Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #22

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Lots of possibilities....I did find one Foldable Truck Model made of vinyl that could fit in a backpack...
Cabela's Weatherproof Truck/Cargo Box
  • Ideal for use in pickup beds
  • Constructed of heavy-duty vinyl
  • Electronically welded seams
  • Equipped with D-rings for convenient tie-down
  • Folds up when not in use
Cabela's Weatherproof Truck/Cargo Box : Cabela's
This to me looked like a solid, heavy duty case, maybe made of fiberglass, with hinges and a lock. Nothing but the best for Dulos. Easy to slide into a hole, water, a well, especially if filled with water and cement.
Police suspect a hunting switchblade was used to kill Jennifer Farber Dulos. A Hartford man sold it for $10.
Investigators weeks after Farber Dulos’ May 24 disappearance tracked down the man who sold the knife -- known on the streets as “Fudge” -- telling him it is “possibly the murder weapon from some missing woman case,” the man told The Courant in a recent interview. He told police he had sold the knife and could not recall who bought it from him.
A pillow to cover her screams, perhaps? But Norman is going to have a field day with this information. All he needs is ONE wackadoodle juror to believe him.
Gray Hughes did an update on Dulos recent AWs:

This is really great for those of us who like the visual, especially if you don't live in CT or haven't for a long time...the commentary is slow and not particularly well-informed in all aspects of the case. (For instance, someone off camera mentioned the 3rd person he's talking about may be a female....Gray doesn't seem to be aware to MT and asks where she lives????) However, it was worth the time, in spaced increments, to see the maps and placement of the cars, etc. Good find @afitzy ...I didn't subscribe to his podcast though. I will watch new ones if they come out.
Going back to the first search warrant 6/1/19

7. Under the authority of a Mincey Search Warrant, the WDMCS van conducted crime scene processing at the 69 Welles Lane residence and found evidence of a large quantity of physical evidence in the garage area and inside the residence. This included: «Multiple stains on the garage floor which tested positive for human blood. eMultiple areas of suspected blood spatter. eEvidence of attempts to clean the crime scene. Based upon the crime scene processing, investigators came to the consensus that a serious physical assault had occurred at the scene, and Jennifer Dulos was the suspected victim.

This tells me there was a lot of blood. Plus, I had forgotten that there was blood evidence in the home.
Just reminds me how top-notch these investigators are.
We know so little.
I'm not worried about FD getting off.

Why isn’t he arrested already?
Sometimes all you can do when a media outlet loses its credibility is take your business elsewhere so that's exactly what I've done with the Courant because of Altimari's cozy relationship with Pattis & Company.

This case has enough notoriety that we can get all we need from more reliable sources. The Courant is even worse than the Daily Mail and NY Post. It feels good to be done with them and give someone else my clicks.

I liked the courant during the horrible crime of Jennifer Pettit and her daughters.
Hmm, I have to wonder about this. :) We most certainly need people to represent the accused, yes, but not to make a media show of it (which, in the long run, is no help to the defense once proven to be full of lies), to outright lie for the defendant, and to attack the victim/victim's family.

NP does not follow the rules of our justice system; he abuses them. Thankfully, he's not the typical defense attorney. Imo.
Some of the best criminal defense attorneys in the country know better than to go on TV and float theories as facts without doing their homework. Even then, the best say as little as possible about potential factual defenses. Experienced lawyers know better than to lose credibility early on; they also are very aware that clients are rarely the best source of reliable information about what actually occurred. Pattis comes off as extremely naive in relying on the truthfulness of his client, a known liar.

Why do criminal practitioners do what they do? That has been the subject of much discussion within the speciality itself. Many defenders do so out of a belief in the Constitution; they view themselves as upholding our system of democracy. Whether or not we agree with that view, at least it is admirable.

While Mr. Pattis may claim to be a hold this view, his actions are not consistent with his claim. There are many honorable attorneys who defend people and this is not how they do it. Insults, taunts, downright fabrications of fact, calling people "lying lovers." That is what wannabe TV lawyers do, not professional defenders. It demeans the very Constitution he claims to respect. It also puts a bigger bullseye on his client's back.

In fact, one local lawyer interviewed (Maddox) said that this latest arrest was the result of the "adversarial" relationship between Pattis and LE. So has Pattis actually helped or hurt his client with his antics? Even Joey Jackson, a well respected defender, was laughing at Pattis on HLN. Why? Because he knows this is a foolhardy approach to defending this case. Jackson also said he had seen convictions for 1st degree based on less than has already been revealed. He wondered when the other shoe was going to drop for Mr. Dulos.

In the end, it doesn't matter because Dulos is going to be convicted, but I am willing to bet that after Dulos' conviction is affirmed on appeal, he will raise cain about what Pattis is doing now. How soon will the ineffective assistance of counsel claims begin once those prison doors close on him - for the rest of his life?

There seems to be no strategy in this case, other than to pull the whiskers of LE, and that is no strategy at all. More importantly, it is not the way 99.999% of defenders would ever dream of defending this case. If Dulos and his lawyer actually believe Jennifer is alive, neither one of them is acting like it.
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This is really great for those of us who like the visual, especially if you don't live in CT or haven't for a long time...the commentary is slow and not particularly well-informed in all aspects of the case. (For instance, someone off camera mentioned the 3rd person he's talking about may be a female....Gray doesn't seem to be aware to MT and asks where she lives????) However, it was worth the time, in spaced increments, to see the maps and placement of the cars, etc. Good find @afitzy ...I didn't subscribe to his podcast though. I will watch new ones if they come out.

It's really interesting to watch this video and I would have to assume that the surveillance didn't stop with the latest AW...there has to be more to come.
When FD says "I have nothing to hide", he's actually a bit true given how transparent he has been with his actions. Also, he has clearly been warned by NP to not do these interviews, so I would assume the motive behind doing this big Dateline event is so that perhaps, someday, his children might see these interviews and blame their mom for all of this, just like FD is doing now.
Sometimes all you can do when a media outlet loses its credibility is take your business elsewhere so that's exactly what I've done with the Courant because of Altimari's cozy relationship with Pattis & Company.

This case has enough notoriety that we can get all we need from more reliable sources. The Courant is even worse than the Daily Mail and NY Post. It feels good to be done with them and give someone else my clicks.

O/T-But I like the New York Post! It isn’t quite as entertaining as it used to be, though
Does anyone know who Mark H. Dean is? He is an attorney and appears to be a Trustee on 4 Jefferson. I don't recall seeing his name before. Thanks!
looks like maybe GF put JD's interest in 4 JC
into a Trust and Dean is Trustee for her interests.
"owner"- Fotis Dulos and Mark H. Dean Trustee of the Ct. RE 2019 Trust"
It's really interesting to watch this video and I would have to assume that the surveillance didn't stop with the latest AW...there has to be more to come.
When FD says "I have nothing to hide", he's actually a bit true given how transparent he has been with his actions. Also, he has clearly been warned by NP to not do these interviews, so I would assume the motive behind doing this big Dateline event is so that perhaps, someday, his children might see these interviews and blame their mom for all of this, just like FD is doing now.

Good thoughts....Another reason FD may have agreed to this special BEFORE the latest AW was to get out in public before a potential gag order later this week. FD won't need to testify, NP can just show the jury the video....In fact, NP was probably hoping the episode would be rerun several times before trial....that is before the AW.

IMO, NP was rattled by the well presented information in the warrant. Remember him sinking to the low depths of calling EE a "man with something to hide," and MT a "Lying Lover." The next day NP softened his words and was wooing MT again. However, again IMO, NP was blindsided by the release of the second AW. His plans to keep polishing FD's image were being thwarted.
The person who has to know every detail of this (besides FD) is MT and she's being squeezed by LE. MOO

I would expect that every chunk of information she gives up buys her more time on the outside with her daughter.

We (and her girl) will find out soon enough whether FD or the daughter matters more.
Why am I thinking this is the first time her daughter has mattered more? For real. Because she has been brought to her knees? MOO.
Some of the best criminal defense attorneys in the country know better than to go on TV and float theories as facts without doing their homework. Even then, the best say as little as possible about potential factual defenses. Experienced lawyers know better than to lose credibility early on; they also are very aware that clients are rarely the best source of reliable information about what actually occurred. Pattis comes off as extremely naive in relying on the truthfulness of his client, a known liar.

Why do criminal practitioners do what they do? That has been the subject of much discussion within the speciality itself. Many defenders do so out of a belief in the Constitution; they view themselves as upholding our system of democracy. Whether or not we agree with that view, at least it is admirable.

While Mr. Pattis may claim to be a hold this view, his actions are not consistent with his claim. There are many honorable attorneys who defend people and this is not how they do it. Insults, taunts, downright fabrications of fact, calling people "lying lovers." That is what wannabe TV lawyers do, not professional defenders. It demeans the very Constitution he claims to respect. It also puts a bigger bullseye on his client's back.

In fact, one local lawyer interviewed (Maddox) said that this latest arrest was the result of the "adversarial" relationship between Pattis and LE. So has Pattis actually helped or hurt his client with his antics? Even Joey Jackson, a well respected defender, was laughing at Pattis on HLN. Why? Because he knows this is a foolhardy approach to defending this case. Jackson also said he had seen convictions for 1st degree based on less than has already been revealed. He wondered when the other shoe was going to drop for Mr. Dulos.

In the end, it doesn't matter because Dulos is going to be convicted, but I am willing to bet that after Dulos that conviction is affirmed on appeal, he will raise cain about what Pattis is doing now. How soon will the ineffective assistance of counsel claims begin once those prison doors close on him - for the rest of his life?

There seems to be no strategy in this case, other than to pull the whiskers of LE, and that is no strategy at all. More importantly, it is not the way 99.999% of defenders would ever dream of defending this case. If Dulos and his lawyer actually believe Jennifer is alive, neither one of them is acting like it.

You nailed it with the "wannabe TV lawyer" dream, Oceancalling.

I've not seen any aspect of Pattis' behavior that would make me think he operated from an "upholding our justice system" point of view.

He watched Jose Baez go from a rolypoly nobody in Florida to a nationally known entity.....still ignorant but also famous.

We've seen politicians and Hollywood stars hop on the "no publicity is bad publicity" bandwagon and even if Pattis was reading the negative rhetoric here, he'd be happy as a clam because it's about him.

He knows as well as we do that FD should plead to anything and everything but he'll resist that to keep boosting his own credentials as a TV lawyer who will make people tune in.

I, for one, will not!
Why am I thinking this is the first time her daughter has mattered more? For real. Because she has been brought to her knees? MOO.
I'll believe it when I see Arrest Warrant #3 where she's shown more initiative in laying out the unvarnished truth.

I'm betting there's a plethora of emails and texts between these two sleezeballs that push her toward that.
Two words - Jose Baez. NP reminds me of him/media circus/etc. No way did the prosecution get an unbiased jury IMO. NP is stirring the pot for a reason. JMO
The difference is Baez had a the benefit of a death qualified jury. Many legal experts believe Anthony would be in prison today if she had been charged with 2d degree murder. CT does not have the death penalty, so there will be no death qualification. While others may disagree, the State also made some tactical errors in Anthony which will not be repeated by here. Pattis is jumping on the 'Jennifer is alive' bandwagon because he is thinks it will work just like the 'no cause of death' defense played so well in Orlando. Fortunately, CT is not Orlando.
Gray Hughes did an update on Dulos recent AWs:

I have only watched about 45 min but wanted to share that what Gray did was to take the arrest warrant and put the details and narrative in visual form using google earth and marks for cars, buses and trucks allegedly used in the crime. There is a good bit of chit chat in the beginning so its possible to FF until the maps start.

Its interesting that Gray is working hard to try to figure out the time gap departing Lapham Rd to the trip back via 15 Merritt Pky North as well as the method used to initially get to Welles Rd from Lapham Rd.
The difference is Baez had a the benefit of a death qualified jury. Many legal experts believe Anthony would be in prison today if she had been charged with 2d degree murder. CT does not have the death penalty, so there will be no death qualification. While others may disagree, the State also made some tactical errors in Anthony which will not be repeated by here. Pattis is jumping on the 'Jennifer is alive' bandwagon because he is thinks it will work just like the 'no cause of death' defense played so well in Orlando. Fortunately, CT is not Orlando.

I think we’ll see a bizarre dual defense here.

“Jennifer was not murdered, but if she was, my client didn’t do it.”

I saw something similar in another case, and it’s never made any sense to me.

Regardless, I agree, he’s going to be successful in one of two things:

Publicizing himself.

Getting a not-guilty verdict.

Spoiler alert, number two won’t happen.
I have only watched about 45 min but wanted to share that what Gray did was to take the arrest warrant and put the details and narrative in visual form using google earth and marks for cars, buses and trucks allegedly used in the crime. There is a good bit of chit chat in the beginning so its possible to FF until the maps start.

Its interesting that Gray is working hard to try to figure out the time gap departing Lapham Rd to the trip back via 15 Merritt Pky North as well as the method used to initially get to Welles Rd from Lapham Rd.

As Gray is trying to figure the time gap, he moves the arrow around, and I'd love to see a true 15 minute to here and back possibility. I can't figure out how to do that. Are they any computer people that can make a 15-17 minutes diagram with a circle centered on the truck's location on Lapham road?

I played with this for a while, and the North Stamford Reservoir was in the 15 minute range. Has that been searched? The other large looking body of water was Holly Pond. I don't know how easy it is to get to the Long Island Sound inlets, either.

LE has probably already thought of all of this and done their circle, but I am curious about the probability of these spots and any others of which posters might be aware.
Gray Hughes did an update on Dulos recent AWs:

Thanks for posting this. It was incredibly helpful in going over the facts of the arrest warrants one by one and putting them into perspective as to a timeline. The mapping of the routes taken, the matching of LE's photo evidence to actual places on Google Earth and reading out the testimonies of PG and MT really does give an excellent detailed picture of the facts as discovered by LE so far. (this is what GH is so good at, in my opinion, providing visual aids as to the facts as given in news articles and warrants etc.) The Ex-Employee could end up being a hero in the case considering how much of a witness he is to FD's and MT's suspicious activities around that time. Seeing how close the Red Tacoma was parked to JD's abandoned black suburban on Lapham Rd really cinched it for me. IMO this murder was premeditated, planned out to the very last detail. But thankfully everything didn't go exactly to plan, and things like bus cams on a quiet stretch of road and a particularly stubborn and observant employee weren't factored into FD's diabolical scheme.

I firmly believe FD is guilty of premeditated murder. But I am not sure as to how involved MT was. Given her continued reluctance to tell the truth to LE, I suspect she's heavily involved - if she didn't participate in the violent act itself she surely knew what was going to happen and willingly helped in the disposal of evidence after the fact.

As GH points out, there's an odd gap in time from 10:25am to 11:12am which could be when the body was disposed of. But that's assuming the body was gone from the Tacoma by the time it was seen at 11:12am. Do people think he drove all the way back to Farmington with the body in the passenger seat or cab? I'm skeptical of that, but I guess it's possible.

The proximity of the Welles home to the Sturbridge home is about 3.4 miles drive 1o mins away. A drive there to dispose of the body and back to Lapham Road is not out of the question.

I can't decide whether FD did all of this himself and jogged/biked to JD's house from Waveny Park or had MT meet him there and drive him to the house (although I suspect the latter is unlikely considering the surveillance footage LE already has of the cars' comings and goings).

Looking at Google Earth, I've come up with a possible route he could have taken on foot from where the Red Tacoma was on Lapham road to the house. What do you think? This could account for the poison ivy. I chose expedience but also stuck to roads and paved drives where possible. It works out to be about 2 miles. I think that's doable in the time frame he had.

dulos_path.jpg dulos_path2.jpg

ETA: Actually, is it feasible that he drove to Sturbridge with the suburban or the Tacoma? Because we know for a fact that the Red Tacoma was snapped at 11:12am at the New Canaan rest area so that always as to be taken into account. And what's the logic of going back that way when you can take a more direct route to Farmington from Sturbridge if the body was taken there. Hmmmm....
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