Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #29

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Yep, agree. Atty. P is simply a rogue operator in all this and FD is superfluous to his personal goals.

If you read the Atty. P. GO appeal word salad its again a motion that appears non directional and it doesn't deal directly with the present charges faced by FD which are tampering and hindering.

Atty. P is fixated on the fact that his client is being treated as a murderer in the eyes of the public when everyone knows that no murder charges have been filed against FD. I do wonder if delusional behaviour is a contagious 'disease' and perhaps Atty. P caught a good case from FD? IDK, but Atty P seems to just be constitutionally unable or unwilling to deal with the tasks at hand such as writing a solid brief for the motion to dismiss, as an example. Neither Atty S nor Judge Blawie could make anything about the convoluted word salad that Atty P presented to the court and it was actually comical to watch Atty S attempt to support the motion at all, until he simply gave up in frustration and failure as the constitutional argument wasn't fully briefed. Nuts and bolts keep the machine together and Atty. P seems to be missing them both when he files his briefs!

This GO appeal is just another side show event in what is turning out to be a 5 ring circus!


I can't quite put my finger on the right way to express my feelings on Pattis' representation so far...but I'm going to try. I think Pattis sees this case as his big break. The way to get his name known. Get Spence-like recognition in name, but without any of the respect or success.

I was convinced all summer that Pattis was empowering an intern to write all of his court filings. Between the misspellings, format, and general lack of case law support...I have yet to read a motion or document that packs in a punch. I have nothing against interns, just to be clear. I think when you see the court as your stage, well written documents/motions/appeals could give him credibility. Pattis goes to court for his pre-scripted performance. I think I've heard FD's name pronounced 6 different ways by Pattis. I've heard him mistake Michelle's name for Jennifer's at least twice. When Pattis had the opportunity to influence future jurors and the general public about FD's alibi, he said in the same breath that he had one, he just wasn't going to give it. He found the right audience for his antics with FD, who seems to look at him with hearts in his eyes. It's almost like Pattis is performing for FD, instead of for the benefit of FD. And they both just feed off of that energy, but only one of them is going to jail...and that's the one who's paying him. I have so many more thoughts on this and will have to put a TBC on it. Just writing this much has added 3 advil to my body because of the insta headache it gives me and my shoulders might be attached to my ears for a few days because they go in that direction when I think about Pattis, FD, and the 5 ring circus too much in one day. ALL MOO.

PS. For anyone who hasn't watched the latest full hearing, a good place to start is at the 9:30 mark, IMO. Colangelo smiles for the first time I've seen...and it's almost in an "are you KIDDING me, didn't we all go to law school and pass the bar?" kind of reaction starting from when the camera shifts to him and he pushes back from his chair to stand and speak. The best part is that FD isn't following ANY of Smith's word salad responses and it's written all over his face! Once this headache subsides, I will try to fire back up to complete the thoughts I started. Sorry and MOO
Untangling the word salad of FD is challenging as oftentimes the words don't make much sense in the context of the actual behaviour at the time IMO.

I've been thinking about the basic issue of motive. Sure there are many possible MT and FD motives, but what was the primary motive?

FD in the Dateline interview and the recent Greek interviews seems to be wanting to 'reinvent history' in terms of the coverage of his marriage and his relationship with JD. When he did it in the Dateline interview I just did an eyeroll and kept it moving. But, when FD continued to make his marriage and the divorce seem quite different from what we have seen documented in Family Court, that is when I wondered what was going on.

FD talked about his 'beautiful life with MT and her daughter' and the only 'negative thing in my life was the divorce'. Why the public dialog about the divorce and wanting it to be over when FD did everything in his power to prolong the divorce and was IMO the primary reason the case was nowhere near ready to go to trial.

Was this talk about wanted the 'divorce to be over' simply a smokescreen for the real issue which was the FD finances and what he had done with the FORE money and the martial assets? It seemed like FD behaviour in court became squirrelly every time disclosure of any financial information was required.

FD didn't pay any child support for the term of the divorce action, hadn't paid his mortgage on 4Jx and didn't repay the FIL loans but has managed to somehow pay 4-6 attys on his behalf and kept the FORE inventory of houses maintained, vehicles, travelled extensively with MT and seems to still have access to credit cards with substantial balances per the deposition. How is it possible?

But I keep circling back to one of the original questions I had with this case which was why consistently behave in such a way that will simply put you in prison? Everyone talks about FD and his will to 'win at all costs'. But if the cost is your life or a life spent in prison then what are you fighting about and why?

I just wonder if the reason FD has been fighting now for over 2 years in multiple courts relates to something that we have yet to see or hear about? The only reason I say this is because I really wonder how many fathers that care about their children and their legacy to their children would have done ANYTHING we have so far seen from FD. Whatever it was that was driving FD to have done everything he has done, I wonder if JD knew what it was?


FD will to win at any cost does not register the single most important thing that most of us realize but does not enter his mind: I can lose.
That’s why State does not think he’s a flight risk.
He doesn’t get it.
It does not compute.
Or however else you’d like to explain it. FD is convinced that he can beat ALL the odds. There is nothing anyone can say or do to change his mind. Delusional?
NP needs to brush up on psychiatry and raise an insanity defense. FD cannot distinguish between right and wrong. Truth and lies. Guilt and innocence. He is incompetent to stand trial. Ergo, he’ll be locked up in some CT. facility for the criminally insane. IMHO whether it’s a story or the truth, I cannot say. Create doubt in the jury’s mind.
Media exposure = tainted jury pool.
I thought so too. Now, I'm not so sure.

But the case will have to be tried in CT and CT is a tiny state so why taint the jury pool. Maybe he will opt to forgo jury trial? Would a bench trial benefit his situation and is it even possible? IDK.

MT wants a jury trial according to Atty. B. and Atty. B blessedly hasn't been speaking.

Untangling the word salad of FD is challenging as oftentimes the words don't make much sense in the context of the actual behaviour at the time IMO.

I've been thinking about the basic issue of motive. Sure there are many possible MT and FD motives, but what was the primary motive?

FD in the Dateline interview and the recent Greek interviews seems to be wanting to 'reinvent history' in terms of the coverage of his marriage and his relationship with JD. When he did it in the Dateline interview I just did an eyeroll and kept it moving. But, when FD continued to make his marriage and the divorce seem quite different from what we have seen documented in Family Court, that is when I wondered what was going on.

FD talked about his 'beautiful life with MT and her daughter' and the only 'negative thing in my life was the divorce'. Why the public dialog about the divorce and wanting it to be over when FD did everything in his power to prolong the divorce and was IMO the primary reason the case was nowhere near ready to go to trial.

Was this talk about wanted the 'divorce to be over' simply a smokescreen for the real issue which was the FD finances and what he had done with the FORE money and the martial assets? It seemed like FD behaviour in court became squirrelly every time disclosure of any financial information was required. But now I wonder if the FD misdeeds had nothing to do with FORE and perhaps related to other things entirely? IDK. FORE is a simply business and its operations were outsourced to subcontractors. FORE was a business FD ran from an office wearing Gucci loafers. I wonder if there were other activities that FORE might have been involved in that were run through FORE but not related to building houses? IDK. I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why FD has been fighting so hard. What was it about FORE that he wouldn't allow anyone to see? IDK.

FD didn't pay any child support for the term of the divorce action, hadn't paid his mortgage on 4Jx and didn't repay the FIL loans but has managed to somehow pay 4-6 attys on his behalf and kept the FORE inventory of houses maintained, vehicles, travelled extensively with MT and seems to still have access to credit cards with substantial balances per the deposition. How is it possible?

But I keep circling back to one of the original questions I had with this case which was why consistently behave in such a way that will simply put you in prison? FD pushed back in court tit for tat to the point where he resorted to simply lying and not showing up for depositions and not producing disclosure required of him by the court. This behaviour went on in Family Court and Civil Court and there were no consequences.

Everyone talks about FD and his will to 'win at all costs'. But if the cost is your life or a life spent in prison then what are you fighting about and why?

I just wonder if the reason FD has been fighting now for over 2 years in multiple courts relates to something that we have yet to see or hear about?

The only reason I say this is because I really wonder how many fathers that care about their children and their legacy to their children would have done ANYTHING we have so far seen from FD. Whatever it was that was driving FD to have done everything he has done, I wonder if JD knew what it was and that is why she is no longer here? IDK.


Maybe, It was as simple as wanting to Impress MT .

What if she was the dominant/dominatrix in this relationship ?
FD will to win at any cost does not register the single most important thing that most of us realize but does not enter his mind: I can lose.
That’s why State does not think he’s a flight risk.
He doesn’t get it.
It does not compute.
Or however else you’d like to explain it. FD is convinced that he can beat ALL the odds. There is nothing anyone can say or do to change his mind. Delusional?
NP needs to brush up on psychiatry and raise an insanity defense. FD cannot distinguish between right and wrong. Truth and lies. Guilt and innocence. He is incompetent to stand trial. Ergo, he’ll be locked up in some CT. facility for the criminally insane. IMHO whether it’s a story or the truth, I cannot say. Create doubt in the jury’s mind.
Yes, I'd asked about the incompetent to stand trial issue in a much earlier thread as I thought it might be a viable option for the defence given the well documented history of FD in family court. I think the response I got was that FD wouldn't meet the standard in order to use that defence. I agree with you that I think its an option given the behaviour we have seen play out for such a long period of time.

I do think FD plays the odds. If he was sitting in his jail cell allegedly doing differential equations then he has puzzled this all out and is simply making the calculation that he will win. I do agree with you though that he might need some work on his probability assessment analytical skills as they simply seem deficient to me.

But, he has been gaming the CT Judiciary system for awhile now and other than the time and money, he hasn't really encountered any consequences. Maybe he is betting there won't be any consequences in criminal court as well?


I thought so too. Now, I'm not so sure.

But the case will have to be tried in CT and CT is a tiny state so why taint the jury pool. Maybe he will opt to forgo jury trial? Would a bench trial benefit his situation and is it even possible? IDK.

MT wants a jury trial according to Atty. B. and Atty. B blessedly hasn't been speaking.


FD and NP would be insane to forego a jury trial. Chances are way greater that 12 people will not agree than one judge.
But then again, it bolsters my insanity defense argument. FD might be insane. NP commits malpractice by trying it to the judge. Appeals overturn conviction. Now FD is 65...MT is long gone. Seasons move on, children become adults...
and he remains out on bond with an ankle bracelet. Meh. Revoke his bond. We’ll see movement immediately.
Maybe, It was as simple as wanting to Impress MT .

What if she was the dominant/dominatrix in this relationship ?
Interesting idea, but I wonder who here thinks MT matters to FD?

Would FD really be a good candidate to be a 'submissive'?

I know we have heard him professing his 'love' and claiming to be 'enamored' with her, but does she really matter to FD?

Was she maybe just a convenient tool in human form to torture and torment JD?

Its a curious idea to think about what drove the relationship between FD and MT.

For my money though I think MT was simply dust in the wind to FD as I think most people are dust in the wind to FD. Who knows?

Interesting idea, but I wonder who here thinks MT matters to FD?

Would FD really be a good candidate to be a 'submissive'?

I know we have heard him professing his 'love' and claiming to be 'enamored' with her, but does she really matter to FD?

Was she maybe just a convenient tool in human form to torture and torment JD?

Its a curious idea to think about what drove the relationship between FD and MT.

For my money though I think MT was simply dust in the wind to FD as I think most people are dust in the wind to FD. Who knows?


It wasn’t about torturing JD. It was all about FD. MT filled in emptiness in FD’s need department.
Made him feel like a real man. And she had her own agenda, as well. It’s just not turning out like she had planned.
Interesting idea, but I wonder who here thinks MT matters to FD?

Would FD really be a good candidate to be a 'submissive'?

I know we have heard him professing his 'love' and claiming to be 'enamored' with her, but does she really matter to FD?

Was she maybe just a convenient tool in human form to torture and torment JD?

Its a curious idea to think about what drove the relationship between FD and MT.

For my money though I think MT was simply dust in the wind to FD as I think most people are dust in the wind to FD. Who knows?

Oddly , I think she STILL does matter .
He’s STILL gushing over her and I don’t think it’s to woo her to continue to coverup for him.

If anyone watches “Billions”, that was my reference.
FD will to win at any cost does not register the single most important thing that most of us realize but does not enter his mind: I can lose.
That’s why State does not think he’s a flight risk.
He doesn’t get it.
It does not compute.
Or however else you’d like to explain it. FD is convinced that he can beat ALL the odds. There is nothing anyone can say or do to change his mind. Delusional?
NP needs to brush up on psychiatry and raise an insanity defense. FD cannot distinguish between right and wrong. Truth and lies. Guilt and innocence. He is incompetent to stand trial. Ergo, he’ll be locked up in some CT. facility for the criminally insane. IMHO whether it’s a story or the truth, I cannot say. Create doubt in the jury’s mind.
JF knew he was delusional and stated so in the court record...and had the maternal instinct and grace to let her kids know he’s a psychopath. Would not normally be a good thing for a mother to say her children. However in this situation, it will probably save the children collectively a lot of time struggling to understand why such a terrible tragedy happened to them...
Keep in mind how heavily redacted the depo transcripts are, which is very clear when you look at the page numbers and how they jump around (in addition to the amount of space blanked out on what was published). As @pandaknows mentioned earlier...and something I had not thought of...Weinstein knew to ask the question about the cars! That alone gives me A LOT of faith that GF's side IS in fact doing a lot of investigating on their end. I really don't think that FD would've offered up anything about the cars had Weinstein not asked. I think Weinstein is all Pit Bull, IMO. But the kind of Pit Bull who can play with children and not cause harm to others, though still have the innate protective instincts of the breed. MOO
Well that would make him a German Shepherd then. ;)
Untangling the word salad of FD is challenging as oftentimes the words don't make much sense in the context of the actual behaviour at the time IMO.

I've been thinking about the basic issue of motive. Sure there are many possible MT and FD motives, but what was the primary motive?

FD in the Dateline interview and the recent Greek interviews seems to be wanting to 'reinvent history' in terms of the coverage of his marriage and his relationship with JD. When he did it in the Dateline interview I just did an eyeroll and kept it moving. But, when FD continued to make his marriage and the divorce seem quite different from what we have seen documented in Family Court, that is when I wondered what was going on.

FD talked about his 'beautiful life with MT and her daughter' and the only 'negative thing in my life was the divorce'. Why the public dialog about the divorce and wanting it to be over when FD did everything in his power to prolong the divorce and was IMO the primary reason the case was nowhere near ready to go to trial.

Was this talk about wanted the 'divorce to be over' simply a smokescreen for the real issue which was the FD finances and what he had done with the FORE money and the martial assets? It seemed like FD behaviour in court became squirrelly every time disclosure of any financial information was required. But now I wonder if the FD misdeeds had nothing to do with FORE and perhaps related to other things entirely? IDK. FORE is a simply business and its operations were outsourced to subcontractors. FORE was a business FD ran from an office wearing Gucci loafers. I wonder if there were other activities that FORE might have been involved in that were run through FORE but not related to building houses? IDK. I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why FD has been fighting so hard. What was it about FORE that he wouldn't allow anyone to see? IDK.

FD didn't pay any child support for the term of the divorce action, hadn't paid his mortgage on 4Jx and didn't repay the FIL loans but has managed to somehow pay 4-6 attys on his behalf and kept the FORE inventory of houses maintained, vehicles, travelled extensively with MT and seems to still have access to credit cards with substantial balances per the deposition. How is it possible?

But I keep circling back to one of the original questions I had with this case which was why consistently behave in such a way that will simply put you in prison? FD pushed back in court tit for tat to the point where he resorted to simply lying and not showing up for depositions and not producing disclosure required of him by the court. This behaviour went on in Family Court and Civil Court and there were no consequences.

Everyone talks about FD and his will to 'win at all costs'. But if the cost is your life or a life spent in prison then what are you fighting about and why?

I just wonder if the reason FD has been fighting now for over 2 years in multiple courts relates to something that we have yet to see or hear about?

The only reason I say this is because I really wonder how many fathers that care about their children and their legacy to their children would have done ANYTHING we have so far seen from FD. Whatever it was that was driving FD to have done everything he has done, I wonder if JD knew what it was and that is why she is no longer here? IDK.

The Motive. Exactly. The divorce was 2 years in action. Looking at JD murder/comparatively with other recent wife murders/ I continue the question of where was the catalyst, the rage to push FD over the edge and open himself up to potentially trading divorce court for a murder charge. I’ve posted about MTs rage before and organized crime. As new info emerges, I continue to consider both. Maybe we are looking too narrowly. Maybe there were more than one predicament forming a motive. Maybe the most recent (at the time) civil case demands, MTs anger and outside (organized) investors all were part of a huge boiling cauldron of motive.
FORECLOSURE CASE UPDATE: 10.8.19 P 107.00 Case Flow Request

Weinstein filed to request Judge Cesar Nobel on the case
(same judge that recently took over for the consolidated Civil Cases)

PS. That's one way to keep FD straight with his new attorney on this case! MOO
@sds71 only added this one because I didn't see it and was closing out the court tabs for today...NOT looking to take these posts over :D


  • 107.00 DocumentInquiry.pdf
    86.9 KB · Views: 26
Interesting idea, but I wonder who here thinks MT matters to FD?

Would FD really be a good candidate to be a 'submissive'?

I know we have heard him professing his 'love' and claiming to be 'enamored' with her, but does she really matter to FD?

Was she maybe just a convenient tool in human form to torture and torment JD?

Its a curious idea to think about what drove the relationship between FD and MT.

For my money though I think MT was simply dust in the wind to FD as I think most people are dust in the wind to FD. Who knows?


Just MOO but everything we’ve read and seen about and from FD shows him—in MOO—as the aggressor with a strong need to dominate in every situation—the doorman, the lady in the car accident, JD, the kids, the judge and her husband, GF, JD, JD, JD, JD, the waterskiing, JD, and on and on. MOO.
Sorry I'm about a few 100 post behind but....

quote=sds71]wham bam thank you maam
returns 10/25
pleaded not guilty [/quote]

I have 10/10 as MT's next court hearing. Per my notes:

Troconis’ two arrests have now been combined. Both cases being transferred to Stamford superior Court, where she is scheduled to appear on Oct. 10

anyone have access to the CT court site to check this? TIA! :)
I thought so too. Now, I'm not so sure.

But the case will have to be tried in CT and CT is a tiny state so why taint the jury pool. Maybe he will opt to forgo jury trial? Would a bench trial benefit his situation and is it even possible? IDK.

MT wants a jury trial according to Atty. B. and Atty. B blessedly hasn't been speaking.


FD, the fearless and ruthless warrior. Who makes anyone do his bidding. Poor little mouse MT. She’s better off playing the timid game. If I was her, no makeup. No designer clothes. Plain Jane who was overcome by FD’s charm, wit and bravado. Every chess player has their own strategy.
The term mad hatter comes from laborers who inhaled some chemicals in the hat making factories that after awhile, they literally became “mad”. As in crazy. Their brains became affected with the chemicals. Perhaps FD smelled all the chemicals in a tannery growing up and now it’s coming out? In his bizarre mannerisms?
Untangling the word salad of FD is challenging as oftentimes the words don't make much sense in the context of the actual behaviour at the time IMO.

I've been thinking about the basic issue of motive. Sure there are many possible MT and FD motives, but what was the primary motive?

FD in the Dateline interview and the recent Greek interviews seems to be wanting to 'reinvent history' in terms of the coverage of his marriage and his relationship with JD. When he did it in the Dateline interview I just did an eyeroll and kept it moving. But, when FD continued to make his marriage and the divorce seem quite different from what we have seen documented in Family Court, that is when I wondered what was going on.

FD talked about his 'beautiful life with MT and her daughter' and the only 'negative thing in my life was the divorce'. Why the public dialog about the divorce and wanting it to be over when FD did everything in his power to prolong the divorce and was IMO the primary reason the case was nowhere near ready to go to trial.

Was this talk about wanted the 'divorce to be over' simply a smokescreen for the real issue which was the FD finances and what he had done with the FORE money and the martial assets? It seemed like FD behaviour in court became squirrelly every time disclosure of any financial information was required. But now I wonder if the FD misdeeds had nothing to do with FORE and perhaps related to other things entirely? IDK. FORE is a simply business and its operations were outsourced to subcontractors. FORE was a business FD ran from an office wearing Gucci loafers. I wonder if there were other activities that FORE might have been involved in that were run through FORE but not related to building houses? IDK. I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why FD has been fighting so hard. What was it about FORE that he wouldn't allow anyone to see? IDK.

FD didn't pay any child support for the term of the divorce action, hadn't paid his mortgage on 4Jx and didn't repay the FIL loans but has managed to somehow pay 4-6 attys on his behalf and kept the FORE inventory of houses maintained, vehicles, travelled extensively with MT and seems to still have access to credit cards with substantial balances per the deposition. How is it possible?

But I keep circling back to one of the original questions I had with this case which was why consistently behave in such a way that will simply put you in prison? FD pushed back in court tit for tat to the point where he resorted to simply lying and not showing up for depositions and not producing disclosure required of him by the court. This behaviour went on in Family Court and Civil Court and there were no consequences.

Everyone talks about FD and his will to 'win at all costs'. But if the cost is your life or a life spent in prison then what are you fighting about and why?

I just wonder if the reason FD has been fighting now for over 2 years in multiple courts relates to something that we have yet to see or hear about?

The only reason I say this is because I really wonder how many fathers that care about their children and their legacy to their children would have done ANYTHING we have so far seen from FD. Whatever it was that was driving FD to have done everything he has done, I wonder if JD knew what it was and that is why she is no longer here? IDK.


Last part BBM.

Agreed, absolutely. And whatever it is, it is something very, very seedy. IMO
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