Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #22

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It's really interesting to watch this video and I would have to assume that the surveillance didn't stop with the latest AW...there has to be more to come.
When FD says "I have nothing to hide", he's actually a bit true given how transparent he has been with his actions. Also, he has clearly been warned by NP to not do these interviews, so I would assume the motive behind doing this big Dateline event is so that perhaps, someday, his children might see these interviews and blame their mom for all of this, just like FD is doing now.
Caroline,what makes you think his attorney has advised him otherwise?I have yet to see that?
I still think he did something 'over the top' to
make her remains disappear.
Does he have any connections/relatives still
in the tanning or rendering business around CT?
Large animal carcasses in some areas used to be collected and hauled to a rendering plant
where they made various products from them.
The carcasses were broken down to the point
of simple by-products being all that's left.
Based on how long I think he'd been planning this, something similar would fit his M.O.
I agree. He still thinks he has outwitted LE. He is smug because he believes LE will never find her body, which is why I believe he altered her body post-mortem. I have seen too many bodies end up in the dump (2 in a matter of months in just one area) not to strongly suspect it wasn't just clothing and cleaning supplies that ended up at the Hartford dump. Heck, according to LE he even threw the murder weapon away in that garbage. He planned that dump with great thought, just like he did the use of EE's Tacoma. And, of course, we have the normally led-footed speed demon FD steadily driving 60 mph on the return trip to Farmington. Why would he do that unless he wanted to be sure he wasn't pulled over?

What he didn't realize, and does not seem to understand even now, is that the State does not need a body to convict him of murder. While others here believe the State should proceed without MT's assitance, I understand why the State would like to have her as a witness. She is the proverbial nail in his coffin. Can FD be convicted without her testimony? Sure. Would I feel better if she steps forward and actually tells LE the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? You better believe it.(I still believe she should be held accountable for her participation in this crime). As I have previously posted, it is an old prosecutor adage,"If you want to convict the devil, you have to find your witnesses in he**."
OC, I wonder if LE really leaned on Atty. Kent M. the guy who is charged w/ sexual assault on his estranged wife and if LE could get him as
a witness to pre-planning. Or even his estranged wife, his victim. What does she know?
with only two direct witnesses, that's if MT steps up, and EE, then it's up to forensics and digital evidence to convict him. Would that be enough with no body?
IMO LE found out FD was doing an interview with NBC Dateline to air tonight. They waited for him to go on air and make statements for the record and then follow up with the AW and details with the camera shots to counter.
Just a small thing, but is there a way for the mods to remove the silver alert tag in the title? Every time I see it, I feel it's being disrespectful to Jennifer.

The definition of a silver alert is:

A Silver Alert is a public notification system in the United States to broadcast information about missing persons – especially senior citizens with Alzheimer's disease, dementia, or other mental disabilities – in order to aid in locating them.

While it might be factually true that a silver alert was called for her, it seems more than likely in my opinion that this was at FD's instigation, since he appears to be pushing for a Gone Girl scenario and alleging JD had a mental break and ran off abandoning her kids. There is no evidence that JD was not of sound mind at the time of her disappearance. In fact everything points towards foul play.

As is becoming clearer and clearer every day, JD was in fact a loving mother, with enough inner strength and mental fortitude to leave an abusive cheating husband and fight legally for her rights and to protect her kids from a narcissistic, scamming *advertiser censored**hole of a father.

Every time I see that silver alert tag it reminds me of the character assassination this suspect is still perpetrating on a woman who can no longer speak up for herself and who is likely violently murdered by his hands.

Is there a way that we can change this, out of respect for the victim?
I maybe in the minority here. But, I want Pattis to do his job and do it well because when the evidence leads to a conviction I don't want a successful appeal to be possible. I can't see a jury thinking she is alive and on some island drinking Campari and sodas. We have JD's DNA in Hartford connected to him, her blood in the truck he stole and drove to NC, and we have his worker who was pressured to swap out his seats and sell that truck real fast. I think MT will eventually plead out and testify against him. I am not worried at this point as I think LEO has more than they have revealed. The puzzle is coming together.
I am not worried about the appeal. He will also be filing a motion for post-conviction relief claiming ineffective assistance of counsel IMO after that appeal is denied. He will claim that his lawyer was ineffective in "allowing' him to give interview, misstating evidence, etc., etc.; that his strategy was no strategy (and we haven't even seen the trial yet). He will fight until the bitter end IMO.
OC, I wonder if LE really leaned on Atty. Kent M. the guy who is charged w/ sexual assault on his estranged wife and if LE could get him as
a witness to pre-planning. Or even his estranged wife, his victim. What does she know?
with only two direct witnesses, that's if MT steps up, and EE, then it's up to forensics and digital evidence to convict him. Would that be enough with no body?
I hope so. He is also someone who could potentially be a devastating prosecution witness. Sure, NP will attempt to impeach him on cross, claiming he has gotten a sweetheart deal in exchange for his testimony. Some of the communications between KM and FD may also be covered by he attorney-client privilege. But, and this is a huge but, there is an exception to that privilege called the "crime fraud exception". If the two men were planning to commit a crime, even if that crime was not murder, those communications are not privileged. Additionally, IMO the "reconciliation" discussions the two men may have had also are not covered by the privilege. It is my long-winded view that, if KM has any sense of self-preservation at all, he has already talked to LE. I think he must have some very interesting things to tell them.
I won’t be able to watch or record Dateline so am looking forward to hearing about it from you guys. As MassGuy said, I’m sure parts of it (FD/NP) are going to make us furious—and all of it is going to be sad. MOO.

Sure you're right about the mixed feelings! Hope the reports are good.

Being on the sunset side of the U.S., you all in the East will know things before we do. If there's anything exciting, let us know. (Unlike information is rather like Christmas morning. Hope I won't be disappointed.)
Hopping back on this thread after about a month or so and am pretty happy with this additional arrest development and the information about the knife! Reading the Courant article about the knife it seems pretty obvious to me that FD committed a thoroughly planned out and calculated murder. The switching of the vehicles, potentially implicated EE, the dumping on Albany potentially implicated lower income residents of Hartford and the ditched car potentially implicated an unknown party. His original statements on Jennifer’s mental health triggered suspicion that she left of her own volition... and every single one of these actions, if not investigated as a whole, would implicate someone OTHER than Fotis Dulos. He clearly wanted the blame to be shifted elsewhere but underestimated how smart NCPD was in putting the pieces together. Hopefully murder charges arrive soon, it’s been far too long.
If LE are reading here, they’re all saying: “Get that girl, whatser name... @afitzy? .... to come work for us!!!!”
Agree! Not up to speed on the mortgage situation but the Waveny scenario sounds completely feasible. Random cars parked on Lapham Rd for an hour or even a few would not raise much suspicion and I'm sure there was good reason that LE and FBI spent much time combing the park trails for evidence.
One thought/feeling I get is that maybe FD did not move JD’s body from JD’s suburban to the Tacoma at Waveny Park/the pullout. I think that would have been too risky and unpredictable. It does seem from the evidence that LE has that JD’s body and other evidence was likely in both of those vehicles. So to make my theory work with the evidence - maybe FD had JD’s body in the suburban to leave JD’s house > drove somewhere close by, but more hidden and attempted to clean suburban of evidence and left JD’s body temporarily > drove suburban to Waveny park > parked and hopped out of suburban and left walking or jogging off to avoid looking suspicious > walked or jogged to Tacoma > drove Tacoma to retrieve body and other evidence > started trip back to 80 MS very careful to adhere to speed limits.

This would help account for the extra time between leaving JD’s house and passing northbound in the Tacoma if he had to drop off body and return for body at another, more private location nearby first. I think he could have biked or run to JD’s. This would have also kept FD from appearing suspicious if he was just exiting cars appearing to be someone at Waveny Park for recreation, as opposed to trying to move a body and evidence at an unpredictable public location. Could also account for why there appears to have been more evidence left in the Tacoma than the suburban because if FD returned somewhere to hastily put the body in the car, it could have gotten more sloppy at that point. That is gross, but I have been trying to think of why that appears to be the case. This is all IMOO and my scenario if he was definitely alone.

If MT was with him in NC that morning, obviously that would change everything. Wasn’t there a FORE property nearby JD’s house? Can someone remind me which one it was? I think I should have been keeping a list of all properties and locations because I think I’m starting to confuse myself!

All of above is feasible, I will just say that this particular side road location is remote enough that there are significant gaps in traffic and if someone is listening and being cautious they could easily have been able to time a strategic transfer without being observed.
IMO LE found out FD was doing an interview with NBC Dateline to air tonight. They waited for him to go on air and make statements for the record and then follow up with the AW and details with the camera shots to counter.

What I wouldn't give for LE to arrest him 5 minutes before Dateline starts, so he can't watch it.
I am not trying to help NP in any way but maybe making a side show out of things is literally the only option for NP’s defense of FD. He looks soooo guilty that NP has to muddy the water somehow. I do think it isn’t working for him though-that Sarah Wallace interview was stomach-turning, and so was the brief “shame on you” interview outside of the courthouse last week. We just better hope there isn’t some “stoonad” on the eventual jury, who thinks FD is “cute”, and votes to acquit.

I don't even know what a "stoonad" is but if it's someone who would fall for FD, it has to be too nasty a word for me to google!
This is really great for those of us who like the visual, especially if you don't live in CT or haven't for a long time...the commentary is slow and not particularly well-informed in all aspects of the case. (For instance, someone off camera mentioned the 3rd person he's talking about may be a female....Gray doesn't seem to be aware to MT and asks where she lives????) However, it was worth the time, in spaced increments, to see the maps and placement of the cars, etc. Good find @afitzy ...I didn't subscribe to his podcast though. I will watch new ones if they come out.
Enjoyed it as well. Just couldn't stay with the last part.
I never got the visual of where the truck and her SUV pulled over to park until now. They were hardly hidden. Just pulled off to the side of the road. FD took a lot of chances, IMO.
I agree. He still thinks he has outwitted LE. He is smug because he believes LE will never find her body, which is why I believe he altered her body post-mortem. I have seen too many bodies end up in the dump (2 in a matter of months in just one area) not to strongly suspect it wasn't just clothing and cleaning supplies that ended up at the Hartford dump. Heck, according to LE he even threw the murder weapon away in that garbage. He planned that dump with great thought, just like he did the use of EE's Tacoma. And, of course, we have the normally led-footed speed demon FD steadily driving 60 mph on the return trip to Farmington. Why would he do that unless he wanted to be sure he wasn't pulled over?

What he didn't realize, and does not seem to understand even now, is that the State does not need a body to convict him of murder. While others here believe the State should proceed without MT's assitance, I understand why the State would like to have her as a witness. She is the proverbial nail in his coffin. Can FD be convicted without her testimony? Sure. Would I feel better if she steps forward and actually tells LE the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? You better believe it.(I still believe she should be held accountable for her participation in this crime). As I have previously posted, it is an old prosecutor adage,"If you want to convict the devil, you have to find your witnesses in he**."

MT is going to come up big, just by her admission that the two of them were on Albany Ave of the evening of 5/24. Pattis has already made noises like “the videos are so inferior, you can’t tell who was making all of those stops”. LE have to put those two in the truck that night on Albany Ave., and MT has taken care of that already. He (FD) can’t say that they were nowhere near there, dumping bloody evidence, because she already said they were.
I have only watched about 45 min but wanted to share that what Gray did was to take the arrest warrant and put the details and narrative in visual form using google earth and marks for cars, buses and trucks allegedly used in the crime. There is a good bit of chit chat in the beginning so its possible to FF until the maps start.

Its interesting that Gray is working hard to try to figure out the time gap departing Lapham Rd to the trip back via 15 Merritt Pky North as well as the method used to initially get to Welles Rd from Lapham Rd.
The video is good as far as showing the layout of everything. I think he’s wrong on the theory that Fructose (as he calls him lol) dumped JD somewhere in NC just bc of the 30 min time gap. Transporting a person from one car to another could easily have taken that amount of time. Both from effort and just trying to be stealth. I really think he took her up the parkway and was driving 60 mph for a reason. I think he had the location and plan for disposal lined up in Farmington. We shall see. Good video though which gets into good detail on the timeline and locations. I don’t think Fructose has someone with him either. I think he was solo. And I don’t think MT was a conspirator ahead of time. Why would she have to be prepped on alibi notes after the fact in that case? You’d think they would have planned that out if she was truly in on the murder. Idk. Time and facts will tell. That murder charge can’t come soon enough. MOO.
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