Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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Self-centered suicide note, as expected. And those close to him blame the public for bullying him to this. Give me a break. I have no sympathy for his latest girlfriend either. I just keep wondering how any woman could sleep under the same roof as such a person as he was, let alone the same bed. I wouldn't even feel safe living on the same street as him as clearly he became un-hinged at any time, to anyone he felt wronged him.

I really wish the ex-gf would come clean and let LE know where they put Jennifer's body. This was such an unsettling case the first few days in town here when nobody really heard of it yet. I frequent Waveny for the trails and remember never thinking it was random. I had a dream she was found in a lake and really I do think they put Jennifer's body in water, or somewhere it would never be found.
I can only hope the 2 of them come clean and give the family final closure.
I think there is room for a great deal of doubt he intended to kill himself, actually, precisely because he was a narcissist.

I brought up his lack of remorse to dismiss it as a possibility for intent to kill himself, not because I thought he was remotely capable of feeling it. I do agree with you that losing control & power would have been intolerable to him. But...imo, as a narcissist he wouldn't be likely to concede that he had or was about to lose either. After all, even after being charged with first degree murder, he still was able to convince his new GF to commit hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep his sorry arse out of jail. And even after his ex & besty felonious atty had also been charged, neither had flipped.

As far as what he might have known about how long it would take to die or do irreversible brain damage by CO2 poisoning. Have you ever googled those questions? I have, and the consensus of everything I read was that killing oneself that way nowadays is rather difficult actually, and isn't even guaranteed to succeed.

I'd really love to know, if LE makes the effort, if he googled that question for himself. If he did, for me that's all the more reason to believe he intended to stage a faux suicide attempt but miscalculated.

(One part of my conclusion is based on the assumption that he learned his bond might be revoked on the afternoon/evening the day before, and had all night and early AM to scheme his way out of being jailed immediately. And to make it difficult if not impossible for his new GF to question his poor innocent victimized self about her loss of $$.
I wonder if he was smart enough to have removed the catalytic converter. That would speed things up, IMO.
Can GF sue NP for harassment? Endangering the welfare of the children? Something?
Geeeeeez, every word he spews and move he makes is harmful.
Can somebody please stop his vicious diatribe? Can he be stopped?
At this point, I'd like to see NP arrested for tampering with an investigation!
Wow just wow what a week. My real life certainly got in the way while all this Dulos Drama was occurring.

Some random thoughts that have come to me as I struggled to catch up and digest all that has happened -

My first thought when I heard about the bond hearing was that the original bond had been “allowed” to “pass” for a bit just so the State could watch the wire transfers as everyone scrambled to arrange more financing when it was to be revoked.

He’s dead, he’s not. No wait he’s dead again. Absolutely crazy! I seriously doubt I would be surprised if he’s really alive.

NP officially gave up the “Gone Girl” defense strategy when he didn’t plead from the hospital for JD to come out of hiding as FDs next of kin.

Is there a way for NP to be legally forced to produce the “evidence” that FD claims will prove his innocence? Or will we be forced to listen to him talk about it forever but just not the actual details?

How is NP in possession of the suicide note?

And why, given the gag order, was he allowed to disseminate the note to the press, without censure?
I tend to agree that his “wealth” was a shell game, especially after Jennifer left and took her trust fund payments with her. I am actually astounded, though, that he was still able to buy the best “everything”, though. We can’t afford a BMW, and we’ve worked all of our lives-couldn’t afford the electricity payments on a house the size of 4JX, etc. I realize he was using credit cards all over the place, but how was he paying them, if he was? How did he get credit extensions for as long as he did, to continue to buy things? I do know people who have the illusion of wealth, without the actual money to back it up-much of his credit was based on a sham; nice clothing (except for the velvet blazer), expensive car, pretend business, and a big fat attitude. It really is remarkable to me how he managed as long as he did.
And then there’s this...

“I don’t expect they’ll be a positive money flow from his estate. He was selling furniture from the house on eBay so he had no funds.”

Dueling probate cases to be filed in Fotis Dulos death -- including one by Jennifer Farber Dulos’ mother
Wow just wow what a week. My real life certainly got in the way while all this Dulos Drama was occurring.

Some random thoughts that have come to me as I struggled to catch up and digest all that has happened -

My first thought when I heard about the bond hearing was that the original bond had been “allowed” to “pass” for a bit just so the State could watch the wire transfers as everyone scrambled to arrange more financing when it was to be revoked.

He’s dead, he’s not. No wait he’s dead again. Absolutely crazy! I seriously doubt I would be surprised if he’s really alive.

NP officially gave up the “Gone Girl” defense strategy when he didn’t plead from the hospital for JD to come out of hiding as FDs next of kin.

Is there a way for NP to be legally forced to produce the “evidence” that FD claims will prove his innocence? Or will we be forced to listen to him talk about it forever but just not the actual details?

How is NP in possession of the suicide note?

And why, given the gag order, was he allowed to disseminate the note to the press, without censure?
I’m wondering if FD ever told MT “if they find evidence to lock me up, I will kill myself before I go to jail”.

I’m just curious what would make her not fess up yet, it’s mind boggling..unless she knew he’d commit suicide and she may get off the hook.

I do think that she may legally be in less peril now, rather than more peril, and so I doubt that she will say anything, and I am sure her lawyer has told her not to. I am just not sure what happens in a conspiracy case, where the main culprit is no longer present. I do want those two punished appropriately for their parts in Jennifer’s death and disappearance, but I am not sure they will be. If she doesn’t say anything next week, she’s never talking, IMO. She is going to challenge the State to prove what they think they know.
Yes but I think narcissists show themselves and quickly. I believe it’s probably more than being an anxious empathic personality that enables someone to get with one and stay there unwittingly for awhile. It can be a failure to read the signs. That doesn’t make someone a bad person or stupid. But I do think it’s important to teach oneself and each other how to read signs and be aware.

I think this because I’ve had quite a few clients (male and female) who have been mated with sociopaths or narcissists. Some were super young when they got together and lacked the ability to realize something was off or that the things they thought were cool about the narcissist (looking good, acting tough, focused mostly on acquiring wealth) weren’t.

Some we’re super sweet but unaware. Lacked street smarts due to either not being taught, having been sheltered, or not having life experiences that take the blush off their glasses. They really believed the narrative the sociopath (or whatever) told them and were easily gaslighted. It took awhile to figure it out but by then they were either emotionally destroyed by the monster or couldn’t leave due to kids/finances/fear.

The last category are people who are shallow and super into the things the narcissist values.

That’s my experience. Besides the last one I’m not making a value judgment. Bad things happen to nice people. Bad people happen to nice people.
Some personality disorders fit perfectly with a narcissist. People with a borderline personality disorder who lack self-esteem and are constantly unsure of themselves welcome a narc for validation. They can engage in a sick, but symbiotic relationship for a very long time. Most people, like JFd, will eventually see the person behind the mask and run as fast as they can.
I really take offense to the wording "......the tragedy that befell Mr. Dulos" in the last paragraph of that document.

The tragedy is that Jennifer was murdered by this same Mr Dulos, her husband, and the tragedy extends to the five children and all who loved her.

The real tragedy is the mayhem he left in his wake-I am getting pretty tired of Mr. Pattis. I am on jury duty in the federal courthouse in Lower Manhattan later this month-I really hope there isn’t somebody like him defending.
it isn't possible that KM and FD did something like buy life insurance or do wills or arrange some other financial benefits that would go to them with their wives deaths and then plan something lethal for them? they would not be so obvious as to do something financial in tandem, would they?

I don’t think you can take out a life insurance policy on someone without their knowledge, because you need their signature. I bet LE has spoken with various insurance carriers to find out if these two did that and forged their wives’ names.
Because I am very stupid when it comes to these things, can someone explain to me:

Why is NP continuing to defend FD? His client is dead and can’t pay him.

IMO, it’s going to be a very long time before NP collects any kind of payment for his services. FD was broke and owing.

Why’s he doing this? Publicity? Did the Dulos family put him up to it? Is there a source of payment we don’t know about?
The only thing that surprises me is reports his first divorce ended amicably and quickly. I know he married JD really quickly after it was final so he may of played nice to speed it up. His ex may of realized who he truly was and also wanted it to be over and didn’t argue. But it still surprises me...

If I recall, in his first divorce, he got the house and, I think, various other assets. She probably just wanted “out”. However, I am troubled to know that she may have still been friends on social media with Fd and various associates of his
Even if GF did just forgive the mortgage the house would belong to the children. They are his rightful heirs. The Greek grifters need to get their "rear" admiral and selves head straight and stop trying to make a buck. The gravy train has come to a screeching halt as far as Fo is concerned.
If it comes out that ANYONE but the kids (aside from a memento or 2) is getting a chunk of his estate I hope GF objects on their behalf and ties up and swindles it away so they get NOTHING more.
Perhaps one of our sleuthers can check intestate (if he died without a will) - my guess is he has one - if so is it required to be filed with the court? My state has this
Because I am very stupid when it comes to these things, can someone explain to me:

Why is NP continuing to defend FD? His client is dead and can’t pay him.

IMO, it’s going to be a very long time before NP collects any kind of payment for his services. FD was broke and owing.

Why’s he doing this? Publicity? Did the Dulos family put him up to it? Is there a source of payment we don’t know about?

It's been theorized that FD gave NP a large retainer in advance that has been held in NPs trust acct. Now NP is trying to do work so he can continue to suck money out of that acct.
I do. I compared some of his letters A, F, I, etc...looks the same

My take on the suicide note is that FD did write it. When I first saw it, I also thought a female wrote the note, but:

1. The f's all look the same to me (lower on the line than other letters).
2. I see i's dotted on both.

Obviously, this is my opinion, but the f's are very distinct.
It's been theorized that FD gave NP a large retainer in advance that has been held in NPs trust acct. Now NP is trying to do work so he can continue to suck money out of that acct.
If true and sounds like it is- No wonder ole NP
is professing being overwrought with emotions
over the demise of his current paycheck.
The way some people use others for money
is appalling, IMO.
See how some people with any ethics and morals decide to leave the business world because it's all about money? No true honesty,
just suck out all you can as long as you can.
And when a client dies, the vultures start circling.
If I recall, in his first divorce, he got the house and, I think, various other assets. She probably just wanted “out”. However, I am troubled to know that she may have still been friends on social media with Fd and various associates of his

troubling indeed but not surprising. Narcs LOVE keeping a harem of past wives and ex lovers. I highly suspect AC was a past fling. She became useful to him again.
Can GF sue NP for harassment? Endangering the welfare of the children? Something?
Geeeeeez, every word he spews and move he makes is harmful.
Can somebody please stop his vicious diatribe? Can he be stopped?
At this point, I'd like to see NP arrested for tampering with an investigation!
Or at least defamation? If what he said about JF was completely untrue re mental/heroin. Dunno.
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