Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #27

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As you point out we do not know precisely why MT chose to invoke her 5th Amendment right in her deposition in Civil Court. As it now appears even the questions asked of MT will be sealed, it doesn't appear that there will be much in the way of public information as it relates to MT and FORE.

BUT. Just because we don't know why what happened did happen with MT taking the 5th in Civil Court, doesn't mean that it isn't possible to make a few educated guesses based on things we do know based on info that is part of the court record in Family Court and Civil Court.

The information gleaned from most recent Atty. W. memo in Civil Court was that MT involved her 5th Amendment right on ALL QUESTIONS. IMO for MT to invoke the 5th on such basic questions such as her name, her address, her dates of employment etc. has me at least questioning quite a bit about what is going on the MT Legal Camp, or not. Invoking on all questions will simply prolong the situation for MT as the court will not accept blanket provision.

Is MT afraid of retaliation by FD? If so, she should speak up to LE. But, I don't think MT is afraid of FD because by all accounts it seems like their strategy is to remain quiet and stick together to the end. Their end might be 2 people in orange jump suits in Federal Prison but perhaps in their minds they will feel like they went down fighting! IDK but its hard to see any strong argument here for MT cooperating with anyone other than those people that show her a picture of herself and ask her to ID herself! Its actually pretty stunning when you think about it and the fact that this has been going on now for 4 months. But, back to Civil Court.

My question is, did Atty B. advise MT to do what she did and not answer anything? No, my guess is he most likely did not. My personal estimation of Atty B. has diminished quite a bit watching this whole situation play out with MT, but my suspicion is that he has a difficult client who is constitutionally is unable to tell the truth and this makes her virtually impossible to work with as a client. I do not doubt in the least that Atty B. is fighting hard to protect his clients rights both in Civil and Criminal Court, but so far he has looked ineffective and in civil court as someone who is operating in bad faith - neither situations bode well for him or MT IMO. But, for whatever reason MT and IMO Mama A. just aren't ready, willing and able to play ball so far as we can tell from AW2 and what just played out in Civil Court. Frankly, IDK why Atty B. doesn't drop MT like a hot potato and enjoy the rest of the nice Indian Summer weather in CT is beyond me as she simply seems like a client that cannot be helped!

My guess is that MT was fully briefed by Atty. B for Civil Court and given a range of possible answers and instead of doing as she was briefed to do, MT did not comply. Why?

This raises the question of why MT might not have complied with atty instructions. Did Mama A. not agree with the Atty B. strategy and so told MT to keep her mouth shut even it meant risking court sanctions or some other punishment? Does Mama A. have another atty in the wings advising her and this person is calling the shots for MT and for whatever reason this other person disagreed with the advice of Atty. B? Had MT continued to lie to her atty such that Atty B. at the time he was negotiating in good faith with Atty. W about the substance of the depo that he had no idea that further criminal charges might result from answering the deposition questions proposed by Atty W?

IMO there is no way around the basic thought that Atty. B is not in control of his client and he really isn't positioned to negotiate on her behalf. My guess is that this might be true because MT is still unable to tell the truth about anything relating to FORE, FD and by extension to the criminal case JD. Again, you have to ask the very simply question of WHY?

Further MT doing what she did came after Atty. W carved back the substance of the depo to simply relate to MT time at FORE and financial matters. Atty. B. responded twice to civil court about the MT deposition and it appeared that he had a working relationship in place with Atty. W. as it related to the depo of MT. Criminal court weighed in on the situation and put FD outside the room and listening on camera. Everything seemed 'good to go' and smooth sailing and then what happened? MT didn't step up to do what she was supposed to do in the depo.

The extent of MT involvement in FD hiding money during the Family Court matter has been an obvious fact from the beginning as FD gave MT $75,000 which was used as a loan to purchase real estate (there is a lot more related to this transaction). This transaction also allegedly involved Sue Morin, Loan Officer from Farmington Bank (now Peoples) who invoked her 5th amendment right when deposed on this transaction in Family Court. What hasn't been so obvious is just how much MT knew about other shady dealings at FORE and how FD was hiding money in the divorce and how money left FORE for places unknown.

Did MT know that what she was doing was wrong when she took the money from FD and on lent it to a FD 'friend' for their shady house deal? My answer to this would be yes she did. MT had purchased real estate before in her life and knew what was permitted and what was not permitted to be used for down payment funds. My guess is that they all sat around the marble island at 4Jx and laughed about how they were going to pull the wool over the eyes of JD and her crack legal team while drinking expensive red wine paid for by JD.

OK. So this gets MT into the ballpark of possible mortgage fraud/bank fraud at the most basic level and this is a federal crime. This also gets her into the cross hairs of other fraud related to assisting FD hide money from the Family Court and also taking money from FORE coffers that had zero to do with FORE operations. Was MT involved with preparing financial statements of FORE and providing them as part of a loan package to the bank? Was MT party to any other similar deals involving situations where FD gave her money from FORE to invest or purchase real estate, either in the US or outside the US? My guess is a very strong yes and no doubt MT had connections from her time in Miami and outside the US on how to do all of this IMO.

Not a good situation for MT and clearly other criminal charges may be brought to say nothing of tax fraud both by the State and US Federal Govt. Do we know if FD invested FORE funds in MT Patagonia Styles rug business or any other MT or family enterprises? The Troconis clan broadly defined seemed to embrace FD and all things FORE and his relationship with MT, so I do wonder also if business transactions occurred between the 2 families? Knowing what we know of Mama A. creative grasp of US legal system, marketing skills and her personal experience with divorce, did she or anyone from the family assist FD to hide funds from JD in the Divorce? IDK but it seems possible! Do we know if FD invested FORE funds to purchase MT condo in Vail or FL or Argentina or Greece?

Do we know where MT got the funds to purchase real estate with $4,000/month support from baby daddy and her salary from FORE? No, we do not. My guess is that MT took the 5th on all the deposition questions because she didn't explain any of this to Atty B. My guess also is that MT can't talk about any of this ever as it will put her into the cross hairs of Federal crimes which will end her up in prison for a very long time as well. Its possible that she might just have to fall on her sword and go to prison rather than incriminating herself in much more serious crimes.

I do wonder though if with Atty B's federal contacts whether he might be able to negotiate a deal of some sort for MT? Again, IDK and I'm not sure if MT or Mama A are playing ball with Atty B or the State at all at this point.

The other thing that I find curious about MT and Mama A. not playing ball in civil court is that it seems like it might have been easier to cooperate now with GF efforts rather than risk the wrath of her legal team down the road with a potential civil suit possibly involving wrongful death that has the potential to financially ruin MT life and that of her family. My guess is that if MT involvement in the disappearance and murder of JD continues to evolve along the lines of what was alluded to in AW2 that there will be no place on earth that MT or the Arreza/Troconic clan will be able to hide to protect themselves from the legal wrath of GF. MOO. Perhaps the 2 issues of MT non cooperation with Civil Court and GF eventual wrongful death lawsuit cannot be tied together. IDK, but it makes sense on some very basic levels IMO.

But I do think its a safe assumption to think that MT taking the 5th in civil court confirms to me at least that the financial shenanigans at FORE were most likely illegal and involved both State and Federal Crimes. I don't think this at all is a 'wild speculation' as you posed in your OP as Atty B says as much himself based on what Atty W wrote in his followup motion to the Court.

I just hope the States Atty Colangelo is watching this all quite carefully and that the proper authorities at both the State and Federal levels are involved as well as I would hate for this all to be sealed up and justice not brought to bear on someone that clearly is STILL challenged to know the difference between 'right and wrong'.

Is she divorced from the father?
Mama A. role in MT overall situation is something that I am starting to consider more each day. Originally I thought Mama A. showed up for moral support to boost her daughter who by all accounts didn't seem to be operating on all cylinders. But now I've revised my thinking as Mama A. hasn't departed by all accounts and seems to be an ongoing presence with MT.

Why? MT is 44 yo and presumably able to make her own decisions but we have seem both Papa T. and Mama A. Wonder if they are worried about MT not being able to make her choices or perhaps they don't trust Atty B? Or, perhaps they/the family are aware of the depth of FD and MT joint activities and they want to be local to look out for MT?

IDK. Certainly a lot to think about.

I do wonder though at what point a family member or members that have real and active knowledge of a situation might get pulled into LE's net or civil or criminal litigation? Its a tricky question that I am going to try to research further as it relates to the Arreza/Troconis clan as it might just be a real issue at present IMO.


I wonder too if MT hasn't had "mental breakdowns" in the past and if that's what has once again brought her parents running to her side.

She wouldn't be the first person to use threats of suicide to manipulate family to do her bidding.
(I've seen this up close and it's quite an art.)

And MT came by the manipulating gene honestly.
MOO. I think he will get the gag order lifted. IMO , it’s all about the appeals. I think after the murder charges come down and after there is a murder trial, when his client is found guilty; he’s going to need a few hooks on which to hang his appeal hat. Pattis is going through the motions and forcing the court to go through the motions. Kind of an “Ill see your gag order and raise it with this motion”. It’s a poker game. And the Judge is playing , IMO and playing it cautiously. He made some crack about appeals at the last hearing. He knew once he gave the state the gag order, it would force NPs hand to file a motion to get it removed. Next he will lift it so NP can’t use it as a point of appeal. MOO MOO.

I would hope that the courts would respond to that saying if you have issues, take it up in the courts.

If somebody or a business or the media is creating a libel or slander situation, take it up with the courts.
Yes .

I have the utmost sympathy for MT’s daughter. I wish her mother had thought long and hard about the consequences that would arise from her actions . If MT had any forethought, she would have put the welfare of child first and foremost .

Alas , she didn’t .

From her affair with a married man to yanking her daughter out of school to shack up with a “still” married man in a house that was not even her’s screams of selfishness, narcissism and a “me first”mindset .

It all seems so damn desperate.

In regards to my post about MT’s school drop off :

For some reason , My words ( in the top post) I thought I had deleted. I was merely thinking out loud and writing notes to myself.

Trust me . I fully comprehend that LE has Footage Proving the whereabouts of MT
the morning of school drop off . It was pure conjecture on my behalf .

I was merely trying to think of another possible or plausible scenario that placed MT at JD’s house .
@Outforjustice, THANK YOU for not deleting the top part of your post, it jogged my memory to look at something I had completely forgotten about. While I cannot guarantee that MT's daughter attended, I know that she was in middle school and from 3:30-7pm on May 24th was "Middle School Fun Night" at EWS, then from 7pm-9pm was the Spring Musical 9th/10th (who knows if MT's daughter stayed to attend). This would explain why MT would be free to be at 80 MS and Albany Ave and not on camera to pick up her daughter after school (if she was even going to try to go there). From 7:45-9:00am on May 24th, there was a "Meet the Athletic Director Candidate" event at EWS which imo would would be for the parents (if not the students as well). I bring this up because it could give MT an earlier start on 5/24 and on camera at school, and off the grid thereafter. If MT wasn't there to meet the athletic director candidate, where was she?

So if these factors haven't been mentioned here before, respectfully, I DO think it adds value to post your thoughts regarding the timeline.
MT mystifies me.
Is she recalcitrant because she knows they will never find JD's body?
Did she plead the 5th in the civil case because she knew FD was watching?
Does she love him or fear him?
She's been holding out for 4 long months, as far as we know.
What does that tell us?
@Outforjustice, THANK YOU for not deleting the top part of your post, it jogged my memory to look at something I had completely forgotten about. While I cannot guarantee that MT's daughter attended, I know that she was in middle school and from 3:30-7pm on May 24th was "Middle School Fun Night" at EWS, then from 7pm-9pm was the Spring Musical 9th/10th (who knows if MT's daughter stayed to attend). This would explain why MT would be free to be at 80 MS and Albany Ave and not on camera to pick up her daughter after school (if she was even going to try to go there). From 7:45-9:00am on May 24th, there was a "Meet the Athletic Director Candidate" event at EWS which imo would would be for the parents (if not the students as well). I bring this up because it could give MT an earlier start on 5/24 and on camera at school, and off the grid thereafter. If MT wasn't there to meet the athletic director candidate, where was she?

So if these factors haven't been mentioned here before, respectfully, I DO think it adds value to post your thoughts regarding the timeline.
Great info! Thank you for adding it to the MT timeline. I will add it to the timeline in brackets as we don't as yet know whether MT either dropped her daughter off on the 24th/missing date OR picked her up.

Question, have you by any chance seen any EW related social media that 'perhaps' might have shown MT at any of the events listed in OP?
Jennifer Dulos disappearance: Michelle Troconis refuses to answer questions in lawsuit

Quotes from article:

The attorney representing Jennifer Dulos’ mother is asking a judge to compel Michelle Troconis to provide information on Fotis Dulos’ business dealings after she invoked the Fifth Amendment as a response to every question asked during a 45-minute deposition this week.

Attorney Richard Weinstein, representing Gloria Farber in the $2.5 million civil lawsuits filed against Fotis Dulos, said Troconis refused to answer any of his questions when she appeared Wednesday for the deposition at his West Hartford office.

Weinstein called her testimony “quite significant in regard to the conduct of Fotis Dulos and the Fore Group in maintaining, or not maintaining, a separate corporate identity and use of corporate funds.”

Weinstein wants a judge to review his questions and determine which ones Troconis should be required to answer.

“The court would test and determine the appropriate invocation of the constitutional privilege against self-incrimination on a question-by-question basis,” Weinstein said.

He is also seeking to have Wednesday’s deposition sealed so Troconis’ criminal case is not prejudiced by any inference of her fears of self-incrimination.
The ad was probably put up by FD as revenge
toward his neighbors who have assisted LE in
recording his comings and goings. Let me explain-
Several weeks back when @KirbyFamily told
us she saw the UHaul trucks movings stuff
along JC, I wondered then if he was planning to utilize the property for some nefarious method of making money and in complete disregard for his neighbors on the quiet street.
my thoughts went to having a brothel or some
type cathouse there until the foreclosure went through.
Wouldn't that be a great way to pi$$ off the neighbors and make some $$ ??
Another of his revenge fantasies.
Everyone connected to this case that FD knows
their name should be looking over their shoulders at what this madman could do.
Judges, LE, attys., Fudge, the carwash, ...everyone.

I was thinking adult movies or weird Halloween stuff. You’re right: revenge fantasies. GF really owns it so how awful. Awful and scary. MOO.
Yes .

I have the utmost sympathy for MT’s daughter. I wish her mother had thought long and hard about the consequences that would arise from her actions . If MT had any forethought, she would have put the welfare of child first and foremost .

Alas , she didn’t .

From her affair with a married man to yanking her daughter out of school to shack up with a “still” married man in a house that was not even her’s screams of selfishness, narcissism and a “me first”mindset .

It all seems so damn desperate.

In regards to my post about MT’s school drop off :

For some reason , My words ( in the top post) I thought I had deleted. I was merely thinking out loud and writing notes to myself.

Trust me . I fully comprehend that LE has Footage Proving the whereabouts of MT
the morning of school drop off . It was pure conjecture on my behalf .

I was merely trying to think of another possible or plausible scenario that placed MT at JD’s house .

I knew I was misreading it as I was sure you wouldn’t mean that you had anything against MT’s daughter! I’m sorry to have misread it! My note was just about the apple thing with what I was thinking you meant MT’s daughter and I was sure I was misreading—as it seems I was! Thank you for clarifying!!! MOO!

Oh, I wasn’t even thinking about the rest of it—picking her up, etc. Please: conjecture away! That is a useful thing here as it brings so many insights!!! No worries here on that!!! MOO! Thanks again!
I don't remember seeing FD post about Judge Heller's husband, but I remember seeing FD asking for info about Reuben Midler (JF's divorce atty) in a public forum.

You are right! Thank you! I was mixing it up! He called Judge Heller’s husband as someone clarified earlier! Sorry for the confusion and thank you so much!
As you point out we do not know precisely why MT chose to invoke her 5th Amendment right in her deposition in Civil Court. As it now appears even the questions asked of MT will be sealed, it doesn't appear that there will be much in the way of public information as it relates to MT and FORE.

BUT. Just because we don't know why what happened did happen with MT taking the 5th in Civil Court, doesn't mean that it isn't possible to make a few educated guesses based on things we do know based on info that is part of the court record in Family Court and Civil Court.

The information gleaned from most recent Atty. W. memo in Civil Court was that MT involved her 5th Amendment right on ALL QUESTIONS. IMO for MT to invoke the 5th on such basic questions such as her name, her address, her dates of employment etc. has me at least questioning quite a bit about what is going on the MT Legal Camp, or not. Invoking on all questions will simply prolong the situation for MT as the court will not accept blanket provision.

Is MT afraid of retaliation by FD? If so, she should speak up to LE. But, I don't think MT is afraid of FD because by all accounts it seems like their strategy is to remain quiet and stick together to the end. Their end might be 2 people in orange jump suits in Federal Prison but perhaps in their minds they will feel like they went down fighting! IDK but its hard to see any strong argument here for MT cooperating with anyone other than those people that show her a picture of herself and ask her to ID herself! Its actually pretty stunning when you think about it and the fact that this has been going on now for 4 months. But, back to Civil Court.

My question is, did Atty B. advise MT to do what she did and not answer anything? No, my guess is he most likely did not. My personal estimation of Atty B. has diminished quite a bit watching this whole situation play out with MT, but my suspicion is that he has a difficult client who is constitutionally is unable to tell the truth and this makes her virtually impossible to work with as a client. I do not doubt in the least that Atty B. is fighting hard to protect his clients rights both in Civil and Criminal Court, but so far he has looked ineffective and in civil court as someone who is operating in bad faith - neither situations bode well for him or MT IMO. But, for whatever reason MT and IMO Mama A. just aren't ready, willing and able to play ball so far as we can tell from AW2 and what just played out in Civil Court. Frankly, IDK why Atty B. doesn't drop MT like a hot potato and enjoy the rest of the nice Indian Summer weather in CT is beyond me as she simply seems like a client that cannot be helped!

My guess is that MT was fully briefed by Atty. B for Civil Court and given a range of possible answers and instead of doing as she was briefed to do, MT did not comply. Why?

This raises the question of why MT might not have complied with atty instructions. Did Mama A. not agree with the Atty B. strategy and so told MT to keep her mouth shut even it meant risking court sanctions or some other punishment? Does Mama A. have another atty in the wings advising her and this person is calling the shots for MT and for whatever reason this other person disagreed with the advice of Atty. B? Had MT continued to lie to her atty such that Atty B. at the time he was negotiating in good faith with Atty. W about the substance of the depo that he had no idea that further criminal charges might result from answering the deposition questions proposed by Atty W?

IMO there is no way around the basic thought that Atty. B is not in control of his client and he really isn't positioned to negotiate on her behalf. My guess is that this might be true because MT is still unable to tell the truth about anything relating to FORE, FD and by extension to the criminal case JD. Again, you have to ask the very simply question of WHY?

Further MT doing what she did came after Atty. W carved back the substance of the depo to simply relate to MT time at FORE and financial matters. Atty. B. responded twice to civil court about the MT deposition and it appeared that he had a working relationship in place with Atty. W. as it related to the depo of MT. Criminal court weighed in on the situation and put FD outside the room and listening on camera. Everything seemed 'good to go' and smooth sailing and then what happened? MT didn't step up to do what she was supposed to do in the depo.

The extent of MT involvement in FD hiding money during the Family Court matter has been an obvious fact from the beginning as FD gave MT $75,000 which was used as a loan to purchase real estate (there is a lot more related to this transaction). This transaction also allegedly involved Sue Morin, Loan Officer from Farmington Bank (now Peoples) who invoked her 5th amendment right when deposed on this transaction in Family Court. What hasn't been so obvious is just how much MT knew about other shady dealings at FORE and how FD was hiding money in the divorce and how money left FORE for places unknown.

Did MT know that what she was doing was wrong when she took the money from FD and on lent it to a FD 'friend' for their shady house deal? My answer to this would be yes she did. MT had purchased real estate before in her life and knew what was permitted and what was not permitted to be used for down payment funds. My guess is that they all sat around the marble island at 4Jx and laughed about how they were going to pull the wool over the eyes of JD and her crack legal team while drinking expensive red wine paid for by JD.

OK. So this gets MT into the ballpark of possible mortgage fraud/bank fraud at the most basic level and this is a federal crime. This also gets her into the cross hairs of other fraud related to assisting FD hide money from the Family Court and also taking money from FORE coffers that had zero to do with FORE operations. Was MT involved with preparing financial statements of FORE and providing them as part of a loan package to the bank? Was MT party to any other similar deals involving situations where FD gave her money from FORE to invest or purchase real estate, either in the US or outside the US? My guess is a very strong yes and no doubt MT had connections from her time in Miami and outside the US on how to do all of this IMO.

Not a good situation for MT and clearly other criminal charges may be brought to say nothing of tax fraud both by the State and US Federal Govt. Do we know if FD invested FORE funds in MT Patagonia Styles rug business or any other MT or family enterprises? The Troconis clan broadly defined seemed to embrace FD and all things FORE and his relationship with MT, so I do wonder also if business transactions occurred between the 2 families? Knowing what we know of Mama A. creative grasp of US legal system, marketing skills and her personal experience with divorce, did she or anyone from the family assist FD to hide funds from JD in the Divorce? IDK but it seems possible! Do we know if FD invested FORE funds to purchase MT condo in Vail or FL or Argentina or Greece?

Do we know where MT got the funds to purchase real estate with $4,000/month support from baby daddy and her salary from FORE? No, we do not. My guess is that MT took the 5th on all the deposition questions because she didn't explain any of this to Atty B. My guess also is that MT can't talk about any of this ever as it will put her into the cross hairs of Federal crimes which will end her up in prison for a very long time as well. Its possible that she might just have to fall on her sword and go to prison rather than incriminating herself in much more serious crimes.

I do wonder though if with Atty B's federal contacts whether he might be able to negotiate a deal of some sort for MT? Again, IDK and I'm not sure if MT or Mama A are playing ball with Atty B or the State at all at this point.

The other thing that I find curious about MT and Mama A. not playing ball in civil court is that it seems like it might have been easier to cooperate now with GF efforts rather than risk the wrath of her legal team down the road with a potential civil suit possibly involving wrongful death that has the potential to financially ruin MT life and that of her family. My guess is that if MT involvement in the disappearance and murder of JD continues to evolve along the lines of what was alluded to in AW2 that there will be no place on earth that MT or the Arreza/Troconic clan will be able to hide to protect themselves from the legal wrath of GF. MOO. Perhaps the 2 issues of MT non cooperation with Civil Court and GF eventual wrongful death lawsuit cannot be tied together. IDK, but it makes sense on some very basic levels IMO.

But I do think its a safe assumption to think that MT taking the 5th in civil court confirms to me at least that the financial shenanigans at FORE were most likely illegal and involved both State and Federal Crimes. I don't think this at all is a 'wild speculation' as you posed in your OP as Atty B says as much himself based on what Atty W wrote in his followup motion to the Court.

I just hope the States Atty Colangelo is watching this all quite carefully and that the proper authorities at both the State and Federal levels are involved as well as I would hate for this all to be sealed up and justice not brought to bear on someone that clearly is STILL challenged to know the difference between 'right and wrong'.

@Outforjustice, THANK YOU for not deleting the top part of your post, it jogged my memory to look at something I had completely forgotten about. While I cannot guarantee that MT's daughter attended, I know that she was in middle school and from 3:30-7pm on May 24th was "Middle School Fun Night" at EWS, then from 7pm-9pm was the Spring Musical 9th/10th (who knows if MT's daughter stayed to attend). This would explain why MT would be free to be at 80 MS and Albany Ave and not on camera to pick up her daughter after school (if she was even going to try to go there). From 7:45-9:00am on May 24th, there was a "Meet the Athletic Director Candidate" event at EWS which imo would would be for the parents (if not the students as well). I bring this up because it could give MT an earlier start on 5/24 and on camera at school, and off the grid thereafter. If MT wasn't there to meet the athletic director candidate, where was she?

So if these factors haven't been mentioned here before, respectfully, I DO think it adds value to post your thoughts regarding the timeline.

So, The perfect day for a murder .

I was trying to calculate the free time in MT’s day . Did she have enough time to meet FD after he arrived from New Caanan, and help dispose of JD’s body.

If MT was in Hartford at dusk I surmised she hadn’t needed to pick her daughter up at school that day . The daughter was either at a sleepover or some after-school activity.
You just confirmed it .

MT had that entire day and night to assist FD.

She was smugly blowing cigarette smoke out the Raptor window finally relaxing and thinking , “job well done”.

puff puff

Btw: You are welcome and great insight
I was thinking how odd it was that Attorney Bowman broke his silence to make that statement about presumed innocence and how upset MT was that day. He never usually does that, I’ve read, so why? Then I thought maybe it was to NP because I can’t think he’d want to call NP as that would likely be a nightmarish conversation. Maybe he learned NP/FD were trying to blame MT only; I can’t think of much else except FD blaming her that seems likely to upset MT given what apparently hasn’t bothered her at all. MOO.
Yes, this was an early 'bush league' move on the part of FD and he was admonished for it by Judge Heller who was not at all amused.

Judge Heller must feel like she is dealing with a toddler 'who is not a psychopath' in her dealings with FD IMO. Its honestly been pathetic to read about the ongoing petty antics of FD and his various attys in Family Court.

Someday my guess is that the 5 children will read that Family Court file. I truly wonder how FD will ever be able to explain his choices to his children both as a father and human being and to explain how he undertook to systematically abuse and psychologically torment their mother for years?

How did FD ever in a million years think that his behaviour in Family Court constituted 'winning'? I do also wonder also if the 'Greek Family' have read the actual documents to ascertain exactly what the behaviour of 'their beloved brother and brother in law' were for over 2 years? My guess is not, as its simply easier to blame the other party rather than to look in the mirror at a 'loved one' that most likely provided them ongoing financial support during difficult times.

Regarding Family Court, I do want to find out why Atty Pyetranker was terminated from representing FD in family court but I believe the record is sealed. My suspicion was that the termination followed the preparation of FD financial documents in Family Court which were found to be 'dramatically different' from those documents submitted to Farmington Bank/Peoples Bank for loan purposes.

In reviewing the record in Family Court, all I can think about now is how the record there so perfectly documents who FD is as a person, father and husband as well as business person. So many times court cases happen and it takes awhile to get to know the suspect. The beauty of the huge Family Court file is that there is zero mystery here with FD. NONE.

The irony of FD spending 2 years thinking that he was 'winning' in Family Court against JD and how that file could very well be used to sink him in criminal court and certainly the court of public opinion is to me at least absolutely sublime!

Also the reference to Shakespeare's Hamlet Act 3, Scene 4 "Hoist with his own petard" fits perfectly for FD too. Always love a bit of Shakespeare to reground a discussion about people and character (or lack thereof)! FD will probably never take the stand in any trial but the Family Court file and the various 'interviews' IMO will serve to solidly sink him and his lack of character with any jury. Curious to see how/if Atty. P (who has no case BTW IMO) even addresses the character issues of his client? My guess is that any such efforts at character redemption will happen at the same time as 'alternative theories and alibi's' are presented which is never as they are either impossible or non existent!

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