Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #29

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Thanks, Morgan. I tried to sort that out too--re motion to quash, then the other ruling on yes, NP can be deposed. I've read that the attorney-client privilege, which NP argued in his motion to quash, can only be claimed by the client, not the attorney. So my take is that NP didn't have standing to argue it, because he's not a party in that case, and because he doesn't represent Dulos in that case. MOO
HA, loved hearing your thoughts! Great point about the appeal being a vanity play and pulling the wool over FD's eyes!

Your thoughts on FD looking bored at the last court appearance right after saying toddlers (even if they are unrelated statements), triggered a random thought. I think I said something yesterday about how FD looks at Pattis with hearts in his eyes. I think Pattis plays up the theatrics for FD because he knows that is what grabs him and makes FD feel like he has the best representation on the planet. So the random thought is...Pattis in court is like an adult feeding the little kid who won't take a bite unless you make the spoon into an airplane and include the propeller noises. 'Open up for the airplane!' Smith is like 'Eat your food, kid. You don't want it? Fine!' and then throws the food in the garbage, lights the garbage can on fire, and blames the kid because it's all his fault. Hard to explain textually exactly what my mind was thinking, but hope that paints the picture.

The entire interview was a NOTHING interview IMO. At one point I felt like he went on air just to prove that he didn't send Paz in to speak as a favor to him, AND to prove that he was allowed to speak. His conflicting opinion on Colangelo wanting to run for office was basically a slap to her, IMO. All in, he basically said nothing, IMO, in a total monotone drone the entire 10 or so minutes. I got more out of the hosts the Smith 'Fu Man Chu' reference, than anything else. Going to listen again just in case I missed painful as that may be. MOO
Yep, I agree that it was just Atty P talking to prove he could! But I also thought the Paz/Atty. P good cop bad cop routine on Atty. Colangelo was blatant as you know she took her notes from Atty P in advance of her appearance on the radio show! There was no reason for her to be on the show absent her connection to Atty P. IMO.

I totally got your 'toddler' references BTW! Sometimes adults with attention and focus issues seem like toddlers and FD seems like someone that is always looking for the next bright shiny object rather than focusing on the details and it also shows in the crime he allegedly committed IMO. Good to know this about FD IMO as it makes him a perfect mark!

I agree that Atty S had zero patience for being the 'babysitter' of the day and I can also see him being quite PDd that FD lied to Pattisville about the 'alibi scripts' for months as it evaporated many of their 'alternative theories/alibis'. Its almost laughable at this point nearly 4 months in that Pattisville has no alternative theory/alibi, no wonder Atty P is talking non stop about murder charges in what I am now calling his '4-20 gag order motion'!

What a crew...the situation of watching these various 'attys' in action has turned into a watching old vaudeville reels and you are always waiting to see who is going to 'get the hook'!

Another rock found in New Canaan
Another “Justice for Jennifer” Dulos rock has been found on a stonewall on Main Street in town. This is the fourth place that an item in the fight for the missing New Canaan woman, and mother, of its kind has been discovered in the community. Other places have been at the United States Post Office on Locust Avenue, Town Hall, also on Main Street, and under a tree at the intersection of Cherry Street and East Avenue.
WOW, what a headline! Proud of that, one-trick-pony Pattis? You are a human race letdown
New guilty client, requesting medical records, access to the just going off a checklist? MOO MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Man Accused of Fatally Stabbing Wife Dozens of Times Now Represented by Fotis Dulos` Attorney
Man Accused of Fatally Stabbing Wife Dozens of Times Now Represented by Fotis Dulos` Attorney
Tragically HILARIOUS Headline IMO!

I wonder if the Pattisville PR Firm came up with this GEM of a headline!

FD is NOW associated with someone accused of fatally stabbing wife dozens of times!

I thought Atty P said his goal was to make sure that murder charges are never filed!

Not sure how this headline fits in with the overall PR strategy.

How is there ANYTHING unfair about the the State collecting EVIDENCE (nope not a "theory", norm) and holding those offenders accountable? MOO
Dulos attorney says gag order infringes on client's freedom of speech
Its sad when public speakers (in this case Atty P) need to be fact checked on basic interpretation of history and constitutional law. Its sad to me that the press isn't doing much to make sure that the Atty. P statements are factually accurate. I've actually dusted off an old text to refresh my memory on the Bill of Rights as I needed to make sure that Atty P was even characterising certain sections properly (he wasn't IMO). Its all quite futile and exhausting to follow someone that doesn't seem to care about being factually correct or spouting mistruths or mischaracterisations and then hides behind the cloak of "client defense" and "pursuit of justice" for their behaviour.

This quote popped out at me:
“The warrants get to repeat the state’s theory without letting us inspect the evidence and we can’t respond in kind by floating theories of our owns. There is something in our view wicked and fundamentally unfair about that,” Pattis said.[BBM]

Atty P is again counting on the public or the press never actually reading the Judge Blawie gag order. There are many things that Atty. P and FD can say to the public to make a vigorous defense and counter any of the state's theories etc. with the gag order in place. But any such statements made would have to be carefully considered and fit within the guidelines of the ruling. How inconvenient for Atty. P that the victim shame and blame game has to end! I think what we are seeing with the 'toddler time tantrum' from Atty. P and FD is that they thought they could simply keep on their merry way with the thrashing of JD in the press from now until the time of trial and the gag order makes that harder to accomplish.

IMO victim shaming/blaming was their only strategy as there are no character witnesses for FD and FD has no abili/alternative theory. If Pattisville loses the ability to thrash JD then it has nothing to say and Atty. P knows this. We saw this a bit on the most recent Chaz and AJ show where neither of the radio jocks had much interest in Atty P word salad about constitutional law etc. and Atty P was a boring guest w/o being able to offer up salacious sound bite which Atty P really cannot offer up now. THANK GOD! To me, that interview should be EXHIBIT A as to why the gag order is working and should be kept in place as it stops SOME of the ongoing Atty P and FD nonsense.

IMO Atty P has big dollar signs in his eyes and was very angry about no Dr Oz and Dr Phil for FD and Pattisville. If it were up to Atty P he would have turned Dr Phil into a total circus worthy of Jerry Springer! My understanding is that Atty. P is banned from Dr Phil so that show wouldn't have happened as they never would have invited him but it might have happened on the Dr Oz show. But I don't think the gag order in place was the reason for the lack of invite to either of these shows as FD/Pattis could have participated IMO. I personally think Pattis would never have agreed to any show with Nancy Grace as she would have annihilated him and eviscerated the petite prince!

Atty P says FD is exploring other interview options. Jerry Springer is filmed in Stamford I believe so why not get FD on a panel with say KM, KM wife, Atty, Pyetranker, Atty Markowitz of I'm moving and hiding the documents fame and perhaps KM buddy gas can guy or perhaps the folks from South Windsor CT PD that seem to be covering for KM on an ongoing basis and not protecting KM wife? The call in/or write in guest can be Atty Weinstein to pepper the group with questions or perhaps a special guest appearance on the phone by Atty Colangelo, to keep the conversation lively! Or Jerry Springer could open the questions up on Skype to WS JD thread followers and we could ask a few questions of the petite prince! It would be a circus to end all IMO! I have a FEW questions for the petite prince starting with "WHERE IS JENNIFER"!

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I read Prac. Book 13-9 that was mentioned in the demand by Weinstein's and the reason behind the filing is even better than I originally thought...and I thought the filing alone was total Weinstein FIRE! Prac. Book 13-19 is summarized as "If the defendant fails to disclose a defense within ten days of the filing of such foreclose a mortgage...the plaintiff may file a written motion that a default be entered against the defendant. If no disclosure of defense has been filed, the judicial authority may order judgment upon default to be entered for the plaintiff at the time the motion is heard. The motions for default and for judgment upon default may be served and filed simultaneously." In other words, Weinstein filed this to say, RAPIDO! Warms my heart

Full definition here: (search 13-9) and also attached
Thanks for this! Looks like Atty Weinstein is trying to wrap things up by year end on both the civil matters!
Yes, this is the foreclosure action. It seems that the Plaintiff is asking the Defendants what their various
I read Prac. Book 13-9 that was mentioned in the demand by Weinstein's and the reason behind the filing is even better than I originally thought...and I thought the filing alone was total Weinstein FIRE! Prac. Book 13-19 is summarized as "If the defendant fails to disclose a defense within ten days of the filing of such foreclose a mortgage...the plaintiff may file a written motion that a default be entered against the defendant. If no disclosure of defense has been filed, the judicial authority may order judgment upon default to be entered for the plaintiff at the time the motion is heard. The motions for default and for judgment upon default may be served and filed simultaneously." In other words, Weinstein filed this to say, RAPIDO! Warms my heart

Full definition here: (search 13-9) and also attached
HA . That was funny and thanks .
I don’t know why FD would bother responding .
Its sad when public speakers (in this case Atty P) need to be fact checked on basic interpretation of history and constitutional law. Its sad to me that the press isn't doing much to make sure that the Atty. P statements are factually accurate. I've actually dusted off an old text to refresh my memory on the Bill of Rights as I needed to make sure that Atty P was even characterising certain sections properly (he wasn't IMO). Its all quite futile and exhausting to follow someone that doesn't seem to care about being factually correct or spouting mistruths or mischaracterisations and then hides behind the cloak of "client defense" and "pursuit of justice" for their behaviour.

This quote popped out at me:
“The warrants get to repeat the state’s theory without letting us inspect the evidence and we can’t respond in kind by floating theories of our owns. There is something in our view wicked and fundamentally unfair about that,” Pattis said.[BBM]

Atty P is again counting on the public or the press never actually reading the Judge Blawie gag order. There are many things that Atty. P and FD can say to the public to make a vigorous defense and counter any of the state's theories etc. with the gag order in place. But any such statements made would have to be carefully considered and fit within the guidelines of the ruling. How inconvenient for Atty. P that the victim shame and blame game has to end! I think what we are seeing with the 'toddler time tantrum' from Atty. P and FD is that they thought they could simply keep on their merry way with the thrashing of JD in the press from now until the time of trial and the gag order makes that harder to accomplish.

IMO victim shaming/blaming was their only strategy as there are no character witnesses for FD and FD has no abili/alternative theory. If Pattisville loses the ability to thrash JD then it has nothing to say and Atty. P knows this. We saw this a bit on the most recent Chaz and AJ show where neither of the radio jocks had much interest in Atty P word salad about constitutional law etc. and Atty P was a boring guest w/o being able to offer up salacious sound bite which Atty P really cannot offer up now. THANK GOD! To me, that interview should be EXHIBIT A as to why the gag order is working and should be kept in place as it stops SOME of the ongoing Atty P and FD nonsense.

IMO Atty P has big dollar signs in his eyes and was very angry about no Dr Oz and Dr Phil for FD and Pattisville. If it were up to Atty P he would have turned Dr Phil into a total circus worthy of Jerry Springer! My understanding is that Atty. P is banned from Dr Phil so that show wouldn't have happened as they never would have invited him but it might have happened on the Dr Oz show. But I don't think the gag order in place was the reason for the lack of invite to either of these shows as FD/Pattis could have participated IMO. I personally think Pattis would never have agreed to any show with Nancy Grace as she would have annihilated him and eviscerated the petite prince!

Atty P says FD is exploring other interview options. Jerry Springer is filmed in Stamford I believe so why not get FD on a panel with say KM, KM wife, Atty, Pyetranker, Atty Markowitz of I'm moving and hiding the documents fame and perhaps KM buddy gas can guy or perhaps the folks from South Windsor CT PD that seem to be covering for KM on an ongoing basis and not protecting KM wife? The call in/or write in guest can be Atty Weinstein to pepper the group with questions or perhaps a special guest appearance on the phone by Atty Colangelo, to keep the conversation lively! Or Jerry Springer could open the questions up on Skype to WS JD thread followers and we could ask a few questions of the petite prince! It would be a circus to end all IMO! I have a FEW questions for the petite prince starting with "WHERE IS JENNIFER"!

Looks like you had a good cup of coffee this morning!
Keep it coming. No gag on afitzy!!!
Tragically HILARIOUS Headline IMO!

I wonder if the Pattisville PR Firm came up with this GEM of a headline!

FD is NOW associated with someone accused of fatally stabbing wife dozens of times!

I thought Atty P said his goal was to make sure that murder charges are never filed!

Not sure how this headline fits in with the overall PR strategy.

I mean....Ohhh EMMM GEEEE! I agree that it's HILARIOUS! Do you really think Pattisville PR would want a headline where he's now called FD's Attorney rather than use his name? I had to screenshot it just in case the paper was forced to change it, HA!

Is all press, still good press Pattis? YIKES!

FD must be DYING over this one :D. It's not a good look!
Its sad when public speakers (in this case Atty P) need to be fact checked on basic interpretation of history and constitutional law. Its sad to me that the press isn't doing much to make sure that the Atty. P statements are factually accurate. I've actually dusted off an old text to refresh my memory on the Bill of Rights as I needed to make sure that Atty P was even characterising certain sections properly (he wasn't IMO). Its all quite futile and exhausting to follow someone that doesn't seem to care about being factually correct or spouting mistruths or mischaracterisations and then hides behind the cloak of "client defense" and "pursuit of justice" for their behaviour.

This quote popped out at me:
“The warrants get to repeat the state’s theory without letting us inspect the evidence and we can’t respond in kind by floating theories of our owns. There is something in our view wicked and fundamentally unfair about that,” Pattis said.[BBM]

Atty P is again counting on the public or the press never actually reading the Judge Blawie gag order. There are many things that Atty. P and FD can say to the public to make a vigorous defense and counter any of the state's theories etc. with the gag order in place. But any such statements made would have to be carefully considered and fit within the guidelines of the ruling. How inconvenient for Atty. P that the victim shame and blame game has to end! I think what we are seeing with the 'toddler time tantrum' from Atty. P and FD is that they thought they could simply keep on their merry way with the thrashing of JD in the press from now until the time of trial and the gag order makes that harder to accomplish.

IMO victim shaming/blaming was their only strategy as there are no character witnesses for FD and FD has no abili/alternative theory. If Pattisville loses the ability to thrash JD then it has nothing to say and Atty. P knows this. We saw this a bit on the most recent Chaz and AJ show where neither of the radio jocks had much interest in Atty P word salad about constitutional law etc. and Atty P was a boring guest w/o being able to offer up salacious sound bite which Atty P really cannot offer up now. THANK GOD! To me, that interview should be EXHIBIT A as to why the gag order is working and should be kept in place as it stops SOME of the ongoing Atty P and FD nonsense.

IMO Atty P has big dollar signs in his eyes and was very angry about no Dr Oz and Dr Phil for FD and Pattisville. If it were up to Atty P he would have turned Dr Phil into a total circus worthy of Jerry Springer! My understanding is that Atty. P is banned from Dr Phil so that show wouldn't have happened as they never would have invited him but it might have happened on the Dr Oz show. But I don't think the gag order in place was the reason for the lack of invite to either of these shows as FD/Pattis could have participated IMO. I personally think Pattis would never have agreed to any show with Nancy Grace as she would have annihilated him and eviscerated the petite prince!

Atty P says FD is exploring other interview options. Jerry Springer is filmed in Stamford I believe so why not get FD on a panel with say KM, KM wife, Atty, Pyetranker, Atty Markowitz of I'm moving and hiding the documents fame and perhaps KM buddy gas can guy or perhaps the folks from South Windsor CT PD that seem to be covering for KM on an ongoing basis and not protecting KM wife? The call in/or write in guest can be Atty Weinstein to pepper the group with questions or perhaps a special guest appearance on the phone by Atty Colangelo, to keep the conversation lively! Or Jerry Springer could open the questions up on Skype to WS JD thread followers and we could ask a few questions of the petite prince! It would be a circus to end all IMO! I have a FEW questions for the petite prince starting with "WHERE IS JENNIFER"!

Other interview options FD might also be able to explore:

-YouTube video for Sentinel Offender Services demonstrating easy ways to charge their ankle monitor devices

-Russell Speeder's Car Wash testimonial on auto detailing services for those really difficult cleaning situations

-"A Visitor's Guide to Albany Avenue, Hartford" with guides to the city's best trash dumpsters and storm drains

-HOBI Awards winners retrospective documentary: Where they are now (and what they're wearing on their ankles)

-New feature for Partners in Crime matchmaking services

and last but not least, of course, a special series:

Norm and Fotis on the Couch: Two Men against the World
WOW, what a headline! Proud of that, one-trick-pony Pattis? You are a human race letdown
New guilty client, requesting medical records, access to the just going off a checklist? MOO MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Man Accused of Fatally Stabbing Wife Dozens of Times Now Represented by Fotis Dulos` Attorney
Man Accused of Fatally Stabbing Wife Dozens of Times Now Represented by Fotis Dulos` Attorney

And another sad, familiar example of the kind of case that NP gravitates toward:
-wife initiated divorce proceedings in July
-husband in a "rage" accusing wife of "cheating" stabs her 20-30 times in front of 11 year old son and 2 year old daughter, 11 year son is the one who calls 911
-now while dressed in an orange jumpsuit the father/murderer is requesting custody of his daughter (son is from another relationship of dead mother)
-mother in law is fighting husband/murderer for custody
-NP arguing "self defense" as justification for 20-30 stabbings

Just to sum up the themes that we see NP defending. Basically, husbands have a right to kill the wife and get custody of the kids when wives divorce them. And it if the wives die they are at fault.

Buckle up for a heavy dose of 'word salad' and it all almost seems like a hypothetical argument on this Appellate Brief regarding the 'gag order' by Atty P. Perhaps a true 4:20 moment? IDK. MOO!

Quotes from the beginning of the motion - just to give a sense of what is to come:
"Can a man not yet accused of a crime [BBM] publicly criticize those investigating him"? Refresh my memory here hasn't FD been accused TWICE of tampering and hindering - aren't these both considered "crimes"?

"The answer was, until recently, without question yes".

"But comes now a ruling in a case arising out of the Judicial District of Stamford, in which a man suspected of murder [BBM], and his counsel, are bound by judicial order from speaking out". We don't presently have a murder charge against FD, so its interesting to see Atty P talking about the suspicion of murder...LE could actually suspect many other things too other than murder AND the 'gag order' doesn't bar them from speaking out, it merely directs certain players in the case as to what can/cannot be discussed. Guess Atty P doesn't like to be 'directed' to do anything!

And then IMO the delusion sets in and persecution theories rear their ugly heads:

"Simply put, there is no cause for the issuance of a prior restraint in this, or any, case where the presumption of innocence must do near-daily battle with the unfounded assertions of guilt" [BBM].

"The defense is exploring all hypotheses: The couple were involved in a bitter divorce and custody battle. A custody study was just completed". [BBM - I believe this is a direct reference to the infamous stolen psych report which Judge Heller has removed from the Family Court file as it was deemed inadmissible. I find it stunning that Atty P is yet again referring to the the document which FD stole and which he leaked to the Press and which was responsible for him being 'excused' from Family Court. This reference to the report IMO wasn't required in this motion and given its tainted history and the fact that sitting Judge on the case has stricken the report from the file you would think that perhaps this would send a message to Atty P to back off on public references to this report. But, No. He just cannot control himself from yet again referencing this tainted draft report. I do wonder if Judge Heller will follow up with sanctions for yet another prohibited reference to the report?].

Here's one for Judge Blawie. Judge Blawie specifically reprimanded Atty. P for saying in his prior motion that there was no discussion of the gag order motion. YET, in this latest document, Atty. P YET AGAIN states incorrectly Per Judge Blawie that there was no discussion. WHY say this when its absolutely incorrect and a falsehood? What a pure waste of court time yet again by Atty. P on a very basic yes/no type issue IMO. I do hope Judge Blawie sets the record straight in this very basic point of Atty P blatantly disregarding facts and simply stating what he conveniently believes to be true.

"The Court invited further briefing, and ruled-- without a hearing on the issues raised after full briefing, without argument, and without providing Mr. Dulos' counsel an opportunity to respond to the State's brief -- effectively directing counsel not to comment on the State's pending investigation of the disappearance of Ms. Dulos. After the ruling, Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz aired inflammatory accusations against Mr. Dulos, the ringleader, of course, being none other than America's favorite television prosecutor - Nancy Grace. Mr. Dulos sat mute, as his reputation was once again on direct attack" [BBM Looks like Atty P was a bit peeved about not being paid or consulted by these other shows! Whoever in an earlier post said that Atty. P is looking to get as much money and personal publicity as is humanly possible from this Dulos case might just be right.]

I could keep going but just wanted to give a sense of what this 'motion' such as it is, is all about. MOO

Oops, I had quoted your first post, before you did the great additions to it. I had the exact same impression (great minds think alike! ;))!

This is not good "lawyering" at all. He's just made a great case against his own request. Here's the irony of his appeal: The points he brings up in his appellate brief are all an argument FOR a gag order! Here's how:

He said the information on the talk shows - from the police documents and from people speaking about the case - has led the public to draw their own conclusions. 95% of that info came from BEFORE the gag order (except his own subsequent blabbing).

The reason for the gag order is precisely this: to keep people from jumping to conclusions before ALL of the evidence is out and before a jury - or, at minimum, the court - has had a chance to hear it.

NP, professional salad shooter, has simply laid out a great case for continuing - and ENFORCING - a gag order. :p:p:p
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Everything about this is confusing! I agree that Pattis still has to give docs. My take...

CIVIL CASE UPDATE: 10.9.19 Motion 214.00
Pattis' Motion to Quash Subpoena: GRANTED

"The documents requested are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Prac. Book § 13-2. Accordingly, the court need not address the issues of privilege or confidentiality."

The Judge granting this motion may not be as bad as it appears in print.

This may be a confusing post, and it's a long one, though before we get upset over this ruling, there is SO MUCH MORE to it and while Pattis may not have to supply the info requested, the Judge has already ruled that FD DOES have to supply the similar information requested of Pattis. I will try to lay everything out so it makes sense. MOO

Starting with Motion 214.00 (attached): GRANTED
Original request of Pattis by Weinstein includes:
  1. Source of funds in connection with criminal defense including third parties
  2. Copies of documents exchanged regarding source of payment including NY Atty (Phufas) who transmitted the funds
  3. All docs with total amount of funds received and disbursed to date, as well as total amount of funds being held in FD's funds.
  4. Retainer agreement between Pattis and FD
  5. Docs regarding the retention of PI McKenna
(PS. Norm was out-of-state on the date of the requested Subpoena and was in Texas with Alex Jones) As reported since in the media, though MOO for safety

The reason it may not be so bad...
Judge Noble OVERRULED FD's Objection RE Discovery or Disclosure MOTION 198.00 (attached in pics with Judge's decision highlighted in blue) which included:

WEINSTEIN PRODUCTION REQUEST 7: "Copies of records reflecting the source of funds paid to criminal attorneys and private investigator."

FD's OBJECTION TO PRODUCTION REQUEST 7: – "The Defendants object to this request on the grounds that it is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Defendants further object to this request 2 on the grounds that it seeks documents covered by the attorney-client privilege and/or the work product doctrine."

JUDGE'S RULING ON OBJECTION TO PRODUCTION REQUEST 7: "This production seeks records reflecting the source of funds paid to criminal attorneys and private investigator. The defendants object on the grounds of relevancy and the attorney client privilege. The court finds that it is relevant to the third count which seeks to pierce the corporate veil. As to the attorney client privilege, the plaintiff asserts that Judge Budzik has already ruled on this issue in the present action. The court, however, is unable to find that ruling in either this case or the companion case. Nevertheless, this court holds that these records are not protected by the privilege. As a general rule, “[c]ommunications between client and attorney are privileged when made in confidence for the purpose of seeking legal advice.” (Internal quotation marks omitted.) Olson v. Accessory Controls & Equipment Corp., 254 Conn. 145, 157, 757 A.2d 14 (2000). The attorney-client privilege is not a blanket one; rather, “ecause the application of [the privilege] tends to prevent the full disclosure of information and the true state of affairs, it is both narrowly applied and strictly construed.” Harrington v. Freedom of Information Commission, 323 Conn. 1, 12, 144 A.3d 405 (2016). The defendants have not demonstrated how the records sought are related to the seeking of legal advice. The objection is overruled."

**Cont from top on PRAC. BOOK 13-2**
Ok, so this may get confusing because I'm combining 2 different comments from Judge Noble on Prac. Book 13.2: the first is his comment when Granting Pattis' Motion to Quash 214.00, and the Second is when used in Overruling FD's Objection re Discovery 198.00.

Motion 214.00 GRANTED Judge Noble states: "Prac. Book § 13-2. Accordingly, the court need not address the issues of privilege or confidentiality".

Motion 198.00 OVERRULED Judge Noble states: "Prac. Book § 13-2. Finally, any interest in the confidentiality of the records, sealed or not, is over ridden by the requirements of disclosure in this civil action."

I was SO CONFUSED by the use of Prac. Book 13-2 being used in support of the Judge's order on what seems to be opposing actions, so I read Prac. Book 13-2 Scope of Discovery on the CT judicial website (attached in pics). IMO, and by all means jump in if you have other thoughts: Pattis is a Non-Party Witness in this Civil case. FD, the Defendant, IS subject to Discovery and Judge Noble has overruled the objection on the same subject-"Production of records reflecting the source of funds paid to criminal attorneys and private investigator. The defendants object on the grounds of relevancy and the attorney client privilege. The court finds that it is relevant to the third count which seeks to pierce the corporate veil".

Pattis may not have to produce this information, BUT the Judge has already ruled that FD DOES. So, if I understand all of this correctly, the information on the source of funds WILL be provided in this case. MOO

MOO once again for safety
PS. Had to delete some of the doc pages (mainly last page signature files) to meet the 10 page upload limit
Looks like the judge GRANTED Pattis’s motion to quash (eliminate) the subpoena as to him. So Pattis won his round as I read it and does not have to respond. Not good.
Looks like the judge GRANTED Pattis’s motion to quash (eliminate) the subpoena as to him. So Pattis won his round as I read it and does not have to respond. Not good.
But I agree that the judge ruled against FD on similar requests. This ruling just takes Pattis off the hook from producing his records or possibly appearing for deposition or answering certain questions I think.
Though CT is a small state, there are a lot of people that don't know much about this case. I follow it like crazy because it happened only 15 minutes away, to a woman close in age to me. There are plenty of people who don't watch the news or regular TV own mom, who does watch the news, asked me if the "missing mom" was found, but hardly knows the details of this case as I do. I think a non-tainted jury could be found.
I have actually been surprised that this case has not been as high on the radar screen of locals as I would have thought. Come on people, a woman in New Canaan was murdered in her garage! This is really not very common and in fact one of the reasons people choose to and like to live in places like NC (although as I repeat every few threads on here, DV is extremely common in NC, stats backed up by chief of police).

Which is the reason (IMO) that a murder in a garage is dismissed and not really on many people's radar.

When it is, I have noted two concerning approaches amongst locals:

1. Why did she marry him/have kids with him/stay with him, it's obvious he's a nut job.
This response causes me to fly off the hook very unprofessionally and uncharacteristically. Come on people, he looked good "on paper"! Isn't this what we all aspire to, live out ourselves, and impress on our kids?
Ivy league degree; work in NY in consulting (ok, so not a hedge fund, but almost); MBA from good school (I have a family member who was a classmate, they remain blasé about the case); competitive athlete; expensive house and cars; entrepreneur; world travel, five "beautiful" and successful children. All of these are very typical and valued characteristics in New Canaan circles. Yet, some people seem to accept that JD brought this on herself by not being more discerning and picking and sticking with this "loser".

2. It's obvious he did it, but let's see if the state can prove it.
This IMO stems from the extremely low morale of people in CT about the state government, largely a result of disappointment and despair over the economic situation of the state (which while admittedly very bad, it's not like CT is the Rust Belt or something...). I run into people who are clearly convinced that FD is guilty, but almost inevitably, as if a challenge to the incompetence of the state system, they bluster about how the state is likely going to screw up and not be able to prove it and thus FD can and should get off. I have a distinct feeling in these conversations that people in some awful way want to identify with FD as a way to demonstrate and resist the incompetence of the state government.

This is all very disillusioning because it basically sideswipes the real issue at stake, which is domestic violence, something common not just in CT (but of particular concern in New Canaan).
Other interview options FD might also be able to explore:

-YouTube video for Sentinel Offender Services demonstrating easy ways to charge their ankle monitor devices

-Russell Speeder's Car Wash testimonial on auto detailing services for those really difficult cleaning situations

-"A Visitor's Guide to Albany Avenue, Hartford" with guides to the city's best trash dumpsters and storm drains

-HOBI Awards winners retrospective documentary: Where they are now (and what they're wearing on their ankles)

-New feature for Partners in Crime matchmaking services

and last but not least, of course, a special series:

Norm and Fotis on the Couch: Two Men against the World
And the Emmy for Best Creative Programming goes to @sleuth66!

I love them all but do think there is a creative angle to the Partners in Crime which could be turned into a tv or online show as there is a large group of people that pursue such relationships - JAILHOUSE LOVEBIRDS!

But I agree that the judge ruled against FD on similar requests. This ruling just takes Pattis off the hook from producing his records or possibly appearing for deposition or answering certain questions I think.
I've gone through this all again and I'm still not seeing a specific reference to the deposition of Pattis being quashed.
WOW, what a headline! Proud of that, one-trick-pony Pattis? You are a human race letdown
New guilty client, requesting medical records, access to the just going off a checklist? MOO MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Man Accused of Fatally Stabbing Wife Dozens of Times Now Represented by Fotis Dulos` Attorney
Man Accused of Fatally Stabbing Wife Dozens of Times Now Represented by Fotis Dulos` Attorney

Well, you have to give him credit: He is attempting to defend the indefensible. No one else wants that sort of case.

Plus, he can't get innocent clients - hence, his need to ask the public to pay for his new roof on his barn...
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