Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #39

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Someone needs to find out if FD ever ventured into Dead Wood. It's maybe five miles from 4JC, right on a well traveled thoroughfare. I realize that there are LOTS of places he could have disposed of her, but that place has CRYPTS. I think they were feeding troughs.... if he was party to a grave at one gun club, what's to say he wouldn't be drawn to a pre-done grave????? I want to post pics but I don't know how that works with TOS. Google it, scroll through the photos.

Chilling. If he did what we think he did at 80MS, that monster could've buried her bones and left the rest (as deer hunters do) for nature to take care of. There's not a more Godforsaken place....

@sds71 why did you ask?

I was looking for wetlands between his house and Tilcon
and I found an article about it. This part stood out.

“A few words of caution: We noticed there was a bit of poison ivy around some of the cages, so try to stay on the main path if you visit during the summer months. Oh, and there's plenty of mosquitos and other flying pests, so plan accordingly.”
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Hi @sds71...Is this from this most recent hearing or the early January bail hearing?
I wonder if the reference is to the prior nanny that is still around and its also not clear if JFd had a back up babysitter or backup nanny. I do hope LA is ok as that attempt to thrash her by Atty BM and Fd in the Civil Trial deposition was hard reading and I can just imagine how she felt experiencing that level of attack.

And: even if JD had never had kids with him, I think this is a case where if she left him, she would have had to live in hiding the rest of her life to try to get away from him. That’s what we’re seeing, based on his behavior, isn’t it? So sad. Geez. My opinion only.

Yeah- could be- Abusers generally come in the group I, never quit, or group II, move on to a new victim. He didn’t quit with Jennifer. So maybe he is group I.

On the other hand, maybe he would have moved on if it weren’t for the children. Maybe he is a group II, and if it weren’t for 5 young wealthy heroes, Jennifer would be giving terrified secret depositions to LE regarding the missing/presumed dead Michelle Traconis.

Hi @sds71...Is this from this most recent hearing or the early January bail hearing?
I wonder if the reference is to the prior nanny that is still around and its also not clear if JFd had a back up babysitter or backup nanny. I do hope LA is ok as that attempt to thrash her by Atty BM and Fd in the Civil Trial deposition was hard reading and I can just imagine how she felt experiencing that level of attack.

And: even if JD had never had kids with him, I think this is a case where if she left him, she would have had to live in hiding the rest of her life to try to get away from him. That’s what we’re seeing, based on his behavior, isn’t it? So sad. Geez. My opinion only.

Yeah- could be- Abusers generally come in the group I, never quit, or group II, move on to a new victim. He didn’t quit with Jennifer. So maybe he is group I.

On the other hand, maybe he would have moved on if it weren’t for the children. Maybe he is a group II, and if it weren’t for 5 young wealthy heroes, Jennifer would be giving terrified secret depositions to LE regarding the missing/presumed dead Michelle Troconis.


(Edited. Fixed spelling on Michelle’s last name. In case she googles herself.)
KM Neighbor speaks to Fox61:
EXCLUSIVE: Neighbors shaken by arrest of Kent Mawhinney

Excellent summary!

One of the many things I find baffling about this Sturbridge Project is that The Savings Bank of Danbury described in its motion that Fd had 'no equity' in the project. Perhaps the 'Friend Loans' are the equity in the deal? IDK. Very curious if those 'Friend Loans' were ever funded!?!?!?


Construction lending in CT has long been in the doldrums IMO and never really recovered from the time of the financial collapse. Lending standards are conservative so to see a 'no equity' spec development deal from a small bank like The Savings Bank of Danbury or even a multimillion dollar loan deal at People's Bank in Bridgeport really has me scratching my head as to what is going on at each of these lending institutions as both have FDIC insurance I believe!

No money down, dollar and a dream real estate loans went the way of the dodo ages ago and so to see them offered up to the likes of Fd who was in the middle of a contentious divorce with an uncertain financial future, no State taxes filed for 2 years by all accounts, no Federal taxes filed for 2 years by all accounts and ongoing civil litigation is for the most part the trifecta required for a loan denial. YET, we don't see this at all. Nope, we see 2 local banks lending to the tune of nearly $7 million dollars. HOW? WHY? and ON WHAT BASIS?

Frankly, People's Bank in Bridgeport is a repeat player here IMO with Fd as we go back to the 123 Hunter situation with MT, GV and Fd AND SUE MORIN who was deposed about the matter in Family Court and took the 5th.

I do very much wonder what is going on here at both of these banks as based on virtually any lending standard I can imagine for commercial construction lending the Sturbridge project makes zero sense. How was Fd able to remove the contribution of the land from the deal upfront (he paid $1.5 million at auction for the property if I recall) and then fund both hard and soft costs via The Savings Bank of Danbury? WHO was responsible for this loan and I do very much wonder if there was perhaps other connections at play here perhaps at Senior Levels that bear investigation IMO. Even established builders in lower Fairfield County who do beautiful work don't have the ability to do deals with no equity and deals are typically hard costs only too. Little here with this loan or the People's Bank loans makes sense.

I do wonder why we aren't seeing People's Bank entering the litigation fray here either. I find this quite odd given the circumstances and the high probability that their loans are non performing at the moment too. What is also quite interesting is that my recollection is that People's Bank actively uses the firm Pullman & Comley (of which Anne Dranginis (GF atty) is a Partner I believe). So, perhaps Atty Dranginis might pop in and have a chat with one of her colleagues that handles some of the People's Bank legal work as perhaps they aren't aware that they have a non performing loan on their books (BTW I don't believe they don't know, I just don't know why they don't seem to be doing anything via the Courts to protect their position and effect collection).

Its officially a mess and the race to the courthouses in CT to register claims seems to be underway.

What I am interested in finding out is if there was fraudulent activity involved in any of the loans and were loan proceeds used to pay legal fees and/or other creditors? It all seems like a giant 'kite' IMO where Fd was on an ongoing quest for more loan proceeds which would be used to pay other creditors and it just kept rolling until it stopped (or maybe it hasn't stopped!?!). Here is a simple conceptual explanation of this process of kiting: Check kiting Definition | Quick visual is that you are taking $ from Peter to pay Paul and on and on.

IMO what Fd did as he didn't have ongoing income is simply borrow more in order to pay interest. At a certain point this was no longer possible which is why the Sturbridge loan interest went unpaid and my guess is that funds that would have been used by Fd to pay interest, taxes etc. were instead used to pay the good folks of Pattisville who were of more immediate importance to Fd.

I wish Atty Weinstein had gotten to the bottom of the legal fee payment questions in Civil Court. I know he made progress but to see all this cash swirling around with basic financial obligations now in default has me believing that the funds were all diverted to paying Pattisville and PI. Too bad the banks weren't quicker to shut it all down IMO (but I have questions as to why they didn't too as this was no exercise in differential equations IMO)!

We see Fd with huge credit card balances (unsecured so far as we know) that oddly have remained 'current' in status. How is this so? We see Fd using other collateral loan options to gain access to sizeable sums? What collateral was used and did it belong to Fd or was it put up by others?

My guess is that JFd saw the beginnings of all these Fd financial games and her attorney and their PI IMO no doubt had it pretty much squared away in advance in terms of understanding it all during the period just prior to her disappearance as the court hearing I believe was originally scheduled for the week or 2 after her disappearance. MONEY AND CUSTODY were clearly at issue way back in May, 2019. Nothing in this regard has changed and its 1/20!

Fd IMO lit himself and FORE on fire and poured on gasoline to bring it all to the ground. I'm still not convinced that we understand why it was all done though?


excellent post @afitzy
IMO you are absolutely right on the money-in following the money! If no one takes any action on any of these questionable financial shenanigans, all is lost in CT ! MOO
From another hiking review

The Quinnipiac River originates at the borders of New Britain and Farmington in Deadwood Swamp. The river flows southward for 38 miles to New Haven Harbor where it empties in Long Island Sound.
This trail – even before stepping foot on it – has always sort of fascinated me, because I know it’s route and the first few miles are a notorious mess.
I like notorious messes sometimes and although I’ve been told and have read that those 4 miles through the Quinnipiac River State Park are nearly impossible to complete, covered with poison ivy and often underwater
From another hiking review

The Quinnipiac River originates at the borders of New Britain and Farmington in Deadwood Swamp. The river flows southward for 38 miles to New Haven Harbor where it empties in Long Island Sound.
This trail – even before stepping foot on it – has always sort of fascinated me, because I know it’s route and the first few miles are a notorious mess.
I like notorious messes sometimes and although I’ve been told and have read that those 4 miles through the Quinnipiac River State Park are nearly impossible to complete, covered with poison ivy and often underwater
Could an Investigator who knew the area have seen his poison ivy, made the connection, and searched there. Too easy?
Could an Investigator who knew the area have seen his poison ivy, made the connection, and searched there. Too easy?
I’m sure they did
It’s in almost every review
“I've been riding, walking and running around the MDC reservoirs since the 1980s. I've tumbled over rocks, sprained my ankle, ran myself ragged climbing to Kilkenney Rock, sailed over the handlebars on my bike, been chased by turkeys and coyotes and contracted annual cases of poison ivy.”
Google Maps

Tilcon CT is one of the largest road contractors in the State of CT and has a facility in Farmington, CT

There is another abandoned facility at 232 Colt in Farmington, CT which is a dangerous place and remains private property owned by Tilcon and this used to be a quarry/mine of some sort.

Google Maps
CT is one-party consent. No crime. See my posts above.

Would be hard for me to think that if anything FD said in the recordings was incriminating to the charges against him, NP would not have referred the matter to LE. Now that the matter has been referred to LE, the 11-pg report and any other records generated would be subject to the CT FOIA--and the public is allowed to see those records. Whereas if the matter had not been referred to LE, we may never have known what FD said in the recording.

OMG this just gets better and better. FD is an idiot.
Deadwood. He would know about it. Pictures 2 and 3 in the gallery in the first article posted above give me bonechills. Nobody would find a body there. Even a stray bone. Because it's an abandoned animal sanctuary... lots of critters now, plenty of natural decomposition. It's a swamp! That's what swamps are!

Late spring, the poison ivy would be king.

A place like this would explain why searchers of his properties have revealed nothing....

Where is Deercliff?

In all the car maneuvering on May 24, perhaps he flew under the radar on a dirtbike????

I hope they're tracking his phone well before May 24th. Because if it's possible he disposed of his wife there, it's probable he'd been there before.

Cool place to take kids for a hike. Except if it's where you plan to bury their mother,

From another hiking review

The Quinnipiac River originates at the borders of New Britain and Farmington in Deadwood Swamp. The river flows southward for 38 miles to New Haven Harbor where it empties in Long Island Sound.
This trail – even before stepping foot on it – has always sort of fascinated me, because I know it’s route and the first few miles are a notorious mess.
I like notorious messes sometimes and although I’ve been told and have read that those 4 miles through the Quinnipiac River State Park are nearly impossible to complete, covered with poison ivy and often underwater
I really do wonder if any of this 'swamp land' might be accessible by ATV or dirt bike?

I wish we had a picture of EE dirt bike as I do wonder if Fd/MT had no issue borrowing EE Red Truck then why no borrow the dirt bike too? I believe that Fd might have had a dirt bike himself but using EE dirt bike might have appealed to Fd too as part of his possible 'frame EE' plot twist.

Deadwood. He would know about it. Pictures 2 and 3 in the gallery in the first article posted above give me bonechills. Nobody would find a body there. Even a stray bone. Because it's an abandoned animal sanctuary... lots of critters now, plenty of natural decomposition. It's a swamp! That's what swamps are!

Late spring, the poison ivy would be king.

A place like this would explain why searchers of his properties have revealed nothing....

Where is Deercliff?

In all the car maneuvering on May 24, perhaps he flew under the radar on a dirtbike????

I hope they're tracking his phone well before May 24th. Because if it's possible he disposed of his wife there, it's probable he'd been there before.

Cool place to take kids for a hike. Except if it's where you plan to bury their mother,

Here is map from 585 DC to Swamp - 5.9 miles off of main roads about 15 min or so time each way:

Google Maps

Here is map from 585 DC to Old Tilcon Quarry on 232 Colt Hwy. - 5 miles and 11 min each way:

Google Maps
^^^^^^From megnut’s post...
I think it goes without saying but I'll say it -- FD is his own worst defense.

He sure is his own worst defense & I sure hope that he insists on testifying at his trial! Although defense attorneys don’t want this, I have seen defendants do it thinking they can explain it away.
I will rejoice if he testifies, because there is no way he can talk his way out of his guilt, and juries do not look kindly on people lying to them. No, his lawyer is going to claim the State's evidence is so "weak" that there is no reason to call him. He is going to argue no body equals no murder. Unfortunately for his client, there is ample evidence Jennifer is dead and was murdered by Dulos.
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Locals, how well-known, well-travelled is Dead Wood Swamp? Has everybody been there a time or two? Or never? Just as KM had a grave ready IMO. FD had a plan too, he had to. Honestly did he take his kids there, for a creepy picnic? LE is ONE TIP away from recovering her body, or some portion thereof. FD is a talker. Bet he told certain people parts of his plan, well before KM and MT... because it would've been an IDEA before it became a PLAN.... wish I could pick a bunch of brains.... people in his sphere.... what did he talk about, WHERE did he talk about.... people often assume people like FD are joking.... until they aren't. IMO

FD would've thought KM was STUPID for digging a grave if FD found the perfect hole in the ground, deep in a poison-ivied swamp, already done. FD doesn't really like hard work.

@sds71 I think you are on to something.

I think we're agreed that MT hasn't flipped bc she's in too deep. But maybe she's not protecting HERSELF. What if she's not flipping bc of what FD might know. A blackmail pact. If she rolls, who can FD damn? Who else might MT be protecting? Who does she care about THIS much?

Because all she needs to do is explain where FD got the poison ivy... or the nuances of his long-running revenge plot.... or what happened at 80 MS... or where FD went by himself that afternoon and with what mode of transportation. LE only needs a direction --

But her pursed lips appear to remain sealed. Why?

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