Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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This is the text of the note. I tried to copy it verbatim:


If you are reading this, I am no more. I refuse to spend even an hour more in jail for something I had nothing to do with. Enough is enough. If it takes my head to end this, so be it. I want it be known that Michelle Troconis had nothing to do with Jennifer's disappearance. And neither did Kent Mawhinney. I ask the state to let them free of any such accusations. I also ask the state to stop harassing my friends, Andrea and Anne (removed last names). They are honorable people. Please let my children know that I love them, I would do anything to be with them, but unfortunately we all have our limits. The state will not rest until I rot in jail. My attorney can explain what happened with the bags on Albany Avenue. Everything else is a story fabricated by law enforcement. I want to thank all my family and friends that stood by me this difficult time. Above all AC. I am sorry for letting you down and not continuing the fight.


There is nothing altruistic in his proclaiming innocence on behalf of his co-conspirators. He is telling them Stick to Plan A - no need to change your story.
They are GREAT actors. Never underestimate the shallowness and lack of discernment of the general population. Charisma RULES!!! I am somewhat jaded now that I believe most people to be stupid. Mine was able to turn friends against me that I had known for 10 years. They actively taunted me and every thing he said about me was the things he did. The lies were amazing and even when confronted with indisputable evidence, nobody cared and they giggled about my situation. Yes, they all thought he was wonderful and felt so sorry that he was the victim of me.

I am so sorry to hear what you experienced, :(:( @BellaVita
How long was the relationship good, how long was it bad, before he has become an Ex?
Pleased you are posting here, as your experience, and posts help others.
You have been lucky, to now be free.

In Jennifer's case, she just had the Creep against her, until he committed her murder.
Pleased FD cannot cause more pain to others.
I still am of the opinion that he did not plan to actually die. This was a stunt that went wrong. End of his story.
A pill cocktail washed down with some vodka would have done quite enough if all he wanted was to pull a stunt, IMO. Carbon monoxide poisoning is no joke--you have to count on someone to interrupt you at JUST the right time. FD may have been cunning but the end of that cunning part of his story came when he started huffing that gas. Lights out. He was too much of a coward to face prison or his own children. JMO.
This is the text of the note. I tried to copy it verbatim:


If you are reading this, I am no more. I refuse to spend even an hour more in jail for something I had nothing to do with. Enough is enough. If it takes my head to end this, so be it. I want it be known that Michelle Troconis had nothing to do with Jennifer's disappearance. And neither did Kent Mawhinney. I ask the state to let them free of any such accusations. I also ask the state to stop harassing my friends, Andrea and Anne (removed last names). They are honorable people. Please let my children know that I love them, I would do anything to be with them, but unfortunately we all have our limits. The state will not rest until I rot in jail. My attorney can explain what happened with the bags on Albany Avenue. Everything else is a story fabricated by law enforcement. I want to thank all my family and friends that stood by me this difficult time. Above all AC. I am sorry for letting you down and not continuing the fight.


...."but unfortunately we all have our limits"
That is the most selfish bit of dribble I've ever read.

The children have probably reached their limits in the past 8 months losing both parents....

His sister who lost her money and brother is at her limits I'm sure...BUT, Fd sees himself as suffering more than anyone else....I can't even say more.

While running errands this afternoon, I was relieved to get away from the forum for a bit....However, on an LA radio station the news included a clip featuring NP that talked about his desire to take Fd's case to the Supreme Court. The clip had been sanitized to only include the parts about Fd being persecuted and accused in an unreasonable fashion. Who's really winning here Fd?
Is it possible to set up a “Go Fund Me” page to get Mr. Pattis to just stop already? How much would it take? Find another wacko client and move on.
There is a quote in the NY Post from Pattis "Any father would have an interest in his children knowing their father did not kill their mother."
It's sick because Pattis knows FD did kill her, and yet he will not give up this narrative.
Something is wrong with this. My opinion only.
Jmoose said:
Several here commented on how Fd looked when Judge White wasn’t buying it-remember? This was the first time we didn’t see that confident, smirky look on Fd’s face. I think somebody said he looked angry and red-faced. I believe that this was Fd’s typical reaction to not getting what he wants, when he wants it. That, combined with what we believe happened between NP and Fd (severe scolding about the removal of the memorial, and the suspected talking to about “no pay, no play”), brought Fd to the point of thinking about suicide, and when the fraudulent collateral surfaced and he was going back to prison, he was ready to go. If NP doesn’t feel terrible for jacking a guy like Fd up for all of these months, then he’s a monster. But if he does, we’ll never know it.

Yes he looked like a trapped rat that day.his eyes darting back and forth between judge white,np and around the room! His movements were nervous and jerky. Moo
He was one scared [redacted]
I do have to wonder what all FD shared with NP and any strategizing they may have done re: the Trashbin odyssey of stupidity
Or did FD put NP on the spot with the suicide note? Is NP sitting at home French braiding his hair right now going “Sure let me pull a airtight explanation out of my rear as soon as I get my hair exactly how I want it! Even though their is this pesky gag order I will just leak some explanation as some random person to the HC, but I must first detangle my locks of love as my hair is my very favorite priority!”

Who is leaking everything to the HArtford Courant?
I posted earlier a brief VF article that gives some insight into how JD (referred to as Farber in the article) got entangled with FD. By the time she realized that he could be a threat to her life, she was already deep in with kids and the outward, at least, vision of that dollhouse NYT wedding page mirage of married life, which may have blinded her to the downward spiral she was on earlier.

Plus, JD was very empathetic, gaslighted by FD, and FD was so violent that he was willing and able to kill (her as well as himself) which isn't really the norm (though all too common), but clearly it took some time for her to realize it was this serious. She knew early on they were different in that he loved those blood and guts violent movies and she couldn't take it, but even at that point, it's easy to just attribute that to personal difference, after all theaters are filled with people taking that in yet they don't all go out and kill people close to them.
I think the small suggestions in this article gives an idea of how women are socialized to overlook the kinds of warning signs that present earlier on, in favor of the view of the "perfect married life" which we know is not so perfect underneath, even if it doesn't stoop so low as to murder. There are so many women in JDs position who "settle" or overlook problems, sometimes even warning signs, because societal indicators (as well as the perpetrators themselves) direct them to, and they think it is their problem, not the other person. And then there are the kids, which makes escape all the more difficult and again social norms push against this.

Here's the article, aptly titled "Window shopping for a life":

With Accused Wife-Murderer Fotis Dulos on Life Support, the Grim End of a Perfect Couple

"Farber soon tired of the Manhattan scene, craving light, air, and solitude, and took off for Aspen and Los Angeles. When she married Dulos, she was in search of a solid future with a husband she loved, and badly wanted to be a mom. Both she and Dulos were athletes: He was a water-skier, and she was a nationally ranked junior squash player when she went to Saint Ann’s. She kept writing a bit but basically took care of the kids. Many years earlier, she had written in an essay—extremely semi-ironically, in the Gen X style—that this was the life she wanted. “The New York Times wedding pages held a hypnotic sway over me since I discovered them at age 11. Entering the structured, ambitious black-and-white world at the back of the Sunday paper, I was window-shopping for a life. My young eyes filled with photo images of correctly poised supergirls, well educated, accomplished, thoroughbred.”
In many ways the story of Farber’s demise is an old one: Dulos reportedly began an affair with a Venezuelan woman, Michelle Troconis, and the couple later began divorce proceedings. Because Farber’s family was a primary source of Dulos’s funds to run his development business—her parents gave him many loans—he also considered the dissolution of the marriage the beginning of the end of his financial freedom. Their divorce documents include Farber explaining that Dulos had threatened to take the children to Greece and that she was afraid he would harm her.
The perfect life they had created together was no more. As a child, Farber played with dollhouses, she wrote, making her mother take her to the Museum of the City of New York to gaze at the ones there. “Huge houses, lit up, from the Edith Wharton age of New York society, when little rich girls played and were bedazzled by swank ’20s parties, maids being pinched by the master of the house at the top of the servants’ stairway.” She imagined a time when she “could write plays, live on Park Avenue in the ’60s in a ‘perfect eight’ with a fireplace and service entrance, and supervise our New York calendars” for her family."

I agree. domestic violence is often an exaggeration of “normal.”
I am so sorry to hear what you experienced, :(:( @BellaVita
How long was the relationship good, how long was it bad, before he has become an Ex?
Pleased you are posting here, as your experience, and posts help others.
You have been lucky, to now be free.

In Jennifer's case, she just had the Creep against her, until he committed her murder.
Pleased FD cannot cause more pain to others.

Indeed great actors! I’ve dated one and had them in my own family. It is very hard to discern, especially when they seem to be highly successful and liked. The rule of thumb I always follow is this: if they seem too good to be true, they usually are.
Well, come on, Norm. Explain for us the trip down Albany Avenue—Fotis said it’s fine!

Atty. P. has repeated to reporters more times than I counted that he would reveal the information about Albany, " the appropriate time".

Let's take a quick and unscientific poll here on WS:

Is now the 'appropriate time' for Atty. P. to show his cards on the Albany trip of Fd and MT?


I actually find this quite incredible that Fd is pointing the finger (which finger I'm not 100% sure though!) at Atty. P. and saying he has the explanation. We know Fd loves a good revenge fantasy so perhaps this is his way of seeking revenge on the possible unreturned called he made in desperation to 'old Atty. P.?

If there was an explanation than it just seems that perhaps given the fact that the now infamous "Joan of Arc" motion will meet the same fate as poor Joan on 5/30/1431, that he might just finally fess up.

I know this won't happen and instead we will be subjected to listening to this discussed endlessly. I do wonder if Atty. P. has shown this evidence to the 'Greek Family'?

I do wonder though if Atty Bowman might just supeona the "Albany Evidence" from Atty. P. if it might exonerate his client? That could be an interesting battle IMO!

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