Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #35

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I live in central CA it’s nothing like so cal ... was born and raised in Carmel By the Sea if you haven’t heard of it google it .... it was an artist community for decades then when the celebs got wind of its beauty in the late 60’s they moved in and ruined it. Now it’s just as beautiful but extremely overpriced and commercialized beyond recognition . Us OG’s much like you can’t stand it and can barley afford to eat .
I'm also a Native Californian...and hate living here. I agree with everything you say! moo
I’m not sure what to make of it. Riding a bicycle while carrying an axe, sounds pretty difficult.

At the same time, it makes sense due to the blood splatter.

This sort of thing seems to happen a lot. Law enforcement conducts a search, but doesn’t find a particular item. A secondary search turns up that item, as the suspect believed they were in the clear after the initial search was completed, and returned it to the place where they previously kept it.

So it’s intriguing.

I had thought the homeless man who found the pillow (from the garage) had found a knife stowed with it in the trash bag (IIRC, he sold the knife for crack). I would think that the ax would have been used post-mortem rather than as the weapon to kill her. But, I guess he could carry an ax depending on the size of the handle.
His lawyer, Norman Pattis, noted Jennifer Dulos' body has not been found.

“What we have is a suspicious disappearance and an entirely circumstantial case,” Pattis told reporters after the court hearings. “After this great length of time, I expected to see a forensic display that was breathtaking. I saw nothing.”

Is NP serious? The forensic display so far IS breathtaking. And more to come I’m sure. Does NP think if he says something totally off the wall people will somehow believe it to be true? I am convinced he is as delusional as FD.
I think he knows what he’s doing, and knows that what he’s saying is a complete lie.

He’s gaslighting, plain and simple.

No, there’s not one piece of evidence that represents “a smoking gun.” But the evidence is absolutely overwhelming nonetheless.

Sure, there’s some nagging details that we don’t know the answer to, and probably never will know the answer to. All that matters though is that the prosecution can prove that JD was murdered, and FD did it.

They can, and they will. This case can only get stronger in the coming months, as I’m confident that one of his accomplices will turn state’s evidence.

Norm is fighting a battle he can’t win, but he will put himself on the map. I think that’s his ultimate goal.

I agree with you but somehow I am still amazed with the garbage that spews from his mouth (moo)
This is so sick. It has to be awful to be killed by your spouse even if you have problems, but the additional pre-killing abuse...I feel for her. This will be hard for her family to hear and her kids to digest.

I know and I keep thinking his evil face was the last thing she saw on this earth :(

Statistics aside, I think most people believe "danger" - if it comes - will come from the hands of a stranger. Not from the person you once loved and who once loved you. Not from the person who took vows in front of family/friends/God to love and protect you. Not from the person you created your children with. There are no words for this kind of betrayal:(
I have many thoughts, but I am not sure where to begin. MT is in deep, way deeper than I had previously thought. IMO she not only knew where the Devil, a/k/a Fotis Dulos was going, and what he was going to do, on the day he murdered Jennifer, she also deliberately created an alibi for herself that day. What does that mean? Pre-knowledge and pre-planning, that's what! Those new warrants were bombshells. MT most certainly helped clean up and dispose of Jennifer's body (assuming Jennifer was already dead when the Devil brought her to Farmington, something we can no longer do).

I always thought the sleazy lawyer, a/k/a Defendant #3 was part of a Dulos' fake alibi and I believe I even expressed surprise that the C Team ran with that "alibi" without ever corroborating it first. But did I ever imagine he was involved to level set forth in that warrant? No way! He is in deep and looks very rough. Drinking away his sorrows? How long will he hang tight for FD?

Finally, the question of bond. In most states, the Devil would be ineligible for bond because it would be a capital case, and bond is not available in such instances. Since CT does not have a death penalty, I assume the rules are different there. Six million isn't a small number and I assume there may have been a legal challenge of some sort if he has a constitutional right to pretrial release in CT, so perhaps that is how the bond was set.

But, but, but... what surety company would be dumb enough to write a bond that large for a guy from Greece? The Devil's finances are a mess and, at least on paper, he is virtually penniless. Does he have enough money in his 401(k), which he used to post bond last go round, to post this new bond?

If not, where is he going to get the money to indemnify a surety company to the tune of 6 million dollars if he flees? Now, I feel certain he has been embezzling from the Farbers for a very long time. How much has he squirreled away in Greece? That remains to be seen. Still, posting that kind of bond isn't going to be easy without a whole lot of "help."

I am less than thrilled about the leak to Pattis just before the Devil's arrest; Coangelo cannot be pleased. Pattis got there just in time for the cameras. What a surprise. He is such a stereotypical sleazy TV lawyer, but he lacks one very important defense tool. The Truth. We know what is in the arrest warrants and that information in itself is beyond damning. There is much more Truth to come.

Mr. Dulos has spent his entire life creating an image of successful business jet setter, man of wealth and power. In reality, he is a monster, who wore a mask just long enough to fool a loving, caring woman into marrying him and having his children. His evil did not start because of a bad divorce, or stress over money, or a nagging mistress. He has been evil for a very, very long time. He had also been planning this murder for a long, long time. I will be surprised by nothing I hear at trial. Not now.

I never doubted for a minute that Dulos murdered Jennifer. I don't think any of us did. We also suspected that MT continued to lie because she was avoiding admitting her role in this murder, and that suspicion has also proven to be the case.

When I first began reading this site and posting here, I did not understand the depth of the commitment of the posters here. When I returned to my own work, I have done so with a newfound respect for our justice system. The investigative work that was done by LE in this case was beyond exceptional.

I think Pattis will try this case (he and his associate, who thinks a cowboy hat adds height and gravitas-it doesn't). Dulos will never admit guilt IMO. He isn't human enough to ever accept responsibility for his many crimes.
Thank you!
Is it too much to wish that GF could have changed the locks on 4 Jefferson Crossing and had his things removed from the house while he was in jail?

That’s what I was hoping, but Fd probably left some squatter in the house, and there are all kinds of rules about removing people from a house you own, that they aren’t paying to live in, or aren’t even supposed to be there. I’m sure if she could’ve, she would’ve.
Yes photo is authentic of course. I would not manipulate/alter the original photo. Sleuth and I saw the body and bike long ago.... it means her body was still in tact leaving NC JMO
I zoomed in but I don't know how to filter or anything like that, but even with zooming in, I can't make anything out. Is there any other suggestions as to how I might could go about seeing this? Thanks in advance.
His lawyer, Norman Pattis, noted Jennifer Dulos' body has not been found.

“What we have is a suspicious disappearance and an entirely circumstantial case,” Pattis told reporters after the court hearings. “After this great length of time, I expected to see a forensic display that was breathtaking. I saw nothing.”

Is NP serious? The forensic display so far IS breathtaking. And more to come I’m sure. Does NP think if he says something totally off the wall people will somehow believe it to be true? I am convinced he is as delusional as FD.

I agree with you but somehow I am still amazed with the garbage that spews from his mouth (moo)

He makes my skin crawl but he says this crap to keep FD happy and hopeful and the green-in as he likes to say.
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It is about time there was an arrest for murder & conspiracy. There are more questions in reading the Affidavits: P 24 of MT's Arrest warrant, 5th Paragraph, mentioned a red pail with a hoodie that was brought into the house & left in the laundry room. There was a red bucket missing from her garage. Did LE find the pail, there was no mention in the warrant.
Ok so stuff on the axe that we have been hearing about today:

“Forensic experts are examining an ax that Fotis Dulos borrowed from a friend about a month before his estranged wife, Jennifer Dulos, went missing, according to a report Wednesday.”

To paraphrase: the axe was seized yesterday. It was found in the garage when they arrested FD. No details about what it looks like. It went to the state forensics lab for DNA testing. NP is downplaying it’s importance. The name of the person/pal he borrowed the axe from is unidentified and said to LE FD wanted to borrow axe to chop firewood.

there may or may not be any connection to JD at all. We simply don’t know. But anything FD borrowed or used before JD went missing is suspect as we all believe that this was a heavily planned premeditated murder. The planning of her murder had been in the works for some time. JMOO!

btw isn’t it just like FD to borrow something from a friend or neighbor and not return it? I mean I know things have changed big time since JDs Murder on 5/24 and his arrest in 6/1 BUT he borrowed the axe in April. You’d think he’d have returned it??? Unless it’s significant to the crime or something?

it’s unclear if authorities saw or spotted the axe when they searched 4Jax in June but it appeared to be in plain site in the garage when they arrested FD yesterday.
True.... unless it was a short handle axe, then he could have tucked the handle down the waist of his pants and had a flat side of the axe against his body under the hooded sweatshirt. Chilling to think.

And now with all this time that has passed, FD has had plenty of time to clean the axe. If the axe is a potential weapon used, makes you wonder why he didn't give the axe back to the friend right away.... and why it took LE so long to check the axe lending story out.

As you said..... so intriguing!!
I keep sayin...FD thinks he's American Psycho
I believe their insurance company gets the collateral if he skips. Plus I think they have to give them their commission but am not sure.

What sort of collateral does Fd own outright that he can put up for 6 million dollars? I don’t think he has real estate that isn’t already encumbered by bank loans, taxes, and two other bail bonds, that would allow him to put any of it up against such an amount.
On the borrowed axe: FD is a cold, calculating, smiling assassin. There are more of that type in the NYC area. I doubt he would use anything like that in the crime, let alone a borrowed tool. Everything he used was designed to be used and discarded without a trail. Cash and burner phones probably played roles in his planning. The zip ties were new to me, I guess they made sense. But how do you tie someone's arms behind their back with zip ties if they are resisting?
It is about time there was an arrest for murder & conspiracy. There are more questions in reading the Affidavits: P 24 of MT's Arrest warrant, 5th Paragraph, mentioned a red pail with a hoodie that was brought into the house & left in the laundry room. There was a red bucket missing from her garage. Did LE find the pail, there was no mention in the warrant.

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