Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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Duke is very difficult to get in. They accept only the top students. Lots of applicants, few accepted. It is so tight now that having a parent working there or being an alumni, no longer helps you get in.

It is more expensive than the other schools in the area. Duke is in another league when the high school seniors are discussing college.

I live down here between NC State, Duke, UNC Chapel Hill, and Wake University. Have put three kiddos through college, so familiar with the cosrs.
I might be wrong about this and please correct me if I am... but isnt our only source of what this note contains from Norm? If so, why are we believing him now when we have seen him stand in front of microphones and cameras multiple times and spew bs? Has CSP or really anyone else confirmed the contents of this note?


The only source we have (AFAIK - please correct me if you know otherwise) that the note even EXISTS is from NP and the HC (which is still NP).

The HC claimed LE said there was a note, but that was after NP made the statement, correct? How do we know there really is a note at all? Did first responders claim there was a note? There were photos of the garage - why not the note?

And of course NP says what he wants, while CSP are abiding by the gag order. NP managed to get around it, again, somehow - why no punishment, even now, for his doing so?
She went to Duke. It ranks super high and is very expensive. The acceptance rate is low. Hard to get into. I don’t know her weird story but if she went to Duke she’s not a mere social climber.
One of my nephews went to Duke and it was bragged about him going to be a doctor. Last heard a pediatric neurosurgeon. He didn't get accepted anywhere. He is very smart. His father said he wished he had gone to the state university.
'Ole Atty. P. has had quite a day and some of his quotes today IMO have been shocking IMO.

We first heard him say that "Fd was executed". Fact Check: Not true. Fd chose death by suicide. We don't know why and can only speculate.

Then we heard this whopper:

“To those who contend that Mr. Dulos’ death reflects a consciousness of guilt, we say no. We say it was more a conscience overborne with the weight of a world that was too busy to listen and that wanted a story more than it wanted the truth.” [BBM]

The beginning of the bolded sentence is factually incorrect. There were people all around the world following this case with varying levels of intensity and they were absolutely listening. People IMO were listening and worked hard like the folks here to gather up information and review the information in 3 AWs. People were hungry for information and so searched it out from alternative sources and court documents. People were horrified that in a safe place like New Canaan that someone can be brutally murdered after dropping off her children at school.

Fd worked very hard over many years to create a huge volume of court records that told the public IMO so so much about him. IMO Atty. P. did zero to tell the public why his client might have been different from the court documents which told IMO a very compelling story.

Atty. P. instead chose to viciously attack the victim and the mother of his clients 5 children. Atty. P. chose to leak a stolen confidential and discredited psych report to the Press and then later claimed this report 'would save his client'. Atty. P. chose to repeat the 'alibi script' lies of his client for over 2 months and absolutely confused the public dialog on the case. Did Atty. P. do no diligence on the substance of the 'alibi scripts' in advance of hearing they were lies created by his client as disclosed in AW2? The irony of having the lies spouted by an attorney and his minion in the Press is sublime and done with no retractions no less.

The State Prosecutor in this case to my knowledge has not once made a statement or had a press conference about this case (there was a very short 'no comment' issued months ago outside Atty Bowmans office if I recall to the Press). The State let the AWs and the SWs tell a story here and people read them and the press wrote about them. Atty Colangelo hasn't said anything but via the AWs IMO sought to take apart the public dialog of Pattisville piece by piece in a very effective manner and Atty. P. had zero comeback ever. No wonder his client looked to be out of sorts at the recent emergency hearing regarding the memorial dismantling and decision to violate the terms of his release.

So, who did the worldwide press audience largely listen to in this case since 5/19? We heard 2x from Fd in press interviews (Sarah Wallace and Dateline) and then 7+ months of Atty. P. and the rest of Pattisville attorneys. Atty. P. had a worldwide audience in the palms of his hands and what did he choose to do? He chose to spend most of his time throwing out random theories (6 in particular) that were only loosely connected to facts relevant to the case and he then combined this with putting the missing (murdered) JFd on trial in a long, disrespectful and largely factually incorrect series of soundbites and 'daily exclusives'. IMO it was a shameful display that did neither his client nor Atty. P. any credit, but that is just how he rolls and rolls and rolls.

BUT, Atty. P., representing Fd, undertook a very broad and very far reaching media campaign to NOT speak about his client, alternative theories or frankly much of anything of substance related to Fd. Alternative theory. Nope. Alibi. Nope, 2 of those at least down the drain and so it didn't happen. Atty. P. did zero IMO to further positive dialog about his client.

Instead the worldwide public was treated to a shame and blame the victim campaign that was unprecedented, deeply upsetting to many and absolutely disrespectful to the friends, family and children of JFd IMO. JFd in the eyes of many was a longstanding victim of DV and yet when her late husband removed a memorial near his house (the purple ribbons were reported to have been particularly offensive to Fd), Atty. P. couldn't see why this situation was seen as being so offensive to so many people that care about justice for JFd and so he dismissed the claims and said instead that his client was being 'taunted' by detractors and Jennifer supporters.

The situation with the entire Atty. P. legal strategy became, using his own word here "DIRE", that Judge Blawie issued a very well crafted IMO 'gag order' to make sure that Fd got a fair trial in CT. IMO the gag order from Judge Blawie did more to assist the Fd defense than virtually anything presented by Atty. P. I'm ok with this because it protected Fd from what his counsel was doing on rinse and repeat over a long period of time. So, thank you for this Judge Blawie!

I wish I had tracked the press column inches and press hours that Atty. P. used to undertake this vicious and IMO largely unproductive campaign in support of his client. But, a quick google search will show the huge press impact that Atty. P. and Pattisville created. But, what did it get him and his client? IMO about zero and it resulted in a possibly despondent client that felt he had no other option than to end his life by gassing himself.

But, did the Atty. P. campaign have the results intended to create reasonable doubt for their client Fd?

I would argue that the Atty. P. campaign was probably one of the most ineffective and certainly cost inefficient defences seen in quite awhile in a major case. We saw this campaign consume Atty. P. and on and off 4 other attorneys, and things aren't done yet. I do wonder if Atty. P. has the capacity to look at his choices made over the last 7 months and see whether he served his client and did his victim shame/blame on rinse and repeat day after day accomplish anything other than significant billable hours?

IMO there are many tragedies here from the loss of JFd, the impacted families and yes the loss of Fd, who should IMO have had his day in Court for the crimes alleged against him. Fd won't get that experience because he chose to take his own life and yes in my mind this is a tragedy too. The premature loss of Fd might be a blessing for the Farber family and the 5 children but its an odd feeling sort of justice that I'm not sure sits well with many.

Experts have difficulty predicting suicide risk but I cannot help but think that the most significant person and group of people that surrounded Fd these past 7 months were his legal team led by Atty. P. and IMO something happened in/around the time of the bond revocation hearing that drastically changed his outlook on his future to the point of not believing a future of his liking existed. IMO the only person that perhaps knows the answer to this is also the same person that is now asking the State of CT to try a dead person, which in my mind is yet another tragedy in a long series of tragedies which oddly enough all are tied to a single person who made a series of decisions as to how best to represent his client. But did he? IDK.

I don't think I've ever written a post about a defense strategy like this one before. Probably won't again, but I felt that what we saw play out here was in so many respects not serving the defendant well at all. I wanted Fd to have his day in court to defend himself and a vigorous defense on his behalf but oddly we never saw that on his behalf IMO.

Brilliant and eloquent as always, afitsy. Thank you.
Nice piece with some new insights into JD, so sad to see how her childhood dreams were crushed by this monster.

With Accused Wife-Murderer Fotis Dulos on Life Support, the Grim End of a Perfect Couple

Also explains where NP got the “heroin addict” line he pushed at the start. The PI must have been incredibly frustrated finding only how beautiful and sweet a person JD was and what a stretch it was to try to dig up dirt.
I guess NP couldn’t come up with any theory about dollhouses...

“But it was mysterious, to old friends of Farber’s, that she married Dulos at all, even if he was a gregarious, well-liked man, and handsome. She was beautiful, rich, and smart—and he did not seem to be as intellectual, says a friend. Farber made her name as a writer and playwright in 1990s Manhattan, part of a literary scene centered around Open City, a journal started by Rob Bingham, a novelist and heir to a Southern newspaper fortune, who died of a heroin overdose in 1999; Daniel Pinchbeck, a writer who has more recently became something of a New Age guru; and writer Thomas Beller,Farber’s boyfriend at the time. “Jennifer really dug music—especially Brit-pop of the time like Oasis and Blur,” says a friend. “Plus, she could be really witty. We were talking once about movies we’d seen, and this was her one-line review of the Clive Owen film Croupier: ‘I sleepier.’”

“The perfect life they had created together was no more. As a child, Farber played with dollhouses, she wrote, making her mother take her to the Museum of the City of New York to gaze at the ones there. “Huge houses, lit up, from the Edith Wharton age of New York society, when little rich girls played and were bedazzled by swank ’20s parties, maids being pinched by the master of the house at the top of the servants’ stairway.” She imagined a time when she “could write plays, live on Park Avenue in the ’60s in a ‘perfect eight’ with a fireplace and service entrance, and supervise our New York calendars” for her family.”
MT was postponed too
Was it? I'm showing 2/7, which is what I thought it had been scheduled as previously?

ETA: Just found a DM article that mentions her having a court date today. When was it changed? Hmm.

ETA Part 2: It looks like it may have been changed when she was rearrested, so not related to FD's passing.
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Not only did Pattis say Friday that he was confident his legal team could secure an acquittal, he vowed that should his motion fail in the lower courts, he would appeal all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in his quest to clear his late client's name. Pattis expressed concern that "the anger and bitterness over Fotis' death" would mean the court where he filed the initial motion may not even give the chance a case to be heard.
‘Heartbroken’ Fotis Dulos Lawyer Outlines Next Steps, Vows Fight to US Supreme Court
Not only did Pattis say Friday that he was confident his legal team could secure an acquittal, he vowed that should his motion fail in the lower courts, he would appeal all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in his quest to clear his late client's name. Pattis expressed concern that "the anger and bitterness over Fotis' death" would mean the court where he filed the initial motion may not even give the chance a case to be heard.
‘Heartbroken’ Fotis Dulos Lawyer Outlines Next Steps, Vows Fight to US Supreme Court
I’m sure the Supreme Court will be eager to hear a case that involves Joan of Arc.
Maybe MT did know back in October. Remember her big teary court appearance over AW2 at the end of September? When it became public that she flubbed up the alibi script when LE pressed her with facts, and she starting ad libbing? That might have been when FD cut her loose. MSM reported that she moved her things out of JC shortly after, and that’s when a mystery person named “Anna” posted 80MS on AirBnB (discussed in thread 30). MT may have known about bestie AC and put the dots together. Or FD may have kept the “best friend with benefits” off MTs radar before that. Or MT and AC might be on the same team, for all we know. I’m guessing though that with the move-out and AirBnB listing, MT had an inkling what was up.

OK, so I'l have to go to the way-back machine to Thread 30 to read about the discsusion about AC.

Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I wont have the time today to get to Thread 30:

Certainly GF knew about AC and her long association with FD. I'll bet HF did, too. And so did Jennifer. So GF's very capable legal representation would certainly be keeping beads on anyone who could possibly be giving FD financial support, or be in any position to allege they can take care of the children when FD has allowed visits. Or even if AC seems to potentially be a future stepmother to FD's children. *Just doing some thinking outloud here*

So is that behind the move to assume control of the FD property as soon as his death is declared? To get AC out of there as well as prevent the Greek family from moving in?

I'll bet GF knows all about what AC and FD were up to. If there was misappropriation of the children's funds, I truly believe GF will go after anyone and everyone involved.

The only source we have (AFAIK - please correct me if you know otherwise) that the note even EXISTS is from NP and the HC (which is still NP).

The HC claimed LE said there was a note, but that was after NP made the statement, correct? How do we know there really is a note at all? Did first responders claim there was a note? There were photos of the garage - why not the note?

And of course NP says what he wants, while CSP are abiding by the gag order. NP managed to get around it, again, somehow - why no punishment, even now, for his doing so?
How is this behavior ethical or even legal? Especially if he’s lying about a note. MOO
Possible deal in the works?

D0n't want him in court so soon after Fd death as perhaps State is reevaluating its strategy?

Lots of options IMO.

This date was for the charges related to his STBX, but I find it interesting. I'm wondering if it's for any of the reasons you mention, even though it is an unrelated case.
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