Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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Ok, that’s pretty much how I read it

It was just phrased oddly to me

Fotis stated in his note that he wants it to be known that MT and KM had nothing to do with JF’s disappearance! Wow! Hmmmm, how do you know that, Fotis? What information do you have that you can make and prove that claim? If you state that then you obviously know what happened. Isn’t that so telling and highly suggestive? If he was so confident about the truth and what happened including Albany Ave. then why not shout it from the rooftops?!!! If Fotis was so adamant on not going to jail for another hour, why not cooperate with police and share why he and MT disposed of multiple bags with Jennifer’s bloody clothes, cleaning supplies etc. instead of killing yourself.

Think about it...its actually quite simple, if you are innocent (as claimed) then why not cooperate????????? They were ever so quick to share their alibis, why not any other pertinent information?

Why vandalize a memorial of your wife? Why not go to court and defend yourself if you’re so innocent? He already had Anna’s money so the bond would be swiftly settled so jail time would have been avoided. So WHY commit suicide? Well we know why.

Love for your children would mean that you would spend every waking moment to help the investigation of your FIVE children’s mother for their sake! If you’re innocent, why not cooperate? Why would you cross your arms and refuse to cooperate from day ONE and every day after since 24 May!!!!

To Norm and all of his family and supporters: please dish... Now that he’s dead, case closed...he voluntarily chose not to clear his own name so now we welcome your proof of his proclaimed innocence.

If he was wrongly accused as you assert.... Please bring it on... we are all EARS!

We are all waiting to hear your thoughts about the fictitious alibis, burner and phone antics, Albany disposal, car seat switch, cleaning of coffee from the Tacoma, license plates alterations, car wash, bicycle ride/disposal of French plate, and all dna/forensic/surveillance/discovery evidence etc.

Norm will probably say he cannot dislose the information because of the gag order.

If Fotis was so confident that he had a legitimate reason for the bags of clothes then why didn't he explain to LE from the beginning? He had plenty of time to speak freely long before the gag order was issued so now it is supposed to be some new revelation that he has evidence for LE that nobody but Norm knew about?

ITA!!! They immediately spouted their airtight alibis (I’d have turned blue waiting for the Greek to fly in per Norm!) but no mention of the Albany Odyssey. Of course, long before the gag order!

Imvho Norm did nothing to truly help his client. I believe his outlandish theories, interviews, scathing comments, talk/radio shows, statements/pressers, utmost disrespect for JF (a woman he never even met), contemptuous behavior in court and towards the judges and public, etc. hindered more than helped his client’s case. His gibberish and condescending remarks just made them appear desperate and foolish. The State or other attorneys remained tight lipped and professional.

Norm, perhaps in the future take some cues from Bowman or Urso. Moo
Some personality disorders fit perfectly with a narcissist. People with a borderline personality disorder who lack self-esteem and are constantly unsure of themselves welcome a narc for validation. They can engage in a sick, but symbiotic relationship for a very long time. Most people, like JFd, will eventually see the person behind the mask and run as fast as they can.
You are correct about the dynamics of personality disorders. I wonder how long it took for Jennifer to realize what FD actually was. They were married a long time before she left. I am sure there was what is called Cognitive Dissonance. Definition:
the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

Basically, it is difficulty reconciling your beliefs with reality. I am sure JD loved FD very much and when she started to see the cracks in him, she kept going back to thoughts of the honeymoon phase. She couldn't process how great things were at the beginning with what was happening NOW. Jennifer did NOT run as fast as she could. She was invested in their relationship. People with good hearts do not cut and run on a commitment such as marriage. Especially when children are involved. It is their mission to work things out.

I will say that in my own experience, after 1 year of marriage, I put things together very quickly within the space of hours, literally. I didn't even have anything to back me up except my own gut feeling. I later confirmed everything I felt by doggedly pursuing answers from others. And despite everything that I had uncovered, it still took me almost 4 years to finally reconcile that he is a Malignant N.
"All I can say after thinking about this 'note' is that its disturbing at a very basic level and that I find it quite unfortunate that Fd via his legal team couldn't see a way forward and that nobody recognised much going on regarding his emotional state and well being. The disconnect IMO between having 'nothing' to do with 'anything' and the reality of AW1-3 is profound and IMO should have been investigated by the people surrounding Fd in his last days."

At FD's hearing before Judge White, when the Judge said to NP that FD could see someone "to get help with that"--my memory is that just before that NP told judge FD was having difficulty in dealing with the memorial because of the angst FD it evoked in him for whatever happened to JFD, a loved one. Does anyone have the link to that video? And I wonder if NP ever told FD to get that help. It would've given FD another reason to leave house-arrest (medical appointments).
As to the explanation NP supposedly has about what happened on Albany--will the state call NP as a witness in the trials of MT and KM? Would that be an exception to hearsay?
Don't have the link but I think NP said something like we're working on that.
If that is what the judge was inferring then it seems NP must have had some inkling of his state of mind at the time.
That is not to say he thought he would take his own life.
JMO and MOO.
Catching up still. A few questions. FD vandalized Jennifer's memorial?
I forgot he was married before Jennifer. I remember researching that the first week of the crime and thought it seemed she was very intelligent and looked like she made a good clean break from him.. Just wanted out. Would surprise me if she was still friendly with him in any way.

I find myself moronic to be partially believing a psychopath saying his attorney has evidence that will clear his name. I definitely am curious to hear what this evidence is.
Even if GF did just forgive the mortgage the house would belong to the children. They are his rightful heirs. The Greek grifters need to get their "rear" admiral and selves head straight and stop trying to make a buck. The gravy train has come to a screeching halt as far as Fo is concerned.
If it comes out that ANYONE but the kids (aside from a memento or 2) is getting a chunk of his estate I hope GF objects on their behalf and ties up and swindles it away so they get NOTHING more.
Poor GF - she doesn't need any more litigation. I wish her peace.
The real tragedy is the mayhem he left in his wake-I am getting pretty tired of Mr. Pattis. I am on jury duty in the federal courthouse in Lower Manhattan later this month-I really hope there isn’t somebody like him defending.

If it's someone like Fd @Jmoose they'll weed you out very quickly. You may even have time for a nice lunch somewhere. Good luck staying on the right side.
Don't have the link but I think NP said something like we're working on that.
If that is what the judge was inferring then it seems NP must have had some inkling of his state of mind at the time.
That is not to say he thought he would take his own life.
JMO and MOO.
I think NP was giving lip service to the court. IMO.
Perhaps one of our sleuthers can check intestate (if he died without a will) - my guess is he has one - if so is it required to be filed with the court? My state has this
Having just finished my own will in CT, I can say that his siblings would have absolutely no right to FDs money/assets unless ALL of the 5 children were deceased too.
LOL at this [REDACTED] drivel! Espcially this:
Defendants were caught by surprise while handling the tragedy that befell Mr. Dulos, the Court should hold a hearing to enable the Defendants to adequately protect their rights and determine how to best proceed.

No tragedy befell Mr. Dulos. Tragedy is when a person has no control over what happens to them. LM[REDACTED][REDACTED]O. ROTFL!

And this:
They are now a family in mourning, and their safe haven to mourn is Mr. Dulos’ home at 4 Jefferson Crossing, Farmington, Connecticut. As they put his final affairs in order and prepare to honor his memory, his home is their safe haven. The Court should not, and cannot in the name of basic human decency, allow the Plaintiff to make a self-aggrandizing grab at Mr. Dulos’ home through a person who has proven to be hostile and contentious with Mr. Dulos at the expense of his grieving family, who are already bearing the added pressure of intense public and media scrutiny.

Who the [REDACTED] cares??? I did not know that basic human decency plays a part in court proceedings!!!

Basic human decency wouldn’t have allowed Norm Pattis to malign Jennifer Farber after his client murdered her.
So if his note states that NP can explain what happened on Albany Ave., why did he just tell us what happened right in the note to clear his name? If he knew the truth all along, why didn’t he explain this to LE on day 1?

Self-centered suicide note, as expected. And those close to him blame the public for bullying him to this. Give me a break. I have no sympathy for his latest girlfriend either. I just keep wondering how any woman could sleep under the same roof as such a person as he was, let alone the same bed. I wouldn't even feel safe living on the same street as him as clearly he became un-hinged at any time, to anyone he felt wronged him.

I really wish the ex-gf would come clean and let LE know where they put Jennifer's body. This was such an unsettling case the first few days in town here when nobody really heard of it yet. I frequent Waveny for the trails and remember never thinking it was random. I had a dream she was found in a lake and really I do think they put Jennifer's body in water, or somewhere it would never be found.
I can only hope the 2 of them come clean and give the family final closure.

It would be great, but it isn’t going to happen, if it doesn’t happen soon. It will be a sign that they are self-protecting at the expense of GF and the children.
LOL at this [REDACTED] drivel! Espcially this:
Defendants were caught by surprise while handling the tragedy that befell Mr. Dulos, the Court should hold a hearing to enable the Defendants to adequately protect their rights and determine how to best proceed.

No tragedy befell Mr. Dulos. Tragedy is when a person has no control over what happens to them. LM[REDACTED][REDACTED]O. ROTFL!

And this:
They are now a family in mourning, and their safe haven to mourn is Mr. Dulos’ home at 4 Jefferson Crossing, Farmington, Connecticut. As they put his final affairs in order and prepare to honor his memory, his home is their safe haven. The Court should not, and cannot in the name of basic human decency, allow the Plaintiff to make a self-aggrandizing grab at Mr. Dulos’ home through a person who has proven to be hostile and contentious with Mr. Dulos at the expense of his grieving family, who are already bearing the added pressure of intense public and media scrutiny.

Who the [REDACTED] cares??? I did not know that basic human decency plays a part in court proceedings!!!

That’s a house not a home....home is happy and loving....FD had none of that....It is a house, where he pretended to have everything.

Shut off power and water as relatives won’t pay the bill. Send them back to Greece as they are sponges getting anything out of the good citizens of CT and US.

Courts please wake up....Judge stopped this Pattis nonsense now. IMOO....even courts and judges read here....we know defense does
The Judge has sealed everything, there is a no gag order too, then why was the suicide note printed for all to see?

I would think the suicide note would have been sealed for now also. It has been printed for all to see very quickly, IMOO.

Who released the note, well none other the Pattis himself, not surprised. NP said he did not see it according to posters above, but he provides it to NBC?

This smells rotten, NP spinning what he wants to. Why does the Court system, State or whomever shut this man up? He makes money selling his weird ideas and opinions, leaking info, hurting 5 children with his horrible tactics.

IMO, Np is not going to make a name for himself, he will drift away into thing after the trials are finished.

Norm Pattis you do represent the Law, Lawyers or clients in any positive way. You make a mockery of the system. I don’t know how any lawyer can work with you. Yes lawyers can defend criminals but do it legally, even if the media and public don’t like it. People would respect you a lot more, you would get more clients, your dirty ways hurt everything the Justice system stands for.

I am ashamed of you...but you really don’t care and that is frightening for clients, the system and your fellow lawyers.

‘Enough is Enough:’ Note Found With Fotis Dulos Declares Him Innocent

The note, provided to NBC New York by Attorney Norm Pattis, is dated Jan. 28, the day Dulos was found in medical distress in his Farmington home when he failed to appear at an emergency bond hearing. After receiving treatment at UConn Health and Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx, New York, Dulos was declared dead Thursday evening.
I find it odd the suicide note was released at all. That’s not typical is it? And it does seem to me, that the note was written TO be released - like he wrote it and wanted it to be public.
He won’t come up with anything, because there isn’t any plausible excuse/reason for this. His only hope was to get all of that thrown out, and that wasn’t ever going to happen
Piggybacking here,

I’m sure this has been asked, but can evidence or words of FD be put in as evidence, if he (FD) isn’t available for cross examination of these statements?
2 thoughts:
Fd's family should be allowed a few weeks in the house to make arrangements / gather any personal effects they want to keep. They had no real involvement that we know of and don't deserve any of the hate that FD, MT, etc deserve.

The suicide note seems off, and not just because of FD's narcissism (although it clearly puts a bow on that). I think that FD used some shady connections for funding through AC and those sources were about to come down hard on him. IMO there was half a chance that he was directly pressured into ending things.
Personally, I think that FoDu's knew he would be convicted of Jennifer's murder. In a world where juries want the "CSI Evidence", the state had it. And even though NP might be willing to suspend all logical belief and go along with what ever cockamamie story FoDu had for dumping the bloody clothes, I hope he was willing to tell his client how bad things looked for him.

I think he was planning to run or fake his own death/run before the trial. AC was there to facilitate this (whether she was a part of the plan or not) with her money. When it looked like he was going back to jail with a chance of not being released prior to trial (honestly, the court had had enough of his *advertiser censored* and he knew it), he offed himself. Yay.
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