Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #18

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MOO MOO. No. It’s a different family. Another Fotis if you can believe it. This Fotis’ father’s name was Petros.
This Fotis only has one sister.
Replying to myself. I had run this down awhile ago. I THINK the Fotis with the brother Alex was this Fotis’s grandfather. Petros’ Dad Makes sense w ‘ name first born son’ after your dad!
I have a question-if FD went with an attorney to the police station the day after JD went missing, why didn’t the attorney tell FD “do not give them your phone!” You wouldn’t ever want to give them your phone, unless you had to. The lawyer certainly should, and would have known that. So, why would he let FD do that?

FD does what he wants.
FD knows he’s “smarter than a fifth grader” lawyer.
FD was still in I’m in the clear mode. I’ll give it to them bc it’ll let LE think I have nothing to hide.
IMOO LE is still searching for a piece of evidence to finish FD off. Not her body, I think they believe she’s in pieces, but some final piece of the puzzle that will complete the picture. If we knew what LE already has, we might be able to identify that missing piece. It’s critical, whatever it is they still need.
Sure they’re busy still processing everything but I think that’s the excuse to keep searching.
Neither of them should be out, both should sit behind bars and think about what they’ve done. MOO.
IMOO LE is still searching for a piece of evidence to finish FD off. Not her body, I think they believe she’s in pieces, but some final piece of the puzzle that will complete the picture. If we knew what LE already has, we might be able to identify that missing piece. It’s critical, whatever it is they still need.
Sure they’re busy still processing everything but I think that’s the excuse to keep searching.
Neither of them should be out, both should sit behind bars and think about what they’ve done. MOO.
I would love to see more about the financials. I saw recently where FD claims that she siphoned off money from him and I wonder if he is setting up a cover story for his own money "magic". It is one thing to take money from your father-in-law and have business difficulties which make it difficult to repay, it is a whole other matter to take the money and then stash some away perhaps overseas. If he had been doing this over a period of time it could help support a charge of premeditation.
Controversial Lawyer Claims Jennifer Dulos Took Thousands From Husband Before She Vanished

Just thinking out loud - MOO.
IMOO LE is still searching for a piece of evidence to finish FD off. Not her body, I think they believe she’s in pieces, but some final piece of the puzzle that will complete the picture. If we knew what LE already has, we might be able to identify that missing piece. It’s critical, whatever it is they still need.
Sure they’re busy still processing everything but I think that’s the excuse to keep searching.
Neither of them should be out, both should sit behind bars and think about what they’ve done. MOO.

I think the last puzzle piece might be the financials-this might be the motive. They were very nearly divorced, and he’d just gotten relaxed visitation with the kids, so those things aren’t the likely motive. But the financials...either with JD’s relationship to the financials, or IMO, her mother’s. this is probably what is taking so long; these things are pretty difficult to unravel, even by people who do it for a living. Those two women were going to destroy him financially, from which he would not be able to come back. I think he’d already eaten up all of his equity in the houses that he still had to sell, and most likely would owe an assortment of subcontractors on all of them. And he likely was going to face some IRS scrutiny which could send him to prison on its own for some variety of tax evasion. This is MOO, all MOO
I would love to see more about the financials. I saw recently where FD claims that she siphoned off money from him and I wonder if he is setting up a cover story for his own money "magic". It is one thing to take money from your father-in-law and have business difficulties which make it difficult to repay, it is a whole other matter to take the money and then stash some away perhaps overseas. If he had been doing this over a period of time it could help support a charge of premeditation.
Controversial Lawyer Claims Jennifer Dulos Took Thousands From Husband Before She Vanished

Just thinking out loud - MOO.

I wouldn’t be surprised if FD took the money making it look like Jennifer took it. That’s IF the money is really missing. Since the lawyer “threw” this out in the press, FD needs to show the accounting of all monies to prove what his lawyer is saying. Somehow I think they will fight having to show any financial statements for anything.
I wouldn’t be surprised if FD took the money making it look like Jennifer took it. That’s IF the money is really missing. Since the lawyer “threw” this out in the press, FD needs to show the accounting of all monies to prove what his lawyer is saying. Somehow I think they will fight having to show any financial statements for anything.

I think JD probably did take a sum of money; but it isn’t money that she wasn’t entitled to take, since she probably had some idea what FD was doing. And she knew he wasn’t bringing in the kind of money that would provide for a family-at least their family. It sounds like he could have been financially providing for his Greek family. I wonder if it’s possible that he might have taken out loans against a few of the properties, and used some of the others as collateral-then either spending the money on day-to-day expenses, or sending it overseas as a nest egg. I am not very financially fluent, so forgive me.
I wouldn’t be surprised if FD took the money making it look like Jennifer took it. That’s IF the money is really missing. Since the lawyer “threw” this out in the press, FD needs to show the accounting of all monies to prove what his lawyer is saying. Somehow I think they will fight having to show any financial statements for anything.

It wouldn't surprise me to discover that Jennifer had accessed joint accounts if FD was not paying child support, etc. FD's pride was damaged by the family court's decision that showed him to be a "dead-beat" dad who financially abandoned his kids. This is NP's method of trying to redeem his client in the public's eye.

I'd like to know how the thousands of dollars mentioned in court has morphed into hundreds of thousands of dollars to the press. (I don't think I misheard this...) Is Norm granting media favors, AGAIN? WHOOPS...MOO
I would love to see more about the financials. I saw recently where FD claims that she siphoned off money from him and I wonder if he is setting up a cover story for his own money "magic". It is one thing to take money from your father-in-law and have business difficulties which make it difficult to repay, it is a whole other matter to take the money and then stash some away perhaps overseas. If he had been doing this over a period of time it could help support a charge of premeditation.
Controversial Lawyer Claims Jennifer Dulos Took Thousands From Husband Before She Vanished

Just thinking out loud - MOO.
So far as I can tell on the issue of financials, most of the information is clearly with the Family Court. Judge Heller in order to do her last decision on custody had to go back and confirm, based on available information, exactly how much FD had contributed. We saw the answer to her investigation in her opinion.

The next place that has information is GF civil case. We have learned that last filed taxes were 2016 for FORE. We learned that FORE books show loan owing to FIL of $1.7 million on its books (date of books unknown). GF has made motion for additional accounting investigation of FORE books and FD personal financial information in the civil case. FD has been fighting GF in civil court for nearly 2 years about a loan WHERE HIS OWN BOOKS show he owed FIL $1.7 millon? Why? My guess is the money is long gone and/or spent. But we shall see.

The Pattis Patter in court on the issue of JD 'taking' money from FD honestly IMO was again was a statement not based on fact and supported by bank statements. No Case Norm didn't make his statement saying he wanted to introduce 10 years of bank statements from a joint JD/FD account into evidence to prove his claim! Nope. He did what he seems to prefer to do which is to make a baseless claim and present it as fact.

Think about this issue from JD standpoint. I don't know how she worked her personal finances vis a vis her marriage. But most couples might have a joint account for household expenses, child care and schooling etc. We know JD had trust income that she most likely got monthly or quarterly. My guess is that she put all or a portion of this into a joint acct for household use. Who do I think managed the joint account? FD of course. What I would love to see is a full forensic analysis of all household accounts for the duration of the marriage! My guess of what would be found is that there was a systematic diminishment of account by FD between 'trips' or 'other personal expenses' and 'payments to family in Greece/maintenace of parents etc.'. Were these hypothetical FD payments made with the full knowledge and consent of JD? IDK. But say that JD had found out that such payments had been made over a long period of time that she wasn't aware of? Would she have been enraged? Probably, is my guess. So, would she have sought to 'even the playing field' and essentially recoup some of the money that might have been systematically taken/used by FD over time and done this prior to her departure with the children? Makes total sense to me.

I guess I am not at all convinced on what we have seen in the public domain that FD did much to support his family, his wife or maintain their lifestyle. If I had to guess, I would speculate that any money he made went to support and maintain his interests and his family in US and Greece. There is an entire cloud over the issue of finances in my mind that can only be solved by forensic accountants at this time IMO.

The letter writter by FD sister about how he supported his family members in Greece to me added even more confusion to this entire issue. The reality to me seems to be that the bulk of the money floating around in the Dulos marriage originated from JD.

Perhaps FD did contribute what he made. IDK. But in order to have confidence in any statement made by Pattis on the topic of JD 'taking money' then Pattis/FD is going to have to step up to the plate and IMO 'man up' to document via official sources with bank statements and tax returns etc. to explain how much he actually contributed to the marriage financially.

Until this happens IMO we just have another example of No Case Norm blowing smoke!

It wouldn't surprise me to discover that Jennifer had accessed joint accounts if FD was not paying child support, etc. FD's pride was damaged by the family court's decision that showed him to be a "dead-beat" dad who financially abandoned his kids. This is NP's method of trying to redeem his client in the public's eye.

I'd like to know how the thousands of dollars mentioned in court has morphed into hundreds of thousands of dollars to the press. (I don't think I misheard this...) Is Norm granting media favors, AGAIN? WHOOPS...MOO

It’s funny that, in all of the court filings FD made, I don’t think any of them accused JD of “taking FD’s money”-or NP would have brought it out way before last Friday. For instance, he might have said it when he accused JD of “Gone Girling herself”, to bolster that claim. Did they just last week discover that she had taken money that in FD’s estimation, she wasn’t entitled to? Did he mention it in Friday’s court proceeding, or did he wait until after, when he was talking to the press? If it wasn’t mentioned in court, then it never happened, because that would be the time to mention it. And while the press still prints it, they know it never happened, too.
I know this question’s been answered before, but is Fore Group an LLC, or is it incorporated? Is it an ‘S’ corp? It looks, at the very least, as if he can be bagged for tax evasion, because there is a whole lot of unreported income here, if he was paying for personal expenses with company money, and not reporting the money on his personal tax return. This is, of course, if GF is right, and her filing is accurate. Maybe they can get MT for the same thing, or at least use a prison sentence for tax evasion as leverage in case she doesn’t cooperate. They got Leona Helmsley this way, and I think she was smarter, and had better representation than these two losers.
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And while the press still prints it, they know it never happened, too.

This point you so brilliantly raise is something that I wish could be blown up into 100pt font! SO SO SO TRUE.

What I find so upsetting about the media coverage (Hearst Media IMO and FOX61 in particular) is that they simply print Pattis claims verbatim with zero investigation or questioning so far as I can see.

This sensationalizing of unsubstantiated claims made by Pattis & Crew creates absolute confusion as to what is 'true' and what is 'not true'. IMO the press has a duty and obligation here and IMO they have largely fallen down in doing much to investigate the available facts in the case and Pattis comments in particular. Where they have spent time is on sensationalizing testimony in family court as it generated 'clicks' and 'views'. I get that journalism budgets have been slashed and old style investigative journalism has gone the way of the dodo. But Hearst controls a huge segment of the CT media market and most people in the state rely on their 'reporting' to understand and stay current on what is going on. They figure if it was reported in the press then it must be true?!?! Pattis knows this and he knows the press aren't fact checking him or asking tough questions of the defense. Its for this reason that I think the gag order is imperative!

Its so disappointing to see so much recycling of press stories and "exclusive" interviews with Pattis where little to no follow up questioning is done for FEAR of not getting the next "exclusive". I mean if the press is not holding No Case Norm to some standard and investigating his claims then the press is simply reduced to a vehicle of uncensored public speech, no different from FB IMO.

We have seen some solid reporting done by a few outlets but one of the reasons I am so supportive of a gag being imposed is because IMO the press has done little to question or investigate any of the claims made by Pattis & Crew and instead have given him free reign to put out into the public domain whatever he wants and whenever he wants. Its all so disappointing IMO.

Randomly came across this other way of accessing the FivemakesSeven blog, while trying to figure out exactly when, where and how Doofus's dad died. I wonder if once his mom became a widow, sis passed along the "upkeep." No answers on my original question, but I do know many sleuthers have expressed interest in perusing JD's writings.

And five makes seven...
Thank you for this. I love reading her postings and pray they are all saved for her children so they know how much she adored and cherished them.
Hmm-it looks to me as if GF’s side is beginning to understand what she has always suspected. There is some clarification about what FD’s been doing-we all are on the right track

Its good to see the investigation has begun by the GF team and that they got some bank statements and were able to confirm their suspicions as to misappropriation of funds by FD and commingling of personal and corporate funds which is always a red flag in fraud investigations IMO.

Given the overall high risk IMO of the fact that FORE is largely a hollow financial shell at this time due to its ransacking by FD over the past few years, I would hope that the court would allow GF to securitize her claims on various FORE assets in the form of mortgages in an attempt to potentially protect her interest in bankruptcy. Given the weak market conditions and the 'white elephant' status of the Farmington properties it most likely would make sense to secure the NC Sturbridge Property first as its probably the most viable at 75% of fair market value and the Farmington properties at 50% of fair market value.

I also wonder what control the civil court has to escrow funds from any near term sale of Sturbridge property in NC in advance of settlement of the civil case as it appears that FD is aggressively marketing that property now and just had a nearly $500,000 price reduction to facilitate sale. IMO this is the most viable property of the FORE listed assets and it would be a shame if the property were sold and the proceeds fell into the 'black hole' that seems to be the FORE coffers. MOO

Frankly at this point I'd be curious if any real estate professional could sell these properties given their notoriety?

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This point you so brilliantly raise is something that I wish could be blown up into 100pt font! SO SO SO TRUE.

What I find so upsetting about the media coverage (Hearst Media IMO and FOX61 in particular) is that they simply print Pattis claims verbatim with zero investigation or questioning so far as I can see.

This sensationalizing of unsubstantiated claims made by Pattis & Crew creates absolute confusion as to what is 'true' and what is 'not true'. IMO the press has a duty and obligation here and IMO they have largely fallen down in doing much to investigate the available facts in the case and Pattis comments in particular. Where they have spent time is on sensationalizing testimony in family court as it generated 'clicks' and 'views'. I get that journalism budgets have been slashed and old style investigative journalism has gone the way of the dodo. But Hearst controls a huge segment of the CT media market and most people in the state rely on their 'reporting' to understand and stay current on what is going on. They figure if it was reported in the press then it must be true?!?! Pattis knows this and he knows the press aren't fact checking him or asking tough questions of the defense. Its for this reason that I think the gag order is imperative!

Its so disappointing to see so much recycling of press stories and "exclusive" interviews with Pattis where little to no follow up questioning is done for FEAR of not getting the next "exclusive". I mean if the press is not holding No Case Norm to some standard and investigating his claims then the press is simply reduced to a vehicle of uncensored public speech, no different from FB IMO.

We have seen some solid reporting done by a few outlets but one of the reasons I am so supportive of a gag being imposed is because IMO the press has done little to question or investigate any of the claims made by Pattis & Crew and instead have given him free reign to put out into the public domain whatever he wants and whenever he wants. Its all so disappointing IMO.


You are so right-when is one of these “journalists” going to ask him, when he makes these outrageous claims, if he can and will substantiate them? At the very least, the money issue won’t be difficult, if it actually happened. That isn’t nebulous; there’ll be proof of her “theft”
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