Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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I would like to know where the quick lime and barbeque panels went. I think who ever made that grave, returned, and when they found it covered over by the two club hunters, took the panels and the lime to start anew a better place.
I have never liked "since they didn't know of anyone missing they didn't report finding a grave." It makes no sense, obviously they don't know everyone in the area.
Unfortunately, apparently lime can throw off cadaver dogs.
I wonder if the dog trainers get them to alert on lime or other cover agents too?
Just a raincoat. But he tried to hide the same hand from that camera angle at the last court appearance, too, under a ratty old carrier bag.

Remember when he had a black nail from an injury a few months back and, when in court, had a bandaid on it? Perhaps he was trying to dig up/bury something else, and hurt his hand.
FD was sweeping a phone to the redhead lawyer. Rewatch the footage. First he puts the big black phone in his pocket then puts his hand in there and gives it to the redhead.

Watch in slo mo Fotis Dulos pleads not guilty, remains out on bond, under strict house arrest
State’s attorney Richard Colangelo had no trouble convincing Judge White to punish Fotis Dulos by yanking the work conditions from his bail. Now, Fotis Dulos can only leave home for doctor and lawyer appointments, or worship services.

Pattis admitted after court strict house arrest will hurt.

“So, yes, I am worried about it. This is a bad day for us,” Pattis said.

And it could get worse. If Fotis Dulos commits another violation of the terms of his release, the judge said he would likely reset bond, doubling it from $6 million to $12 million.
Fotis Dulos Accused Of Violating House Arrest, Removing Items From Missing Wife’s Memorial
EE is shorthand for Employee., i.e., Fore/FD's former employee Pawel Gumienny (PG).
Yes, this shorthand EE went back to the early days when for the protection of the witness LE asked the Press to not publish his name. We respected that request and so called him EE. His name has since been used in AWs etc but we stayed with EE here on WS.
When FD crossed into NY it was reported he was on Silver Spring Rd. There are no State line crossing signs on that road to my knowledge (and it crosses NY/CT state lines twice in a short distance). The road surface changes at the Wilton line at the north though.
However WAZE would never send someone on Silver Spring to avoid traffic as it is narrow and bumpy/dirt in some sections. There is a reservoir back there and very isolated.
Good place to hide a body if there ever was one.
Also about 18 min from 200 Lapham Rd.
(I’m still not putting my money on it though I wonder what he was doing back there. MOO)

Jennifer Dulos case: Judge warns Fotis Dulos to properly charge GPS device
Yes, agree with you. Waze would never do this as a workaround for traffic as that area is slow going even with good weather. IMO the person monitoring the device was snowed by Fd and I do agree with the others that this area around Silver Spring/No. Wilton Rd. and the Reservoir need a closer look.
And he reads FB!

Instead of doing my real work these past 20 minutes, I was looking at FD's Facebook profile. Here are
some things that stood out to me:

-Attached is a picture when FD was only 12. He looks like a young innocent boy...what happened to you kid to become such an animal?
-His favorite book is The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. This is interesting given that the main character is driven by her intense revenge and on her own shocking terms.
-He thinks he is a modern day Adonis with all those skiing photos/poses.
-He liked to hang out with similar chi-chi types, likely wannabees too. Poor JD probably had no idea of the parasite that he was while he was wooing her.
(Got that NP?! proved to us today in court that you do read these sites. Welcome.)


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Because of his unauthorized stop at the memorial to the mom of five, Dulos, 54, now can no longer leave his house for work-related appointments, the judge ruled in response to heated arguments. He can still leave for legal and medical appointments.

“If he doesn’t like the memorial that’s been set up near his house, he can speak with others to help him deal with that,” Judge Gary White said angrily.

“He has strict requirements to follow” under the terms of his $6 million bail bond and his house-arrest rules, the judge said.

“He messed up once” by failing to recharge his GPS device, the judge noted. “He messed up a second time. Third time, I’m going to raise his bond — in fact, it might be doubled.

“Don’t ever come back here again on this issue,” the judge added angrily.

“What he did was stupid,” the judge told Dulos’ lawyer. “Don’t do it again.”

“This is now the second time Mr. Dulos is back in front of the court,” State Attorney Richard Colangelo complained.

The judge responded: “So the state is telling me this is strike two.”

Colangelo asked the court to modify the terms of Dulos’ release by removing the work allowance and also to “make it perfectly clear to Mr. Dulos what he can and can’t do in clear, black-and-white language that he could understand and make it easier so that he’ll know, ‘I shouldn’t make this stop.’
“It shouldn’t be that hard, but apparently it is,” the prosecutor said.
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Hi all,

I have been reading WS for months now, but never posted until today. I'm a Connecticut local (near New Canaan, not Farmington/Avon) and have been obsessed with this case since it started. You have all had such amazing insight and have kept me informed in ways that a lot of the local news couldn't even keep up with.

We have had a few high profile DV cases that have ended up in murder in the state within the last six months, something I have such a hard time grappling with (it's hard out there to be a woman, truthfully), but the way this entire case has been unfolding is wild and captivating in a way that has had me tuned in at all times.

Like many people have mentioned, I am reminded of the Helle Crafts case that happened in Newtown, and feel that there is even more evidence to put FD away without the need for something like a tooth to be discovered as "the body." But what really made me want to post today was hearing about how he tried to remove a memorial that was made for JFD. I know this man is a sick, disgusting, narcissistic person but I am truly blown away by the audacity and cojones this dude has. You want to violate the terms of your release? By all means, please do, but to vandalize/remove a memorial dedicated to the person you're accused of murdering? The mother of your children? That's just on another level.
Welcome @amgee!

Glad you are here and I totally agree with you about the dismantling of the JFd memorial as it was a despicable and tone deaf action by Fd and disrespectful to the mother of his children as well IMO!

Even Atty. P. backed off his earlier comments on the JFd memorial matter when he saw the public outcry which is something he hasn't done much unfortunately in this case.

I wish BOTH Fd and Atty. P. weekly delivery of very fragrant purple flowers and purple sparkly balloons in honour of JFd and DV as their comments about JFd over the months have been tone deaf and absolutely despicable.

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Then again, human impulse would be to leave your phone at home when going down Albany.
I've though a lot on this, and think he may have intended having the phones on that trip to be part of an alibi, e.g.: "I was in Hartford that afternoon...on the other side of the state, and MT was with me."

If he hadn't been caught on video - which of course he never expected - it might have worked, and they wouldn't have known he'd been stopping to dispose of the evidence along the way.

ETA: He probably didn't think she'd be reported as "missing" so soon, either. He likely hadn't expected LA (the nanny) to be home so soon, so probably didn't know Jennifer had doctor's appointments and would be leaving so early.
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Pattis argued that items left in remembrance of Jennifer Dulos (which Fotis removed) were not a memorial, but rather taunting efforts by the public who has been taking to Facebook to encourage others to go on Fotis personal property to shout and leave items.
So what? People talk smack about each other on Facebook all the time. Is Dulos so sick that he is reading what is said about him on Facebook? That is plain creepy.
Good catch on this.
Burner phone - in case he was put in jail! Interesting.
Someone send to Colangelo, please...
Great catch with the PHONE SWITCH SHELL GAME!

I wonder if they are doing this to get around cell phone tracking and possible listening by the State.

Hope LE is all over this and knows all of these phone games are ongoing. Interesting issue though if an atty has a burner and gives that burner phone to a client - how does the atty then know what kinds of calls are being made with the burner and whether or not illegal activities are being facilitated via use of a burner phone provided by the atty to their client. Not sure about all the legal issues associated with this one as it could get tricky IMO? I would think that the idea of an atty giving a client their burner phone to be used for client communication might be ok. But Fd being well Fd most likely wouldn't honour that restriction for convos only with counsel. Any atty's here have any ideas on this? Seems like tricky ground for the atty as they have no idea what Fd might be doing with a phone that the folks from Pattisville might have provided.

If Pattisville gives client Fd a burner and client Fd then uses that burner for let's say criminal activities then it seems like there just might be a direct tie between the atty, the phone, the client and the illegal activities.

Its complicated doesn't even begin to cover it IMO....this has to be in the chapter titled "[REDACTED] they don't teach you in law school 101"!

Fotis Dulos pleads not guilty, remains out on bond, under strict house arrest

Above video has reporter mentioning that a person snuck into Fd house (aka GF house) over Christmas and took video and is seeking to sell them.

Very disturbing that this happened if true.

Hope it wasn't Fd trying to make a couple of bucks on the side! I wonder if he might set up a video cam inside 4Jx now where folks could pay by the minute to watch him go about his daily 'activities'! Not sure I would pay to watch a "Fotis cam" but perhaps others would? Or, if he really needs money then perhaps he could set himself up as a dancer of some sort or even do some traditional Greek dances, break a couple of plates from Home Goods and do it while wearing the Traditional Greek Garb with the skirt (oops, forgot that he is Turkish so perhaps traditional Turkish garb!)! Lots of 'creative' ways to make money at home Fotis, just can't be locked into thinking that you need a car to get to work!

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Doesn’t sound like that to me. Sounds like, three strikes and your bond amount goes up a bit.
I think if he comes before any judge on another violation, he's a goner. This judge did not come to play today, and I think Mr. Dulos is showing the courts precisely who he is. Tick tock.

Dulos cannot follow the rules, and it is a matter of time before he pulls another stunt. Short of 24 hour supervision, his attorney is not going to be able to keep him in line. MOO!
Did NP not convey to his client what most lawyers know? Excerpt below link - note, this article is from the latest arrest, not from today:

A lawyer talks about typical conditions of house arrest.

'Now that Fotis Dulos and Troconis posted their bonds, there are a number of conditions by which they must abide, including house arrest.

They can’t leave the house, so if you want to go out and cut the lawn, you can’t do that. You can ask the court for permission to be able to go out in your garage, because sometimes even going into the garage will trigger alarm to go off,” said attorney and legal analyst Ryan McGuigan.

The two are allowed to leave the home for doctors appointments, to go to church, or to meet with their attorneys.

Fotis Dulos is also be barred from contact with his children and former mother-in-law, who has custody of his five children.

Anyone under house arrest, like Dulos and Troconis, better follow the conditions of their release or there could be serious consequences.

They could be re-arrested, their bond could be increased, their bond could be denied, a lot things, something that you don’t want to happen,” McGuigan said.'

Also, he already had conditions from the first arrest not to contact MT or his children. Yet they had to make that condition all over again.
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I can't believe Pattis read facebook posts in open court! Moreover, they weren't even hostile or accusatory, from what I could hear, they were statements of support for Jennifer!!!

Billions of people in the world but there's only ONE PERSON in the history of EVER who finds memorial flowers and candles to be AN AFFRONT TO HIM.

If that isn't PATHOLOGICAL ARROGANCE, I don't know what is.

JMO of course.
Yes. Not only did read the names from FB, but spelled them out. The inflection in his voice as he was reading the posts was like he was reading a children’s book.

How many times has NP said “Mr. Fotis”?
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