Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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Maybe it is her phone but the SW did not specify like how it did on FD phones. I thought they had special technology sniffing canine dogs at waveny park to find her phone. Maybe I’m wrong we need to wait for more details.
They definitely did have the electronics dogs at Waveny, it was in the news and the photos of the dogs were labs which are the prestigious CT SP electronics sniffing dogs that get loaned out to other states and even internationally for electronics detection.
Since they had her phone, perhaps they knew she was wearing an Apple Watch or a Fitbit, and they were hoping the dogs would find that (maybe still on her body).
On 6/13 there was also a MSM article quoting a CT SP official, discussing the use of electronics dogs at the time of the MIRA search. But I never saw any MSM photos of dogs other than Shepherds or Malinois at MIRA.
At the time I thought they were likely looking for her phone at MIRA due to this news coverage, but now knowing they most likely had her phone from the very beginning , maybe the same thing at MIRA, looking for a Fitbit or Apple Watch. Of course at MIRA they could have been looking for MTs download drive, other electronics too.
Oh, no. I am Very Pro EE. I am saying that EE did not see the bucket because it was Not there.

Yes, on that Friday EE was rather pre occupied in playing MT's game of hide and seek with his red truck keys.

However, if we are to go by the SW, that EE saw the bucket on the day of his placing it in the mudroom at 4JC on 5/28, then the story leads us to believe that he did not see the bucket the entire weekend.

However, loading and unloading the motorbike on more than one occasion, over the 3-4 days of that particular weekend, would No doubt have given EE many opportunities to see the bucket even perhaps having to move it out of the way while securing the motor bike in the bed of the truck.

It would have been impossible to not see it and therefore, that tells me the bucket was not there.

Otherwise, the SW is misleading and EE Did see the bucket over the weekend and just waited until Tuesday to return the bucket to 4JC.

Responding to BBM:
I understand you really like this line of thought. However, if the bucket was not there on 5/24, when would it have gotten there? EE returned it in the AM on the 28th. The only way the bucket could not have been there over the weekend was for FD to go to Simsbury and plant it. MOO, that doesn't make sense to me. EE met FD in the kitchen that day. I don't see any shenanigans where FD went to truck on the morning of the 28th and planted the pail. Seems like EE went into house, came out, went for his toolbox and saw the pail. Alot of guys trucks are not very well kept. For a guy that is into construction type work, they usually have alot of stuff in the bed. MOO. Very easy to overlook miscellaneous stuff.
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Weird thing I just noticed LA went thru the garage at least five times on 5/24 and noticed all those things but not the blood.
Do we know what color JDs Range Rover is? If it’s black, LA likely wouldn’t have seen the blood on it since she wasn’t looking for it. In fact while she was in NC at the house, LA wasn’t yet suspicious that something bad had happened to JD, she just noticed some odd things. It wasn’t until that afternoon when JDs phone went to voicemail that she considered FD had harmed her.
Not noticing the blood in the floor does seem odd, given the volume that they describe as unsurvivable, however it’s a garage and due to the smearing of the cleanup it might not have caught her eye, it could have seemed like dirt or residue from an oil leak or something like that.

Also, we don’t know that LA noticed the missing camping pillows, etc when she was there for lunch. We know that LA was at Welles when LE was there that evening, and she gave them the garage door code. She could have noticed all the missing stuff from the shelves at that time given that they were all now very suspicious and concerned about JDs welfare, and LE identified the blood.
Fd’s family is as delusional as him..
They are depending on rich cousins to pay them back for fronting the bail money. MOO.
Greece. He embezzeled millions from the spec houses he was building with JD family money. He didn't pay the contractors. He siphoned off the money and sent it to Greece to his lovely rat of a sister with the help of KM. That money coming back from Greece is Farber family money. IRS should do a forensic accounting of his company, they broke tons of laws and sent money out of the country. KM was involved with real estate deals with FD and he illegally either did it himself or allowed it to happen. This is not rocket science. The state of CT look like bumbling idiots to not follow up on all these leads. If they can't get him on murder get him on the other illegal acts, or get him on both including the interference of a court order with KM's STBX contact trying to lure her to his house on false pretenses to murder her too.
Just a bad seed, that got JD to play along for awhile with his diabolical plans.
Not sure what JFD knew and when she knew it but I think there was pressure for FD to repay the loan for 123 Hunter Dr. before the 6 year statute of limitations and he must have said "oh, I paid it" to JFD/FIL (by sending a wire, not in person, like the agreed upon Method of Payment per original IOU's). JFD and FIL must have trusted FD at first and didn't go running to the accountant to check who wired the $500k in. But of course it was a trick. FD and Tout implicating his FIL in their International Greek Aid/humanitarian/Food for the Hungry Magic Pantry money laundering scheme. Completely speculative MOO.
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‘It was embarrassing’
In the search warrants, Almeida also recalled another incident that occurred a few months earlier when the couple was still living together in Farmington.

Almeida said she witnessed Jennifer Dulos run into a bedroom, slam the door behind her and kept it shut with her body as her estranged husband tried to get in, according to the search warrant.
Almeida said Fotis Dulos stopped banging on the door when he realized she and one of the children were present, the search warrant said.

Dulos Kyrimi’s daughter, Klelia, said the incident started when Jennifer Dulos came into the home — where a wedding was being held — using “foul language.”

“He didn’t chase her,” Klelia Kyrimi said Friday in a phone interview. “She was going upstairs and he followed her. It was embarrassing. We all didn’t want to see something like that. They went into one of the kid’s rooms to talk and closed the door behind them. We were all wondering what was happening to her. I could hear him trying to calm her down.”

Tensions remained high as Jennifer Dulos left Farmington unannounced with the children for her new home in New Canaan the day after Father’s Day in June 2017. It prompted Fotis Dulos to call police and report his children missing.
Police determined the children were with Jennifer Dulos, who filed for divorce the next day.

‘Controlling and aggressive’ behavior
In the months that followed, the heated divorce proceedings began, including Jennifer Dulos filing an emergency order for custody of the children.

However, Stamford Superior Court Judge Thomas Colin denied the request, saying Jennifer Dulos did not prove “there is an immediate and present risk of physical danger or psychological harm to the parties’ children.”
In his ruling, Colin acknowledged the raw emotions between the couple and that Jennifer Dulos perceived her husband to be “controlling and aggressive.”

Colin encouraged the couple to work together through their attorneys to resolve the custody issues.

“The court is hopeful that once things settle down and cooler heads prevail, these extremely well educated and accomplished parents will be able to reach an agreement,” Colin said.

However, the incident in the New Canaan driveway occurred just days later, prompting Jennifer Dulos to file a contempt of court document on Aug. 9, 2017.

In the document, Jennifer Dulos described the incident and claimed her husband violated the judge’s order by displaying “intimidating and degrading” behavior in front of their children, divorce records show.

Jennifer Dulos also claimed her husband told her she should be “locked away” and “you should be put in an insane asylum,” in front of the children, according to divorce documents.

A judge eventually limited Fotis Dulos’ contact with his children to supervised visits. The last one occurred May 22 — two days before Jennifer Dulos was killed — in his estranged wife’s backyard

I am wondering why/how there was a wedding taking place in Jennifer’s home, where she walks into the middle of it, and starts using foul language. Assuming she walked in exactly the way Rena Dulos says, what reason could there be to do it? Did Jennifer know they were to be hosting a wedding (I am assuming it was for one of Fd’s family members or friend)? Somehow, I can see Fd planning some sort of Dulos gathering and not telling her about it. It seems to me that the Dulos family were used to crashing their home whenever they liked, and for however long they liked-and I am certain Fd never once asked her if it was a good time or not. I have to imagine that this particular incident probably happened when Jennifer’s father was very ill; Jennifer was still living in the Farmington house, but JD and Fd didn’t seem to be getting along. Imagine if she had just come home from seeing her terminally ill father, only to find a house full of this ignorant, unsympathetic Dulos clan. And this is all assuming that Rena was even telling the truth, which in itself is a gigantic stretch. RDK’s story sort of seems preposterous!
Fotis Dulos was supposed to appear Jan. 9 in Stamford juvenile court where his divorce attorney planned to fight for his client to see his children.

was postponed indefinitely when Fotis Dulos was charged with murder on Jan. 7 and a judge issued a protective orderpreventing him from contacting his children, Almeida and his estranged wife’s family.

Dulos Kyrimi said she was with her husband and her young granddaughter visiting Fotis Dulos when her brother was arrested this month.

Dulos Kyrimi said the accusations that have been made against her brother are not true.

“They are lies,” she said. “They are presenting a person we don’t know. He’s not a violent person, he’s not an abuser. It’s not in his character. I don’t know where they are getting this, but they don’t have any character to be saying these type of lies.”

RDK 'believes' that Fd is innocent but yet she could Not stick around long enough to support and defend her brother against AW3 and instead, caught the first flight out of CT?

Why? Afraid that she would be interviewed by LE?

It is Easy to speak out After returning to Greece.

Just saw something on TV that I think will apply to Pattis’s defense of FD-“If the facts are against you, argue the law...if the laws are against you, charm the jury”. Hopefully there will be a rational jury, who will be transfixed by that dead animal on top of NP’s head, and not inclined to be charmed.
RDK 'believes' that Fd is innocent but yet she could Not stick around long enough to support and defend her brother against AW3 and instead, caught the first flight out of CT?

Why? Afraid that she would be interviewed by LE?

It is Easy to speak out After returning to Greece.

Wonder if LE knew she'd been in US staying at 4JC?
Wonder if LE tried to contact her and then she fled...??
Surely authorities tracking FD's finances have
tried to contact her as she at one time held a
position as employed by Fore.
Can't wait to hear how Andreas is involved.
More conspiracy to befuddle LE or actual hands on activities. Ohwe can't wait to hear.
Do we know what color JDs Range Rover is? If it’s black, LA likely wouldn’t have seen the blood on it since she wasn’t looking for it. In fact while she was in NC at the house, LA wasn’t yet suspicious that something bad had happened to JD, she just noticed some odd things. It wasn’t until that afternoon when JDs phone went to voicemail that she considered FD had harmed her.
Not noticing the blood in the floor does seem odd, given the volume that they describe as unsurvivable, however it’s a garage and due to the smearing of the cleanup it might not have caught her eye, it could have seemed like dirt or residue from an oil leak or something like that.

Also, we don’t know that LA noticed the missing camping pillows, etc when she was there for lunch. We know that LA was at Welles when LE was there that evening, and she gave them the garage door code. She could have noticed all the missing stuff from the shelves at that time given that they were all now very suspicious and concerned about JDs welfare, and LE identified the blood.
JD RR is black according to SW so the blood wouldn’t have been noticeable if LA wasn’t looking for it.
Just saw something on TV that I think will apply to Pattis’s defense of FD-“If the facts are against you, argue the law...if the laws are against you, charm the jury”. Hopefully there will be a rational jury, who will be transfixed by that dead animal on top of NP’s head, and not inclined to be charmed.

“And if the law and the facts are against you
pound the table and yell like hell”
No doubt Pattis and his Ponytail will motion to exclude everything discovered through the search of FD's phone. The Albany run, the Tacoma, the trash bags, the blood evidence. He'll argue further that, without the phone, without the Tacoma, there are no bus cameras.

The Prosecution wil happily remind the court that FD willingly turned over his phone AND gave the password to unlock it.

Guess you should've left it at home, Alibi boy.

Oh, but I guess he only leaves it at home when he's murdering his wife.

He will lose. That search was rock solid and strictly by the book. Dulos voluntarily provided his passcode to LE in the presence of counsel. The phone evidence was secured, but no search was conducted until the issuance of a judicial warrant, based upon probable cause. This was a text book "good search" IMO based upon previous guidance on this issue by the USSCt. I cannot imagine a trial judge ever granting that motion.

Dulos surrounds himself with a certain type of lawyer. Cocksure, arrogant, dismissive, and in fact, openly bullying of others. He has learned to use his wife's money to protect himself from his own bad conduct. It causes me some pleasure to know just how badly Dulos screwed up by walking into that building, so foolishly thinking he was going to control the narrative, with that awful lawyer. An experienced defender, as opposed to a professional bully, would never have taken his client to that police station. Let's see how the C Team spins that one.

What an absolute idiot. You can be sure the encounter was planned out well in advance, and Dulos walked into a controlled environment. LE would have eventually gotten a search warrant even had he declined to meet with LE through counsel, but the timing of its issuance may have caused more evidence to be destroyed. So, in terms of actual justice, Dulos and his lawyer can thank themselves for guaranteeing he will be convicted.
They are depending on rich cousins to pay them back for fronting the bail money. MOO.

Not sure what JFD knew and when she knew it but I think there was pressure for FD to repay the loan for 123 Hunter Dr. before the 6 year statute of limitations and he must have said "oh, I paid it" to JFD/FIL (by sending a wire, not in person, like the agreed upon Method of Payment per original IOU's). JFD and FIL must have trusted FD at first and didn't go running to the accountant to check who wired the $500k in. But of course it was a trick. FD and Tout implicating his FIL in their International Greek Aid/humanitarian/Food for the Hungry Magic Pantry money laundering scheme. Completely speculative MOO.
@pandaknows, good connection of ALL the dots to even include the migrant feeding scandal in Greece! 10 pts for creativity!!!!

I chased down an EU report this week (very painful reading BTW) about the funds used so far to support the humane treatment of migrants into the EU. I will spare you the details of a very long and boring report, other than to say that its been a hugely expensive process for the folks of the EU and lets just say that perhaps the financial controls or 'checks and balances' weren't necessarily the best and the accounting might just have left something to be desired as well and not surprisingly the migrants weren't necessarily given what the bureaucrats intended.

Well, in the process of back tracking to 'better understand the issues' after the money has been delivered, the EU bureaucrats have been investigating 'inefficiencies' in the 'cash delivery system to support migrant activities' and surprise surprise they have determined that longstanding issues existed in Greece!

So, what we have been reading about Pan Pan and others was no doubt part of what the folks in Brussels sometimes refer to as, "governmental inefficiency"; particularly when referring to Greece! I have no way of determining how much was actual "governmental inefficiency" and how much was organised and possibly state sponsored graft and corruption, but by best estimates of the bureaucrats the dollars delivered to Greece were enormous, even by EU standards. Reading all of this now has me understanding why the folks in Berlin and Frankfurt are more than a little annoyed with the situation in Greece given that Germany has been on the front lines of the migrant crisis as well. Oh politics.....

Not to make light of the situation at all (even though the Greece aspect of the entire situation is predictably scandalous IMO) but the humanitarian aid effort to the feed the migrants into the EU has been one of the largest humanitarian aid efforts undertaken by governments in post WW II times and is ongoing.

Its always amusing when governments attempt to track the money spent on programs after the fact and aren't really sure in all cases how much exactly might have/maybe/perhaps have been sent to Athens over a given period of time.

Sorry for the detour into government and politics, but I think the bigger issue might be that there was a lot of money sloshing around in Greece that most likely was sent outside of Greece for safekeeping.

I am wondering why/how there was a wedding taking place in Jennifer’s home, where she walks into the middle of it, and starts using foul language. Assuming she walked in exactly the way Rena Dulos says, what reason could there be to do it? Did Jennifer know they were to be hosting a wedding (I am assuming it was for one of Fd’s family members or friend)? Somehow, I can see Fd planning some sort of Dulos gathering and not telling her about it. It seems to me that the Dulos family were used to crashing their home whenever they liked, and for however long they liked-and I am certain Fd never once asked her if it was a good time or not. I have to imagine that this particular incident probably happened when Jennifer’s father was very ill; Jennifer was still living in the Farmington house, but JD and Fd didn’t seem to be getting along. Imagine if she had just come home from seeing her terminally ill father, only to find a house full of this ignorant, unsympathetic Dulos clan. And this is all assuming that Rena was even telling the truth, which in itself is a gigantic stretch. RDK’s story sort of seems preposterous!
I don't think the wedding was at the 4Jx house.

The niece went to college in the US and it sounded like she was in CT to attend a wedding in the area.

Sounds like she/her spouse were doing the grifting thing and staying with their 'favourite' uncle Fotis.
He will lose. That search was rock solid and strictly by the book. Dulos voluntarily provided his passcode to LE in the presence of counsel. The phone evidence was secured, but no search was conducted until the issuance of a judicial warrant, based upon probable cause. This was a text book "good search" IMO based upon previous guidance on this issue by the USSCt. I cannot imagine a trial judge ever granting that motion.

Dulos surrounds himself with a certain type of lawyer. Cocksure, arrogant, dismissive, and in fact, openly bullying of others. He has learned to use his wife's money to protect himself from his own bad conduct. It causes me some pleasure to know just how badly Dulos screwed up by walking into that building, so foolishly thinking he was going to control the narrative, with that awful lawyer. An experienced defender, as opposed to a professional bully, would never have taken his client to that police station. Let's see how the C Team spins that one.

What an absolute idiot. You can be sure the encounter was planned out well in advance, and Dulos walked into a controlled environment. LE would have eventually gotten a search warrant even had he declined to meet with LE through counsel, but the timing of its issuance may have caused more evidence to be destroyed. So, in terms of actual justice, Dulos and his lawyer can thank themselves for guaranteeing he will be convicted.
What I think was also interesting about the Fd and Atty Pyetranker trip to NCPD was that I believe Fd was 3 hrs late in showing up!

Atty Pyetranker is a Family Court practitioner and was previously one of Fd many atty's, so I'm not sure he had much experience with criminal matters but Fd might not have had many options given the holiday weekend. I do wonder why he didn't bring old buddy KM down to NC? But perhaps even they weren't that bold, given what we know now!

Just think about that. Your spouse is missing and you don't even show up on time to meet with the people trying to find her?

The other thought I had about the Atty Pyetraker being on phone outside NCPD was I wondered if he were on the phone with Atty Riccio trying to figure out what to do? Atty Riccio handled the initial bond hearing for Fd and promptly resigned as criminal counsel.

Also was thinking about the quick thinking NCPD police person who promptly put the Fd phone into airplane mode to secure the phone as who knows what Atty Pyetraker or even Fd might have done to wipe or damage the phone data.

Wonder if LE knew she'd been in US staying at 4JC?
Wonder if LE tried to contact her and then she fled...??
Surely authorities tracking FD's finances have
tried to contact her as she at one time held a
position as employed by Fore.
Can't wait to hear how Andreas is involved.
More conspiracy to befuddle LE or actual hands on activities. Ohwe can't wait to hear.
RDK was on TV and interviewed briefly during the Civil Trial in December so LE had to have know she and the rest of the family were in the US.

RDK mentioned being in US with her grandchildren. I wonder how she and her daughter are explaining this tragic situation to the grandchildren?

Curious that GF was in the identical situation with her 5 grandchildren way back in May, 2019.

I don't think the wedding was at the 4Jx house.

The niece went to college in the US and it sounded like she was in CT to attend a wedding in the area.

Sounds like she/her spouse were doing the grifting thing and staying with their 'favourite' uncle Fotis.

This is why I thought the wedding was at the house-but of course, the whole story doesn’t make sense, so I think the quote must be wrong, or Rena’s daughter is straight up lying.
JD phone was found in the Suburban. It had been speculated that FD had jogged to the pond with it and that accounted for the time gap. That didn't happen. KM AW is surprisingly sparse and NO SW released. Mmmm. Also very interesting from SW:
15. That investigators used cellular data from Jennifer Dulos' cellphone and residential surveillance to
construct a timeline for the crime which included the victim's vehicle leaving the driveway of the residence
and points along a route which led to Lapham Road, where the vehicle was ultimately recovered. Data
showed the victim's phone remained within the area of Lapham Road and the south portion of Waveny
Park for approximately forty minutes prior to its last known location. Approximately three minutes after
Jennifer Dulos' phone disconnected from the network, the suspect's vehicle was shown on surveillance
camera traveling northbound along the Merritt Parkway (Rt. 15) just north of Exit 37. This timeframe
illustrates a forty minute gap in which the suspect's location is undetermined.

JD phone sat at Waveny for 40 minutes before being shut off. FD had to have gone straight to Farmington after phone was shut off. What was going on in this 40 minutes? Was he waiting for KM?
EE's attorney earlier on speculated that Jennifer's body would be found in or around 69/71 Welles. EE's attorney doesn't give much press but he was right about Colangelo's promotion (anticipated promotion). EE's attorney is well known locally. Was FD trying to create a diversion/ do a bit of sleight of hand on Albany Ave.? Would explain why he had his cellphone with him on the Odyssey of Stupidity when he has planned everything else around known surveillance. Transfer would have been done at Waveny to an accomplice who would want to drop the body like a hot potato at, maybe, a dumpster at 61 Sturbridge. Pin it on EE. MOO.

This notification is brought to you by Connecticut Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Program.

This email is to inform you that MICHELLE TROCONIS, with docket number FST CR190167364T, has an upcoming court event.

A/An Plea Hearing has been scheduled for 02/07/2020. This will take place in Stamford-Norwalk JD Courthouse located at the following address: 123 Hoyt Street, Stamford, CT.
I feel like the prosecution's case is weak at proving Jennifer is dead, I dont think a large blood loss and having to use terms like "without medical treatment she would be dead"

I just dont really think most prosecutors would charge him with murder without better evidence she is dead. Aniah Blanchard's case was similar in that they found a life threatening amount of blood and would likely be dead without medical treatment. Still they only charged Yazeed with kidnapping until the body was found.
You are entitled to your opinion, no matter how factually inaccurate its foundation.
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