Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #42

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He didn’t do it. His family did it.

He may have been an organ donor unless you have personal knowledge that he didn’t check the box on his drivers license.

My point was you can criticize him without being critical of the dying people on the organ transplant list who accepted his organs to save their own lives. Posts insinuating they are going to become murderers are a little much for me.
Still pondering the fate of MT:

Generally, you can't have a conspiracy without the underlying crime.

What saith CT law?

If no conviction for murder, then there's nothing MT could have conspired to?

Unless we learn otherwise -- I think the only charge that will hold against MT will be tampering with evidence.


ETA: We know in Colorado at least that tampering with evidence only gets you up to 18 months-- 3 years max if aggravators exist.

The underlying crime still exists. Murder. The fact that the murderer is gone, doesn’t negate the crime. Same for the conspiracy. It relates back to the crime itself. When did the conspiracy occur, and who was involved? I might be wrong, but I don’t think so.

Dave Altimari‏ @davealtimari
So if Pattis were to ever miraculously succeed in keeping the case alive there’d be a murder trial not only without the body of the victim but also without the body of a defendant.

5:22 PM - 30 Jan 2020
.....and a Courant reporter (Altimari) who has been absent except when Pattis needed to spout some new nonsense.
Have not been here for some time. Came to say that I have read on here how supposed narcs won’t take their life. Super inaccurate. This is a massive tragedy.

don’t let the media fool you in thinking Epstein was murdered, he wanted that. He and Dulos are one in the same and now, we’ll, they won’t ever cognitively have to suffer for what they did. Died on their own terms. Sucks.

reminder. Narcs are so self involved that in the end they will kill themselves if it means getting the last laugh.

haven’t posted in a while but this sums up perfectly how I view things. Angry at the court too for granting bail the second time around.
The underlying crime still exists. Murder. The fact that the murderer is gone, doesn’t negate the crime. Same for the conspiracy. It relates back to the crime itself. When did the conspiracy occur, and who was involved? I might be wrong, but I don’t think so.
Right. And If the accused wanted to show his innocence he should have done just that. But in this case, he excused himself.
NP: "a trial filled with evidence we think is no more than innuendo"

Does this pathetic excuse of an actor - I mean attorney - know what the word "EVIDENCE" means?

I find his voice soothing actually, but "fictional reality?" what is that?

More from Pattis motion to keep the criminal case alive. Mr. Dulos children should not be subjected to a lifetime of coping with a fictional reality that their father murdered their mother in cold blood on the basis of baseless and rampant speculation.
So the definition of "baseless and rampant speculation" is "extensive video of said father disposing of mother's bloody crime scene evidence, father's DNA at the crime scene and father's Alibi Script plus lots more"?
Marissa Alter
· 12 mins ·

LOCAL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS REACT: No one I spoke to this evening thinks Norm Pattis' request to move forward with a trial without Fotis Dulos will ever happen. Here are some quotes:

Attorney Matthew Maddox: "This is Norm Barnum trying to keep the Greatest Show on Earth going. It's never been done before, and it won't be done.No one can write a clean slate chapter in order to sanitize Mr Dulos' history for posterity."

Attorney Phil Russell: "Under our law a person charged with a crime is presumed innocent, and that presumption clears his name. Had he been convicted then even his death would not have stopped a procedural effort to clear his name. But since he has not been convicted of an offense, there is not procedural remedy."

Attorney Lindy Urso: "As much as I would love to hear Fotis’ ‘estate’ explain why he was dumping his wife’s bloody clothes in Hartford the night she disappeared, it’s a fantasy. Maybe the state can substitute whomever receives Fotis’ organs. As in life, Fotis Dulos took the coward’s way out."
My opinion:

1) yes -- state of Connecticut won't waste money on a trial re FD.
2) yes -- after the fact death of an alleged co-conspirator is not relevant to the charges against the remaining defendants. Current charges against co-defendants can proceed.
Glad to know this. The other 2 should still be held accountable and hopefully a plea deal now that they no longer have to fear him or his threats. JMO
Oh, I know we need defense attorneys. Of course! For one thing, many innocent people are accused of crimes - and even more would be without the possibility of defense. But I believe if you as a lawyer know your client is guilty of murder, it is not some game to drag the victim's name through the mud and play the odds of getting your client off so he can get away with it -- I believe you should help you client do the best law will allow given your guilt. And I think NP knows that FD was a very guilty man. MOO.
One of my parents' best friends growing up in CT was a public defender until retirement. He always says that he "represented" clients rather than "defended" them. I think that is a very important line to draw, and one it seems evident that Norm Pattis and company stepped over long before even this case.

In a sense, Pattis really did his client no favors on the opposite side of that line. Perhaps, even unconsciously, this is what Pattis was really getting at yesterday when he declared that he failed FD. Pattis has to know this deep down in a fleeting moment of lucidity. I believe that FD was guilty, but I also believe that his representation failed him. Pattis fed the media machine he continued to blame, and I believe he did it out of his own selfishness.

I'm not saying FD is a victim by ANY means. He chose this aggressive, media-thirsty attorney with eyes wide open. It's just a shame to see things go down like this. FD got away with it in my eyes because he maintained control until the end, even if it had to be whether he personally live or died. MOO.
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