hate the very rich. For no reason except that they’re not rich.
FD is not your typical immigrant in search of the "american dream" IMO. He came from a solidly upper middle class background in Greece where he received an excellent education. He then came to the US and attended 2 excellent institutions for undergraduate/Brown and graduate school/Columbia. FD might not have had much cash or equity but he is not the typical immigrant by any stretch of the imagination IMO. His sister grew up in Greece in a time of transition for women and she received an excellent education, attended university and graduate school. We know little about their family but the family valued education and achievement for men and women.

FD is NO rags to riches story! Nope. Not at all IMO.

who posted that?
I posted his education and work info from his practices website and it was removed he's lived here for awhile
I believe what was being discussed was MT citizenship. MT was born in TN (listed on the Arrest Warrant) but her citizenship was not mentioned. We have been searching for confirmation of it and was only able to find that her country of citizenship was Venezuela as per the NYP (where she grew up, attended school and university). The link to the NYP article was posted in a prior thread.

If anyone find another solid source for this information please post it.
MT would not need a H1B visa -- she was born in USA!
@Seattle1 Its unclear if the citizenship paperwork was ever filed for US citizenship. The only MSM source that has confirmed that she is a citizen of Venezuela is NYP and this link was posted in prior thread when this issue last was raised. Wish we had another solid source of this information.
Will we find out if MT told what she knows to LE at the next court date?
Wouldn’t it have shown some decency if she had released a statement showing concern for JD and the family? MOO.
The b*tch doesn't know what decency is...if she did; she would not have been "banging" a married father of five...and wanting to move into JD's house. jmo...
Using JD's account of their home life, I don't believe MT was in Farmington in late 2015/16.

JD's account is her dad died Jan 2017; she found out about MT March 2017 who had been living in Miami; Farber money dried up for FD; and JD packed up her kids and moved to rental in NC June 2017, and she also filed for divorce.

JD states that FD frequented Miami, Greece for water skiing, and Aspen for snow skiing. FD averaged 10 days away every month -- which would more than sustain a relationship with MT.

I believe MT came to live in CT around June 2017 as her child would be out of school. Also, it was around June that FD told JD that he was moving MT and her child into the marital home, and wanted JD and the children to come spend every weekend with them all summer. By 2018 - MT was well entrenched with Fore Group, and present at the Award banquet Nov 2018.

“My husband informed me that he decided to move [Michelle Troconis] and her daughter into the marital home and enroll [Troconis’] daughter in the private school that our children had attended for the last two years. He informed me that our children and I will continue to reside in the marital home every weekend during the summer, so that we all — his paramour and her daughter included — would be together. He also informed me that he will come and go from my mother’s residence whenever he wants during the week. Essentially, he expects to exhibit complete control over me and the children.”

Couple met at Brown University; now she's missing, and he's facing charges

Michelle Troconis, jet-setting businesswoman, lived openly with Fotis Dulos as he defied court orders in divorce with missing wife Jennifer
Makes sense! Will pencil these estimated dates into the timeline as I was thinking that the affair had been going on for a year prior to FD telling JD about the affair which would have been 2016. I had figured that they might have met even earlier and had been hooking up in Miami in mid/late 2015 too. My dates are speculative and your are tied to known events in documents so think your dates are perfect for timeline purposes!
Makes sense! Will pencil these estimated dates into the timeline as I was thinking that the affair had been going on for a year prior to FD telling JD about the affair which would have been 2016. I had figured that they might have met even earlier and had been hooking up in Miami in mid/late 2015 too. My dates are speculative and your are tied to known events in documents so think your dates are perfect for timeline purposes!
The Daily Mail isn't the best resource, but early on they published a picture of MT and FD together with two of their children. The article stated it was from June 2016.

Police arrest estranged husband of missing mother of five in Connecticut and his girlfriend | Daily Mail Online
The Daily Mail isn't the best resource, but early on they published a picture of MT and FD together with two of their children. The article stated it was from June 2016.

Police arrest estranged husband of missing mother of five in Connecticut and his girlfriend | Daily Mail Online
The Daily Mail isn't the best resource, but early on they published a picture of MT and FD together with two of their children. The article stated it was from June 2016.

I agree with you about the DM and NYP. MT citizenship issue was only clarified in NYP so far as I know. I don't know why the HC or other publications haven't addressed the issue.

What if this picture really was from 6/16? Could have been possible. MT might have still been in FL, FD took the children for a ski weekend/week and this picture was snapped? Stranger things have happened IMO?!?

HopeForTheBest - you always make me smile! You come up with some good ones! :)

That’s so nice of you to say! I don’t want to be overly annoying too often! (I’ve long since accepted the fact that it’s nearly impossible not to annoy some of the people some of the time especially if I think I HAVE to say something!). Thank you so much for your kind words!
@Seattle1 Its unclear if the citizenship paperwork was ever filed for US citizenship. The only MSM source that has confirmed that she is a citizen of Venezuela is NYP and this link was posted in prior thread when this issue last was raised. Wish we had another solid source of this information.

I assumed she was a dual citizen but it seems Venezuela is one of the country's which does NOT permit dual citizenship!

I recall reading at her arrest that she would be required to wear ankle monitor, and turn over her passport to the court clerk or her attorney. Do you have her booking information when she was arrested? Citizenship is usually listed.
ITA....I think this must have been one FD's Florida trips or competitions....Isn't it delightful that the children were bonding even then...June 2016...or maybe it was the beginning of a great love...sarcasm intended..oh, my..:eek:

WHOOPS....Adding MOO...
Welcome! Great first post and wonderful idea on motive! We've been dancing around the motive for a good long while here and wish we could do a poll!

My money has been on FD motive being hate, anger and money and on any given day the order can change.

Just riffing off of your OP idea so how ' bout this as a hypothetical:

JD for most of her life didn't really have to worry about money and perhaps wasn't very interested in it other than it gave her to ability to focus on what she valued most in her life, namely her children. I would defy any person who took the time to read her blog to claim anything other than she was a loving, caring, nurturing and wonderful mother who gave her time and love to all 5 children always.

JD trusted FD to manage the household bills and finances, using her trust income, over the course of her marriage and because she wasn't very interested in finances she only kept a loose rein on the situation and didn't ask too many questions as long as things seem to roll on with no wrinkles.

FD being the math and financial maven that he is takes full advantage of the loose rein and over time and little by little takes more and more of JD income and uses it to travel, support his family, possibly invest overseas in his name only, buy his parents a house in CT and set them up well, supports various Greek releatives when the economy tanks etc. FD has relatives and friends on the ground in Greece that most likely willingly took his money to invest either in their names or faceless front companies, all using money that FD took from JD.

Flash forward to 2015 period and possibly a marriage that was simply holding on was showing serious signs of strain with an absent and non-present parent and a city bred JD stuck in Farmington with 5 young children.

JD feels alone and abandoned because frankly she was. Perhaps she hears rumours of an affair or 2 but doesn't believe anything is serious. JD eyes are starting to open but only just slowly as to what her situation is with FD. JD decides to hang in just a bit longer and hope that things get better. There was the story in Family Court where FD scheduled the annual summer trip to Greece with the children but only told JD at the last minute that he didn't buy her a ticket and she wasn't going. Ding Ding Ding. The voice in the back of JD's head senses somthing is wrong but doesn't want to believe that FD would/could do her wrong. Perhaps she has an eye opening conversation with her accountant or her fathers financial advisor?

JD hangs on but things don't get better in the marriage and in fact it seems like FD evaporates himself from the family life. FD doesn't attend school events or parent/teacher conferences and JD is effectively functioning as a single parent of 5 children.

JD wonders why not much seems to be going on with FORE but she is concerned about the day to day of managing 5 children so lets things slide about pushing for a discussion of financial matter. Perhaps her fathers health situation changes in 2016 and that is a concern as well and takes her focus away from FD and finances.

FD allegedly started the most recent affair in the marriage with MT sometime in 2015/2016. JD didn't find out about the affair until 2017 but most likely sensed that all was not right long before FD told her about the affair.

But JD was no pushover and what if she spent most of 2016 looking at the finances, planning the escape with the 5 children and as part of her escape plan found evidence of financial mismanagement/misdeeds by FD over a long period of time and found investments in his name only that she knew were made with her money?

What happened if JD simply cleaned FD out of every bit of cash and liquid assets that were in a joint account that she could lay her hands on and took it when she departed with the children?

It wouldn't be easy for FD to unwind the investments made using JD money in order to fund his lifestyle so he was truly strapped for cash. FD couldn't mention the overall situation in court because he would have had to admit to taking money for years. So, what does FD do? He pleads poverty and avoids any and all attempts to obtain financial information on FORE and himself personally.

As @TX0125 points out, what if there was a showdown about the financial secrets in the marriage simply because FD had run out of cash to keep the farce of a relationship going with MT and he had had enough? Can you imagine the look on MT face when FD says, "Michi, sorry but I need to use your credit card to buy some things and PS we are out of cash?". Games up. Mask is ripped off. He is exposed as the gigolo and failure that he is and this happens in front of a person that he only got involved with in order to anger and piss off JD? Humiliation!

Perhaps FD wanted to avoid this situation with MT and so came to JD to ask for relief to the situation?

My guess is JD said NFW!

There was some kind of big secret in the marriage of JD and FD IMO beyond that MT affair. IDK what it might have been but so much of this sad situation seems to revolve around money (JD had it and FD did not) and respect or lack thereof. IDK what happened but my guess is that JD woke up and when she did there was no stopping her and she took FD and his lies apart one by one until there was simply nothing left except his hate, rage and humiliation.

Just a guess and pure speculation.

Major Major MOO

Great thoughts here! I’ve always thought—MOO—that JD could and would endure whatever she needed to including affairs and lost money for the sake of her kids but when she realized/decided that FD could, would, or had hurt the kids like the one child who reportedly (noted in court records, I believe) had such a hard time emotionally over being pushed so hard by FD on the waterskiing, JD knew she had to divorce him for the good of the kids. MOO. Many people in my experience will put up with a lot until it affects the kids and then they take action—MOO.
The Daily Mail isn't the best resource, but early on they published a picture of MT and FD together with two of their children. The article stated it was from June 2016.

Police arrest estranged husband of missing mother of five in Connecticut and his girlfriend | Daily Mail Online

The caption with photo states:

Fotis (left) and Troconis (right) are pictured at a water ski tournament with children in a photo shared to social media on June 16, 2016

Tournament could have been in Florida, Greece, or other....
I've no doubt she was the side piece before moving to CT but I think FD traveled to see her in Florida where she lived.

The DM corroborates JD's account that MT moved to CT in 2017 from Miami.

It is believed that Troconis and her daughter moved into his multimillion-dollar mansion soon after his wife and five children moved out in 2017.

The 44-year-old had been living in Miami, Florida, before moving to Connecticut. Family members hung up when contacted by for comment on her arrest.

ITA....I think this must have been one FD's Florida trips or competitions....Isn't it delightful that the children were bonding even then...June 2016...or maybe it was the beginning of a great love...sarcasm intended..oh, my..:eek:

WHOOPS....Adding MOO...

You know, MOO, if people aren’t happy and can’t or won’t fix it (without violence!), that’s one thing but doing it behind another’s back AND putting the kids in such a terrible spot is just reprehensible! :(
She didn’t like confrontation. Maybe that’s why MT was the straw that broke her back.
This will be made into a book with movie rights. I’d bet someone is already typing it up.
Despicable human behavior. Plotting from that chance meeting at the Denver Airport. A trilogy. Meet, Marry and Murder. How’s that sound?

She was strong, though, and had GF as a model so I think it probably was related more to worrying about how taking action would affect the kids. Having him around here and there acting like a jerk was one thing but the thought that he might get partial custody of the kids where they’d be entirely at his mercy might have made her wait and worry. She was right about the battle but not about how far he’d go. :( All MOO.
Agree with you.

The introduction of a pawn into the marriage in the form of MT really had to be the last humiliating and degrading straw for JD who had most likely in her mind done everything she could to pacify and follow FD directives from moving 5 times in 4 years with very young children, dealing with his aging parents being brought onto the scene, having a nanny that allegedly didn't sepak english and having primary caretaking responsbility for 5 young children.

There also might have been the way that FD introduced MT into the equation via passive and quite aggressive means through offering her employment at FORE and effectively installing her in the office at 4Jx. Depending on the timing of things this most likely happened. So, JD would be seeing MT every day when MT came to the office. Did FD also offer MT housing at 585 Deerfield or another property during this period too? When exactly did MT and her daughter come to Farmington from Miami? How long had FD known MT from Miami?

There is no way that MT could not have known that FD was married and the 'father' of 5 young children. The fact that she most likely was showing up for work while conducting an affair with FD under the eyes of JD for a period of time in my mind at least has me thinking that she really has the same non-functioning moral/ethical compass as FD.


I’m still on the trying-to-decide-what-was-best-or -least-terrible-for-the-kids reason for why she waited (all MOO) but in addition to that, even with help, having five kids plus having the constant criticism from FD as she expressed in her writing and his dramas in almost every facet of his life based on court reports had to be incredibly draining and exhausting. MOO.
The Daily Mail isn't the best resource, but early on they published a picture of MT and FD together with two of their children. The article stated it was from June 2016.

Police arrest estranged husband of missing mother of five in Connecticut and his girlfriend | Daily Mail Online

Honestly, I think it is entirely possible that the photo IS from 2016. The two older kids, the ones most frequently pitted against each other in waterskiing competition are 13 now-they could be 10 years old in this picture, even though we cannot see their faces
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