Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #33

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@sds71, we can have a 'watch party' in the am.

Small minds ask small questions and my small mind wants to know if Atty. P. perhaps got a 'cut and curl' to fix the ponytail in advance of his appearance before the Senior Judges in Hartford?
BTW, my guess is not but we can all only hope I guess!

And drink ouzo every time Pattis gets the Judges name wrong
Yes, it can be done-but I don’t think HE did it in 3. I recall reading that he spent a year at university in Athens prior to coming to the US to attend Brown

JMoose, I think you might be referring to Athens College? If so, it's not a "college" - it's kindergarten through high school. The name is confusing!
Athens College - Wikipedia
Dove in the deep end and was searching out some of the coverage in Greece on the case. Google translate leaves much to be desired for Greek I think so if there are any speakers of Greek out there that can do justice to this article that would be useful.

'No corpse, no murder': Greek skier swears he didn't kill his wife perfectly


CNN Greece via
Google Translate

Wednesday, June 26, 2019 22:14
Quotes from article via Google Translate:

Scenario A la "Gone Girl" cites the homosexual arrested for the disappearance of his wife (pics & vid)

Investigations of Jennifer's mysterious disappearance with her ex-husband's lawyer, Fotiou Doulos, remain in vain.

Doulos, an unstable and unyielding person, says the family environment
According to the Daily Mail, sources in the family environment said the 51-year-old is a highly unstable and vulnerable person, with a tendency to overreact. "A lot of people didn't like him because he was so irritable. He would often make voices and get into a brawl, "an anonymous source told the British newspaper, adding that Fotis Doulos was quarreling with his neighbors and would not hesitate to call the police when a house party or work party was held.
From the Greek articles above:

Greek skier swears he didn't kill his wife perfectly
- That's for certain. He messed up big time.

Scenario A la "Gone Girl" cites the homosexual arrested for the disappearance of his wife
- Ha.

Doulos, an unstable and unyielding person, says the family environment
- Yup.

According to the Daily Mail, sources in the family environment said the 51-year-old is a highly unstable and vulnerable person, with a tendency to overreact.
- Speaks for itself.
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From the Greek articles above:

Greek skier swears he didn't kill his wife perfectly
- That's for certain. He messed up big time.

Scenario A la "Gone Girl" cites the homosexual arrested for the disappearance of his wife
- Hahaha

Doulos, an unstable and unyielding person, says the family environment
- Yup.

According to the Daily Mail, sources in the family environment said the 51-year-old is a highly unstable and vulnerable person, with a tendency to overreact.
- Speaks for itself.


@sds71, we can have a 'watch party' in the am.

Small minds ask small questions and my small mind wants to know if Atty. P. perhaps got a 'cut and curl' to fix the ponytail in advance of his appearance before the Senior Judges in Hartford?

BTW, my guess is not but we can all only hope I guess!


Let's not get overly hopeful.
Just a wash would be nice.
I believe Fd when he says he wanted the divorce over and done with...but I think his terms were that Jennifer had to give up everything for him to stop filing motions to keep it going. And the terms were that there was to be no financial disclosure, he gets the house(s), kids and all of the money, or he would drag it out forever. I believe he wanted her gone-he just wanted to keep everything that went along with her. And look what happened-she’s gone!

He proves his main motive for murder daily. #1: It's about money.

If it were not mostly about the money, he'd be out of that house as well as the others, not suing over them, lying about them and about all the Farber money he took and never paid back... he'd do the right thing for those 5 children and let the Farber's legacy stand as it should, for the CHILDREN to inherit.

Then there's control - that he's always had to have over Jennifer and the children (and money - anyone's money).

Instead of trying to distance himself from these motives, he proves them repeatedly. MONEY and CONTROL.
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It's about the money.
He proves it daily.

If it were not ALL about the money, he'd be out of that house as well as the others, not suing over them, lying about them and about all the Farber money he took and never paid back... he'd do the right thing for those 5 children and let their legacy stand as it should, for them to inherit.

He proves daily that his motive is MONEY and CONTROL.
Yes. Theres 3 main causes of murder. Sex, money, and control.
Attached is Fd's LinkedIn educational information.

In 1985, Fd completed two of his college courses at Harvard, before his 1986 graduation from High School in Athens.

Which of course, helped him to complete the Noted 4 year program in 3 years.

Fd's Elementary, Middle, and High School education was completed at Athens College.

Sorry to be a bit pedantic here but if you do a summer semester isn't that kinda/sorta/maybe included as part of your total time spent in college? I think so and Brown no doubt thought so because they no doubt gave Fd credit for the 2 classes which is why he only spent 3 years there.

Here is Harvard Summer program which looks to be 7 weeks and where a HS student can take 2 courses. IDK if this is what Fd did that Summer but its possible as the other HS Summer option didn't look to offer transferable credits.

Secondary School Program
College courses for credit in a seven-week session
This is your test-drive of college. At Harvard, you are fully immersed in college life—balancing time between classes, homework, and extracurricular activities. The program features:

  • College courses (over 200 to choose from), which you attend alongside current college students, other high school students, and professionals from around the world.
  • Credit you can transfer to a college in the future.
  • The choice to live on campus, commute, or study online.
  • The freedom to schedule your days.
You may choose to enroll in one or two courses. Outside the classroom, you can attend workshops, take trips to nearby colleges, and unwind through activities like intramural sports and musical pursuits. You find a healthy balance of organized events and free time, allowing you the independence you will find in college.


So, while in summer school Fd completed 2 courses (give each course 4 credits for a total of 8 credits which might = 1/2 of a regular 16-20 credit or 4-5 course load/semester depending on the school). Fd says he took Macro and Micro Economics during the Harvard summer session, oddly both had limited math prerequisites that he probably completed in high school and didn't require Introduction to Economics (8 credits in Summer Session).

My very basic point is Fd didn't finish college in 3 yrs.


Fd finished classes at Brown in 3 yrs. but his TOTAL college experience exceeded 3 years by the summer at Harvard IMO. IDK if you want to call it 3.5 yrs, but it wasn't 3 years.

Yikes, I think we have a new phrase! Its called Fd Math!

Yep, basic math trumps word salad ALL DAY EVERY DAY IMO!

And drink ouzo every time Pattis gets the Judges name wrong
Good one! I'm game but no ouzo please but I will do caffè corretto instead which will give me a caffeine boost to keep my eyes open and brian kinda alert during the proceedings and a bit of grappa to numb me from the horror of having to listen to Atty. P. drone on for god knows how long!

1 shot = Judges Name incorrectly stated - need to do a double though if its the Chief Justice whose name is butchered as you know that will totally happen!
1 shot = 1st Amendment and/or free speech
1 shot = word murder mentioned
1 shot = gag order
1 shot = Fotis Dulos
1 shot = Atty. P. talking over a Justice or States Atty or verbally abusing a member of the Press
1 shot = 3.2(a) and 3.2(b) - think these are the correct sections of the Professional Standards - I was going to send an email to Atty. P. to double check this but I figured he wouldn't know one from the other as he seems generally confused by Professional Standards as he spends his time, '...gambling with his law license'!

Think this should put us all under the table in 10 min or so and then we can kick back and either fall asleep or stay awake and see how confused the Justices are by Atty. P.'s argument.

Should be fun! I will get up early to fire up the espresso machine!

See you in the am!


Thanks for the laughs!

I'm not so sure that the Greek Articles worked out so well in the English speaking markets! I look forward to hearing more about their contents when the criminal trials happen! Should be interesting, particularly if the article authors are required to attend!


The reason I went back to the Greek articles was to see if there was any description of Fd family, including his mother and father as being Turkish and NOT GREEK. I've been trying to read a bit about the Greek diaspora to try and understand self identification issues in Turkey, particularly given the Ottoman treatment of Christians of all denominations was harsh over a long period of time.

Fd's parents were both born in Constantinople, Turkey (1911 and 1933, respectively) as was FD and his 'sister' Rena. So, at a minimum Fd was a second generation Turk based on this limited information but was classified as Christian/Greek Orthodox and not Muslim and was believed to be ethnically Greek. So, Duolos family was part of the rapidly dwindling ethnic Greek community in Istanbul.

The person I had the convo with at the Greek church specifically said Fd was from a family of Turks and this person did not believe that Fd family was Greek. Mmmm. Why not? What I find odd about this statement is that the person I was speaking to was Greek Orthodox and it is believed that Fd is also Greek Orthodox. The person I was speaking with was born in Greece and spoke Greek in addition to a couple other languages. Fd was born in Turkey, went to school in Greece and we don't know if he speaks Turkish or whether that even matters for purposes of self identification but was probably classified in Turkey as an ethnic Greek.

Anyway, in reading about the Istanbul Pogrom, the ethnic Greeks/Greek Orthodox were pushed out of Turkey over roughly a generation with a good bit of force.

From wiki:
Since 1924, the status of the Greek minority in Turkey has been ambiguous [IDK about this word choice!].

Beginning in the 1930s, the government instituted repressive policies forcing many Greeks to emigrate. Examples are the labour battalions drafted among non-Muslims during World War II, as well as the Fortune Tax (Varlık Vergisi) levied mostly on non-Muslims during the same period. These resulted in financial ruination and death for many Greeks. The exodus was given greater impetus with the Istanbul Pogrom of September 1955 which led to thousands of Greeks fleeing the city, eventually reducing the Greek population to about 7,000 by 1978 and to about 2,500 by 2006. According to the United Nations, this figure was much smaller in 2012 and reached 2,000. [BBM]

These stats on the exodus are dramatic but its interesting that despite what was going on in Turkey, it didn't appear that Fd's family left there until after he was born in 1967.

Basic wiki info:
Population exchange between Greece and Turkey - Wikipedia
Greeks in Turkey - Wikipedia
Thursday, December 12th:
*Supreme Court Hearing (in Hartford) (re gag order) (@ 10am ET) – CT – Jennifer Rebecca Farber Dulos (50) (May 24, 2019, New Canaan) – for *Fotis Dulos (51) arrested (6/2/19), charged (6/1/19) & arraigned (6/3/19) with tampering with or fabricating physical evidence & hindering prosecution. Plead not guilty. $500K bond. Posted bond (6/12/19).
Bond conditions on any bond release. Must be posted at courthouse, passport must be surrendered & must submit to GPS monitoring.
Norwalk Superior Court transferred (9/12/19) to Stamford Superior Court.

*Arrested, charged & arraigned (9/4/19) with tampering with evidence involving the borrowed car from work colleague. Plead not guilty. $500K bond. Posted bond (9/4/19).
Same bond conditions as above.
Court info from 6/13/19 thru 10/4/19 reference post #461 here:
Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #31

10/28/19 Update: Defense Attorney Pattis will file his arguments Monday (10/28/19) in favor of the state Supreme Court overturning a gag order imposed by a lower court judge in the criminal case against his client, Dulos. Attorneys for the Chief State's Attorney's Office will have until Nov. 22 to file their brief opposing Pattis’ appeal. Pattis will then have until Dec. 5 to file a rebuttal before the Supreme Court hears the case on Dec. 9. Next court date is 11/6.
11/6/19 Update: Very quick hearing, no pending motions addressed. Next hearing on 1/7/20. 11/13/19: Supreme Court sets Dec. 9 to hear arguments on gag order. 12/9/19: Gag order motion hearing rescheduled for 12/12.
Re Gag Order information - see post #466 by sds71:

Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #33
*Michelle C. Tronconis (44) (Dulos’ GF) – Next pretrial hearing 1/31/20.
CNN Greece via Google Translate:
Google Translate

Wednesday, June 26, 2019 22:14
Quotes from article via Google Translate:

Scenario A la "Gone Girl" cites the homosexual arrested for the disappearance of his wife (pics & vid)

Investigations of Jennifer's mysterious disappearance with her ex-husband's lawyer, Fotiou Doulos, remain in vain.

Doulos, an unstable and unyielding person, says the family environment
According to the Daily Mail, sources in the family environment said the 51-year-old is a highly unstable and vulnerable person, with a tendency to overreact. "A lot of people didn't like him because he was so irritable. He would often make voices and get into a brawl, "an anonymous source told the British newspaper, adding that Fotis Doulos was quarreling with his neighbors and would not hesitate to call the police when a house party or work party was held.
Sound like they are spending as much money on translators and NP is on proofreaders IMO. Regardless, does paint the picture of quite a nasty person. JMO.
In trying to put together more details about fD,
and his upbringing and where things went wrong in his developing brain and how he grew
up with questionable character and ethics, I
see afitzy provided some helpful info above:

So fD's father, born in 1911 and his mother, born 1933 had a wide age gap. Father was 22 years
older than his mother.

Was this his first and only wife? Father Dulos
was appx. 43 when Rena was born. He was 56
when little Fotie was born.
Father D. was 64 yrs. old when little Fotie was
sent to Athens College at 8 years old. Was
Fotie sent as a boarding student to live at the
school away from family?
Athens College is considered a respected
private prep school. Many future leaders in Greek politics and gov't attend the school. It
is not easy to get accepted and I'm guessing it's not cheap.
Athens College - Wikipedia

So was Mama Dulos his first wife? Married her
at 43, she was maybe 20ish. Was there a first wife? Big question here. I like to look closely
at marriages where there's a wide disparity in
ages. What's going on here.
Again, was there a first wife who divorced him,
or got disappeared or ran off?
So back to fotie, was he sent off to boarding school at 8 yrs. old because he was a PIA to
his 64 yr. old father who wanted him out of the way and A.C.
was a respectable school?
Why no other children between Rena and Fotie, a period of 13 years?
So IF Fotie was raised at the boarding school
instead of in a loving, attentive family, I could see where there may be some gaps in a normal
upbringing and a failure to form normal attachments to other people. Could also have been the beginnings of fears of abandonment and why fD panicked when JFD packed up the kids and left him.
I've talked to people sent off to boarding school
around that same age (8) and they felt as though they were being sent off to prison and
being chopped off out of the family. Not a warm, secure feeling for an 8 year. old.
Think back to your thoughts and feelings at 8 years old.
This may have been part of fD's weird wiring.

I'd also like to know what his father did for work. Was he in gov't? A businessman?
He must have been successful financially to
afford the schooling he gave fD.

So for now, I'm going with fotie was raised away from family primarily at boarding school.
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THIS MORNING: Criminal defense Attorney Norm Pattis will argue before the CT Supreme Court to lift the gag order on the criminal case involving Fotis Dulos. If lifted, this would allow all parties involved to speak publicly on the Jennifer Dulos case
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