Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #42

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NP was looking forward to this trial and all the grandstanding he planned to do. This was his ticket to fame. He was milking it every chance he could. He has to figure out how to keep the fame train going. It's pretty clear that after he took down the memorial, someone needed to lock FD up -- that kind of rage against the mother of his children, that inability to even see her remembered, was a clear indication he was a danger to himself and/or others. Yes, Norm, you missed something. You mussed your client's rage, his delusional state, his murderous pathology -- you missed what was obvious to everyone else but you. You are not a defender of the underdog, you are an apologist for scum of the earth. You live in a shadow world, you have everything inverted -- you are no hero protecting the innocent, you are a villain exculpating the hideously guilty.
Defense attorneys serve a great purpose to our legal system. Could I be one- no. But I understand the need for them. Norms issue is his attitude, demeanor et al
Marissa Alter‏Verified account @MarissaAlter
Urso: “As much as I would love to hear Fotis’ ‘estate’ explain why he was dumping his wife’s bloody clothes in Hartford the night she disappeared, it’s a fantasy. Maybe the state can substitute whomever receives Fotis’ organs. As in life, Fotis Dulos took the coward’s way out.

4:41 PM - 30 Jan 2020

Wondering if this is Urso:

Lindy R. Urso, Best Stamford Criminal Defense Lawyer, Over 20 Years, Successful Trial Experience, Greenwich Criminal Lawyer, Federal Criminal Lawyer
IMO such statements, while not unexpected from Atty. P. and Atty Smith, represent a bridge too far given the circumstances of the death of their client.

Fd was NOT executed.

Fd willingly and consciously decided to end his own life and he did so IMO with meticulous precision and planning amidst a very tight timeframe.

Today was neither the time nor the place for such comments and I'd be hard pressed to actually find the appropriate time for such ongoing melodramatic drivel from Atty. P.

Atty. P. has taken his client IMO to HELL and back and such comments as he has been making today do nothing but reflect poorly on his client and his practice.

PS. Atty. P. please ask your doctor to check you Haldol dosage as it might be just a tad 'off'!


I continue to let Pattis surprise me (almost) but I have to stop, take a deep breath and remember that, with every quote he gives to the press he's trolling for the next guilty client with deep pockets (or someone else to foot the bill).

He knows FD did unspeakable things and every day that he kept him out of jail was a victory but it was always about Pattis and furthering his career.

He could care less about FD's legacy as long as he keeps Pattis in the news. For him all publicity is good publicity.

I fully expect him to keep up the talk about an FD suicide note proclaiming innocence. Who would ever believe such a thing was real even if it was waved in front of us? Expect it to be sold to the highest bidder in the press.

About that trial for a dead man: The citizens of CT have spent far too much money allowing FD to play the system. No way should Pattis be allowed to keep this going.

More from Pattis motion to keep the criminal case alive. Mr. Dulos children should not be subjected to a lifetime of coping with a fictional reality that their father murdered their mother in cold blood on the basis of baseless and rampant speculation.
"Fictional reality" - OMG. That's how you know NP wrote this for him. Or at least I hope for Dave's sake he did.

American Journalists should at least be able to write basic English properly.

And the syntax of the sentence fragment: "their father murdered their mother ..on the basis of baseless and rampant speculation" - is abominable. Did Dave even finish high school?
I cannot imagine any organ donation after CO poisoning. But seriously Norm, trying to make FD sound generous in regard to donating his organs?? Made me feel a little sick.

Does someone in NP’s office follow WS?

If so, they saw the discussion on here regarding the donation of FD’s organs. We may have given NP the idea. :rolleyes:
"Fictional reality" - OMG. That's how you know NP wrote this for him. Or at least I hope for Dave's sake he did.

American Journalists should at least be able to write basic English properly.

And the syntax of the sentence fragment: "their father murdered their mother ..on the basis of baseless and rampant speculation" - is abominable. Did Dave even finish high school?

IIRC NP said baseless and rampant innuendo during his PC outside of the hospital. I looked up the legal definition of innuendo cause I was curious. So, IMO, he even got the quote wrong.
Admittedly I’m 88665774364357 threads behind and have cherry picked through the last dozen. Thinking back to “I know what I did and what I didn’t do.” Have we explored KM in lead role? Or crazier, a KM and FD pact to off each other’s spouses? It’s all so horrific.
He can't let it go, because he wants to continue 'sprouting rubbish', feeling like a celebrity, every opportunity he can.
Surely, there is something deficient in his make up, to try to feel he is so important in public, to the media.
I bet he collects all his media appearances etc, to his pile of rubbish, and wants to continue.
Like a child, collecting swap cards, the more the better, even though the majority are worthless.

I’m starting to think NP is seriously ill. At first, I figured he was just an arrogant a—. But lately, he’s coming down off some really bad weed, or he hasn’t visited with his psychologist for awhile. The things he’s saying now really beg the question. Are you ok, Mr. Pattis?
"Fictional reality" - OMG. That's how you know NP wrote this for him. Or at least I hope for Dave's sake he did.

American Journalists should at least be able to write basic English properly.

And the syntax of the sentence fragment: "their father murdered their mother ..on the basis of baseless and rampant speculation" - is abominable. Did Dave even finish high school?
With some journalists today, I feel it has more to do with laziness than proper education. Way back when I began my writing career in journalism. Couldn't stomach it for more than two years. So much laziness, until it comes to chasing an ambulance. This was just my experience ... MOO
Have not been here for some time. Came to say that I have read on here how supposed narcs won’t take their life. Super inaccurate. This is a massive tragedy.

don’t let the media fool you in thinking Epstein was murdered, he wanted that. He and Dulos are one in the same and now, we’ll, they won’t ever cognitively have to suffer for what they did. Died on their own terms. Sucks.

reminder. Narcs are so self involved that in the end they will kill themselves if it means getting the last laugh.
Here is NP full statement

if (big if) there actually was a criminal trial against "the estate," and a jury found against the estate, what would be the "punishment?" Criminal trial costs a lot of time and $. What would be the interest of the State of CT in pursuing it? hope NP explains this since this is his idea.
Defense attorneys serve a great purpose to our legal system. Could I be one- no. But I understand the need for them. Norms issue is his attitude, demeanor et al
Oh, I know we need defense attorneys. Of course! For one thing, many innocent people are accused of crimes - and even more would be without the possibility of defense. But I believe if you as a lawyer know your client is guilty of murder, it is not some game to drag the victim's name through the mud and play the odds of getting your client off so he can get away with it -- I believe you should help you client do the best law will allow given your guilt. And I think NP knows that FD was a very guilty man. MOO.
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