Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #29

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I don't think 401ks are included in bankruptcy filings. I don't think creditors can get at 'em. Wonder if NP knows that. IMO
I haven't seen that the HC reported on the 10/3 NP grievance hearing before the SGC--particularly since it was the only news outlet (to my notice) that reported on Judge Bellis' referral of NP to the Chief Disciplinary Counsel re the fake affidavit. Nor has the CT Law Trib reported on either the judge's referral or the SGC hearing--despite its reporting extensively on other attorneys' grievance hearings. Just recently CLT did a real hard hitting piece on a woman lawyer who was referred to the SGC by a judge in a civil case re discovery issues. But Pattis seems to be Teflon--possibly because he once wrote for both of those publications, as well as for the New Haven Register.
norm has a type:
Attorney Norm Pattis is now representing Emanuel Dominguez-VillaGomez, of Cheshire, who is accused of stabbing his wife Monica Dominguez to death. Police say she was stabbed perhaps 30 times

and a rep:
Yale professor fired because of sexual harassment counter-claims in lawsuit that he's being discriminated against as a Caucasian male. You almost know his attorney is Norm Pattis before even reading it.
As always, can you translate and dumb it down for me?
yes and I'll expand on your thoughts....
MT's whole life has been where she's been surrounded by macho, high testosterone,
adrenaline pumping males. domineering type
First her own father a cardiac surgeon. A surgeon. We all know the reputation of surgeons, if you don't I'll tell you, in hospital
settings they are the second GOD. Nurses know not to cross the surgeon.
So this is her primary male figure in early childhood. In her dating/social life she definitely had/has a 'type'. High risk, highly
competitive, high adrenaline athletes. A world
class competitive snow skier, a competitive
motorcycle racer, and Petite Prince- a so-called
Euro champion water skiier. So she has a pattern of types.
And as you say she spent many years in the S.A. culture which is male dominated.
Also having only sister siblings make this distinction even more common. She grew up without a relationship w/ sibling brothers.
And we don't know much about her work/play
in the Middle East. But I would venture to say
a well balanced, confident, educated female
wouldn't choose to stay more than a few days
in that culture as women have almost zero rights or respect there.
Even American men I've spoken to tell me females are a sub=set of humanity there and
apparently most women accept it.
So yes, MT was the perfect hook-up. She was
the quickie re-bound hook-up. She didn't talk back, she didn't make FD look like a failure cause she was practically dirt poor compared to JFD. And she thought the moon and sun rose over him and made him feel like a KING.
"How does she make him feel?" is The most important facet of attracting a man.

how she makes a man like FD feel is probably the most important thing, to FD. for me it's very simple. MT has no class. she is a lost hanger-on . maybe her parents tried but they failed or MT just dropped out of the parents program. MT seems to have no
core principles that if she had them would have kept her from seeing anything in FD. except maybe a failed middle aged man basically living off his wife and her parents. i'd also guess her parents, her dad in particular, are most responsible for her not just admitting what happened and cut a deal. if she did that it would be extremely damning to her parents and they are at this point probably more interested in saving "their" face than saving MTs "face". MOO
trustee v. DULOS,HVAC
So, what does Weinstein want to see ?
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Do you think FD looked up Pattis' track record before he retained him?
After seeing this, I am starting to think that FD hired Pattis not to get him off, but rather to work on his sentencing. Basically I see 5 pages of GUILTY!
It takes a specific kind of human to spend your career losing and continue doing it anyway. So he takes on guilty clients for money, because it certainly isn't for winning. Somehow this makes me feel better about Pattis representing FD. I think in FD's case, Pattis took him on for the TV show deal, book deal, notoriety, etc and he is certainly playing up the theatrics. I wonder when FD will figure it out.

found on:
Criminal/Motor Vehicle Attorney/Firm Search

MOO but I thought NP searched out FD, in MOO for the publicity. MOO.
how she makes a man like FD feel is probably the most important thing, to FD. for me it's very simple. MT has no class. she is a lost hanger-on . maybe her parents tried but they failed or MT just dropped out of the parents program. MT seems to have no
core principles that if she had them would have kept her from seeing anything in FD. except maybe a failed middle aged man basically living off his wife and her parents. i'd also guess her parents, her dad in particular, are most responsible for her not just admitting what happened and cut a deal. if she did that it would be extremely damning to her parents and they are at this point probably more interested in saving "their" face than saving MTs "face". MOO
IMO, Aside from no class, MT also has no soul. She has simply been narcissistic supply to FD serving him as a constant reminder of his own greatness. Her lacking of a true sense of self was filled by his seeming adoration of her. But he is incapable of truly appreciating her in any way (just as he could not appreciate JFD or anyone else), he simply needed her to validate himself and all his self-perceived greatness. They have a very sick symbiotic relationship because they are just two empty souls propping themselves up in a way that actually allowed them to believe they are something and that they have substance to sell to the world.
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Norm is talking again...and starts off the podcast
Posting and also listening now, so more thoughts to come once I listen
Audioboom / Wednesday, October 9: We Talk With Fotis Dulos' Lawyer Norm Pattis
Listed to this had a good laugh! I really do wonder if FD is paying Pattis for this appeal to the CT State Supreme Court and Atty P said if it were denied then then he would go to US Supreme Court. I haven't looked but I'm not even sure Atty P or anyone in Pattisville is certified to argue in front of the US Supreme Court. IF Atty P has convinced FD that this appeal has anything remotely to do with his case then IMO is a far better snake oil salesman than I gave him credit for! IMO this appeal is simply a vanity play by Atty P for publicity and the appeal is only 'loosely' at best connected to the Judge Blawie gag order.

After listening to this commentary from Pattis, even though it was blessedly brief, I truly wish Judge Blawie had instead instituted an absolute gag order rather than giving Atty P room to debate with the court about 'what is ok and what is not ok' in the 'gag order'.

Its a game to Atty P and it simply serves to waste the courts time and taxpayers dollars for no value added IMO. I guess certain people no matter their age need to be treated like toddlers with very clear defined instructions.

After watching FD looking bored at the last court appearance when Atty S was making a weak attempt on the constitutional argument that wasn't briefed properly, I really wonder if FD understands that the connection between what Atty P is pursuing with the appeal has only limited connection to his present situation. All I can say is that if FD pays Atty P for his quest to obtain 'constitutional justice' in Hartford and possibly in Washington, then he must have much deeper pockets than any of us imagined as Atty P truly is 'tilting at windmills' with this quest.
Someone just sent me this article about Atty P and his bookstore:

BEACHCOMBING: Bethany Bookstore a ‘Place of Magic’

I believe Atty Weinstein is asking the Defendants to put their defense in the foreclosure case into writing and submit it to the court. MOO

I have a weakness for bookstores, myself.

However, LOL...Love the fact that NP wants to "crowd source" the funds to re-roof the barn. Wonder if he was successful....:p:D:p:D

If requested in a motion and the judge be it??? Or, is this another area where FD can delay, delay, delay.
I was thinking about KM (yuck, I am a total glutton for punishment!) today as I tried to update his thread but there is no recent news on his spousal rape charge but his longstanding divorce case continues to chug along in a fashion that is eerily reminiscent of the Dulos divorce IMO (oddly enough Atty M. also has a divorce pending that looks to also be eerily reminiscent of the Dulos divorce too). I do wonder if all these guys bent on torturing their wives in divorce court met at some 'to be divorced dads' meet up group in Farmington, but I guess that is another question for another day!?!

Just keep thinking about possible people in FD orbit that could have been well positioned to help him with his quest for justice against JD and GF. It would have to be someone with perhaps flexible sense of ethical and moral boundaries IMO.

KM IMO gave FD a masterclass in how to abuse the CT Judicial system but I also wonder if KM might have helped FD with the 'alibi scripts' and perhaps even planning?

We saw FD well prepared when he went to NCPD and the entire game that played out with the iPhone and NCPD along with the FD statement about only giving the police what he wanted them to know etc. It seems like all this planning smacked of being driven by someone with more than a passing knowledge of the law IMO. This wasn't a script that came from watching Law and Order for years but involved a bit more knowledge than could be gleaned from simply watching TV IMO.

Last KM article that to me at least suggests that there might have been some 'tit for tat' trading of favours between KM and FD:
Former Fotis Dulos attorney accused of spousal rape, wanting his wife ‘dead’

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And don't forget the fairly new case a few weeks old of the husband near Ocala, Fl. Michael W. Jones, Jr. who battered his wife's head with a baseball bat and killed her, then the next day he strangled his two stepsons and then two weeks later he drowned their two toddlers. Yes it's getting hard to keep them apart there's so many.
The reason police first suspect the husband when a woman is murdered (particularly when they are separating) is not because it's convenient; it's because it is so common.

The most dangerous time for a woman is when going through separation/divorce, whether or not the man is involved with someone else.

Here are some interesting articles on men who've killed their wives.
“Husbands Who Choose Murder Over Divorce”
The Twisted Reasons Why Some Husbands Kill Their Wives
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Does this order mean that Pattis does not have to show how he’s being paid?
Pattis filed a motion to quash both the deposition and request for information regarding how he is being paid (item 214).

Apparently the Judge believed that (214.86),
"The documents requested are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Prac. Book § 13-2. Accordingly, the court need not address the issues of privilege or confidentiality".

IDK whether Atty W has the ability to object to this order or not. But I'm also not clear from the wording in 214.86 whether the Judge quashed the request for the information but is still requiring the Atty. P deposition. The original Atty. P motion to quash was for BOTH the deposition and the document request.

Maybe someone else can answer this question?
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