Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #42

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I have a question for Rich here. No doubt he’d have the answer here!

TAMFORD — Fotis Dulos has undergone two psychological evaluations since his wife filed for divorce in 2017 and has been deemed a “gregarious and confident person” with no psychopathic tendencies, according to the latest in a series of motions filed in the heated custody dispute.

Attorney Rich Rochlin filed the motion late Tuesday in Stamford family court in response to his client’s mother-in-law, Gloria Farber, calling for Fotis Dulos to be psychologically evaluated.”
Attorney: Doctor evaluations of Jennifer Dulos’ husband show no psychopathic tendencies
hey there Rich! Question for you. Was FD resisting to be analyzed or did y’all do some pin the tail on the donkey stuff in the office? Just curious to see how your gregarious and confident *** client is hanging on.

I’d send flowers but they’d be purple.

somewhere in the past posts, it was said FD did not answer all the psych questions or they were not asked but skipped over....does anyone remember documentation of FD’s psych report saying this?
My opinion:

1) yes -- state of Connecticut won't waste money on a trial re FD.
2) yes -- after the fact death of an alleged co-conspirator is not relevant to the charges against the remaining defendants. Current charges against co-defendants can proceed.

Yes, tried to find what was posted on this yesterday but this is close:

Attempt or conspiracy is a crime “of the same grade and degree as the most serious offense which is attempted or is an object of the conspiracy, except that an attempt or conspiracy to commit a class A felony is a class B felony” (CGC § 53a-51). If someone is convicted of attempt or conspiracy to commit a crime that carries a mandatory minimum sentence other than a class A felony, the offender would be subject to that mandatory minimum sentence (see State v. Moran, 264 Conn. 593 (2003)).

Someone is an accomplice or criminally liable for the acts of another if he or she acts with the mental state required to commit a crime and solicits, requests, commands, or intentionally aids another to engage in criminal conduct. These offenders can be punished as if they were the principal offenders (CGS § 53a-8). It also appears that someone who is an accomplice to a crime that is punishable by a mandatory minimum sentence would be subject to that mandatory minimum.
I have full appreciation for why mental health advocates use the words "died by suicide" -- especially as it removes culpability from the person who has lost their life, especially when suffering from mental health issues, disorders, depression, and mental illness.

But in THIS case, imo, this person SHOULD be held culpable. It was a deliberate, narcissistic, controlling action and choice to avoid responsibility and justice. So just call it what it is - he committed suicide.
i think if FD had murdered NP sister or neice then NP would be saying the state has more than enough evidence for life and a good reason CT should have the DP. NP is all about position and perspective. he's also not wanting to just let go. he sees this case as part of his ego. he might have a urn with FD ashes on his defense table just for the drama. [although FD probably wont be cremated]
somewhere in the past posts, it was said FD did not answer all the psych questions or they were not asked but skipped over....does anyone remember documentation of FD’s psych report saying this?
Yes, in a prior thread a poster with knowledge of the testing looked at the test given and it was thought that the last page of the test given to Fd was missing. The other issue with this entire testing were the qualifications and competency of the person administering the test.

I do hope that Atty. P. puts the discredited psych report and this psychopath testing to bed along with any further litigation.

Probably won't happen, but we can all wish for a miracle I guess!

FD's sister actually doesn't look that worked up to me. I get the sense he planned something like this with her. Had all the powers of attorney set up in advance and told her that he had no plans to go to prison and if it looked that way he would off himself.

I thought about that. Her face is red, but not like I would think some one would be if a ‘dear one’ died. Christmas was his good bye to the family who came over while he was in a beautiful house still, never a home. IMO his sister knew his plans, not the others.
He may have been an organ donor unless you have personal knowledge that he didn’t check the box on his drivers license.

My point was you can criticize him without being critical of the dying people on the organ transplant list who accepted his organs to save their own lives. Posts insinuating they are going to become murderers are a little much for me.

Pattis’ comment was his family came here before he was taken off life support and one of the reasons was for the organs to be harvested and donated. I’d have to go back and look. If he was checked as a donor, it would seem Pattis would know that as well. As for picking up personality quirks of the donor, no question there are ample stories about that very subject. Has any one ever killed bc of a transplanted organ? I don’t know. If you acquire a taste for spicy pizza, maybe it’s not too far fetched that you could acquire a taste for blood. How tragic that would be. And we all hope that it would never happen. But DNA can now be accidentally transplanted. And show up on a crime scene as the perp when in fact he’s a thousand miles away. Recent news article about just that scenario. Want to say a vasectomy, subsequent bone marrow transplant. Rape with DNA from other man. Can’t remember. Maybe someone else saw the story.
Are they scrubbed up to do the harvesting? That’s a ridiculous comment as usual by NP. Should have flown in to say goodbye, I love you etc.

Because you know he was such a giving man that even in death others benefit from his kindness. I am not one who often is so disparaging up front but really? If he cared about benefiting others he would have gotten a bona fide job, paid child support, gotten divorced and allowed the mother of his kids to live fear free. I know of murderers on death row who wanted to donate their organs and I think their motives are a thousand times purer.
somewhere in the past posts, it was said FD did not answer all the psych questions or they were not asked but skipped over....does anyone remember documentation of FD’s psych report saying this?
Heller has ordered Herman’s testimony stricken from the record, ruled the hearings as a mistrial, since they were never completed, and required that his report remained sealed. Heller also noted in the order that anyone who reveals or releases the report could face sanctions or contempt of court.
Jennifer Dulos divorce: Judge tosses psych exam that favored Fotis Dulos
Yes, in a prior thread a poster with knowledge of the testing looked at the test given and it was thought that the last page of the test given to Fd was missing. The other issue with this entire testing were the qualifications and competency of the person administering the test.

I do hope that Atty. P. puts the discredited psych report and this psychopath testing to bed along with any further litigation.

Probably won't happen, but we can all wish for a miracle I guess!


Thanks for the reminders. I missed all day...helping a dear friend. Now catching up.

You are a wonder encyclopedia.....thanks for all the info, explaining, and updates.
Heller has ordered Herman’s testimony stricken from the record, ruled the hearings as a mistrial, since they were never completed, and required that his report remained sealed. Heller also noted in the order that anyone who reveals or releases the report could face sanctions or contempt of court.
Jennifer Dulos divorce: Judge tosses psych exam that favored Fotis Dulos

you also are a blessing to have here, keeping all the info straight! Thank you

Thanks again....can they be released now since he is dead???? Or in a period of time!??
Coward. Fully aware of his guilt. Not surprising that the supposed suicide note contains nothing about “loving his children”.

All I want to think about is beautiful Jennifer, watching over her children from heaven. I wish all the best to those boys and girls, may they heal from this horrible time in their lives and know their mother’s deep love for them.
One of my parents' best friends growing up in CT was a public defender until retirement. He always says that he "represented" clients rather than "defended" them. I think that is a very important line to draw, and one it seems evident that Norm Pattis and company stepped over long before even this case.

In a sense, Pattis really did his client no favors on the opposite side of that line. Perhaps, even unconsciously, this is what Pattis was really getting at yesterday when he declared that he failed FD. Pattis has to know this deep down in a fleeting moment of lucidity. I believe that FD was guilty, but I also believe that his representation failed him. Pattis fed the media machine he continued to blame, and I believe he did it out of his own selfishness.

I'm not saying FD is a victim by ANY means. He chose this aggressive, media-thirsty attorney with eyes wide open. It's just a shame to see things go down like this. FD got away with it in my eyes because he maintained control until the end, even if it had to be whether he personally live or died. MOO.

All of the best, nationally-ranked lawyers at top billion-dollar-grossing law firms have one thing in common: no one knows their names. You don’t need to advertise or sell yourself through the media if you achieve great results for your clients. You’re batting away more cases than you could handle.
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