Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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I feel like Tom Selleck’s character Peter in 3 Men and a Little Baby...”I’ve had it with this doodoo.”
I’ve had it with FoDu and everything in his orbit.
We’ve all talked about his suicide and whether or not he was serious BUT for an controlling and manipulative and narcissistic as he was suicide does fit imo. He had shades of a family anihilator type. The kind of dad who loses their job and offs the whole family because they in the dads mind could never be ok without him.

uggghhh. I really hope we will hear more from the state soon. Too much in limbo. Too much of a silence vacuum here. Not wanting FD and by extension NP to have the last word or any vindication.

I realize FD likely had no time when he wrote his note but honestly, what was the story for the trashbin odyssey of stupidity? Or is that NP’s responsibility to come up with one? It was probably never discussed as NP was banking on getting the cell phone evidence thrown out that led to theC4 footage and trashbags being found.
Now he apparently has to come up with a story. To explain it away. Even though MT acknowledged multiple times that the whole trip to Albany looks really bad and offered up zero in the way of countering it other than to say she was unaware of anything that was actually happening because she was zoned out on her phone with her fried Petu.
Jennifer Farber Dulos case: Now that Fotis Dulos has died, what happens next? Here’s what we know

Jan 31, 2020

What does Dulos’ death mean for Michelle Troconis and Kent Mawhinney?

Dulos’ alleged accomplices were each charged with conspiracy to commit murder. Troconis, 51, remains free on $2 million bail and will appear in court on Feb. 7. Mawhinney, 54, remains incarcerated, unable to pay $2 million bail, and will face a judge on Feb. 20. Neither has entered a plea to the charges of conspiracy to commit murder.

Legal experts believe that Dulos’ death will do little to hamper the state’s prosecution against Troconis and Mawhinney on conspiracy charges.
I was also wondering if her errands took longer than he expected...
I believe he did truly commit suicide rather than another stunt, even though FD was a first-class stunt queen. But I have to admit that this idea/theory pleases me in the sense that his own plans could have backfired on him.

He thought he was so, so smart. Smarter than Jennifer, her mother, LE. Probably even NP. If the stunt theory is true, it's almost the stuff of a very, very dark comedy--and I'm ok with FD becoming the punchline. JMO
The Courant has obtained Fotis Dulos' note. Here's our story.

“If you are reading this I am no more," the letter starts. “I refuse to spend even an hour more in jail for something I had NOTHING to do with. Enough is enough."

“If it takes my head to end this, so be it,” Dulos wrote in the letter obtained by the Courant.

Dave Altimari on Twitter

JFd grew up in the city and amidst her no doubt privileged upbringing had IMO both "book" and "street" smarts to spare. MOO. I absolutely agree that folks like Fd reveal themselves but it looks like it took a good while for the mask to come off in his relationship with Jd. I think he stayed on the narrow due to the money he got from HF and he liked the money and travel that allowed him to absent himself from childcare duties and details 10 days a month for personal travel for years. Fd had a vested interest IMO to keeping the story going and keeping his mask under wraps (at least publicly at least) but I think the private situation with JFd did start to unravel in a big way by 2012 as she was crushed by childcare responsibilities, exhausted, abandoned and Fd seemed to pick up the pace on his criticism and personal demands.

I do believe based on the Family Court docs that at a certain point JFd might have wished that the 10 days a month had been 25 or more! I wonder if HF (who I do believe was quite street smart as is GF!) saw behind the Fd mask and did what he did to keep Fd focused on something other than his incessant travel and skiing? I think GF had Fd number in 2 seconds flat and did what she could eventually to enable her daughter to flee a horrific situation at 4Jx.

What I think she might not have been prepared for in terms her understanding is the great cultural differences based on the Fd background and the fact that he was no doubt well practiced in surface charm, reading people and extensive manipulation skills that are so common with the narcopath subset of folks. Fd by heritage was a Turk that was part of an ethnic minority population in his home country and no doubt felt like a fish out water heading to Athens as a 7-8 year old. Fd talked about this himself in the 2 pages that the Avon author shared with the world yesterday. Fd had to figure out as an immigrant how to function in Athens which was IMO quite a different place from Istanbul at the time. I believe Fd was a social chameleon and put up a good chat game with those he sought to impress and I have no doubt that he looked at the big picture social scene at Brown and later Columbia and NY to figure out 'what was what'. We've long referred to Fd as "Fo" and this was always short for "FAUX". In many respects no matter his book smarts and innate intelligence he was inauthentic and 'faux'.

I do believe JFd got an early wake up call in their relationship on 'all things Greek' as she lost her loved city life and was buried in the very far away suburbs in CT amongst people that she might not have much in common with at all and ditto for Fd.

Fd IMO wasn't a run of the mill narc, nope. He was a narc with a mission and in order to accomplish his mission he had to keep JFd under control, busy, away from friends and family, isolated and not spending too much time focusing on him. I think he was successful for a long time, but JFd eventually realised there was no relationship and she had 5 children and was functioning as a single parent. It took her awhile to put this all together I think because the Fd act was good and also I think smart people sometimes might have a tough time accepting that they might have misjudged or made a whole series of poor decisions and choices. We read about so much of this inner struggle in her blog posts. I wonder if we will ever get to read her most recent book (not the pre Gone Girl book) that allegedly was about her life and marriage in the suburbs! Can you say possible, "Bombshell"!

It could be as simple as smart narc, vs average narc.

Fd was very smart, planned way ahead for everything. Everything was a math problem, and he had it figured out before he even started.

Jennifer was extremely smart, of course, but - even with city street smarts - naive to that sort of twisted mind.
I am so sorry to hear what you experienced, :(:( @BellaVita
How long was the relationship good, how long was it bad, before he has become an Ex?
Pleased you are posting here, as your experience, and posts help others.
You have been lucky, to now be free.

In Jennifer's case, she just had the Creep against her, until he committed her murder.
Pleased FD cannot cause more pain to others.
My relationship happened fast, just like with Jennifer and FD. We were married a year after we met. The hardest part is that the relationship in my eyes was great. He told everyone how happy he was with me. He treated me so wonderful. My marriage lasted for one year. I had clues the last 3 months that something wasn't right and I exploded on him. Before that, I believed in him more than any human being I have ever known. I found out later that there was a secret cell phone, financial infidelity and I tracked down another woman who had been conned by him. The money I had is nothing compared to Farber money but I was left $65K less than what I had. He wanted me to kill myself and I believe FD wanted the same for Jennifer. I did defeat him in court last week. It's a long story but suffice to say he is a mess and karma has come for him.
NP where is the Albany explanation?

Some of "All the rest:"
FD DNA on sink in 69 Welles
FD borrows Tacoma
Tacoma was parked during crime and JF suburban abandoned by it.
Tacoma seat has JF blood and DNA. Her blood DNA also in the FORE Suburban.
And much more like Alibi scripts, false alibis, requesting new seats in the Tacoma.

So lets hear it.
Why was he disposing of bags with his wife's bloody clothes, paper towels, and dozens of CS bloody items in his possession in Hartford trashes?

I don't think there is an explanation except FD murdered his wife and tried to conceal it.

I think FD bought NPs plan to supress that evidence, and line a con man spun that to mean exoneration.
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Dave Altimari‏ @davealtimari
This is a great timeline of the Dulos case starting from May 24, taking it through the Albany Avenue discoveries, the many arrests and ultimately his death. With links to some of our exclusive reporting on this case.

Timeline: The key moments in the Jennifer Farber Dulos case, from her disappearance to Fotis Dulos’ death

11:19 AM - 31 Jan 2020
Me too! Honestly as FD is deceased and perhaps the cases against KM and MT are in limbo maybe the gag order needs to be lifted? Unless ofcourse the State intends to continue to pursue the case against all 3. If not then lift the damn gag order or apply for it to be lifted and out everything they got out there. Missiles away. Fire away with everything so that FD’s bs claim of innocence is blown up.

because as others have mentioned CT authorities have far better things to do than frame some crappy house builder from Farmington whose estranged wife concocted a seamless GG effort complete with blood spatter, a evil brilliant clean up that also resulted in her blood being in at least three vehicles and who had to know that FD and MT would also dispose of all the crafty crime scene cleanup on Albany Avenue. That FD would drive the TT to NC and also use his vintage bicycle.
Oh God, how I love your ability to summarize events!!!
"I want it to be known that Michelle Troconis had nothing to do with Jennifer's disappearance. And neither did Kent Mawhinney. (But maybe after the fact??)

I ask the State to let them free of any such accusations.

I also ask the State to stop harassing my friends; Andreas Toutsiaridis, and Anna Curry. They are honourable people
........ (?????? there is more to learn here)

The State will not rest until I rot in jail.
.. (Sentence me for my crimes)

My attorney can explain what happened with the bags on Albany Avenue. Everything else is fabricated by Law Enforcement
..." (Lol, denial till the end

BBM and my thoughts in brackets

So he is basically naming the people involved in this sorry mess

I notice he didn’t mention EE’s truck and his insistence on swapping out the seats...because NP doesn’t have an explanation for that?
NP where is the Albany explanation?

Some of "All the rest:"
FD DNA on sink in 69 Welles
FD borrows Tacoma
Tacoma was parked during crime and JF suburban abandoned by it.
Tacoma seat has JF blood and DNA. Her blood DNA also in the FORE Suburban.
And much more like Alibi scripts, false alibis, requesting new seats in the Tacoma.

So lets hear it.
Why was he disposing of bags with his wife's bloody clothes, paper towels, and dozens of CS bloody items in his possession in Hartford trashes?

All I got is aliens? They are pretty crafty. I watch specials on tv about them and honestly that is where they should go next after NP makes a public plea to MUFON and other similar organizations to share what they know about those pesky spaceship flying crafty aliens.

The truth is the surveillance camera footage from outside of 4Jax and 80 Mountain Spring will likely catch more than just vehicles. It will have decent pictures of those in the vehicles involved on 5/24.
We know at 5:35 am the Red TT leaves. An alarm had been set on FD phone for roughly 5:00 am that morning. Footage galore of the truck going to NC and parking at Waveny and then leaving NC and going back to Farmington.

I think what changed for FD was the murder charges. He thought he was facing not much time. The more the months went by with no murder charges I think he felt like he would be fine.

we all saw how quickly he devolved after he bonded out on January 9. Hair a mess. Not speaking to the press. Lost his work privileges by attacking Jennifer’s memorial.

I think that the meetings of late with FD and NP weren’t all that great. The vintage bicycle footage. That I bet was a detail he hadn’t shared with his attorney.

he lasted approximately 3 weeks from the time he was finally charged with murder.
I hope the media will stop playing into np quest for attention soon. And stop with the non stop coverage of fd. Fd is dead the coward killed himself!its time to move on to mt and km they are all that’s left to this case now. I think the people want to see the evidence ,see their trials and hear a verdict.
Put this to bed and give the family closure.moo
All I got is aliens? They are pretty crafty. I watch specials on tv about them and honestly that is where they should go next after NP makes a public plea to MUFON and other similar organizations to share what they know about those pesky spaceship flying crafty aliens.

The truth is the surveillance camera footage from outside of 4Jax and 80 Mountain Spring will likely catch more than just vehicles. It will have decent pictures of those in the vehicles involved on 5/24.
We know at 5:35 am the Red TT leaves. An alarm had been set on FD phone for roughly 5:00 am that morning. Footage galore of the truck going to NC and parking at Waveny and then leaving NC and going back to Farmington.

I think what changed for FD was the murder charges. He thought he was facing not much time. The more the months went by with no murder charges I think he felt like he would be fine.

we all saw how quickly he devolved after he bonded out on January 9. Hair a mess. Not speaking to the press. Lost his work privileges by attacking Jennifer’s memorial.

I think that the meetings of late with FD and NP weren’t all that great. The vintage bicycle footage. That I bet was a detail he hadn’t shared with his attorney.

he lasted approximately 3 weeks from the time he was finally charged with murder.
He lost. That is all. Game over. Checked out.
Did Pattis write his suicide note??? "If you are reading this I am no more....":rolleyes:
Sounds like FD writing his very own Greek tragedy. I personally doubt that NP wrote the note but don't doubt at all that FD drank the FD Kool-Aid long ago. Wouldn't be surprised to hear them use the same words, particularly now that NP made clear his personal affinity for his client. JMO.
I don't believe for a minute that this Pattis blowhard thinks FD is innocent of the murder. He has seen the evidence. The man is only interested in his own status, just like his client was. And just like his client did with that last note, Pattis needs to have control and continue the smoke and mirrors spiel.
He lost. That is all. Game over. Checked out.
Once he was faced with actual murder charges and the loss of his freedom for real he quit. I think of all those people who spent years in prison who were innocent and got up everyday in horrific surroundings but kept fighting. This was all about a loss of control and for a person insanely used to unilaterally controlling all people and things in his was too much. Jmo.

he recognized recently how powerful the States case was becoming and coupled with the fact he wouldn’t know what KM and Mt and their attorneys were up to he checked out. As you said.
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