Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #34

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I am worried about how and why these two hearings are scheduled for the same day. What is the circus team really planning or expect to happen because of their network? Why would they attempt to inflict such horrors on those poor children and put them in danger? Is it because fd is going to say mt worked alone to kill Jennifer and he is innocent? fd’s history proves he is too dangerous to be around Jennifer’s children even if he wasn’t the murderer, What is going on with the timing of this custody hearing that seems so sinister and evil?is this all for the benefit of fd’s sister who thinks she is entitled to see the children. ? How much is just this one day in court costing in legal fees and who is the bill being sent to? A miracle is needed ! And strength and protection for gf and the children to hold up against the constant harassment and persecution by fd and his attys.
Sorry- I meant to post my comment yesterday,( I am still adjusting to a big time zone difference ) Just finished reading all the good comments about the upcoming custody hearing which answered many of my questions. So thanks to everybody for caring so much about Jennifer and for helping people like me understand the legal documents etc. I have tried to help a family member fight a narcissist In Court in another state and encountered the horrors of the good ole boys knowing how to get scheduled for judges that favor them and a lot of the other unfair stuff . It is horrible that gf has to fight obvious lies and harassment when all she really needs to be doing is taking care of those children. And it’s shameful that delay tactics, frivolous motions and obvious scams for some of these attys to get more fees can’t be stopped and some type of controls be in place for a case like this.MOO
Is FD going to jail the only way that GF and the kids will ever have freedom and reprieve from this ongoing litigation? I’m worried this will never end for GF. I hate to say it. FD fights back every motion. There’s got to be a law against this at some point. I’m sure there are some days you’d want to throw your hands up and say F it. Nobody has this kind of money. I feel bad GF has to spend so much money on litigation against this monster, in my opinion. Tennessee is the only state that stops abusers from filing frivolous motions in domestic cases. I was reading Lundy Bancroft’s site last night and he says: “The greatest domestic violence nightmare of our times is what is being done to abused women and their children by the custody courts, which have become enthusiastic enablers and abettors of domestic abusers and of child sexual abusers.”
The intense interest in the disappearance can at least be partly attributed to the hundreds of headlines it has produced on a near-daily basis. That’s expected to continue in 2020 with a Hartford Superior Court judge expected to soon rule in the civil lawsuits, a potential decision by the state Supreme Court on the gag order appeal and monthly pretrial hearings for the criminal charges.
Jennifer Dulos a top Google search term in CT in 2019
Sorry- I meant to post my comment yesterday,( I am still adjusting to a big time zone difference ) Just finished reading all the good comments about the upcoming custody hearing which answered many of my questions. So thanks to everybody for caring so much about Jennifer and for helping people like me understand the legal documents etc. I have tried to help a family member fight a narcissist In Court in another state and encountered the horrors of the good ole boys knowing how to get scheduled for judges that favor them and a lot of the other unfair stuff . It is horrible that gf has to fight obvious lies and harassment when all she really needs to be doing is taking care of those children. And it’s shameful that delay tactics, frivolous motions and obvious scams for some of these attys to get more fees can’t be stopped and some type of controls be in place for a case like this.MOO
So true and exactly right! “All she really needs to be doing is taking care of those children.”
That’s the point! This is so much time and energy away from the kids...RIDICULOUS. If fathers really cared about their children, they would not put the mothers/caregivers through hell.
Sorry- I meant to post my comment yesterday,( I am still adjusting to a big time zone difference ) Just finished reading all the good comments about the upcoming custody hearing which answered many of my questions. So thanks to everybody for caring so much about Jennifer and for helping people like me understand the legal documents etc. I have tried to help a family member fight a narcissist In Court in another state and encountered the horrors of the good ole boys knowing how to get scheduled for judges that favor them and a lot of the other unfair stuff . It is horrible that gf has to fight obvious lies and harassment when all she really needs to be doing is taking care of those children. And it’s shameful that delay tactics, frivolous motions and obvious scams for some of these attys to get more fees can’t be stopped and some type of controls be in place for a case like this.MOO
I'm sorry your family member has to fight a Narc in court. I hope he/she has a great lawyer. Even so, you have to be your own best advocate because you know the case better than anybody. And have to be really proactive.

There was a post that might have got lost since this went to a new thread. I think maybe you posted it. It was about if FD was going to pin this on MT. MT has given info to LE. Even though limited and not entirely truthful, FD has not taken kindly to it. There is not enough "enamored" in the world that will make a Narcopath forgive this. She is toast in his eyes even if he has not let her know that. When a Narc feels wronged, there is no going back. He will make sure she goes down with this ship. Remember FD statement: I know what I did and what I didn't do. MT played her cards all wrong. She needed to be ALL in with LE or not say a [REDACTED] thing. There's no middle ground here. Now LE is upset and so is FD.

I am not sure why no AW yet for murder. Just based on what is publicly known, there seems to be enough evidence. I've seen lawyers say the same who comment on the case. I don't know what more can be discovered with the exception of JD body. I do think that LE and DA are working closely with GF and maybe they want things to get wrapped up in the civil case for some reason. I don't like Colangelo very much. He seems pretty meh but maybe it will work. All IMO.
Just noticed 3 motions were filed in family court on December 26th...busy little bees: (I don't think these have been posted yet; apologies if they have been.)
539.00 12/26/2019 D MOTION TO DISMISS


Hi all! Have the above motions been posted by any member so they can be viewed? Thanks so much
So true and exactly right! “All she really needs to be doing is taking care of those children.”
That’s the point! This is so much time and energy away from the kids...RIDICULOUS. If fathers really cared about their children, they would not put the mothers/caregivers through hell.

Lots of men, Fd among them, care nothing for their children-but they care a lot about sticking it to their “enemies”, and other people who’ve crossed them, or done what they think is some kind of harm. We here, all know that the only thing that matters, is “winning”, and Fd gets to define what the “win” is. He isn’t quite human. Actually, I was thinking of him as a disease or virus that sneaks up on you, when you’ve done everything you can to keep yourself healthy. Jennifer had a wonderful, brilliant life and she never saw this coming until it was too late-she didn’t see the “cancer” that would ravage her soul, and consume her. Like a cancer, Fd has destroyed her, and everything associated with her. Nothing and nobody important to Jennifer will come away from their association with him unharmed. Those children are ruined, even if they never see him again. Same with all of Jennifer’s family and friends. He is just a tumor, without any redeeming quality.
I have to bring over some of the prior posts from other thread as there were some good thoughts there for discussion!

This new thread with no posts seems oddly bare?!?

We saw that Pattisville/Fd filed a couple of motions in Family Court so I am going to follow up with Marissa Alter and see if she has copies of the documents as none of the other Press included the actual documents. I believe there is also a motion by JFd Counsel but I don't yet know the substance of it.
I'm here less frequently, though. It makes me sad and depressed that there seems to be no moving forward with this case...while Fd continues to run around without a care. And Mrs. Farber and Jennifer's kids are left without a Daughter and a Mom...and no answers. I have lost faith in the CT judicial system and the CT LE...ARREST HIM ALREADY!!! Justice for Jennifer! jmo.
I have to bring over some of the prior posts from other thread as there were some good thoughts there for discussion!

This new thread with no posts seems oddly bare?!?

We saw that Pattisville/Fd filed a couple of motions in Family Court so I am going to follow up with Marissa Alter and see if she has copies of the documents as none of the other Press included the actual documents. I believe there is also a motion by JFd Counsel but I don't yet know the substance of it.
Yeah, we had great discussions going and then thread went pouf! I was hoping thread wouldn't be closed any time soon cuz I knew what was gonna happen!
citygirl said:
I agree it is unlikely, but oh how I wish it was her!
It pains me to follow the antics of FD seven months out.
The more experienced people said from the beginning that this would take many months. I didn't believe them. Man, was I wrong.
BBM: Finding her remains is the game changer we all need!

Also, we could use some sense of humanity/empathy/sympathy or anything of the like from FD and his team of players! It's just all soooo gross!

Interesting to me that LE must want FD out and about with his ankle accessory? They are tracking his every move/call/waze/jog/homegoodstrip/garbagerun/etc.

LE wants FD out so I keep telling myself to be good with it. (I'm not good with it but I keep telling myself that!)
FD is also likely wagging his tongue and skinny jeans all over town with his bestie relatives caroling about! Geez. But, maybe that's good for LE for the case?

Also, I am sorry for whomever's relative and loved one was found in the river, a lost loved one for someone.
I am glad someone might get answers here.

All my opinion.

  • BellaVitaWell-Known Member

    Yes, I said JFD would have to be declared deceased for FD to inherit. But the children would be another issue. If he has the divorce dismissed, the family court (Superior Court) no longer would have jurisdiction over the custody issue, and the matter would probably have to be decided by a Probate Court. As was suggested in this thread, what happens if the children are outside the district of any CT district Probate Court (and we have quite a few districts here)? In the CT case of a disabled child, Danny D'Atillo, the lawyers who represented him and his parents in a medical malpractice suit were alleged to have helped themselves to a larger share of his settlement funds than they were entitled to. As I recall, it was alleged those lawyers persuaded the parents to move out of one probate district and into another--for the benefit of the lawyers (not their clients). Atty Howard Altschuler represented the parents and child in a subsequent malpractice case against the lawyers who skimmed the funds.
    Click to expand...

    Responding to BBM:
    I don't think it matters where the children are physically. It's where the legal action began. Maybe if the case is "dismissed" GF can get the upper hand and proceed in NY. JMO.


  • BellaVitaWell-Known Member

    It seems fd is adding a new atty every week and these attys are acting like desperate fools making up stories for more court action because they want part of the stash of money or they believe they can help FD steal more money from gf which will assure they get paid. I think they know which judges and aides working in court offices are part of the good ole boy team and will favor them and have a network going.

    RSBM: The best attorneys know how each judge operates. In my own experience, my lawyer knows how each judge operates as well as the opposing attorney. Yes, my attorney knows every judicial assistant, judge and magistrate. He's likable, speaks softly and carries a big stick. Yes, there is a network going. Crossing state lines is probably a whole different ballgame. IME. IMO.

    BellaVita, Saturday at 10:55 PMReport
    sunshinegirl2013, Chicago54, dkryder and 14 others like this.

  • JmooseWell-Known Member

    I've been saying: why can't income be imputed. Take all the motions submitted, responded to, challenged. Guess billable hours and calculate the money. Property tax, utlities, vehicles. Add it all up. Seems like in the civil case, much of that info is out there. I mean, I guess a forensic accountant would be needed. No doubt credit card debt is high but I seriously don't think he is living totally off credit cards. Family Court should have come up with a figure long ago. If he didn't pay, lock him up. It is generally easy to be locked up for that these days. How does he explain to the Greek Grifters that he doesn't pay anything? Oh, I know, HE was the victim of Jennifer and SHE robbed HIM! I am sure that is the story. Just as GF has been portrayed. Seriously, I still say JD attorneys could have done much better. Either should have let it go for mental sanity sake or if you decide to drag it out, put the [REDACTED] screws in and nail him to the [REDACTED] wall. BTW, I agree with everything GF is doing to accomplish just that.
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    You’re right-it could be; the IRS does it all the time. The real question is, why doesn’t the family court want to do it? Too much like work? Or maybe it’s the State of Ct, where it doesn’t seem to get done? Bellavita, you surely know this from your own experience-is it being done in your case? You are in CT, aren’t you? For the life of me, I cannot believe they aren’t doing it.

    Jmoose, Saturday at 11:27 PMReport
    dkryder, pandaknows, SkylarSid and 11 others like this.

  • BellaVitaWell-Known Member

    You’re right-it could be; the IRS does it all the time. The real question is, why doesn’t the family court want to do it? Too much like work? Or maybe it’s the State of Ct, where it doesn’t seem to get done? Bellavita, you surely know this from your own experience-is it being done in your case? You are in CT, aren’t you? For the life of me, I cannot believe they aren’t doing it.

    I'm in FL. Things vary a bit between states but the basics are the same. Yes, IRS does it all the time. The Family Court won't do it unless requested, IMO. This is one reason of many that I am so disenchanted with JD divorce attorney. They really needed to [REDACTED] or get off the pot. In my case, I am now working on the validity of SERVICE itself 2 years after it is final. YAY! If valid service is established, my judgment stands. If the ruling is against me, that's where imputed income will come into play and he will need to show where he was getting the money to live his lifestyle of trips to NASCAR races and South Beach. Until July, he was judgment proof. Unable to be collected upon. He is like FD. No way, no how does he want to disclose ANY financial documents. I think bankruptcy is in the future for both. JMO.
    ETA: Money ran out after 2-3 years. He's onto the next sugar mama

    Last edited: Yesterday at 12:42 AM
    BellaVita, Saturday at 11:56 PMReport
    dkryder, SkylarSid, Laughing and 7 others like this.

  • CTGrammyWell-Known Member

    More than likely this is not JFd, but a thought has occurred to me due to this finding.

    What IF Fd/MT did not travel directly to Albany Avenue in the Hartford Area FROM 4JC on Friday, May 24 at 7:10 pm?

    What IF Fd/MT Did travel to the Hwy 190 Veterans Bridge in Suffield on the evening of May 24th Or, any other location around Hartford?

    We do Not know what Time Fd/MT Actually Left 4JC for their Trash Bin Odyssey of Stupidity Date Night.

    AW1 says that their phones traveled to Albany Ave at 7:10 pm and does Not say from Where the trip Originated. Did it Originate from 4JC or a body disposal location?

    What IF they traveled North of Hartford to dispose of the body and hit Albany Ave on their way Back to 4JC?

    -- At 1734 hours (5:34 pm), Dulos' cellphone arrived back at his residence at 4 Jefferson Crossing.

    -- At 1910 hours (7:10 pm), Dulos' device traveled to the area of Albany Avenue in the north end of Hartford.

    Nothing here says that Fd/MT Stayed at 4JC during this time.

    This is 1 Hour and 36 minutes of Unaccounted For time.

    What was Fd and MT doing during that 96 minutes of Unaccounted For time?

    You would think they wanted to get rid of the bloody contractor bags as quickly as possible, but yet, they waited 96 minutes? AT 4JC?

    NOT IMO. I have No Doubt, they were Not sitting at 4JC twiddling their thumbs.

    The attached screen shot shows the Veterans Bridge on Hwy 190 in Suffield, CT.

    4JC to Veterans Bridge -- 27.3 Miles -- 46 minutes

    Veterans Bridge to east end of Albany Ave -- 17.3 Miles -- 23 minutes

    We Know from AW2 that Fd had to call MT back to 80MS for the hide and seek with EE's red truck.

    At this point, they have 2 vehicles at 80MS.

    What IF the reason they left 80MS and arrived back at 4JC at 5:34 pm, was to Drop Off MT's vehicle at 4JC and then proceeded Directly to the disposal location, together?

    This gives Fd/MT 96 minutes to travel 46 minutes for disposal and another 23 minutes to arrive at Albany Ave at 7:10 pm for a total of 69 minutes, which leaves them 27 minutes in between the 2 locations to dispose of the body if they did so on Hwy 190 Veterans Bridge in Suffield. The 27 minutes may also include additional travel minutes due to traffic conditions on the holiday weekend.

    Could this be the reason WHY Bowman put Concrete Walls around MT just before her Depo in the Civil Case?

    Did MT Finally tell Bowman the Truth and she is up to her neck in the physical disposal of JFd's body and not just the trash run on Albany Ave?

    In Addition.
    Any chance we Know Which Direction the CCTV footage shows Fd's Ford Raptor was traveling on it's Albany Ave extra curricular activities on the evening of Friday, May 24th?

    The Jamaican Bakery is on the North side of Albany Ave and therefore the flow of traffic would be West toward Avon instead of toward Hartford.

    IF Fd/MT returned from a body disposal, north or east of Hartford, they would then be facing the correct direction of West when they stopped in front of the Jamaican Bakery on Albany Ave.

    Otherwise, IF they were traveling East Toward Hartford when they stopped, Fd would have had to walk across the street or turn left into a side street so as to have the truck facing the correct direction for the traffic flow. You know, because Fd did not want to get a ticket for breaking the law.

    Is it Possible that Fd/MT turned their phones Off when they arrived at 4JC at 5:34 pm and then turned them back on at 7:10 pm on Albany Ave?

    That is 96 minutes and a heck of a Lot can happen in 96 minutes.

    IMO, they Both were disposing of the body during that 96 minutes.


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    Last edited: Yesterday at 1:31 AM
    CTGrammy, Yesterday at 1:10 AMReport
    sunshinegirl2013, dkryder, pandaknows and 16 others like this.

  • BellaVitaWell-Known Member

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    More than likely this is not JFd, but a thought has occurred to me due to this finding.

    What IF Fd/MT did not travel directly to Albany Avenue in the Hartford Area FROM 4JC on Friday, May 24 at 7:10 pm?

    What IF Fd/MT Did travel to the Hwy 190 Veterans Bridge in Suffield on the evening of May 24th Or, any other location around Hartford?

    We do Not know what Time Fd/MT Actually Left 4JC for their Trash Bin Odyssey of Stupidity Date Night.

    AW1 says that their phones traveled to Albany Ave at 7:10 pm and does Not say from Where the trip Originated. Did it Originate from 4JC or a body disposal location?

    What IF they traveled North of Hartford to dispose of the body and hit Albany Ave on their way Back to 4JC?

    -- At 1734 hours (5:34 pm), Dulos' cellphone arrived back at his residence at 4 Jefferson Crossing.

    Nothing here says that Fd/MT Stayed at 4JC during this time.

    -- At 1910 hours (7:10 pm), Dulos' device traveled to the area of Albany Avenue in the north end of Hartford.

    This is a 1 Hour and 36 minutes of Unaccounted For time.

    What was Fd and MT doing during that 96 minutes of Unaccounted For time?

    You would think they wanted to get rid of the bloody contractor bags as quickly as possible, but yet, they waited 96 minutes? AT 4JC?

    NOT IMO. I have No Doubt, they were Not sitting at 4JC twiddling their thumbs.

    The attached screen shot shows the Veterans Bridge on Hwy 190 in Suffield, CT.

    4JC to Veterans Bridge -- 27.3 Miles -- 46 minutes

    Veterans Bridge to east end of Albany Ave -- 17.3 Miles -- 23 minutes

    We Know from AW2 that Fd had to call MT back to 80MS for the hide and seek with EE's red truck.

    At this point, they have 2 vehicles at 80MS.

    What IF the reason they left 80MS and arrived back at 4JC at 5:34 pm, was to Drop Off MT's vehicle at 4JC and then proceeded Directly to the disposal location, together?

    This gives Fd/MT 96 minutes to travel 46 minutes for disposal and another 23 minutes to arrive at Albany Ave at 7:10 pm for a total of 69 minutes, which leaves them 27 minutes in between the 2 locations to dispose of the body if they did so on Hwy 190 Veterans Bridge in Suffield. The 27 minutes may also include additional travel minutes due to traffic conditions on the holiday weekend.

    Could this be the reason WHY Bowman put Concrete Walls around MT just before her Depo in the Civil Case?

    Did MT Finally tell Bowman the Truth and she is up to her neck in the physical disposal of JFd's body and not just the trash run on Albany Ave?

    In Addition.
    The Jamaican Bakery is on the North side of Albany Ave and therefore the flow of traffic would be West toward Avon instead of toward Hartford.

    Any chance we Know Which Direction the CCTV footage shows Fd's Ford Raptor was traveling on it's Albany Ave extra curricular activities on the evening of Friday, May 24th?

    IF Fd/MT returned from a body disposal, north or east of Hartford, they would then be facing the correct direction of West when they stopped in front of the Jamaican Bakery on Albany Ave.

    Otherwise, IF they were traveling East Toward Hartford when they stopped, Fd would have had to walk across the street or turn left into a side street so as to have the truck facing the correct direction for the traffic flow. You know, because Fd did not want to get a ticket for breaking the law.

    Is it Possible that Fd/MT turned their phones Off when they arrived at 4JC at 5:34 pm and then turned them back on at 7:10 pm on Albany Ave?

    That is 96 minutes and a heck of a Lot can happen in 96 minutes.

    IMO, they Both were disposing of the body during that 96 minutes.

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    Oh, CT Grammy, it has been so long since I looked at those AW, you have my head spinning. Can't reply in a coherent way. Will have to look at it tomorrow. There is those missing minutes in NC but it was already explained, maybe by you, about how long it would have taken to get JD cell disposed of in Waverly and that would have accounted for all the time.
    ETA: If JD cell was actually disposed of in the pond, it had to be done after FD arrived back in Farmington. Maybe that is why the reservoir searches were taken so seriously.

    Last edited: Yesterday at 1:42 AM
    BellaVita, Yesterday at 1:27 AMReport
    sunshinegirl2013, AnnaGrace, dkryder and 11 others like this.
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