Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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Pattis also told Judge White that a man had sneaked into Dulos’ home, recorded him and tried to sell the footage.

Okay, this is ironic. A person invaded his home and he is complaining. At least, he was only recorded and not killed.

No one deserves the fear of having someone break into your home for any reason. The person should be found and charged if this is true. All that said, Fd should use his alarm system and call for help if he can. I want to make sure that he is alive and well for his trial. Justice for Jennifer!
I'm genuinely surprised that NP actually conceded that messing with the memorial was wrong. Even if he tried to excuse it, him admitting that is something I didn't think NP was capable of. Or the truth, since he doesn't seem to be capable of that either.
I think NP is quickly running out of excuses for his client’s egregious behavior since he was first arrested. So in order for him to save face, he HAS to make some admission that what FD did was wrong albeit, only a “technicality”. @@
Honestly, I’d love to ask the man, “tell us Stormin’ Norman, just WHAT would it take for your client to do that you would consider a genuine violation of his bail requirements, leave the country, perhaps???
Not the kid who is told not to touch the cake and moves his finger within a micron of said cake, then dips finger on the bottom edge. How long before he grabs the cake and takes off with it? Three strikes, my boondocks! Puhleese!
Okay, this is ironic. A person invaded his home and he is complaining. At least, he was only recorded and not killed.

No one deserves the fear of having someone break into your home for any reason. The person should be found and charged if this is true. All that said, Fd should use his alarm system and call for help if he can. I want to make sure that he is alive and well for his trial. Justice for Jennifer!

They will never charge the guy, because he doesn’t exist (MOO)
Unbelievable! “right the ship”? A “stern talking to”?
Is he nuts? FD is not a child, he’s a murderer and nothing is going to save the sinking ship he’s on! And seriously, is he really building more houses? Are the orders just pouring in for him? And if he was really on the “edge financially”, how does he continue to make bail? :mad:
How do you "right a ship" that has already sunk??? Sorry - I just had to ask. moo
Does anyone know why when trying to post via my cellphone it told me "your IP address is banned" That was a little frightening. I have no access via my phone, but am able to get on from my computer. I wanted to post the moment I exited the courtroom for you guys, but I could not.

Saw FD, dressed all in black. It was interesting to note that NP submitted for evidence to the Judge pages from a Facebook group about trying to "taunt Mr Dulos" by placing flowers, balloons and candles within his view. He listed off multiple posters names. Have to be careful what personal information you put out on social media. I was so thankful for Judge White reaction to this. Essentially, he said, what he did was stupid and not to do it again. He changed the conditions to his release that he is no longer allowed to leave the house for work related issues (he can work from home) RC also filed a protective order for JD sister that was approved.
They will never charge the guy, because he doesn’t exist (MOO)
I totally agree that he most likely does not exist. Fd has never been afraid to call LE before (on Jennifer, at least). Why not call now? It is telling (to me) that he is claiming to be a home invasion victim just as he is charged.

I can't imagine that any news outlet would buy the footage if it was on his property (GF's property in truth) and trespassing anyway. So it also points to a made up story. I can't see a person going through his woods to get to his home unseen by reporters to get footage (one more too close to his own actions).

Maybe Fd is having some Tell-Tale Heart issues. He might just confess after all. (Extreme wishful thinking on my part!!!)
It's going to be up to the good residents
of Farmington and surrounding area to keep their eyes peeled and report him.
If I were his neighbor or town resident, I certainly wouldn't want an accused murderer
to be freely wandering around my town. Especially one charged with such violence. It IS like having a monster like Charles Manson on the loose.

As one such resident, I am terrified to be sharing my town with FD. I shop at the Simsbury Stop and Shop and the Simsbury Homegoods regularly -- if I saw him just casually meandering the aisles, I'd have a panic attack.

I'm also furious FD was previously given permission to leave the residence for approved "work" reasons (though I understand this was revoked by the Judge this morning). What work could FD possibly be doing right now to "right the ship" as NP said? It's not like there's active construction going on, or anyone in the FV is trying to buy a house from the Fore Group right now.

Also, the stick clearing photos at 80 MS are really bothering me. Who clears sticks from a yard in the middle of January? How was that deemed important enough for him to leave his house? Just so much fishy stuff, IMO.

That press conference, if we call it that, was beyond aggravating. FD is being harassed? By public support for Jennifer? The gall.

Pattis tripped over his own squirrel/tongue, called it a murder, "corrected" himself to disappearance, claims no compelling evidence that she's anything but vaguely gone.

As for the intruder ..... FD is the only intruder, IMO, squatting in a house to which he has no rightful claim. In any event, the subject of the reference is someone FD apparently invited in, someone who he believed to be on his side. According to Pattis, that person switched camps, no longer supporting FD.

Oh, bummer, FD doesn't know whom he can trust. Poor guy.

Pattis argued that items left in remembrance of Jennifer Dulos (which Fotis removed) were not a memorial, but rather taunting efforts by the public who has been taking to Facebook to encourage others to go on Fotis personal property to shout and leave items.

Awwww poor Fotis. Guess taking down a memorial is the best he can do to respond to Facebook bullying. If LE didn't have his bicycle I'm sure he'd ride it over to each of their garages and lay in wait like the piece of trash he is.
Does anyone know why when trying to post via my cellphone it told me "your IP address is banned" That was a little frightening. I have no access via my phone, but am able to get on from my computer. I wanted to post the moment I exited the courtroom for you guys, but I could not.

Saw FD, dressed all in black. It was interesting to note that NP submitted for evidence to the Judge pages from a Facebook group about trying to "taunt Mr Dulos" by placing flowers, balloons and candles within his view. He listed off multiple posters names. Have to be careful what personal information you put out on social media. I was so thankful for Judge White reaction to this. Essentially, he said, what he did was stupid and not to do it again. He changed the conditions to his release that he is no longer allowed to leave the house for work related issues (he can work from home) RC also filed a protective order for JD sister that was approved.
Thanks for going and coming back here to report. I am so sorry that FD feels so intimidated by social media that it drove him to do something stupid. Or was it another rage? At least he got a little more than the usual verbal warning this time. Why would Pattis list off names of FB posters? That one is beyond me. Everyone has a right to join FB groups and to organize memorials for people. Did he think the judge was going to call out the posters and say something like, "You've upset someone in my courtroom"! And the FB people who are leaving memorials aren't leaving signs that say< "Left by a FB group!" It could have been left by a neighbor, someone who knew JFd or someone who knew one of the kids. And it is not even clear whose property it was left on. But FD sure did show his callous side by removing it and I am glad he has lost a bit of his freedom over it. JMO.
I, too, am curious what work he needs to do to sell the house. First, I can't see anyone buying the house. Unless at an obscene fire sale, I wouldn't go anywhere near the house. Not just for the creep factor, but I'd know he has no money to fix anything if there is a need. It's not like his houses are the only houses in CT. A house is an emotional purchase. People just don't want to live in a house with that kind of history. So, forget about selling the house. And if someone wants to look, have a realtor show it like us normal people.
Link from Marissa Alter (Marissa Alter on Twitter)

Talked his way into the home over the holidays and recorded him. (Was he wassailling and they invited him in?) Why would you invite someone unknown to your family into your home? At first, it sounds like he snuck in unannounced. Now, it seems he talked his way in. Fd needs to understand stranger danger and communicate that to his family.

People in groups should discourage trespassing or harming others. (I don't believe most groups that support Jennifer would encourage stalking, b and e, or any other illegal behaviors.) If this scenario that the attorney describes is true, it is unfortunate that Fd invited the man into his home. I would think that getting law enforcement involved would be prudent and could save Fd's life so he can have his trial for entering a home (uninvited), killing Jennifer and disposing of her in a manner where she has yet to be found.
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That press conference, if we call it that, was beyond aggravating. FD is being harassed? By public support for Jennifer? The gall.

Pattis tripped over his own squirrel/tongue, called it a murder, "corrected" himself to disappearance, claims no compelling evidence that she's anything but vaguely gone.

As for the intruder ..... FD is the only intruder, IMO, squatting in a house to which he has no rightful claim. In any event, the subject of the reference is someone FD apparently invited in, someone who he believed to be on his side. According to Pattis, that person switched camps, no longer supporting FD.

Oh, bummer, FD doesn't know whom he can trust. Poor guy.


"No compelling evidence" = tons of blood, DNA, dumping bloody things in evidence with his DNA & the person who is supposedly missing on them, no movement at all on bank accounts, SSN, etc etc.

If that's not compelling then what is? These two truly deserve each other.
Right, Pattis, needs to leave the house to) work because why? Is FD just about to sell a house?

Yeah, IMO his working is done. In as much as he ever did any.

He doesn't have to work. What does he need money for?

If he wanted to have money for snacks in prison then he should have plead guilty and not wasted so much money on his lawyer.

Also, the stick clearing photos at 80 MS are really bothering me. Who clears sticks from a yard in the middle of January? How was that deemed important enough for him to leave his house? Just so much fishy stuff, IMO.

I agree. But, I will say that since the NW CT ice storm in early January and some of the windy storms subsequent, we have had to do some clean up at our place--tons of sticks and fair size branches. If he got permission to do the "worK" of cleaning up the sticks, then, he should be doing just that. What other properties did he visit to clear sticks? My concern is that he was also off in the woods "disposing" of the sticks (which is what most people do in clearing sticks) but really doing something else in the woods. I believe that property holds the key to where Jennifer is located.

Talked his way into the home over the holidays and recorded him. (Was he wassailling and they invited him in?) Why would you invite someone unknown to your family into your home? At first, it sounds like he snuck in unannounced. Now, it seems he talked his way in. Fd needs to understand stranger danger and communicate that to his family.

People in groups should discourage trespassing or harming others. (I don't believe most groups that support Jennifer would encourage stalking, b and e, or any other illegal behaviors.) If this scenario that the attorney describes is true, it is unfortunate that Fd invited the man into his home. I would think that getting law enforcement involved would be prudent and could save Fd's life so he can have his trial for entering a home (uninvited), killing Jennifer and disposing of her in a manner where she has yet to be found.

When you murder your wife you apparently will try anything just to get a friend.

After judge called Dulos actions, “stupid.” Pattis said he thought it was a poor choice of words but said, “I don’t wear the robe and he does.”
he told me he is concerned about the public perception of Dulos actions and called it a, “bad day” for the defense.
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Well, it was stupid! This issue wouldn’t have arisen if he had controlled himself and left that “memorial display” alone. The judge wouldn’t have done anything if he’d merely been seen at Stop and Shop on his way home from “working”, and Pattis knows it.
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